Synnek1: 18 hours ago: we do not forgive We do not forget ... [U.S. 666 are many legions of demons] - ANSWER - because, you cannibals, drink human blood: On the altar of Satan? Because you want to have in yourself, the same feelings of Satan, and then destroy: with human nature, also: all the effects of Christian baptism (compassion, justice, fairness). That's why, when you finish say: "Satanists are monsters" who are happy to be Recognized: in this way .. Because, well, they think they have Achieved: a superiority on the: human race: that is destined to be exterminated, and enslaved, this ambition has been Given to them by the Pharisees of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB. ie, project, alien abductions, reverse engineering, microchip technology secret U.S. military, Which is: NWO .. but, do you really think you can win against me: I'm not that asshole, of Saudi Arabia, King horror sharia Islamist Nazi fagot
synnek1: Satanism institutional, international: to do: 200,000: human sacrifice: every year: on altar of Satan: ie, IIlIIllIlII posted a comment, days ago: " i Kill 50000000 of you " --- ANSWER - in fact: they have control of the USA, because they are born out of the synagogue of Satan, which is the IMF: ECB FED: ie, the Masonic system, of all the false democracies Masonic of seigniorage banking, for the disintegration of Israel: and the annihilation of monotheism in the world! this is the era: of global slavery of the human race reduced to 200.million, which is, after World War III, nuclear... but I am not idiot crazy of King Saudi Arabia: sharia criminal terrorist
Synnek1 posted a comment 13 hours ago: We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! [WE ARE many legions] - ANSWER - because, you do cannibals, and drink human blood: on the altar of Satan? - ANSWER - because you want to have in you SAME, the same feelings of Satan, and then, at the same time, eliminate the effects of Christian baptism, and destroy LA human nature .. That's why, when you say: "Satanists are monsters!" they are happy to be recognized: in this way .. because, well, they think they have achieved superiority over the human race that is destined to be exterminated and enslaved! this ambition has been given to them by the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB: project aliens abductions, alien reverse engineering, microchip, American military technology secret, that is the NWO, etc. .. but, you really believe you can win against me? I'm not that asshole of the King Saudi Arabia sharia horror faggot
@ 666 Synnek1 - i hatred, these Satanists Italians: institutional stupid, that: they can never be: of real Satanists: to never being able to have them, a bionic body: for living in hyperspace, like you! all times: that: they are on this page? the whole collective body of the NWO: ie, the new tower of babel: masonic system for banking seigniorage, will suffer a lot, in Jesus's name .. because, I think is, IMF Rothschild, responsible for their presence! @666 Synnek1 -- odio, questi satanisti italiani: istituzionali stupidi, che: loro non potranno mai essere dei satanisti veri: per non poter mai avere loro, un corpo bionico: che vive nell'iperspazio: come voi! tutte le volte: che: loro vengono su questa pagina? tutto il corpo collettivo del NWO: cioè, la nuova torre di babele, dovrà soffrire molto.. perché, io ritengo Rothschild del FMI, responsabile per la loro presenza!
Synnek1 posted a comment 10 hours ago [we are a legion] We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! - @666 IMF Rothschild: 322 NWO Bush: Enlightened FED ECB --- I AM NOT A stock character IN your CAROUSEL OF YOUTUBE, because, I can kill you: all! @ 666 CIA synnek1 - if you disobey, to my will? and you go to the altar of Satan, next Sunday, to make the cannibals? I do miss: the day off, too, Also to your Obama! Therefore, you three: institutional Satanists of the CIA, you will be with me, on this page, always, every day, Because The Satanists: international institutional Italians? I can not bear, them: their own: they are too stupid!
Synnek1 has posted a comment: 7 hours ago: @ unius REI. We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! -- ANSWER - OK! by today, your day off, is canceled! you 3 Satanists institutional (Ihatenewlayout and kain) you will not have Saturday and Sunday free, never more: for to go:at your: human sacrifice: ie, cannibal on the altar of your Satan .. because: Satanists Italian institutional: make suck too: starting with: 1. witch to.(5olo: sorry: 5lol) malignant ierodula sacred, and: 2. 1wz1: that is, MassimoIlPetano (Nobility Patana! PETANIA FREE!) Madonnatroia100, which, I hope, they are all: sued by the Northern League! as: the Church Cattotlica has lost its dignity! and since it also: the Jewish community has lost its dignity on this video: ★ Happy Easter to all Jewish noses! ★: that is real anti-Semitism!
[the connivance and the enormous responsibilities of the Bank of Italy? are obvious! ] Mps, Alfano: "Ready to commission investigation." Grillo's "colossal theft, Bersani resign." The Secretary of the PDL on the scandal that has engulfed the Bank of Siena: "political responsibility is on the left." Hard M5S the leader but the leader of the Democratic Party, "in favor of the commission, to investigate also on derivatives." It calls into question Maroni Monti. Beppe Grillo is back, today to accuse, very hard, the Democratic Party.(a chasm international derivatives: covered, momentaneamente: with only 4 billion euro: stolen from the Italian people through the IMU! because we do not ask for money to Rothschild?)
[the connivance and the enormous responsibilities of the Bank of Italy? are obvious! ] The story of "Mps dwarfing not only Parmalat, but also the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. Behind this colossal looting, as it was then, it can be anything. Craxi, by comparison, stealing candy from children," writes leader M5S on his blog, calling for the immediate resignation of Pierluigi Bersani and insists that his entry into Parliament motion asking for the establishment of a commission of inquiry. (a chasm international derivatives: covered, momentaneamente: with only 4 billion euro: stolen from the Italian people through the IMU! because we do not ask for money to Rothschild?)
negazionismo idiota [/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2323&start=0] David Irving. è in carcere in Austria... ma, quel criminale io lo conosco... ho letto tutti i suoi libri, ho avuto anche una corrispondenza con lui... quell'uomo ha 70 anni... non ha ucciso, non ha rubato, non ha fatto violenza... ha solo scritto libri: e fatto ricerche storiche (come il sottoscritto)... ma è in galera. Vorrei che rifletteste un attimo su questa frase: "Ognuno ha diritto alla libertà di opinione: e di espressione, e alla ricerca scientifica, il che implica: il diritto di non essere molestati per le proprie opinioni: e quello di cercare, di ricevere e di diffondere, senza considerazione di frontiera, le informazioni e le idee: con qualsiasi mezzo di espressione li si faccia"(Dichiarazione internazionale dei Diritti dell'Uomo, adottata dall'Assemblea generale dell'ONU a Parigi il 10 dicembre 1948).
negazionismo idiota [/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2323&start=0] in alcuni stati della moderna e liberale europa (Germania, Francia, Austria, Svizzera e Turchia) esiste il reato d'opinione. Dimenticavo: quell'uomo si chiama David Irving... è in galera in Austria per aver scritto libri revisionisti: sulla seconda guerra mondiale e sull'olocausto... che fanno tutti i paladini della libertà di pensiero e di ricerca? Perché non si mobilitano anche solo in nome di Voltaire e del suo: "non condivido, ciò che dici, ma darei la vita perché tu possa dirlo"? mah..? tutto tace... a nessuno interessa... è questa la nostra libertà??? --ANSWER- OK! SE SI SCOPRISSE, chissà, che gli ebrei uccisi sono stati, 5,5, soltanto? cosa cambia? e che dei soldi: sono andati ad Israele: che, sta in prima fila a difendere la cosiddetta democrazia: dalla mostruosità islamica: che le sinistre stanno diffondendo nel mondo... cosa ci sarebbe di male, in tutto questo?
