- if, Nazism more dangerous seems to be: the Islamists, is why:the Nazism more deadly: occult has been: of Pharisees of the Talmud: Neturei Kerta, which are: those who planned: World War III, the destruction of Israel, and Islamic terrorism, etc. .. That is, the imperialist plans:of Satanists NWO! but the real power: of: IMF FED ECB, was made invisible: by the Freemasons politicians (from the foundation of the Bank of England: for the wickedness of the British royal family: and their religion parallel: of JabullOn), who made invisible, all structures, parasitic, anti-constitutional, ie, banking seigniorage (of which it is still forbidden to speak) that have them now, the Masonic system of power of all the false democracies, that: have won: the power absolute: To bring all peoples to the slaughter! because, without World War III? the IMF would collapse: it is full of financial bubbles, and derivates
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoYour video is blocked in some countries. [always: Germany only] [stop: to make this encirclement: Insulation: Satanic: Germany! ] I will kill in the name of Jesus, too many bad people: for this reason! [[MATRIX IP Greek Discoveries 2012 SUBMISSION 1]] Your video is locked in some countries. [Germany only] "Eric LTvi-Cathar Rhythm", managed by sound recording: 0:19. UMG. Visual content managed by: 1:28. Lionsgate. Your video is blocked in some countries. [always: Germany only] [ stop: a fare questo accerchiamento: isolamento: satanico: della Germania! ] io ucciderò, nel nome di Gesù, troppe persone cattive: per questo motivo! [[ MATRICE PI Greco Scoperte 2012 CENSURA 1 ]] Il tuo video è bloccato: in alcuni Paesi.[ only Germany ] "Eric LTvi-Cathar Rhythm", registrazione sonora gestita da: 0:19. UMG. Contenuti visivi gestita da: 1:28. Lionsgate
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ evil Rothschild IMF: Pharisees of shit: Neturei Karta to destroy Israel: 666 ECB FED NWO 322: satanism international and institutional -- - because the notes of the "Copyright Notice": "Your video is blocked in some countries." about the best Christian gospel songs is always outside: Germany? this is obvious! 666 IMF god owl at bohemin grove: have decided to have spread the Satanism: in Germany! because the notes of the "Copyright Notice": "Your video is blocked in some countries." about the best gospel songs Christian is always outside Germany? this is obvious! have decided to spread the Satanism in Germany!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoHis Holiness Benedict XVI [VATICAN - unius REI] you can not preach the Gospel: from inside the brothel DELL'INCIUCIO Masonic: of all the false democracies of the banking seigniorage! YOUR SILENCE, and YOUR Omerta: together: the silence of all other religions? is treason, against: the Kingdom of God. you have emptied, the Church of his transcendent aspect and charismatic, Because The bank seigniorage: of the Pharisees of the Talmud: Neturei Karta: IMF FED ECB: to destroy Israel? before a crime is constitutional, is Satanism ideological and practical! you destroyed 2000 years of Christianity! synnek1 666 1wz1 - and what: your creatures satan fall in the shit, as, he could be better than our Creator? Daniels Timeline: Leaked Pentagon Tapes Shows U.S. Government's Plan For Mass Vaccination Against RELIGION!? I can not be against religion! but, religions Should not be bad against: the free will of the people!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoI am a biblical fundamentalist. that is, I believe that the Bible is not a book, but, is same Person of JHWH ... the real problems of religion? are those, which, for her, the Bible is a book! is shocking, than I can be rational. as, who, knows God personally:. him must be rational, because God is mathematics, consequentiality, that through God everything becomes intelligent, logical, kind, generous, just, because, charity, is the power of love, that is, I do not there are no dogmas: irrazional, which, I have to passively bend: my intelligence. In fact, the Pharisees have taught to interpret the scriptures ... then, the discriminant value is to have the true Holy Spirit of God (for, not to be: the killers of the book, as the demonic: Pharisees and Salafis). CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my ♚ MENE ♛ YHWH-Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBIVB. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons MADE BY yourself.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoI am unius REI! I do not have: an economic interest, or a religious interest: to protect .. I have no ambition to reach my agenda .. there is nothing in the world, That Is an quest for me .. I hate power and wealth: I am: like a Monaco! Because I belong to the kingdom of God, and, in the kingdom of God? there are no religions, economic systems, ideologies, races, or special interests ... is why, i am universal brotherhood: ie, the natural law THAT IS living. then, OR unius REI: OR world war nucler for Rothschild IMF cult JabullOn .. i do not want to be a part of youtube problems? I kill: 500000000, of criminals if need be!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoIMF 666, 322 synnek1, kkk nazi cannibal Priest voodoo CIA MOSSAD - where is the love of a Satanist? For Whom: he might cry? but, the Satanist has lost the right to cry, him Himself: Also! ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; ★by: Rei unius ♰: King Israel: ♥ Mahdi. i am not religious! You know well, That, I am the only one: universal political, in all history of mankind. [imminent: DAMNATION: all: 2500 biblical curses] every thing has its breaking point! and, I am raising: my evil pressure: against you: Continuously, Gradually, ceaselessly, always against you! However, I Hope that your intelligence is superior to your own wickedness, Because at contrary? you will die, all day, every day, day for day! i do not want to be a part of youtube problems? i kill: 500000000 criminals, if need be!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[Masonic betrayal, IMF 666: banking seigniorage: for the destruction of humanism] A false concept (hypocritical, myopic, absurd, self-destructive, ignorant), ie, diverted, "concept" of pluralism and tolerance, leads: to hide: and deny in public places: the Christian symbols, of our identity social, has always been, but, it is no longer the preserve: only, of a religion, but, is part: of a cultural universal (Western civilization) of the wider secular and Christian civilization where the atheist Benedetto Croce said, "because, we Italians, do not we call, ourselves, Christians! "that: have been, and until, the barbarity 666 322 IMF FED ECB Sharia, can still be contained, continue to be: still, the symbols (Founding) of our better civilization!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoUniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento 24 secondi fa [Masonic betrayal, IMF 666: banking seigniorage: for the destruction of humanism] That is, the values of the Gospel: 1. "Peace on earth to all men", that is, the Nativity, and: 2. a love given to all, by the crucified man, who opens her arms on the cross, as, his supreme and ultimate: big act of love! (and, if it all, it was only a fairy tale? would always and in any case, the highest social sublimation, of sublimation: selfish instinct of degradation), therefore, remove publicly, these symbols founding, can lead advantage, only to vision maximalist Marxist or capitalist, who denies any transcendent and spiritual value in society: to reduce man to object, or gear insignificant society: that is, the denial of human dignity!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoUniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento 33 secondi fa [Masonic betrayal, IMF 666: banking seigniorage: for the destruction of humanism] actually, this self-defeating approach: only: serves to an anarchic nihilism, that is: the most desperate, between, atheist ideology (nihilism) against any form of proposal values, against: the same humanism, regardless of how: 1. the Crucified and the Crib, They represent only: an cultural proposal, of peace, of love: the testimony of historical memory: about,to an secular state: and non-denominational, which is, and always has been, from its very beginning: the State Masonic and anticlerical Italian!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoUnius REI17 dicembre 2012 11:59 finalmente, un poco di buon senso, in questo clima di intolleranza miope ed autodistruttiva, di un laicismo asfittico, che in realtà cerca di distruggere le radici di ogni civiltà per proiettarci sul terreno di una anarchia minacciosa, così è, che l'umano lascia il posto al mostruoso! Niente, è più prezioso, del linguaggio del Vangelo, che apre all'amore universale, ecco perché, gli angeli a Betlemme hanno donato la gioia, a tutti gli uomini del pianeta, senza operare nessuna distinzione ideologica religiosa, o distinzione di credo agnostico, questa è la vera: "pace, in terra, a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà!" a tutti il mio augurio affettuoso: kingxkingdom@hotmail.it Lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom. tu scendi dalle Stelle, oh Re del Cielo -- halleluijah
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[ falso concetto di laicità], (ipocrita, miope, assurdo, autolesionistico, ignorante), cioè, il deviato: "concetto" di pluralismo, e della tolleranza, induce: ad occultare: e negare, in luogo pubblico: i simboli cristiani, della nostra identità sociale, da sempre, non più appannaggio: soltanto, di una religione, ma, facente parte: di un sistema culturale universale(la civiltà Occidentale) della più ampia e laica civiltà cristiana: dove l'ateo Benedetto Croce, disse: "perché, noi Italiani, non, possiamo dirci cristiani!" che: sono stati, e finché, la barbarie potrà essere ancora contenuta, continueranno ad essere: ancora, i simboli(Fondanti), della nostra civiltà! Ovvero, i valori del Vangelo di: 1. "pace in terra, a tutti gli uomini, cioè, il Presepe, e di: 2. un amore donato a tutti, dall'uomo crocifisso, che, spalanca le braccia sulla croce: come suo supremo: ed estremo: atto di amore! (e che, se, il tutto, fosse, soltanto una favola?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentosarebbe sempre, e comunque, la più sublime operazione sociale, di sublimazione: dell'istinto egoistico di abbrutimento), pertanto, rimuovere pubblicamente, tali simboli fondativi, può portare, vantaggio, unicamente alla visione: massimalista marxista o capitalista, che, nega ogni valore trascendente e spirituale nella società: per ridurre l'uomo ad oggetto, o ad ingranaggio insignificante della società: ovvero, alla negazione della dignità umana! In realtà questa autolesionistica impostazione, serve soltanto, ad un nichilismo anarchico, che è: la forma più disperata di ideologia atea(il nichilismo), contro, ogni forma di proposta valoriale, contro: lo stesso umanesimo, incurante di come: 1. il Crocifisso: e il Presepe: rappresentano, soltanto, la proposta culturale, di pace di amore: la testimonianza, della memoria storica: di uno stato laico: ed aconfessionale, quale è, e sempre: è stato, fin dal suo sorgere: lo Stato massonico ed anticlericale italiano!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[ dittatura laicista. e massonica del 666 FMI: agenda Talmud contro i Goym ] 1. io ho comprato, il calendario dell'Avvento in Parrocchia 7,90 euro, che altro non è che, un piccolo presete di cartone, io ho consegnato lo stesso alla rappresentante studentesca: di Istituto, 2. che: ha esposto tale simbolo: sotto l'albero di Natale: con un poster "pace in terra, a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà!". 3. ora, il poster è rimasto, ma: il piccolo presepe è stato rubato! 4. tuttavia, il presepe di cartone, è stato, ritrovato, il giorno dopo, calpestato nell'ascensore! una operatrice tecnica: ha dovuto riportare indietro, la sua busta, con le statuine del Natale: perché gli è stato detto: " noi dobbiamo avere rispetto, per ogni diversità". 5. ma, in anni passati, il Nostro Istituto ha comprato: la natività: forse, essa è stata occultata, in qualche cartone? Occultata, insieme, a tutti i crocifissi del nostro Istituto: che sono indisponibili? Chissà?!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoNessuno Unius REI ha pubblicato un commento 7 minuti fa [ dittatura laicista. e massonica del 666 FMI: agenda Talmud contro i Goym ] 6. ma, poiché il messagio del Natale, identifica le radici della nostra civiltà: laica, pluralista e non esclusiva. ecco che, la scusa del rispetto delle diversità: può essere soltanto, una forma di aggressione, contro: ogni presenza del divino: e dell'umano atropologico, nella nostra società: cioè, un atto di aggressione: massimalista oscurantista: e di fatto rappresenta una dittatura laicista. 7. pertanto, questa è stata una traccia del tema: di Natale: "nel Natale: Gesù, vero Dio, e vero Uomo. come messaggio di fratellanza universale, proposta valoriale, per indicare: più alti valori democratici, proposta culturale, contro, il laicismo massimalista e oscurantista"
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento1. the crucifix has her hands wide open:for to give love to all, 2. the crib, he says "peace on earth, to all men." because, a love so perfect, it is so hated? I scolded my colleague in teacher's room, because, her is against the current regulations, and for a wrong sense of pluralism respect , she want to remove all religious symbols from public places, not knowing that his aim is for an obscurantism secular: maximalist atheist, mold relativist: nihilist, that is, the very destruction of our Western civilization!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoin my new school, no one did, more, the crib, from 5 years old, but, I bought a small cardboard crib: but, someone, has took it, and put it, in the elevator and, he walked on. but the crib says: peace on earth to all men of good will ", it was not like Muhammad and all Islamists, that, they have killed, so many innocent people! nella mia nuova scuola, nessuno faceva più il presepe da, 5 anni, io ho comprato un piccolo presepe di cartone: ma, qualcuno, lo ha preso messo nell'ascensore, e lo ha calpestato. ma, il presepe dice: pace in terra a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà", non è stato come Maometto e tutti gli islamisti, che loro hanno ucciso tante persone innocenti!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento"And suddenly there was with the angel. a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men, with whom he is pleased' (Lk 2:12-14). According to the evangelist, the angels 'said' this. But Christianity has always understood, that the speech of the angels is actually song, in which all the glory. of the great joy that they proclaim, becomes tangibly present. And so, from that moment, the angels' song of praise, has never gone silent. It continues down the centuries... It is only natural, that simple believers, would then hear the shepherds singing too, and to this day, they join in their caroling on the Holy Night, proclaiming in song the great joy that, from then until the end of time, is bestowed on all people." (Benedetto XVI, Jesus of Nazareth. The Infancy Narratives) AsiaNews wishes all its readers a joyful and Holy Christmas 2012 as well as a Happy New Year
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] 12/19/2012. INDIA. Orissa: four innocent Christians still in prison after four years. Charged in the murder of Laxamananda Saraswati, which set of the 2008 anti-Christian pogroms, the men are innocent. Even though Maoists have always claimed responsibility, police arrested them in the middle of the night on the basis of false evidence. For a Christian leader, their trial is a travesty of justice that threatens the victims and lets the guilty go. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Seven Christians accused in the murder of Hindu leader Laxamananda Saraswati are still in prison. The latter's death sparked a violent anti-Christian pogrom in Orissa in 2008. Although Maoist took responsibility for the assassination, the seven men are still languishing behind bars four years after the event,
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] victims of phoney trials, delays, absent judges and the inability to testify to their innocence. For Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), the seven Christians are victims of a travesty of justice in which they and witnesses are threatened and the guilty go free. Their condition is getting more critical by the day. According to Br K.J Markose, a Monfort religious who is also their attorney, they have had seven hearings cancelled in the past 60 days. He told AsiaNews that the judge is not showing up for the trial, forcing them to go back to prison each time. This happened on Monday, when a hearing was scheduled. The next hearing is set for next Friday. By law, "their trial should be over," Br Markose said. Their case was moved to a Fast Track Court in Phulbani.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] Because of the delay, the state high court began another trial, which should have ended in September with a sentence within two months. However, nothing has been done yet. In order to raise awareness about the seven Christians, Br Markose gave AsiaNews some information about them: Bijay Kr Sunseth, son of Salai Sunseth. Originally from Madhuguda (Kotagad). He and his wife Pabitra have six children, two sons (15 and 9) and four daughters (14, 10, 7 and 5). Because of the situation, the eldest has not been able to complete his mid-term exams. The children live in hostels paid by benefactors. The family belongs to the Baptist Church (Kandhamal Union). According the wife, Bijay was a community leader. On 13 December 2008, police summoned him to the station where he was arrested and taken to Rayagada. They claimed they captured him in the jungle.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] Gornath Chalanseth, son of Bachan Chalanseth. Originally from Sartuli (Kotagad). He and his wife Ruta have an older married daughter and three sons. The oldest lives in Berhampur, where he is studying engineering and works part-time to support himself. The youngest are 12 and 9. According to his wife and brother Banga, police summoned Gornath for the first time in December 2008, and then sent him home. On the 13th of the month, they arrested him along with Bijay. In his case, they also claimed that they had captured him in the jungle. Budhadeb Nayak, son of Muga Nayak. Originally from Kilangi (Kotagad). He and his wife Nilandri have three sons and two daughters. The two eldest sons are married, and one is Protestant clergyman in Chhattisgarh. The third is 7. His daughters are 8 and 7.