President Giorgio Napolitano said: "That's why, any hint of" revisionism or denial "must be combated by force, even though maimed, the bud to avoid new forms of anti-Semitism." - ANSWER - because you're afraid, of document historians of: scientific analysis, etc. .. why do you want to inhibit and intimidate: the scientific community? what truth you fear: so much, and you do not want that, it might come out? you are the real threat against: my Jewish people, and against: all the peoples of the world (all innocent and victims at the same time: of your banking system): you are, the true accomplice of the Masonic system: 1. banking seigniorage, 2. debt: public, 3. derivates titles: 4. debt: private; ecc.. all crimes aberrated: of Satanism ideological: robbed at all the constitutional prerogatives, which, have always required: innocent victims expiatory: that, is, the Shoah!
Presidente Giorgio Napolitano said: "Ecco perché, ogni accenno di «revisionismo o negazionismo» va combattuto con forza, anzi stroncato, sul nascere, per evitare nuove forme di antisemitismo." --ANSWER -- perché tu hai paura, di documeti storici, di: analisi scientifiche, ecc.. perché, tu vuoi inibire ed intimidire: la comunità scientifica? quale verità tu temi: così tanto, e non vuoi, che, essa possa venire fuori? tu sei la vera minaccia, contro: il mio popolo ebraico, e contro: tutti i popoli del mondo(tutti innocenti e vittime: allo stesso tempo: del tuo sistema bancario): tu sei: il vero complice del sistema massonico del: 1. signoraggio bancario, 2. debito: pubblico, 3. dedito: privato: crimini aberrati di satanismo: derubati alle prerogative costituzionali, che, sempre hanno richiesto: le vittime espiatorie: cioè la Shoah!
Napolitano: "Anti-Semitism abhorrent," Enough, "junk racist anti-Jewish" - ANSWER-and why do you think: against: every hint: of "revisionism or denial," to be fought: hard, indeed, "cut off: the bud" for avoid new forms of anti-Semitism? [your conclusion is aberrant] and why, you want to nip in the bud: every movement of "revisionism or denial" to make yourself an accomplice of the Pharisees of the IMF? because: the combination (criminal operation cultural) banking seigniorage: IMF, and Jews?: is an operation that only the Pharisees Illuminati: have always: had their interest: to do: to fill of hatred: all human race, to download the their crimes: against, my Jewish people, and thus to realize: their wars destructions, genocides, Shoah, etc. .. absolutely necessary to regenerate a new monetary cycle parasitic, you have against your consciousness, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, and the poet Ezra Pound! you have on your conscience the whole human race
but since, as you say, the Koran was dictated: by the Angel Gabriel, to someone, Muhammad which, of course, could not memorize it, immediately, all it,immediately .. therefore, Muhammad was the first traitor, for to go into hell .. he did not have to do write him: the Koran: during his lifetime?, and the Muslims are the first: however, that have commit apostasy and blasphemy: for doing burn: the first 4 copies: of the Koran (the originals): so who is: the criminal: who has wrote the Qur'an today, for to have doing: it corrupt?
MrB19dog: As I pointed out neither Matthew, Mark, Luke or Paul knew Jesus, as the gospels were written 300 years after, the death of Jesus. The Qu'ran was written during, the time of the prophet Muhammed.-ANSWER-- YOU ARE A TOTAL LIAR. Because you had confidence in teachers: Islamists liars .. This is why, Islam needs to be a terrorist, That kills the innocent Christian martyrs, Because Islam today: it has a mountain of lies to hide! is because Islam today: it has a mountain: of lies to hide! (2: of the: 4 gospels: were written by the Apostles: Matthew and John: eyewitnesses!, And the first 4 copies of the Koran: were burned: when the traitor of Muhammad had not do: committed him: to do write the Koran, but, however, he died like a dog to be descended into hell: for this: from the dome of the Rock: in Jerusalem: that: was conquered: by the Muslims: only: 8 years later his death) that's why, you are forced to be killers! you are worse than the Nazis!
[ is a shame, for all the world's religions, that God has sent into the world a political unius REI, to declare the truth of theology! ] [Jews - Muslims] when you finish see: as, I pray: in mosque: or synagogue, etc. .. ? you understand, only, then, That I am perfect, either: as a Muslim, Which, as jew, Hindu, etc.. .. etc.. .. then only, you understand, to experience by you, as, I am a creature unique in the history of mankind! In fact, I come from the Kingdom of God, where is been product: my being... [ is a shame, for all the world's religions, that God has sent into the world a political Unius REI, to declare the truth of theology! ]
rednck13: R: Daniels Timeline. said: No atheist :will enter heaven ([No! all good people enter!]). If only, 1. six of the tribes of Israel: and covered in the first covanent: Or: 2. only: if you Recognize the Sacrafice, for: the sin of the Son of God (Christian), Those who do not believe? sleep until their, second resurrection: and not: reign, with Jesus (this is ok!). John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (the Throne Room(for nature divine): is not heaven, or paradise) except, through me.
rednck13: R: Daniels Timeline. said: Matthew 10:32, Who, then, I acknowledge him before men, I also will acknowledge before: to my Father who is in heaven. 33. But anyone denies me: before men, too, will deny: before my Father which is in heaven. - Answer -: only, Satanists, Freemasons: sharia and Pharisees reject: Jesus in a formal way: in front: of men .. then, was not necessary, the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ: for to condemn the peoples, who, were already sentenced, for the original sin! then, all those, who, have not stepped(blasfemy) against: the cross?, and that there were bad person? they will all be saved: is why, Jesus of Bethlehem, is universal savior! as you said: the salvation of Jesus is not something religious!