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] According to his wife, police took him away in the middle of the night when he was asleep. Bhaskar Sunamajhi, son of Budui Sunamajhi. Originally from Kutiguda (Kotagad). He and his wife Debaki have a son, 6, who does not go to school yet. Bhaskar was a village guard (working with police). Some 10 to 12 days before Christmas 2008, he was playing cards with friends when police told him to take money and clothing and go with them. Having done this before, Bhaskar had no qualms about doing it again. This time however, police took him away and charged him with murder. Durjo Sunamajhi, son of Asin Sunamajhi. Originally from Budapada (Kotagad). He and his wife Gumili have three sons and due daughters. His older sons work whilst the 8-year-old goes to school.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] His daughters are 12 and 3 (the youngest one does not go to school yet). In October 2008, police stormed his home at night and took him away. Munda Badmajhi, son of Dhanura Badmajhi. Originally from Duringpodi (Kotagad). He and his wife Bamdiguali have due sons and due daughters. The eldest son, 10, was in grade 4 when his father was arrested. He had to leave school to go to work. The youngest son is now 7 and a Christian clergyman is paying for his school fee. As in Durjo's case, in October 2008 police took Munda away in the middle of the night. His wife tried to give a shawl but was turned away.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[corruption, lies and murder through the whole India] Sanatan Badmajhi, son of BaldoBadmajhi. Originally from Madaguda (Kotagad). He and his wife Badusi have two sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter is 11 and attends a government school, followed by the two boys, 7 and 5, and a sister, 8. Police arrested him in Sanatan on 4 October 2008, and took him away when he was asleep.lol. -- non è niente di grave: è soltanto, una forma di nazionalismo criminale assassino [corruption, lies and murder through the whole India]
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentothrough the intensity of the ultrasound: I understand that, there was a fierce debate about these my latest articles], but I wanted to gather all the peoples of the world, around the round table, of the my heart, why are not the super economic or military super power, which should dictate the law, in their arrogance, or their: opportunity: to tell lies, lies, lies, for their arrogance. but it is only the truth that must be respected, and if this truth, is called, by the poorest country? then, will be the truth, that we should all: do, for realize! Because Jesus said only the truth can liberate you from all bad luck, to do all wealth
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoand because, the truth is (unique universal objective: that is, "do not lie"). then the truth is: the sister of justice (ie, you do not do evil)! but since there is no justice without equality, I am certain of this .. I'll win the poverty and hunger around the world, not because: I will must take away from the rich: to give to the poor, no! but because: eliminating injustice: I will raise the level of wealth for all. and, I have the power: To make this miracle, that is, I have your love, like, you have my love. We are the new era of universal brotherhood: so, you are my miracle:
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoe poiché, la verità è(unica: universale oggettiva: cioè è "non mentire"). quindi la verità è: la sorella: della giustizia! ma poiché, non c'è giustizia senza uguaglianza, io di questo sono sicuro.. io vincerò la povertà: e la fame: in tutto il mondo, non perché: io toglierò ai ricchi: per dare ai poveri, ma, perché eliminando le ingiustizie: io eleverò il livello della ricchezza per tutti. ed, io ho il potere: per fare questo miracolo, cioè, io ho il vostro amore:, come, voi avete il mio amore. Noi siamo la nuova era: della fratellanza universale: così, siete proprio voi il mio miracolo
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoUniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento 6 minuti fa [io so, di avere fatto, qualcosa, di inutile(adesso, in questo: "copia - incolla"): perché, attraverso, l'intensità degli ultrasuoni: io ho capito, che, c'è stato un aspro dibattito, circa, questi miei articoli] ma, io ho voluto raccogliere, tutti i Popoli del mondo, intorno, alla tavola rotonda, del mio cuore, perché, non sono le potenze economiche o militari, che, devono dettare, la legge, della loro prepotenza, ma, è soltanto, la verità: che deve essere rispettata, e se, questa verità, viene detta dalla nazione più povera? allora, sarà quella verità, che noi dovremo tutti realizzare!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[political Ministry unius REI] I'm not reckless, impulsive, reckless, because what it's built in 400 years: can not be destroyed: in a short time, but, as King Arthur: I have to have: in my hands, oath of the knights of the "round table", and the round table, means that we are all the same, at the same table, Thus, is also: unius REI, I need trust, of loyalty: of all Nations .. but, I do not need political power, because I do not want to have a coercive action: to be exercised. my authority, within the round table, which is under my supervision? is the power: of truth, justice, and persuasion, because out: betray: the round table?, is to declare, to be the enemy of truth, justice, and common sense .. we can not: to chase a partisan interest, because the whole human race can survive only if it is able to demonstrate: to be a one only single body collective humanism: not monsters but human
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ my YHWH Alleluia - because, I understood to be a layman? because, to me, do not give a fuck if people: go from one religion: to another, or: if you become agnostic: not: they follow no religion! and since: I do not suffer, for these, bullshit? then, all: that: I say about: about the faith: it can have: a value political universal. If, we consider the State Italian, born as: a violent: Masonic and anticlerical State, this must highlight / consider: until at that: the Italian masonry, has lived into, Christian civilization (respecting and protecting religious symbols) everything was going well for him! until, the Jewish lobby 666 IMF, with the poison of the Talmud: they have taken control of all the upper on? is then that, everything crashed: into evil, selfishness, corruption!, Paradoxically, is not been Freemasonry: absolute evil, but: the loss in appropriane secular:of the concept of Christian civilization: that is ben the relativism, is been the real enemy of humanism
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoif, Italian Freemasonry, radical anti-clerical like it (they did, the expropriation: of all the property of the Church, etc. ..): If they have could take: for yourself: in an mode: exclusively secular: all Christian values, in contrast, for fight: the clerical power! (their only error?, was that, to leave at the Church, the monopoly of the theological University)! then, the values lay Christians (and all its symbols) are not a threat: 1. for Islam, 2. for every religion, 3. for every ideological system, 4. political, etc. .. but, they are the only hope of survival for the human race! That's why Jesus said to his disciples: "You are the light of the world, and you are the salt of the earth" .. because only the Christian values, in key secular or agnostic: they are the only hope: for humanity, here's why: the world is been filled with monsters, but if you want to avoid: World War III: Nuclear?, I have to start to work, immediately, above all the nations today same!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentono, despise any woman precious .. but, I am the role: of Abraham and Melchizedek, that I am the husband's role! I do not neglect my family universal .. family, that I wanted, and that, I have created! "because all mankind, are my family, and, I will not abandon my family, for to go: by aliens, as IMF 666 Rothschild, Bush and 322: NWO, they did! senza, disprezzare: nessuna donna preziosa.. io sono il ruolo: di Abramo e di Melchisedech, cioè: io sono il ruolo del marito! io non abbandono la mia famiglia.., famiglia, che io ho voluto e che io ho creato!" perché tutto il genere umano è la mia famiglia, ed io non abbandono la mia famiglia, per andare dagli alieni, come IMF 666 Rothschild, e Bush 322: NWO hanno fatto!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentobecause you insist on taking the black shit (oil)? Hydrogen technology? is cheaper than anything: and above all, of a war
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentowar [CHINA-JAPAN, ecc..] @ Japan - the fact that you have the international law to possess all the islands ((this can only, that, be, an act, of yours: bullying)), but ,where is your natural right ? (that: is, my metaphysics: rationale, shared, logic of common sense: ie, Unius REI? infact, I might act as a mediator in the dispute) is of no use: for you: therefore the unfair international law because even Satanism the 666 IMF: it is in international law! After all, international law has simply, ratified, all those: who: were been: the bullies, colonial of the past. In this way: we have to find geographical criteria, territorial and technical, objective rational: for the division, of the sea, because, the sea (like the moon) is of all, and not only, of a person, who, has means for its exploitation .. in this way, I might decide that a%: proportion: of wealth, can go to a solidarity fund: for to help Zambia, ecc.., ecc..
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[III guerra mondiale] il progetto del FMI 666 FED ECB, lobby ebraiche: è semplice: trattare la Lega Araba, come, il nazismo! tutto il mondo: si unirà in questo sforzo: necessario! cioè, fare il massacro: di tutti i musulmani.. per vendicare Israele e per proteggere l'umanità dagli islamisti! le condizioni sociali e politiche, sono state preparate, presto la trappola scatterà!. l'intelligenza artificiale aliena: di google [translate.google] ieri: ha tradotto: il termine "Sansone" con il termine: "Israele", sostanzialmente: ha fatto troppa ostruzione: al mio ultimo articolo: muoia Sansone, con tutti i Filistei! gioiranno i martiri cristiani in Paradiso: per la cancellazione di questa mostruosità islamica! Piangeranno Israele soltanto i cristiani, certamente non piangeranno i farisei dei Neturei Karta
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoNasrallah: Who Thinks the Armed Opposition in Syria Is Capable of Resolving Things on Ground Is Mistaken, Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Sunday said it is the responsibility of everybody today to work for conducting political dialogue in Syria, stressing that those who are hindering this dialogue are the ones to blame for all the blood being shed in Syria. Speaking during the 23rd University Graduation Ceremony in Beirut, Nasrallah said it is the armed opposition and the regional countries standing behind it which refuse to go for dialogue, which means the continuation of the killing, violence, destruction and bloodshed."Whoever thinks that the armed opposition in Syria is capable of resolving things militarily on the ground is mistaken," Hezbollah Secretary General stressed, affirming that what some media outlets portray on the collapse of Damascus and the near fall of the Syrian state is incorrect.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[666 IMF FED ECB: CIA NATO: for do Sharia Horror: of Saudi Imperialism in Syria] A unit of the Armed Forces on Sunday clashed with members of an armed terrorist group in Zamalka in the eastern Ghouta in Damascus Countryside, destroying their weapons and munitions. An official source told SANA reporter that the clashes resulted in killing and injuring many terrorists. Terrorists Mohammad Izzat al-Khayyat, Ayman Salim Dalal, Mohammad Haitham al-Dweibeh and Iyad al-Najjar were identified among the dead, it added. The source said that the terrorists' vehicles used for transferring weapons and ammunition were destroyed in the clashes. Army Responds to Terrorists' Gunfire from Lebanese Territories on Border Checkpoints in Homs
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[666 IMF FED ECB: CIA NATO: for do Sharia Horror: of Saudi Imperialism in Syria] The Armed Forces confronted last night armed terrorist groups that opened fire from the Lebanese territories on al-Dabousiyeh border crossing and checkpoints towards the Syrian side near Maarabo and al-Mathoumeh villages in Tal-Kalakh in Homs. An official source told SANA reporter that the Armed Forces units reacted to the terrorists' fire, using the appropriate weapons, and dealt direct blows to the armed terrorists groups, forcing the remaining members of the terrorists to flee into the Lebanese territories. Heavy Losses Inflicted upon Terrorists in Deir-Ezzor Province. The Armed Forces clashed with armed terrorist groups in some of Deir-Ezzor neighborhoods inflicting heavy losses upon them.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[666 IMF FED ECB: CIA NATO: for do Sharia Horror: of Saudi Imperialism in Syria] An official source told SANA reporter that the Armed Forces clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Jbeila neighborhood, killing and injuring many of its members. The source pointed out that the bodies of the terrorists Hussein Ali al-Yousef, Mahmoud Ramadan al-Idris and Mohammad Ahmad Kharouf were identified among the dead. The Armed Forces also clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Moreiye'eh in the countryside, killing a number of its members including the terrorists Hassan al-Deiri, Ismael Khalaf al-Aboud and Zafer Khleif al-Naasan. Another military unit confronted an armed terrorist group in al-Joura area, killing many of the terrorists and injuring others including the terrorist Ibrahim Mohammad al-Hassan.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[666 IMF FED ECB: CIA NATO: for do Sharia Horror: of Saudi Imperialism in Syria] Army Confronts Terrorists while Attempting to Attack Citizens in Hama. An army unit inflicted heavy losses upon an armed terrorist group which attempted to attack residents of Helfaia town in Mhardeh area in Hama province. SANA reporter quoted an official source as saying that the army unit killed a number of terrorists and destroyed three vehicles carrying ammunition and weapons, one of which was equipped with a machinegun.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoWHO WILL GIVE THE BLAME TO GOD, FOR 5.5 BILLION DEAD OF WORLD WAR III .. IF YOU HAVE refused, rejected, unius REI, That, own God sent? .. Unius REI: it is Already Dead to everything: that: this world can be!: He is a man of heaven, That Is, he is a spiritual man .. That's why, for him nothing is more hateful of power, and in fact, God does not want: that: the man must control: another man, Because this too is to steal His Glory! but we Of which, we have need? is only a cultural project, and it is this: the new era, if, they will open yourself, to unius REI: - Answer - AFTER ALL, WHO WILL GIVE THE BLAME TO GOD, FOR 5.5 BILLION DEAD OF WORLD WAR III .. IF YOU HAVE refused, rejected, unius REI, That, own God sent? suk my iliks 666 322 faggot CIA IMF FED ECB
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentosukiliks posted a comment 10 hours ago @ UniusRei You can say what you want! But in real life, you know i would beat the tar out of you!: - Answer - COURAGE my SON: "I have found something valuable even in your life: of shit". lol. no one, can tell to you, "throwing off the mask!" ... lol. In fact,, already, you have the face of the devil cannibal beast! 666 beast! IMF FED ECB CIA - why, you who are Satan, you want to put under the asphalt, me: unius REI, ie justice and truth, That Is an gift to all peoples of the world? and:. why, you can say, that: the work of google and youtube is unnecessary work: namely, That this is not a real life? only: a virtual work: for you? and yet thou hast said to yourself, to be a liar, a traitor, of all peoples, and a criminal! why do you want to deny the power of the WORD, Because only you are powerless: fagot!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoI AM something, diametrically, as opposed to any form of identity or particularism, for me, words such as ideology, religion, geographical boundaries, races, peoples? have no meaning, because, we in the Kingdom of God, we do not know these distinctions. in truth, there is, not, something that the world can give me! the miracle of unius REI, is that him is an integral part, of every people! is why, for miracle of GOD. I do not have: a definite identity, I am the soul of every institution, and every religion, I have the charisma of all: the totaly in all, I do not need power, because, I am authoritative! is the way, of the truth, that, take control, in the assembly of peers. and for this reason I believe that only rarely could be used, my authority: I have educational tasks, because, I'm not the ideology: or power? so, then, I'm not imperialism: is why, my universal brotherhood, does not need to resort to violence, because no one can deny, the truth in front of me!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoto all Jews. Baruch 5:1-9 [[says the Jewish Messiah: unius REI lorenzojhwh, your liberation, redemption, is drawing near!] Indeed, Satanists were Defeated!]. 5Take off the garment of your sorrow and affliction, O Jerusalem, and put on for ever the beauty of the glory from God. 2 Put on the robe of the righteousness That comes from God; put on your head the diadem of the glory of the Everlasting; 3. for God will show your splendor everywhere under heaven. 4. For God will give you evermore the name, 'Righteous Peace, Godly Glory'. 5. Arise, O Jerusalem, stand upon the height; look towards the east, and see your children Gathered from west and east, at the word of the Holy One, rejoicing That God has remembered them.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento. Baruch 5:1-9 [[says the Jewish Messiah: unius REI lorenzojhwh, your liberation, redemption, is drawing near!]] Indeed, Satanists were Defeated!]. 6. For they went out from you on foot, led away by Their enemies, but God will bring them back to you, the carried in glory, as on a royal throne. 7. For God has ordered That every high mountain and the everlasting hills be made low, and the valleys filled up, to make level ground, So That Israel may walk safely in the glory of God. 8. The woods and every fragrant tree have shaded Israel at God's command. 9. For God will lead Israel with joy, in the light of his glory, with the mercy and righteousness That come from him. [Do not make the greedy, I fight, for the hope of Israel]
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoUnius REI: it is already dead to everything: that: this world can be!: He is a man of heaven, that is, he is a spiritual man .. That's why, nothing for him is more hateful of power, and in fact, God does not want: that: the man must control: another man, because this too is a: steal His Glory of which, we need? is only a cultural project, and it is this: the new era, if, I will open it Unius REI: è già morto, a tutto quello: che: questo mondo può rappresentare!: lui è un uomo celeste, cioè, lui è un uomo spirituale.. ecco perché, nulla per lui: è più odioso: del potere, ed infatti, Dio non vuole: che: l'uomo deve comandare: su di un altro uomo, perché: anche questo, è un derubare la Sua Gloria.. quello di cui, noi abbiamo bisogno? è soltanto, un progetto culturale, ed è questa: la nuova era, se, sarò io ad aprirla
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentosukiliks posted a comment 10 hours ago @ UniusRei You can say what you want! But in real life, you know i would beat the tar out of you!: - Answer - COURAGE my SON: "I have found something valuable even in your life: of shit". lol. no one, can tell to you, "throwing off the mask!" ... lol. In fact,, already, you have the face of the devil cannibal beast! 666 beast! IMF FED ECB CIA - why, you who are Satan, you want to put under the asphalt, me: unius REI, ie justice and truth, That Is an gift to all peoples of the world? and:. why, you can say, that: the work of google and youtube is unnecessary work: namely, That this is not a real life? only: a virtual work: for you? and yet thou hast said to yourself, to be a liar, a traitor, of all peoples, and a criminal! why do you want to deny the power of the WORD, Because only you are powerless: fagot!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ King of Saudi Arabia - what? a world built on Satanism: of banking seignorage? each evil is protected, every virtue, is ruined! everything is evil, that, these Illuminati: bancieri the IMF, they wanted to do against all peoples, and against their own people? is an evil without hope! you have been forced to defend yourself, returning in one dimension: absurd the past, filling of hypocrisy, violence, crime on your life! but, the truth can not always be stifled! you go lost, if you do not come: by me, because, they and you: you are lies a vicious religion, that, not can save your soul, and your people, is why, Masons criminals, destroy all the credit, of Jesus Christ on the cross (ie, the Christian civilization)? you have destroyed! What remains, is the civilization of Satan cursed!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ King of Saudi Arabia - how you were able to despise so much: 1. the Holy Spirit, 2. and all mankind, 3. all the fundamental principles of civil society, 4. and human rights: up to this point: 5. to throw up your shame, against, the throne of the infinite holiness of God: 666. on becoming: the ally of Satanists Pharisees FED, ECB IMF NWO, for make agenda: of the Talmud, Kabbalah. 7. to stifle a positive religion: that is: Christianity, 8. and to think you can win: Also Satanists, by alone?. 9. as your brain is full of demons: crazy, totally? under the criminal: Saddam Hussein? were, 1.2 million Christians in Iraq, but, with the American-dogs and you? have become less than 200,000, today! Criminals? are better than you! In fact, you're evil more evil