rednck13 :R:Daniels Timeline. said: Nessun ateo entrerà heaven. Only Se sei dalla tribù di Israele: e coperto nella covanent: primo OR: Riconoscete la Sacrafice peccato del figlio di Dio (cristiano), Quelli che non credono? dormirà fino alla loro resurrezione: secondo: e non governare con Gesù . Giovanni 14:6 Gesù rispose: "Io sono la via, la verità e la vita. Nessuno viene al Padre: se non per mezzo di me. Matteo 10:32 Chi dunque mi riconoscerà davanti agli uomini, anch'io lo riconoscerò davanti: al Padre mio: che è nei cieli. 33. Ma chiunque mi rinnegherà: davanti agli uomini, anch'io lo rinnegherò: davanti al Padre mio che è nei cieli. - ANSWER -- ma, una cosa è andare dal Padre, cioè: entrare nella sala del Trono di Dio, e altra cosa: è entrare: soltanto: nel paradiso terrestre o celeste, perché: soltanto i satanisti e i massoni rinnegano Gesù: formalmente: davanti agli uomini
rednck13 2 days agoIt has been reported as spam Hide • Not Spam In his "Introduction" to The Nag Hammadi Library in Inglese, James Robinson Suggests That These codices: may have belonged to a nearby Pachomian monastery, and were buried after Bishop Athanasius condemned: the use of non-canonical books in his Festal Letter of 367 AD. This is why they are not in the Bible, they are false doctrine. rednck13 2 days agoIt has been reported as spam Hide • Not Spam In December Of That year, two Egyptian brothers found several papyri in a large earthenware vessel while digging: for fertilizer around the Jabal al-Tarif caves near present-day Hamra Dom in Upper Egypt. The find was not initially reported: by either of the brothers, who sought to make money: from the manuscripts by selling them individually at intervals
IMF is Baal, where are you: jew?] Tobi, 1.1. History of Tobit, son of Tòbiel, son of Anàniel, son of A'duel, son of Gabael, family A'siel, of the tribe of Naphtali. 5. All my relatives and the house of Naphtali my forefather, offered sacrifices to the calves (Baal) that Jeroboam king of Israel, @ My YHWH - the men "normal" are too cowardly and fearful, to support, my justice .. while, the Satanists, who are condemned to support my anger, were prepared as follows: to inhabit the fiery, in to despair of hell .. But I swear in the name of Jesus against: each, and: against, other: "I will do today: one slaughter, only! @ My JHWH -- hallelujah.. [Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, where: the IMF FED ECB, slew all them. Jew, which side are you? Make yourself worthy of your life! ] Elijah and the priests of Baal] 1 Kings 18
["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] /watch?v=XrV1DKDE8Zk .. Borghezio: "Misterioso Organismo influenza le decisioni della BCE?" Pubblicato in data 29/mar/2012. /pages/MARIO-BORGHEZIO-Official-Fan-Club/ Bruxelles, 29/3/2012 - Dichiarazione di voto - Mario Borghezio: chiede: alla Commissione Europea: e alla Bce: se: entrambe: non ritengano: di "approfondire il ruolo di tale: occulto organismo, del quale risultano: far parte alcuni influentissimi "gnomi" dell'alta finanza mondiale: e: la sua effettiva influenza: sulle decisioni della BCE, e, in particolare, su quelle relative: alla situazione finanziaria: di Paesi: come Grecia, Italia, Spagna e Francia". Borghezio: fa riferimento: alle "rivelazioni contenute: in un articolo: pubblicato: sul periodico universitario: della Columbia University: in data 06.02.2012, nel quale: sono riportate le dichiarazioni: svolte dal Premio Nobel per l'Economia: Joseph Stieglitz:
["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] di cui: è docente di economia, secondo il quale: le decisioni della BCE avverrebbero: secondo le direttive: di un organismo poco noto, denominato "International Swap and Derivatives Association" sono: a dir poco: preoccupanti". Nella sua interrogazione, Borghezio riporta integralmente: queste sorprendenti dichiarazioni: del Premio: Nobel Stieglitz in ordine: alle richieste fatte: a Italia e Spagna: e all'imposizione dei tagli: alla Grecia: ""..... the final oddity of the ECB's stance concerns democratic governance. Deciding whether a credit event has occurred is left to a secret committee: of the International Swaps: and Derivatives Association, an industry group that has a vested: interest in the outcome. If news reports are correct, some members of the committee have been using their position to promote more accommodative negotiating positions.
["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] But, it seems unconscionable that the ECB: would delegate to a secret committee: of self-interested market participants: the right to determine: what is an acceptable: debt restructuring. The one argument: that: seems -- at least superficially -- to put the public interest first is that an involuntary restructuring might lead to financial contagion, with large eurozone: economies: like Italy, Spain, and even France facing a sharp, and perhaps prohibitive, rise in borrowing costs ........ The ECB's behavior should not be surprising: as we have seen elsewhere, institutions: that: are not democratically accountable tend to be captured: by special interests. That was true before 2008; unfortunately for Europe -- and for the global economy -- the problem has not been adequately: addressed since then".
["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] In cauda venenum: al termine dell'interrogazione, Borghezio alza: il velo su un interessante e misterioso incontro: che, nella sua recente missione: a New York, il Premier Monti: ha avuto con un occulto personaggio, vero gnomo: dell'alta finanza mondialista, il Prof. Lim Teng Joon di Singapore: " questo è, in effetti, l'unico rappresentante 'italiano' (in quanto "targato" Unicredit) nel comitato direttivo dell'ISDA; ma, purtroppo, non è dato sapere: quali indicazioni abbia dato a Monti, visto che, la Presidenza del Consiglio non ha nemmeno ritenuto di dare notizia del riservatissimo incontro... Dulcis in fundo: lo gnomo di Singapore da anni lavora: per gli emiri di Dubai e, per circa: un quindicennio, ha rappresentato nel mondo finanziario gli interessi cinesi".
Goldman Sachs votes for the Pd: "Democratic Party". [MARIO-BORGHEZIO-Official-Fan-Club/132805396805113? Ref = tn_tnmn] In Italy the gold is purchased at: 33 € per gram, with a large investment in advertising, too, on all trams citizens .. of course, the rich know that the monetary system: it is forced to collapse, because it is full: of: derivatives: products, and therefore, they try desperately to convert: their money in gold, that: the people are forced to sell: a reason: for their despair! After all, the peoples, who are about to die, in a World War III?of Gold, does not need! @ Synnek1, if YHWH, we forget for a moment to love you, or Satan, so, in mode infinite? you will disintegrate, because only YHWH is alive, is Creator, only, he has the "BE!", we exist only for him! 1wz1: ie, massimoilpetano, madonnatroia100, etc. .. ie, Satanism international, institutional Italian ..
Goldman Sachs vota per il Pd.[MARIO-BORGHEZIO-Official-Fan-Club/132805396805113?ref=tn_tnmn] In Italy l'oro viene acquistato a: 33 euro al grammo, con un grande investimento, in pubblicità, anche, su tutti i tram cittadini.. certo, i ricchi sanno, che, il sistema monetario: è costretto a crollare, perché, è pieno di derivati, e quindi, cercano disperatamente, di convertire: il loro denaro in oro, che: il popolo è costretto a vendere: a motivo della sua disperazione! Dopotutto, ai popoli, che, stanno per morire: in una III guerra mondiale? L'oro non serve! @Synnek1, se JHWH, si dimentica un solo istante di amare te o satana, in maniera infinita? voi vi disintegrate: perché soltanto JHWH è vivo, soltanto lui ha l'ESSERE! 1wz1: ie, massimoilpetano, madonnatroia100, ecc.. cioè, il satanismo internazionale, istituzionale italiano..