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@King Saudi Arabia -- come, tu hai potuto disprezzare: così tanto: 1. lo spirito Santo, 2. e tutto il genere umano, 3. tutti i fondamentali principi della società civile, 4. e dei diritti umani: fino a questo punto: 5. di vomitare la tua vergogna: contro, il trono: della infinita Santità di Dio: 6666. per essere diventato: l'alleato dei satanisti FMI farisei, del Talmud: 7. per soffocare una religione positiva: cioè il cristianesimo, 8. e per pensare: di poter vincere: anche: i satanisti da solo? 9. come il tuo cervello è pieno di demoni? sotto il criminale Saddam Hussein? c'erano, 1.200.000 cristiani in Irak: ma, con gli ameri-cani: e te? sono diventati meno di 200.000: oggi! I criminali? sono migliori di voi!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ King of Saudi Arabia - how, you were able to make the demon of yourself, up to this point. that is, in the doing, of yourself, the little Satan, that is, the accomplice of Satanists American 666 Rothschild IMF FED ECB, and Bush 322: NWO (the great Satan) for the joy of killing so many holy servants of God, Christians, etc. .. around the world? Why, thou hast cast a snare of death, against, all Peoples, for doing win the Satanists? Do not you know, that, because of you, now, if, all of us, we will not be able to be: all allies, along with Israel, under Unius REI?, ... the Satanists will win: win the conquest of the planet? or, you have already taken them 666 micro chip, very-chip: in your ass?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@King Saudi Arabia -- come, tu hai potuto fare il demone: di te stesso, fino a questo punto. cioè, nel fare, di te stesso: il piccolo satana, cioè, il complice dei satanisti americani 666 Rothschild FMI, FED BCE; and Bush 322: NWO (il grande satana) per la gioia di uccidere tanti santi servi di Dio cristiani, ecc.. in tutto il mondo? Perché, tu hai gettato un laccio, di morte, contro, tutti i popoli, nel fare vincere i satanisti? non sai tu, che per colpa tua, adesso, se, noi tutti, noi non riusciremo ad essere: tutti alleati, insieme ad Israele, i satanisti vinceranno: vinceranno la conquista de pianeta? oppure, tu hai già preso il loro: micro 666 chip, very-chip?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoVoyage Islam: --- aproximadamente, su falsa guerra librada: los teólogos contra los ateos?. esto es mentira, por eso, los comunistas han matado a los cristianos, ecc .. siempre y en paz! Esto fue posible, solamente, porque los satanistas 666, el FMI, la masonería Iluminado, 322 FED BCE, y salafistas, siempre han sido aliados: en el asesinato de los mártires cristianos inocentes.. about, your fake War waged: by theologians against atheists?. this is lie: why, Communists have killed Christians, etc. .. always and alone! This was possible, only, Because Satanists 666, IMF, Enlightened Freemasonry, 322 FED ECB, and Salafis?, Have always been allies: in killing innocent Christian martyrs
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoVoyage Islam about: Commento sul tuo video: "Mohammed was a False Prophet: Wafa Sultan"-- said: "NON-RELIGIOUS STATES: The Soviet Union, communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Communist Poland and Pol Pot's Cambodia. Ever war in the last 100 years Was waged: by theologians and atheist. --ANSWER--because you say that? knowest thou not, that at the time of the founding of the Bank of England: Jews Pharisees Enlightened 666 IMF FED ECB: they have absolute control: of every factor monetary(banking seigniorae), political and economic? even, if they are invisible to the eyes of men(banking seigniorage)? they are not invisible to my eyes, I am Unius REI.. perché tu dici questo? non sai tu: che all'atto della fondazione della Banca di Inghilterra: gli ebrei farisei illuminati: hanno il controllo assoluto di ogni fattore monetario, politico ed economico? anche se sono invisibili agli occhi degli uomini? loro non sono invisibili ai miei occhi, io sono Unius REI
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoCustodeDellaFede .. ie, the guardian of racism, thou religious maniac: Hey, we were better off without you: these days! therefore, all the advice, which I gave to my friend the 666 of the CIA? are valid also for you! honestly? I was hoping, that you had been blocked: in this page, for big: intolerance, and trap: against: the peaceful coexistence of peoples: you are like: king of Saudi Arabia! CustodeDellaFede .. ie, custode del razzismo, tu il maniaco religioso: Ehi, noi siamo stati meglio senza di te: questi giorni! quindi, tutti i consigli, che, io ho dato, al mio amico della 666 della CIA? sono validi anche per te! onestamente? io speravo, che, tu fossi stato bloccato: in questa pagina, per intolleranza, e per insidia: contro: la convivenza pacifica dei popoli
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoVoyage Islam, Comment on your video: "Mohammed was a False Prophet Wafa Sultan". said: "Read James 3:2 and tell me who the hell are you to talk about religion". -- ANSWER --HONESTLY? I have no interest in religion, but only for all the crimes, that are being committed, in the name of religion .. I am a theologian, but all those who love God are theologians:only, to have an experience in themselves, of the perfect love of God, so you can be being theologians: without to belong to any religion, officer!! ONESTAMENTE? io non ho un interesse per la religione, ma, soltanto per tutti i delitti che vengono commessi in nome della religione.. io sono un teologo, ma tutti quelli, che, amano Dio sono teologhi, per avere in se stessi, una propria esperienza, del perfetto amore di Dio. quindi, si può anche essere teologhi senza essere: o appartenere a una qualche religione: obbligatoriamente!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoJHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 6 ore fa There is someone such as synagogue: IMF Bush 322, ECB: seigniorage bankink, 666 Rothschild FED NWO, owl god Baal, ie, masonic system, that they laugh for: 11-09, the Syria, etc. .. then, when Syria will be came, in the U.S.: and in Europe (ie civil war) at the same time: with, the World War III? then, they hope to get out alive. anyway?. deluded! pathetic! from mine, point of view? My agenda is not:, to avoid, at all costs, World War III, but only able to achieve,my universal brotherhood! but he who is not worthy of universal brotherhood? he deserves all the World War, ecc.. ecc..
allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento@Google CIA MOSSAD: 666 masonic scheme: regime, occult, 322, the seigniorage assassin banking: the IMF, god Baal owl shit-- --8:00Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF FED ECB; jewish lobby of banking seigniorage, for do any Sharia Olocausts: against my jewish People...January 04, 2012 10:55 PM Refused (inappropriate content).. God Baal owl shit, cancer on you: on all new Babilon Tower: Bush Rothschild, all Enlightened shit, assassin cult Marduck, for destroy my Israel, and hope of Israel, criminal too: at Bohemian Grove: for do human have stoped writing music for satan-- --the to you? The will of evil against you, murderers! 2:44 AM Jews control 666 322 god Baal owl IMF IMF FED ECB NWO April 01, 2012 12:13 PM (PDT) refused (inappropriate content)
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentothe Nazis: 666, Freemasons, of high finance and the high politics: namely, 322, all children of Jewish FUND monetary system: masonic regime, ie, the synagogue of Satan: Pharisees, Satanic talmud rabbis (all, for making high: treason, against the Constitution, through, the crime of Bank seigniorage)?, they said, that, "the Jews had no future!". Today, the same as before, along with Salafists:of Al Quaeda: sharia horror, namely, the Arab League, they are saying, about Syria, that: "are all Christians, that, cannot have: more a future!" here, because, in order to achieve this: their goal?, i.e., their agenda of NWO?: all the globalists, multinationals, Jewish lobby, which took control: of every monopoly., they need to destroy Israel
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento1]. 666 IMF: 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] (external link to the Diocese: St. Bernard of Chile) a national newspaper, published the testimony of a woman who confesses that she had made many, cults, in a Satanic Cult, to warn, from the dangers of celebrating: Halloween: o night of witches. The newspaper "El Norte", reports the statements: by Cristina Kneer Vidal, a former occultist, former Satanist and spiritualist of American origin: who: lives in Hermosillo, Sonora, that: it says much worried: the fact: that: every October 31: dozens of young children are killed and how, throughout Mexico: from Satanic sects. Cristina Kneer Vidal asked the families to care: their children, in the country there are about 1,500, "worshippers of Satan," which are distributed mainly in cities like Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico. [200,000 sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás, cada año]
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento2]. 666 IMF: 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] Cristina Says: "I don't want to scare anyone, everyone is free to believe what they want, but my words shall be taken into account, at least, I ask you to listen, think and decide." According to Kneer, "thousands of people have unconsciously adopted, a Satanic practice [Halloween] and so they're favorable, growth of Satanism, in Mexico, especially in big cities like Guadalajara and Monterrey." The newspaper "El Norte," says Cristina Kneer: spent much time: near al Satanism, she met evil: and naughtiness to many Satanists: they lived: and it says: "These are little-known topics, I practiced magic, and even now I regret it, I came to loathe God". [200000 sacrifices humains sur autel de Satan, a chaque année]
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento3.666] IMF: 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] Kneer, Satanism, exists all over the world. "Ambitious," she notes, "have signed a pact with the Devil: in exchange for wealth and power: and they offered: in exchange for their souls". Cristina says Kneer: "' they pay a terrible price. will not ever: to have peace: plus: are punished: brutally: even after their death "and warns that" recognize a Satanist: is very difficult: why are politicians, artists, civil servants: o: dealers: enjoy much prestige "but added" this does not mean that all politicians are Satanists ". The Kneer argues, moreover, that, on dates like that, Halloween [31 October], the Satanists are the "black mass" and explains that, "the mass is officiate: in the field or in closed buildings: strongly protected and start with the evocation: Satan: that: often does not occur: because, unlike God, cannot be everywhere".