IHateNEWLAYOUT 19 hours ago:" 666 I can not not be long I Online on weekend away I use my wife computed At hotel- ANSWER - When: Every Sunday, Satanists Americans IhateNewLayout, CrazXzie (kain) Synnek1, are cannibals, by altar of Satan? then, the Italian Satanists replace them on this page! [This is democracy (demon crazy) American: of the Pharisees IMF:for the destruction of Israel,ie, biblical monotheism!] rednck13 said: If Muslims do not accept the Lord Jesus: are lost- ANSWER-natural law of the Decalogue. can not be lost: its saving power! many evangelical pastors, they say, all those who do not can be saved: through: the covenant of the Cross, they could be saved, because of God's mercy. Jesus said"Whoever is not against me, he's always been for me!" I'm sitting on the same Throne of God, as David said: in Psalm 110
this is my anger against YHWH: 1. I do not want to do: unius REI! 2. is my fault, now, if life on this planet, will be extended for: another: 100 years, ending in about 300 years .. 3. but it's stronger than me .. I can not see the satanists: taking control of the planet and that they kill all Muslims (as is happening in Syria), because if it is true that: the King of Saudi Arabia is a piece of shit? However, it is also true that among Muslims there are too many good people! questa è la mia ira contro JHWH: 1. io non voglio fare Unius REI! 2. per colpa mia, la vita su questo pianeta, si prolungherà di altri 100 anni, concludendosi circa tra 300 anni.. 3. ma, è più forte di me.. io non posso vedere i satanisti: che prendono il controllo del pianeta: e che, loro uccidono tutti i musulmani(come sta avvenendo in Siria), perché, se è vero che: il Re dell'Arabia Saudita è un pezzo di merda? tuttavia, è anche vero: che, tra i musulmani ci sono anche troppe brave persone!
they are Satanists, and are superior to American Government: same! they have the artificial intelligence and aliens working with them! their goal is imperialism: to conquer the world to Satan, and: in fact, as demonstrated with me many times, they can see through: my eyes, also, they are: the "big brother" of the global control : Because the computer microchip transponder? is equal to one square millimeter, therefore, their power in the New World Order is already operational! they are the sons of the Pharisees of the IMF ... that is, Satanist and Freemasonry! You should study the scientist Giacinto Auriti, a great saint, who, will not ever be proclaimed a saint! but these monsters, I have them stopped: in a supernatural way! because: the Holy Spirit has granted: to me this victory. sure: 666 322 IMF: could continue: in their mad agenda, but the outcome would not be favorable to them
quello che: è stato: più sorprendente: per me: è stato considerare: come: io devo avere dei: cip: sui nervi ottici, e nei due "lobi": del mio cervello, perché, io sento dei fruscii(ultasuoni): ma, dalla intensità di questi fruscii, io posso capire: tante cose, circa: quello che: avviene nel mondo, è come se: loro hanno cercato di prendere il controllo: della mia mente(come hanno fatto: con tutti i politici) ed invece: io sono diventato: un cavallo di troia: nel loro sistema del NWO. inoltre: il mio petto: pelle: cuore: è stato: attraversato: da un lungo spillone, ed infatti, io ho percepito: il foro nel cuore: per un mese.. ma, tutto questo, ha fatto, portare alla disperazione: tutti i satanisti del NWO, perché: non riuscendo a prendere il controllo di me? loro hanno perso: anche: il controllo del genere umano! è arrivato il momento per JHWH, di ritornare! lol. ma se lui torna? io non so, quanti potranno rimanere in vita!
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 6 hours ago: "I can not be 666 Online. The long weekend away. on I use my wife: computed: At hotel" - ANSWER - THIS HOTEL? is the black mass, with human sacrifice to Satan! This is American democracy! In fact synnek1 and IHateNEWLAYOUT: Satan's voodoo priests are: of high level. ALSO, DO TO PAY, money, to PEOPLES (in total disregard: of the Constitution) IS A CRIME OF Cannibalism! [traitor of: youtube, all Peoples: sons of the Pharisees IMF, for destroy Israel] 666 international institutional Satanism CIA, ie, 1wz1 - I noticed your perfect Italian: Canal on: DXHJZG: another satanist: that, PRECISELY, DXHJZG: was quick to clear all your: and my comments ... 1wz1 - When: Sunday Satanists Americans IhateNewLayout and Synnek1, are doing cannibals? Satanists Italian replaced them!
Abu Antar SAID: I ask you because he was a real cannibal. He actually sacrificed people, innocent people even from his own villages. His troops would drink the blood and eat the flesh, then take their clothes off and get drunk or sometimes wear women's clothing and take their guns and fight. He said a demon told him if he did that he would be powerful. He now says he found Jesus and offers himself to be tried in the International Criminal Court. --- ANSWER -- is only satanic love of power.. Butt Naked, has done the same things that all Satanists are actually doing! but if it is came: the kingdom of unius REI, Butt Naked, like all other ex-criminals repent? will all have the amnesty! 1wz1 [traitor of youtube, and all Peoples: sons of pharisees IMF] 666 international institutional Satanism CIA, ie, 1wz1 - I noticed your perfect Italian: on Canal: of: DXHJZG: that is, an almost perfect satanist: like you: that, precisely, DXHJZG: was quick to clear all your: and my comments..
Butt Naked, he is repentant of his past life, and he is waiting for: to pay their bills: at the justice of men, a man who search, to persuade his people, to not do: attitudes: and bad behavior! but all this: highlights, as in reality behind the apparent institutional normality, all peoples are in anarchy, because, the banking seigniorage, to exploit the peoples, has made it too weak: and impotent, the politics! all inadequate institutions, but, to emerge from this crisis: economic, political, institutions, that: can bring: only: in the 3rd World War: it is necessary to: build global government: metaphysical, of unius REI: the KING of Israel .. because, all the governments of the world are free from blackmail, of satanic money,of Pharisees!
no! non esistono musulmani: ma, esistono:soltanto: ex-popolazioni cristiane sterminate, ecco perché: tutti i genitori dei musulmani? sono i cristiani, che, hanno subito il genocidio! ecco perché, l'Islam attuale: è soltanto: una forma di satanismo! dopo i farisei del FMI: e loro talmud? gli islamisti, sono la più grande minaccia: per la sopravvivenza del genere umano! entrambi: sono peggiori: del nazismo: stesso! [ed è importante per noi, arrivare a questa conclusione prima dell'agenda del FMI] gli alieni: non appartengono alla nostra dimensione: sono i demoni: a cui i Rochefeller: nel 1200: attraverso: la magia nera hanno dato un corpo geneticamente (Golem), quindi, chiunque incontra un alieno: ha il dovere di ucciderlo: immediatamente!