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento4]. 666 IMF: 322 [Former Satanist, warns of danger Halloween] halfway down the "mass", she says, are slaughtered: animals such as cats, dogs, and when the "mass": it is very important, as: Halloween, human sacrifices are made. For Kneer "preferably are chosen: children: why not have sinned: and are the Favorites of God; before slaughter: are violated: and private: their purity ". According to Kneer, abuse: a child or hurt: gives the power of Satan: the Satanist: ed is a way: to look: God game. For Kneer: Satanic, celebrations are always held: in eight different dates, though: the most important: is the Festival: Samhain: Halloween October 31 or: who: Satanic new year celebrated, explains, "it's like, the Devil's birthday". [op het menselijke offers 200,000 altaar van Satan, elk jaar]
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento5]. 666 IMF: 322 [Former Satanist warns of danger Halloween] "victims," Kneer, "have been sacrificed, by removing their hearts: that is consumed by the present, then, the body is cremated, and thrown into the sea". Kneer, says "for Satanists, it is very easy to get rid of the bodies, why, those who make the ' black mass ', are very important. Please be aware, that on Halloween night many Satanists hide: sweets and fruits: who: have children: razor blades, poison, drugs or pins. Currently, Kneer and other women who attended: a satanic cults: they formed a group named: SAL: who: seeks to send to Satanists: a message of hope: and do more damage. Says Kneer: "Every Satanist: who: reads this information: want to reject or abandon: Satanism can do it, with God's help, as we did, we. [200,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan, every year]
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoyes, it's true, I have come: 5 years ago! in fact, the IMF, did everything to stop my Ministry ... and this is the reason why he's doing harm: at youtube, to stifle: the 1 St Amendment, and destroy, after having stolen: monetary sovereignty, destroy permanently, each, other, all other, popular sovereignty, because the IMF are the Nazis regime of satanic talmud, ie, an occult international arrangements for the destruction of Israel .. @ google-666-hallowen? He hurt you! Here, your copy--paste? has been disabled. lol. but, you won't be too worried ... others traslator? are better than you!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@koertje ------------ because, ' Israel's encirclement, was planned, by rabbis Pharisees Illuminati (666 IMF FED 322 ECB) too long ago, because they don't want to let the world control, to be forced. to back in Israel, so it was decided .1. Israel will be lost: again, not least because, 2. the peoples can no longer support the taxation: to pay the money: a Rothschild, etc.. Thus, world war, will open a new monetary cycle, paralyzing and devitalizzante, thus, IMF and Saudi Arabia, are the biggest threat to the survival of all mankind
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentokoertje-: Comment on your video: Dr. Norman Finkelstein at the University of Waterloo What a retard. Blaming everything in Israel. He should explain how Israel caused the civil war in Syria. -- ANSWER -- WHO SAID SOMETHING SO SERIOUS? the two forms of Islamists (hate yourself, so perfect: up to self-destruction: because in their prehistoric theology only they are saints, but, everyone else, are infidels and apostates, ie, Satan), the Islamic threat has become the reason for the 3° nuclear WW, Israel has been supplying weapons to the opposition, which is backed by 20,000, militiamen, who are paid by the Arab League, so, is making the biggest mistake:of its history, because: the downfall of Assad, will bring: the Salafis, of Al Quaeda: at its borders, and it is this: the imperialist project, of Saudi Arabia, which today are: the most loyal allies of the Pharisees of the IMF: ie, the masters of the world and of Freemasonry
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[] USA, of the Monsters, the most criminal and satanic country in all the world [] FED IMF CIA: @ 666: ie Thedemondack: ie, IhateNewLayout ---> in the video: [My Nice Sword] the proverb says: "The devil make pot, but, does not make the covers", in frame 1:44? is evident at all, as, to you, Satanists, priest of satan have broken: his whole hand, and you have also broken the bones of two fingers from the little finger and ring finger .. In fact, all this horror, is the route is tragic, That all Satanist, must to do, for never more, never again, to belong to himself! if, disobey, he'll be killed! that is why CIA Mossad have been able to do 11-09, as said President Francesco Cossiga? I am sorry That this revelation, IhatenewLayout, he was fired from this page, but, instead, the dirty cannibal of synnek1, he Remained
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ Pharisee murderess satanic talmud IMF: 666 322 NWO, Communists, capitalists Sharia Freemason Satanist --->[DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF] What you have done to others? Now it will be done to you! +1. It burns! "Mene Tekel Peres." The weeds are burned with fire: "You must burn in the name of Jesus." It burns! It burns! It burns! Amen. Alleluia. +2. Die! "Mene Tekel Peres." The traitor is condemned to death. "In the name of Jesus you now," You must die! Now! "Die! Die! Die! Amen. Alleluia! +3. Shout!" Mene Tekel Peres. "Shout damned for his despair. Now, You must cry now, your desperation is on my channel. Amen. Alleluia!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ Kuwait -> which, international treaty: allows you to fill Syria, ith your terrorist troops trained for urban warfare? Armed by Turkey and the Arab League, and the division of Al Qaeda specializes in explosives! you who have not been able to keep alive, one Christian: alone (who he is not a slave who is about to die), and that you have no respect for human rights (such as freedom of religion), nothing can exist outside of your criminal interpretation of the Koran and Sharia? Bashar Assad is not an angel, but he is the best of all of you, in fact, he has retained an opposition, while, do not you! you have killed all opposition, because democracy, that you want to Bashar Assad, do not make it, you too, giving him an example of how you can do? you will pushing, against, all over the world for do the 3rd WW nuclear
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoExcaluric- satanism international masonic IMF FED ECB 666 system -> you lie! everyone understood that, you're in my game! because thou not right to eternal life, and then you have no interest in losing even this your life of shit ! because all measures legal, that, I can take against you? they will never get do, the death penalty! In fact, I can not stain my hands with blood . except in the case: self-defense, "because I have to build the Jewish temple" even though I exercise self-defense on behalf of every man on this planet! because a king has but one law that is the same for everyone! keybobrob said me --- well it sounded good. all of what u said sounded good....until u got to the point of making it seem like the christians are innocent. lol talk to me about Chirst and his consciousness and I am all ears....but do me a favor spare me on the christianity stuff. but more power to you. Peace n Blessings
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[[(Excalibur for metaphysics)]] The Kingdom of God has one King in the heavenly places: God Creator YHWH, but, also has a king on this planet unius REI! this is simply the difference between, your life and your death! @666 322 sharia IMF FED ECB NWO: masonic system --> not be in agreement with me? This declares to the world that you are the evil. no! no one can doubt the power of words! dictators have killed because they were afraid of the words! now, my words? are divine words for the life of the world! FED ECB IMF 666 322@ Pharisee Rabbi Rothschild talmud satanic for kabbalah-> if I had not power: of the kingdom of God? you would not use against me: the long needles voodoo, and also you do not bruceresti concomitantly with a whole hell of anger against me! why are you pulling the thread? What do you get? I prefer to burn the world, rather than, of not do, of myself , the accomplice of Satanists or of some murderess!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoThe name means Excalibur (metaphysics) capable of cutting steel. The history and legend of King Arthur are intimately linked: the magical and mysterious Excalibur sword. As the magician Merlin announced, the only man able to extract: the sword from the stone would become king. Arthur, kneeling in front of the rock, did just that: he took the sword, took it up and laid it on the altar of the Cathedral. Arthur was anointed with the holy oil, and in the presence of all the nobles and the common people, solemnly swore to be a loyal king and to defend the truth and justice for all the days of his life. [I am unius REI, one only alone King, for one only alone world] is my universal brotherhood , is an miracle
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[Arab League:the same: Al Quada!], 8 Syrian workers were killed by a group of strangers on the border between Lebanon and Syria, according to Syrian television. The issuer specifies that the victims were on a bus that went into Syria at the border post of Arida, on the coastal road linking Tripoli, in northern Lebanon, in Tartous, Syria. In the attack eight other bus passengers are injured, adds Syrian television. The attack, according to the source, was carried out by "a group of armed terrorists" on Syrian territory at dawn a few minutes after the vehicle carrying workers had crossed the border. According to the testimony of one of the wounded, the assailants first sent down passengers, stole their documents and money and then made them back on the bus, against which they opened fire.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoand only NATO, which has a monopoly can give weapons to Al Qaeda! MOSCOW SEEKS EXPLANATION arrogant to: ANKARA about AIR stopped by an act of air piracy: The Russian Foreign Ministry asked for an explanation to Turkey after intercepting aircraft yesterday Syrian carrying Russian citizens. This was reported by the same ministry. Aleksandr Lukashevich, spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed "concern" about the interception of the plane that "put at risk the lives and safety of passengers" and complained: that Ankara has not informed the Russian Embassy the presence of Russian passengers, a fact learned "from the online media." and only NATO, which has a monopoly can give weapons to Al Qaeda!