[[ La giornata della Memoria: di questo terribile: ed assurdo Shoah ]] ci deve ricordare: che: non è più possibile: di impostare: la politica: su presupposti idelogici: o religiosi.. perché: ritornare sulle stesse tragedie: può fare soltanto: l'interesse del satanismo: ideologico e pratico! e quindi: nessuno: può accusare: youtube e google: di diffondere il nazismo, e se questo sentimento: antiebraico: si è diffuso anche: in passato(quando non c'era youtube): la colpa è sempre: da vedere: nelle attività cospirative: della banca di Inghilterra, che: sono la istituzione moderna: e massonica: che: è rappresentata sulla piramide: con l'occhio onniveggente(lucifero), che è sul dollaro americano, ecco perché, è indispensabile separare: il popolo ebraico: dal FMI. Ma, questa: è una operazione culturalmente impossibile: da fare, almeno finché, questo satanico FMI: non venga definitivamente distrutto: e sostituito: da Unius REI!
[[ La giornata della Memoria ]] certamente, tutti noi: dobbiamo piangere: per le vittime del Nazifascismo, come: anche, per le vittime del comunismo, ecc.. e di ogni altra intolleranza, sessuale raziale, religiosa... come, anche, noi dobbiamo piangere: per le vittime, di tutte le false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario, che: ha portato tanti imprenditori: e padri di famiglia, a commettere il suicidio, perché, in tempo di recessione: è impossibile poeter pagare un mutuo ipotecario.. questa è la realtà: 1. comprare il denaro da Rothschild FMI(signoraggio bancario): è la condizione dello schiavo: 2. pagare l'interesse(debito: pubblico):(debito: privato) è la condizione del servo della gleba! questa è la verità: i veri satanisti e nazisti: sono i farisei del Talmud, cioè, il FMI FED BCE: che sono il NWO, dei Savi anziani di Sion: per la distruzione dello stato di Israele: e per la riduzione in schiavitù: di tutto il genere umano
[[ La giornata della Memoria ]] RaiNews24 - Oggi, 'Giorno della memoria', l'Italia e il mondo: ricordano l'Olocausto, tutte le vittime del nazifascismo. Questa tragedia umana: non è senza precedenti [[vedi, i cudi gli armeni, e tutti gli innocenti popoli cristiani che sono stati sterminati da quei satanisti di maomettani]]! ma, i veri mandanti, della Shoah, sono gli ebrei del FMI: i criminali internazionali: i massoni del signoraggio bancario, e dei loro poteri occulti, che, manipolano non soltanto, le economie, e la politica, ma, anche i libri di storia(per cui si parla, continuamente, di revisionismo storico)! ma, se lo staf di youtube, facesse una censura ulteriore(a quella che: è già fatta: attraverso, la chiusura di siti e di video) è allora, che, anche loro: sarebbero i razzisti: e i nazisti, che, non rispettano la libertà di parola!
rednck13 Daniels Timeline ---: After the Resurrection, Satan has been bound in the pit: for 1000 years(time of Church), through the merits of Jesus Christ is the our rabbi, we are: all brothers now, with only one teacher (Unius REI). Satan will always be linked: until the Church is holy! but, through: modernism, Freemasonry, evolution, naturalism, etc. .. soon, the Church will be destroyed, in its transcendent function, and hence, Satan will be released again: from, its cage underground .. but this his release, however, is impossible during the time of my life because I am Unius REI! a father to all peoples: like Melchisedek and Abram
Synnek1 posted a comment 32 minutes ago [proyect aliens abductions 666] for do 200.000: human sacrifice on altar of satan: every year: said: " @ JewsxMessiahUniusRei: EVERYBODY HATES YOU! - ANSWER - who can do a rebellion against our Creator? you can not, I can not! kytekuttertv said: Roman Empire Rules Today Pt 1 (Full Length) - Answer - no! are Masons, who have stolen the Christian symbols, such as the Pharisees have stolen Jewish symbols, but, Masons and Pharisees? they are, the real Satanists IMF NWO, who stole the bankING seigniorage: to spread the Satanism! AND DESTROY ISRAEL: NEW SHOAH, and do one only: slavery: on all the world
rednck13 Daniels Timeline said: 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Because the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a command: high voice, the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God (the final judgment), and the dead in Christ (second resurrection: ie, for: the Body of the Bride: all Christians, that, are not "born again") rise: after (after: rise too: all the men of "good will" atheists, all the right people, etc. ..) after that, we who are still alive: and they were: we shall be caught up (before the great tribulation, Before, of the Antichrist, and his zombies, will be revealed) together, with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so, we will be always, with the Lord. So: one: substantiated,the others: with: these words.
rednck13 Daniels Timeline said: 1 Corinthians 15:51. But let me tell you a wonderful secret. Not all sleep, but we shall all be changed! It will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those: that: are dead will be raised to live forever. And we who are living: also be transformed: For this corruptible body: you put on the imperishable, and this mortal body: must put on immortality. "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire (disintegration). This is the second death (disintegration) .. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 'Revelation 20:14,15. "Blessed and holy is he that has part of it: in the first resurrection: is why, on that person, the second death has no power." Revelation 20:6-- If Satan could? he would have disintegrated itself immediately!
rednck13:Daniels Timeline said: 1 Tessalonicesi 4:16. Perché il Signore stesso: scenderà dal cielo, con un comando: ad alta voce, con voce d'arcangelo: e con la tromba di Dio(è il giudizio universale definitivo), ei morti in Cristo(seconda risurezione: per il Corpo della Sposa: tutti i cristiani non "nati di nuovo") risusciteranno: i primi.(dopo: risorgeranno anche: tutti gli uomini di "buona volontà": atei, tutti gli uomini giusti, ecc..) Dopo di che, noi che siamo ancora vivi: e sono rimasti: noi saremo rapiti(prima, della grande tribolazione, pria che l'Anticristo e i suoi zombie saranno rivelati) insieme con loro, sulle nuvole, a incontrare il Signore nell'aria. E così, noi saremo sempre: con il Signore. Dunque: gli uni: confortate, gli altri: con: queste parole.
rednck13:Daniels Timeline said: 1 Corinzi 15:51. Ma lascia che rivelarvi un segreto meraviglioso. Non tutti moriremo, ma tutti saremo trasformati! Accadrà, in un momento, in un batter d'occhio, quando l'ultima tromba: è bruciato. Infatti, quando la tromba suona, quelli :che: sono morti: sarà portato a vivere per sempre. E noi che siamo vivere: anche essere trasformato: Per questo corpo corruttibile: si vesta di incorruttibilità: e questo corpo mortale: si vesta di immortalità. "E la morte e l'Ades furono gettati nello stagno di fuoco(la disintegrazione). Questa è la seconda morte(la disintegrazione). . E se qualcuno, non fu trovato scritto nel libro della vita, fu gettato nello stagno di fuoco." Apocalisse 20:14,15. "Beato e santo è colui che, ha la sua parte: alla prima risurrezione: is why, su tale persona, la seconda morte, non ha potere." Apocalisse 20:6
I understand your feelings for the church. I will never forget when the Pope kissed the quran, while Buhda sat on the alter. Revelation 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries." Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; -- ANSWER- The Antichrist will be a European politician, as Zapatero, because the "sphere of redemption" view from Veronica Lueken NY, in addition to murder, of: 50% of the human race, will disintegrate completely the USA: in reality are the USA: "the great whore". he Catholic church can not have all those sins
in this way: the god of Synnek1: IhateNewLayout, 666 Baal, 322: JaBullOn, NWO, Sharia, Communism, 666 IMF, etc. .. ie, Lucifer: father of the whole synagogue of Satan ... is not he lost: himself, because he refused to worship the perfect Jesus (real man), Christ (the Word: the Word, the true God), because Lucifer did not have: the horror: against, the perfect Christ Jesus, who, however, could have: the horror: against, that, piece of shit, that, I am (because, Lucifer saw me at the center of the throne of God), because this was the will of God: "all the angels: they to worship: all men! "but Lucifer, in his angelic perfection, he could not accept: a thing like this: here's why: he became Satan, here's why: he fell into hell shit! here's why: his instinct is to ruin: all men, through, all his lies!
in questo modo: il dio di Synnek1: IhateNewLayout, 666: Baal, 322: JaBullOn, NWO, Sharia, Comunismo, 666 FMI, ecc.. cioè, lucifero: padre di tutta la sinagoga di satana, ... non è lui, andato perduto, perché, ha rifiutato di adorare il perfetto: Gesù(vero uomo), Cristo(il Verbo: la Parola: il vero Dio), perché: Lucifero non aveva: quel ribrezzo: contro, il perfetto: Cristo Gesù: che, invece, poteva avere: contro, quel pezzo di merda, che, io sono(perché, lucifero vedeva me, al centro del Trono di Dio), perché, questa era la volontà di Dio: "tutti gli angeli: avrebbero dovuto adorare: tutti gli uomini!" ma, lucifero, nella sua perfezione angelica, lui non poteva accettare: una cosa del genere: ecco perché: è diventato satana: ecco perché: lui è caduto nella merda dell'inferno! ecco perché: il suo istinto: è quello di rovinare: tutti gli uomini: attraverso, tutte le sue menzogne!
rednck13:Daniels Timeline.-This was all planed before, man exsisted. God decrees, the command, then, it happens. John 5-39. You study[c] the Scriptures diligently, because, you think that in them, you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures, that, testify, about me, 40. yet you refuse to come to me to have life. 45. "But ,do not think, I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. 46. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" --ANSWER -- even if God, in his infinite humility, he put me: unius REI, the center:of his throne?, I'm always, one of the most miserable creatures! I am only a minister of God, sinner, like all of you.
rednck13:Daniels Timeline --- This was all planed before man exsisted. God decrees the command then it happens. Genesis 49:9. You are a lion's cub, O Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness--who dares to rouse him? The scepter will not depart from Judah(Jesus Christ: and his UNIUS REI), nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes(UNIUS REI), to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his. -- ANSWER --This is when the Kingdom: it will be done in a definitive way, in every creature, because Christ is the sense of all creative work questo è: quando il Regno: sarà compiuto in modo definitivo, in ogni creatura, perché, è Cristo il senso di ogni opera creativa
rednck13 Daniels Timeline - said: Revelation 12:10. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven,: said. "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ (RISUREZIONE), for the accuser of our brothers, the one who accuses them before our God day and night, has been cast down: they have won (tHE TRUE CHURCH, nOT, THIS heretical, MASONIC of: VATICAN II) by the blood of the Lamb: and: thanks: to the testimony: of their martyrdom. because: they did not love: their lives, so as to escape the death (martyrdom) Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil is come down unto you (at time: of SIN ORIGINAL!) he is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. "- ANSWER - THIS tIME MEASUREMENT? NOT A MEASURE HUMAN: is not time human!
rednck13 :Daniels Timeline --said: Apocalisse 12:10. Allora, io udii una gran voce: nel cielo, che: diceva:. "Ora è venuta la salvezza: e la potenza e il regno del nostro Dio: e la potenza del suo Cristo(RISUREZIONE), Per, l'accusatore dei nostri fratelli, colui che, li accusava davanti al nostro Dio: giorno e notte, è stato gettato giù: lo hanno vinto(LA VERA CHIESA, NON QUELLA ERETICA, E MASSONICA DEL VATICANO II): per mezzo del sangue dell'Agnello: e: grazie: alla testimonianza: del loro martirio,. perché, non hanno amato: la loro vita, tanto da sottrarsi, alla morte(martirio), Perciò rallegratevi, o cieli, e voi che abitate in loro! Ma, guai alla terra, e al mare, perché, il diavolo è precipitato sopra di voi(È IL PECCATO ORIGINALE)! egli è pieno di furore, perché, sa che il suo tempo: è breve. " -- ANSWER-- QUESTA MISURA DEL TEMPO? NON È UNA MISURA UMANA!
Revelation 3:21, To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit: with me on my throne, as. I have passed: and sat down with my Father on his throne - ANSWER - IN this way, are all those: that: belong to the Body of the Bridegroom, because: they are Christians, "born again" to overcome religion, and to enter into direct relationship, with God. they can enter the heart of Jesus Christ: through the wound of His side: to sit in Christ, even to them on the Throne of God, that is, to my right, because I am: unius REI, who: David: call: in psalm: 110:, "says the Lord unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand until: I do not have place: all your enemies as a stool:of your feet." in truth, that I have seen through my metaphysics, in the church: there is more virtue in the Jewish people, of someone might imagine, then, are other, 322, 666, IMF, NWO: aliens abductions agenda: micro-chip, the criminals, who, have took, control occult: of the West
Apocalisse 3:21 A chi vince, io darò il diritto di sedere: con me sul mio trono, come. io ho superato: e si sedette: con il Padre mio: sul suo trono -- ANSWER -- IN questo modo, sono tutti coloro: che: appartengono al Corpo dello Sposo, perché: sono i cristiani: "nati di nuovo", per superare la religione e per entrare nella relazione diretta, con Dio.. loro possono entrare nel cuore di Geù, attraverso, la ferita del suo costato: per sedere in Cristo: anche loro: sul Trono di Dio, cioè, alla mia destra, perché, io sono: Unius REI, colui che: Davide chiamava: nel salmo 110: "dice, il Signore: al mio Signore: siedi alla mia destra, finché: io non abbia posto: tutti i tuoi nemici: come sgabello: dei tuoi piedi". in verità, questo io ho visto, attraverso, la mia metafisica, in chiesa: c'è molta più virtù, nel popolo ebraico, di quanto, qualcuno, potrebbe immaginare, quindi, sono altri, 322, 666, i criminali, che, hanno preso il controllo dell'Occidente
[This is the fullness of Revelation! this is theology! ] Revelation 20:6. Blessed and holy: those who participated: in the first resurrection. (These are the ones, that they belong: in the body of the Bridegroom: Christ, and have the right to rise up: resurrection, yes: already, at the time of their death) .. but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years (this is the time of the Church) and is running out, because the Catholic Church has become a prostitute, and also, all religions together, to her, is why, they all are in silence, and then covering up: the crime of satanism: of: Baal Peor: pharisee, banking seigniorage, which is why, Satan, could, again, be released from the abyss, and, satan, was close to his release, but, it can not be done: because of me: unius REI
[ questa è la pienezza della Rivelazione! questa è la teologia! ] Apocalisse 20:6. Beati e santi: sono coloro che hanno partecipato: alla prima risurrezione. ( questi sono coloro: che appartengono: al Corpo dello Sposo: ed hanno diritto a risorgere, già: nel momento della loro morte ).. ma saranno sacerdoti di Dio: e di Cristo e regneranno con lui: per mille anni(questo è il tempo della Chiesa) e sta per scadere, perché la Chiesa Cattolica è diventata prostituta: insieme a tutte le religioni tacendo e quindi occultando il crimine di signoraggio bancario, ecco perché, satana, potrebbe, nuovamente, essere liberato dagli abissi, ma, questa sua liberazione che era prossima, non può più essere realizzata: a motivo di me: Unius REI
[LAMPADA PER I MIEI PASSI: è la Tua Parola, luce sul mio cammino!] tra 15 minuti? io sarò sull'altare: perché io sono ACCOLITO! [] Apocalisse 20:6. Beati e santi: sono coloro: che: hanno partecipato alla prima risurrezione(quando il ministro di Dio, o il martire, muoiono? hanno già la loro personale prima risurrezione). La seconda morte(cioè, la disintegrazione dell'inferno) non ha potere su di loro(perché sono già stati fatti immortali: trasfigurati nella pienezza del Crsito), ma saranno sacerdoti di Dio e di Cristo: e regneranno con lui: per mille anni(cioè il tempo della Chiesa, ecco perché, noi cattolici possiamo vedere: ed essere aiutati dai nostri santi, perché, sono vivi). Apocalisse 2:26. A chi vince: e: fa la mia volontà fino alla fine, darò autorità: sopra le nazioni(Santi e Martiri)[questo è il corpo della sposa].