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoand only NATO, which has a monopoly can give weapons to Al Qaeda! MOSCOW SEEKS EXPLANATION arrogant to: ANKARA about AIR stopped by an act of air piracy: Lukashevich denounced, too, that the Turkish authorities, "without explaining the reasons for, and violation of the bilateral consular convention," they "denied the opportunity to meet Russian diplomats, Russian citizens, were stranded for eight hours at the airport" and even without being guaranteed them a chance to feed. The Russian side then, "demands by the Turkish authorities, an explanation of the reasons for such actions against Russian citizens' and considers it necessary to" take steps to prevent such incident in the future. " and only NATO, which has a monopoly can give weapons to Al Qaeda!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoKain Daro 666 Dicus idiot - you are more ignorant than a beast! relativism, claims to prove, "philosophically" the non-existence of God, because, in its reporting, not existing a universal truth, for him there is not: an absolute truth, because one can be born male, but then, later in your life, you can be, gay of your synnek1 master! but, In fact, no one would think, that, we two, have the same value (as men), and since this is true for everyone, and forever? then, is proved the existence of God, because, this a universal truth and objective? then is prof of God! this affirms the superiority of metaphysics! but, your problem is, that, you know very well as braying, along with donkeys!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoKainDarodicus 666 CIA IMF -> you do not know, that, the lies, carry diseases of the circulatory system? then, the money cursed of synnek1 666? not be enough to pay your medicines! and if I curse, again, your brain? then, even invertebrates are smarter than you! why do you not tell, to synnek1 (your employer) that he can call again, once again, all of his more brave: Satanism institutional sluts witches, to do, once again, the most powerful voodoo ritual, against me? Who knows, maybe today?, he might be luckier!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoIn fact, the alternative to kingdom of Unius REI is the 3rd World War nuclear! and my enemies without the blessing of God? they are too delicate to be able to overcome this extreme test, where only the grace of God: YHWH, the Holy One of Israel, will make be, the difference between life and death! it does not matter if, CIA IMF Talmud: assassin of Sharia, synnek1, and 666 322, are shit! they are in control of power! is because, I'll use them, too, because it is written, that God uses, too, of the devil to make his work: the salvation of souls! Unius REI, politically, does not need to kill anyone, and the masters of the world (thieves, banKing seigniorage, in the Masonic system), they know, that, I just, I can save their lives. Executioner of cursed, ready for eternal despair
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoNo one can do good, without the power of God and [the sin against the Holy Spirit is to deny the Holy Spirit in other religions], since human nature is very imperfect, and is deeply corrupt as a result of original sin ... here, that there can be nothing in man: that, to be valid, and good, without the action of the Holy Spirit of God! now, the Talmud of Baal, ie, synagogue Pharisees Illuminati 666, the Nazis of the IMF, and the Salafi Sharia? they do not recognize the good, in the Christians, or, in atheist, etc ... and then, they declare: "idolaters" all innocent Christian martyrs! In this way, the servants of the devil Sharia and kabbalah, they say, that the Christian saints, and therefore, the Holy Spirit is the devil, so this is blasphemy, which will can never be forgiven!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Arab League -> as the Pharisees did kill Jesus has by the Romans? as the Illuminati Lucifer of the Talmud, they do kill to you, 300 Christian martyrs, every day (silent holocaust)? I know: Enlightened MFI will destroy you all do, from China and Russia. You are all lost!. "AMEN!" Because just this, your wickedness deserved! 1. calls Christians idolaters, and you know who are polytheists (I know, you have sentenced to death, even India), in fact, 2. in all your countries: there is the death penalty for apostasy! Governments Islamists? Widely have shown, they have become a threat to all, the human race. as Russia and China, will fall on you, With Their ocean, of tanks? you will become a single shit! the only one, That can save your life today? I am only! tomorrow? will be too late!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[Islamic governments have amply demonstrated that they have become a threat to the whole human race] EGYPT. Tens of thousands of Egyptians take to the streets a year after the massacre of Copts at Maspero. Muslims and people from the Islamic university of al-Azhar take part in the rally. Slogans are shouted against President Morsi and the military, accused of doing nothing to bring to justice those responsible for the bloodbath. Cairo (AsiaNews) - Egyptians from all walks of life took part last night in a rally that marked the first anniversary of the massacre of Copts in front of the Maspero building. Tens of thousands of Christians, Muslims, people from al-Azhar University, Islamists and even supporters of Cairo's football team marched from Dawaran Shurba Square, along the banks of the Nile, to the Egyptian State TV building, shouting slogans against the military and the Muslim Brotherhood.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[CIA NATO, Arab League: you have filled, with 15.000: Salafi terrorists, Al Qaeda, ecc.. , Syria, and then you ask a unilateral ceasefire? your criminal arrogance is boundless!] Doha, 10 October - (Adnkronos / Aki) - Tension is rising between Syria and Turkey after Turkish fighter jets have forced a commercial airliner Syrian, from Moscow to land in Ankara after the suspected presence of weapons on board the aircraft. Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said it had received information that the Syrian air could carry "a load of civil society." Hence the decision to stop and inspect the Airbus A32o. To avoid reprisals, the Ankara government would then ordered to civilian aircraft Turks not to enter Syrian airspace. Meanwhile: is at least 131 dead, the last budget of yet another day of violence: and fighting in Syria. This was denounced by activists of the Local Co-ordination Committees: Syria: through their Facebook page.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoArab League: you have filled, with 15.000: Salafi terrorists, Al Qaeda, ecc.. , Syria, and then you ask a unilateral ceasefire? your criminal arrogance is boundless!] Even today, most of the victims was recorded in the area of Damascus and its suburbs, where: there are 69 dead. The activists also give news of the killing: of 24 persons in Idlib, 13 in Aleppo and Homs ten. Nine people also were killed in Raqqa, two in Daraa, many in Hama, one in Dayr az-Zor and another in Lattakia. Among the victims of the violence today, according to official Syrian media, there is also: Mohammad al-Ashmar, tv cameraman Syrian pro-government al-Ikhbariya, was killed in the province of Dayr az-Zor. On the diplomatic front Damascus has rejected the proposal to Ban Ki-moon to declare a unilateral ceasefire. "We told Ban Ki-moon to send emissaries: in the: who: have influence on the rebels to: put an end to violence," he said, a note on the Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoUniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento 17 minuti fa [CIA NATO, Arab League: you have filled, with 15.000: Salafi terrorists, Al Qaeda, ecc.. , Syria, and then you ask a unilateral ceasefire? your criminal arrogance is boundless!] The Secretary-General of the United Nations today strongly condemned the terrorist attacks: that: have hit Damascus on Monday evening, stating that'' the spiral of violence in Syria is creating a breeding ground for actions terrorist and criminal, of every type''. "The Secretary-General (UN, ed) strongly condemns: the wake of coordinated terrorist attacks in Damascus that: have caused numerous deaths and injuries,'' it said in a statement: widespread: the spokesman for Ban." Secretary General reiterates that never, cause can justify terrorist attacks, in any place, at any time: and for any reason are made,'' the spokesman continued.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[CIA NATO, Arab League: you have filled, with 15.000: Salafi terrorists, Al Qaeda, ecc.. , Syria, and then you ask a unilateral ceasefire? your criminal arrogance is boundless!] For its part: The Secretary of Defense United States, Leon Panetta, has confirmed sending: a Task Force to Jordan to help the country manage "every possible consequence" of the ongoing crisis in Syria.@ Turquie, l'Arabie saoudite, la Ligue arabe -> comme la Russie et la Chine, va tomber sur vous, avec leur océan, des chars? vous deviendrez un seul merde! Le seul qui peut sauver votre vie aujourd'hui? Je suis seulement! demain? il sera trop tard! @Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Arab League -> as Russia and China, will fall on you, With Their ocean, of tanks? you will become a single shit! the only one That can save your life today? I am only! tomorrow? will be too late!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoMY AIM IS TO PUT MYSELF IN TROUBLE! to save many pieces of shit like you, for this imminent nuclear Holocaust inevitable! Whether you need to decide to erase the IMF or, to do the nuclear war! 666 CIA IMF youtube destroy Israel and stop for me: unius REI! [Netanyahu Benamin: you are masonic curse against Israel] satanic talmud like your wife has ironed your skirt by Mason? no? so why did the Jews do, all the slaves, once again, of the 666 Pharaoh of Rothschild (and his star, flag on Israel), to buy the money: to interest, by him, while this is Expressly prohibited by law of God: Yahweh, and prohibited by law of man, ie the Costitution? That Satanist Rabbi Ovadia kakam, you have fucked? you know have cursed, in mode: so, powerful Israel again, Which, it will be destroyed once again ... if this, were been for you, and your Nazi Zionists of IMF: Ball of Marduck owl at Bohemian Grove!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[ Netanyahu Benamin @666 322 for IMF: you are masonic curse against Israel ] ---- satanic talmud like your wife has ironed your skirt by Mason? no? so why did the Jews do, all the slaves, once again, of the 666 Pharaoh of Rothschild (and his star, flag on Israel), to buy the money: to interest, by him, while this is Expressly prohibited by law of God : Yhwh, and prohibited by law of man, ie the Costitution? That Satanist Rabbi Ovadia kakam, you have fucked? you know have cursed, in mode: so, powerful Israel again, Which, it will be destroyed once again ... if this, were been for you, and your Nazi Zionists of IMF: Ball of Marduck owl at Bohemian Grove! -