[LAMPADA PER I MIEI PASSI: è la Tua Parola, luce sul mio cammino!] tra 15 minuti? io sarò sull'altare: perché, io sono ACCOLITO! [] Apocalisse 3:21, A chi vince, darò il diritto di sedere con me, sul mio trono(Unius REI), come, io ho superato, e si sedette, con il Padre mio, sul suo trono [cioè, partecipare al Corpo dello Sposo, e quindi, di essere nel Corpo di Cristo]
Rothschild IMF: Pharisees of shit: Neturei Karta to destroy Israel: 666 ECB FED NWO 322: satanism international and institutional -- because the notes of the "Copyright Notice": "Your video is blocked in some countries." about the best Christian gospel songs is always outside: Germany? this is obvious! 666 IMF god owl at bohemin grove: have decided to have spread the Satanism: in Germany! because the notes of the "Copyright Notice": "Your video is blocked in some countries." about the best gospel songs Christian is always outside Germany? this is obvious! have decided to spread the Satanism in Germany! Daniels Timeline: U.S. Government: owl at bohemian grove gods, TALMUD 666 IMF 322 NWO CIA, Plan for mass vaccination against Religion WHAT THE HELL?? Leaked Pentagon Tapes Shows U.S. Government's Plan For Mass Vaccination Against RELIGION!? I can not be against religion! but, religions should not be bad against: the free will of the people!
His Holiness Benedict XVI [VATICAN - Unius REI] you can not preach the Gospel: from inside the brothel DELL'INCIUCIO Masonic: of all the false democracies of the banking seigniorage! YOUR SILENCE, and YOUR Omerta: together: the silence of all other religions? is treason, against: the Kingdom of God. you have emptied, the Church of his transcendent aspect and charismatic, because the bank seigniorage: of the Pharisees of the Talmud: Neturei Karta: IMF FED ECB: to destroy Israel? before a crime is constitutional, is Satanism ideological and practical! you destroyed 2000 years of Christianity! synnek1 666 1wz1 - and what: your satan creature fall in the shit, as, he could be better than our Creator?
synnek1: international institutional Satanism: voodoo: projects: aliens abductions: CIA MOSSAD 666 IMF, ECB 322: FED, Pharisees of shit: owl of Baal, at bohemian grove, IIlIIllIlII posted a comment 3 hours ago: "i kill 50 million of you." IIlIIllIlII posted a comment 2 hours ago ④ JewsxMessiahUniusRei sub sub? - answer - synnek1 666 --- The IMF Already have crushed your head snake 66: under my foot! my friend: rednck13 said: 20 million: STILL OF CHRISTIAN MARTYRS: BY THE END OF THE WORLD? is just a nuclear bomb: in one city. could happen at any moment .. - ANSWER - I know, it could happen: even very early, as I hope
rednck13 Re:anche io sono impegnato come te a favore dei martiri cristiani.. Queste cose devono accadere. Io vi dico presto Cristo ritornerà come il Leone di Giuda e queste persone non ci sarà più. Ap 6:9 Quando l'Agnello aprì il quinto sigillo, vidi sotto l'altare le anime di coloro che furono immolati a causa della parola di Dio, e per la testimonianza che gli avevano resa. Ap 6:10 E gridarono a gran voce, dicendo: Fino a quando, o Signore santo e verace, non fai tu giudicio e non vendichi il nostro sangue su quelli che abitano sopra la terra? Ap 6:11 veste bianca è stata data a ciascuno di loro, e fu loro detto che si riposassero ancora per un breve periodo, fino a quando i loro compagni di servizio e dei loro fratelli, che devono essere uccisi come fossero, dovrebbero essere soddisfatte. -- ANSWER -- si! oggi i martiri cristiani sono 100. milioni, ma, è necessario che il loro numero deve diventare 120.milioni
rednck13 Re: Daniels Timeline - said: After the Resurrection, before Satan is bound in the grave: for 1000 years because of rules: time of Jesus Jesus is the rabbi we only are we: all brothers now, with a teacher. - -- Answer --- no! Satan will always be linked: because of the TRUE Church! but, through: modernism, Freemasonry, evolution, naturalism, etc. .. soon, the Church will be FALSE and destroyed: its: function: transcendent, and therefore: Satan will be released again: from its cage underground into the hell .. but this his release, however, is impossible during the time of my life, because, I am Unius REI! but, without Satan, the Pharisees of the IMF CIA MOSSAD FED ECB ... etc. .. they are doomed to be massacred! because I did lose their supernatural protection
rednck13 Re: R:Daniels Timeline -- said: Dopo la Resurrezione, prima Satana: è legato nella fossa: per 1000 anni: a causa delle norme: di tempo di Gesù. Gesù è il rabbino: noi solo siamo: tutti fratelli: ora, con un insegnante. -- answer -- no! satana sarà sempre legato: a motivo della VERA Chiesa! ma, attraverso: il modernismo, la massoneria, evoluzionismo, naturalismo, ecc.. presto la Chiesa sarà FALSA e distrutta: nella sua: funzione: trascendente, e quindi: satana potrà essere nuovamente liberato: dalla sua prigione: sotterranea.. ma, questa sua liberazione: comunque, è impossibile: durante il tempo della mia vita: perché: io sono Unius REI! ma, senza satana: i FMI CIA MOSSAD farisei del FED ECB ... ecc.. loro sono condannati ad essere tutti massacrati! perché io ho fatto perdere loro la protezione soprannaturale
@rednck13 : --- YOU FOLLOW THE PROPHETIC SCHOOL OF PROTESTANT! but St. Augustine does not believe in millennialism (here: 1000 years are the time: symbolic: of the Church), and since, the power of Christ: is an absolute power? then, Satan would never come after him! [the first resurrection] is given by the death of his saints: that: they do not need to wait for the last judgment, like all the others! Unius REI is the King of Kings, then Satan could return only after his reign .. That's why, the Satanists are the first concerned with the rise of my kingdom .. because in this time of darkness, the truth of the story may be raised only indirectly, ie, studying the reactions of Satanists! now, the Satanists are afraid of me, and not the Churches! @ 322 synnek1 666 IMF. --- I have already crushed your snake head under my foot!