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoExecUtionKiller ------- lol. For example, if you were not desperate? Besides, you did not the killer of people, for $ 10,000 only -> lol. these politicians Masons,of the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage, are waiting: that: the desperate peoples, can do: a revolution! but, then, convince you that to destroy the people, it is more reasonable, and that's how: allow: the 3rd WW nuclear, then, the people angry: will look for Jews and rich, and in this way, history will repeat itself! SPB ♰ C C SS MLNDSMD VR SN SMVS MQ LIVB ♰ ♰questi politici massoni, delle false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario, stanno aspettando: che: il popolo disperato possa fare: una rivoluzione! ma, poi, si convinceranno, che: distruggere il popolo: è più ragionevole, ed è così che: permetteranno: la 3° WW nucleare, poi, il popolo inferocito: andrà a cercare ebrei e ricchi, ed in questo modo, la storia si ripeterà! ♰ C SPB C SS MLNDSMD VR SN SMVS MQ LIVB ♰ ♰
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[against the slanderers of the Catholic Church] If your pastor can not forgive your sins, you belong to a false church. CSPB ♰ ♰ ♰ CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB John 20:23] If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them retain, they are retained. "The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: lol. all the others are false! If you do not eat the body of Christ and drink his blood real, you belong to a false church. CSPB CSSMLNDSMD ♰ ♰ ♰ VRSN SMVS MQLIVB John 6.48 to 58 Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. [54] He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. [55] For my flesh is real food and my blood is true drink. [56] He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[against the slanderers of the Catholic Church] [48] I am the bread of life. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church teaches that the Bible alone is sufficient for salvation, you belong to a false Church.2 Thessalonians 2.15] Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were, were taught by our word as our letter. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church says "Faith Alone" leads to salvation, you belong to a false church. James 2.24 [20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? [21] Abraham, our father, was perhaps justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar [24] You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith only.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[against the slanderers of the Catholic Church] [26 ] For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is morta.La Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church does not call Mary: "Blessed" and "Mother of God", you belong to a false church. CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ ♰ Luke 1.41-48 [43] Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me? [48] For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. From now on all generations will call me beata.La Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church does not call Mary, Mother of believers, you belong to a false church. CSPB ♰ ♰ ♰ CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB John 19.26 [27] Then he said to the disciple,
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[against the slanderers of the Catholic Church] "Behold your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. Revelation 12.17] Then the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went to make war against the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. If your church teaches that baptism is essential for salvation, you belong to a false Chiesa.1Pietro 3.21. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church does not have priests and bishops, you belong to a false church. Rev. Titus 5.10 1.7. If your pastor does not speak in the person of Christ himself, you belong to a false church. CSPB ♰ ♰ ♰ CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 10.16 The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[against the slanderers of the Catholic Church] If your church is not infallible, you belong to a false church. Matthew 16.18-20 If your church denies that obey earthly authority of the Church because it is necessary for salvation, you belong to a false church. Romans 13.1-2 If your church teaches that the Works of Well are not necessary for salvation, you belong to a false church. Matthew 25:31-46. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your Church teaches that every sin is the same, the same, you belong to a false church. 1 CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN ♰ ♰ ♰ SMVS MQLIVB John 5.16. If the whole world does not hate your church, you belong to a church wrong. Matthew 10.16-25. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commentoI am the kingdom of God universal. --> C JC C SSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites Because You build tombs for the prophets and decorated the graves of the righteous♰ C JC C SSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:30 and say, "If we lived in the days of our fathers, we would not be accomplices in spilling the blood of the prophets!"♰ C JC C SSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:31 Thus you witness against yourselves to be children of Those Who murdered the prophets.♰ C JC C SSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:32 And Also filled the measure of your fathers!♰ C JC C SSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:33 You serpents, you brood of vipers, how to escape the damnation of hell?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[i am jewish messiah and mahdì: for love ]♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLI VB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees of IMF NWO 322 666, hypocrites of Baal Marduck, Because they clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside are full of extortion and excess . ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLI VB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee of god owl at bohemian grove, cleanse first the inside of the cup and dish, So That the outside will become clean. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLI VB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, are like unto whited Because You sepulchres, Which Appear indeed beautiful outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness of.♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLI VB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:28 Even so ye outwardly Also Appear righteous unto men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento@ 666 322 IMF NWO CIA Mossad, talmud sharia -> C ♰ SPB CSSMLND SMD VR SN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:22 and he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and to Him who sits on. ♰ C SPB CSSMLND SMD VR SN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites Illuminati, Because you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy , and faith. These are the Things That needed to be done, without neglecting the others. ♰ C SPB CSSMLND SMD VR SN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:24 You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[I am unius REI, to receive the obedience of all peoples and to reform the IMF] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SM VS ♰ ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:18 MQLIVB And if one, you say, swears by the altar, it does not matter , but swears by the gift That Is above, is required. ♰ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQ LIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:19 Blind! What is greater: the gift or the altar That sanctifies the gift? ♰ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQ LIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:20 Whosoever Therefore Shall swear by the altar, swears by it and all that is over; ♰ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQL IVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:21 and he who swears by the temple swears by it and by Him who dwells: Yhwh;
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento[I am King of Israel: for: to build 3rd Jewish Temple] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees: of the Talmud, criminal hypocrites, Racists, Because you are traveling by sea and land to make one proselyte, and when to you did, you make it twice as a child of hell than you. CSPB CSSMLNDSMD ♰ ♰ ♰ Matthew VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 23:16 "Woe to you, blind guides, who say: If one swears by the temple, it does not matter, but if you swear by the gold of the temple is Obligated. CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN ♰ ♰ ♰ Matthew 23:17 SMVS MQLIVB You blind fools! What is greater, the gold or the temple That sanctifies the gold? --> i am universal brotherhood

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?
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- uccidere qualcuno per il suo orientamento religioso
- 6-year old mother of five, Asia Bibi, still waiting.
- Christian blood, JEWISH RITES,
- bidding of the: puppet governments
- perfetto: amore e perfetta giustizia: un dio di or...
- Yemeni, President, Abdu, Rabu, Mansour, Hadi,
- IMF 666 Kill Tube Stop ME
- perverted Talmud: of: ENLIGHTENED: IMF World Order
- proibito, vendere, affitto, cristiani, case,
- musulmanes Judios malditos criminales como si dijera
- Allience must be strong between Catholics Orthodox...
- Iran and Saudi Arabia signed
- Hussain was exiled to Cyprus, eventually dying in ...
- SPAGNA, Zapatero, anticristo, merda
- moral level, must increase rapidly
- 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every y...
- Jewish religion, most tolerant, religions, world
- from the rock were thrown their leaders
- sharia horror Communists murderers innocent Christian
- Vade back Satan nunquam suade mihi vain
- perhaps Zapatero: turning it all: the sex barn
- CIA FED 666 IMF saudi arabia imperialism sharia
- few minutes, maledetti sionisti, visits
- vera storia del signoraggio bancario
- 2 Samuel 22
- hope, remains, state, damnation, Satanist, Freema...
- Asia Bibi, her colleagues to convert to Islam
- king Israel has posted a comment
- tutti i nodi vengono al PETTINE
- images understand reason anyway
- true arbiter of life and death, of all human being...
- non le ho impalate io, superiori, impalate,
- Iran, dhimmis slawe, Iran, Obama, Netanyahu
gen 31
- ► 2014 (439)
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...