IMF FED Sharia, 666 322 - ok! if you be good? that mankind can last another 300 years or so .. but, if you disobey to me? for my friend,rednck13, everything is going to end very quickly more, and this I think .. rednck13, he's right! In fact the micro-chip 666, is already operational IMF FED Sharia, 666 322 -- ANSWER -- I have distributed millions of exorcisms of the fifth century St. Benedict, patron of Europe, in the last 5 years! so many aliens are dead! [MENE Techel PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons: made by yourself." and it is because of their dead, and of all their tribulations that all the enemies of the cross, have learned to be afraid of me!
user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1 /// SATANISM INSTITUTIONAL INTERNATIONAL.. [Reverse engineering ALIEN: THE AI: [Artificial Intelligence: micro-chip poyect] Big Brother: New World Order, global occult control] synnek1 666 CIA IMF FED: ie, IIlIIllIlII posted a comment: "Kill 50000000 of you" --- ANSWER --- for some, may be the martyrdom Their only hope of salvation .. in this way, you can enrich the glory of the Kingdom of God ... 666 322 cannibal zombies IMF pharisee @Synnek1 -- but you can not know what my metaphysics, can do against you .. Glory to God forever! Creator, to our wonderful Creator, God be all the praise .. Shame on us for our sins, and to Him all the glory. I has done wrong to the All Those criminals, who toppled the cross [MENE Techel PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself." You are all lost! "Luke19.27, by ★: ★ ♰ ♰ Rei Unius King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi
@ rednck13 - [yes! God knows the future, however, he wants to be help: both, is from friends, as enemies: for: the precise determination: of end-time] 1. in Revelation are talking about: 1. giant hail 2. of nuclear World War III! 3. a giant asteroid such as the Gulf of Mexico, which completely destroys the U.S., which are definitely fallen under the control of the Masonic and Satanic, 4. IMF, 666 micro-chip, made compulsory by the destruction of cash, 5.mutant insects, earthquakes, tidal waves. 6.construction and desecration of the Jewish Temple III., Etc. .. so why all these events should take place at least 100 years are still needed! but, will be: the 100 years, more: scariest of all the history of mankind .. and I do not believe that this, may be wanted by someone!
rednck13 :Daniels Timeline .. said: To be sure about the prophecies we can only wait until they are fulfilled. The microchip is a possibility BUT that would need to go through the United Nations to be world wide--But if they make a one world currency it could be the only form of payment accepted in the world. Revelation 13:17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name there is also the fact that it can be argued that the mark of the beast was written in Arabic and 666 actually reads "In the name of Allah" knowing that some prophecies have double fulfillments , I dont know.
Margaret McDonald, stood up one Sunday in the "Church of Scotland" and told of a dream she had claiming that the Lord would come back, not once but twice: first in secret before the tribulation starts to get all the believers; and then for a second time after tribulation. This spread like a grass fire with the help of Edward Irving (Minister of the Church of Scotland until he was dismissed in 1832, only to form the Catholic Apostolic Church) and with the help of John Darby (a pioneer of the Plymouth Brethren). Today the pre-tribulation rapture it is accepted as the absolute undisputed truth in most, if not all, of the Christian Community, who most likely do not even know the truth about its origin. Again, check it out for yourself.
Consider the Jubilee years (one Jubilee = 50 yrs). God said in Genesis that He would not strive with man forever because he is yet flesh, saying that man's days shall be 120 years. (One Jubilee X 120 Jubilees = 6000 years). From Adam (around 4000BC) to the present day (2000 AD) also equals 6000 years. God told us in Psalms and in Peter that one day is as 1000-yrs. God creating everything in six days and resting on the seventh day, it is the same as to say, after six-1000 year days (or 6000yrs), He will also rest on the 7th-1000 year day (1000yrs), called the Millennium Rest. This report is only the tip of the iceberg .
Many times God works and speaks through His creation, prophets, and even enemies to perform His will. One perfect example is when God hardened Pharaoh's heart that He might judge Egypt. He used Pharaoh that He might perform many miracles when He brought the children of Israel out with a high hand. It is no different today; God still works through any of His creation in which He chooses to perform His will. As written in Daniel 9:25, the spoken commandment starts the 70yr count. Using the United Nations (no matter whether they are an enemy or not), that verse was fulfilled of God on November 29, 1947 (UN Resolution No. 181) purposing the fig tree nation, Israel, to be restored as a nation again which came to pass in 1948. Matthew 24:32-34 Now learn a parable of the fig tree (Israel) Now just fill in the years:
Now that we have the whole Daniel "week" prophecies plotted in a chart form, all that is necessary now is to discern what the starting point is. Yeshua referred to Daniel concerning the latter days. He said when we see the abomination of spoken by Daniel, for those who are in Judea to flee into the mounts, for then shall be great tribulation. Matthew 24:15-16 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Matthew 24:20-21 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be
maria610421 Commento sul tuo video: Israel belongs to the Rothschilds grove abduction 666 micro chip 322 IMF FMI They said the Devil will rise through politics, and Rothschilds rose and he is a Devil, and Rockerfeller is a Devil he rose in America & Rothschilds rose in Europe through Banking, fund and support wars & the massacre of the Jews for profit, why because they are Illuminati, wolves in sheep clothing. --- YES ARE PHARISEE OF TALMUD
A Brief Explanation Of The Term 100-fold. Yeshua taught about 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold (Mat 13:8). The next paragraph covers just a few examples explaining a study that will be posted on this website at a later date. Some brought forth fruit, some 30-fold and some 60-fold and some 100-fold. This is the same as to say: Fruit (30-fold), More Fruit (60-fold) and Much Fruit (100-fold). Another is being baptized with Water (30), with the Holy Ghost (60), and with Fire (100-fold). Also we see the same pattern in the good (30), acceptable (60), and perfect (100-fold) will of the Father being done. A major example is the Tabernacle itself: the outer court (30), the inner court (60) and the Holy of Holies (100-fold). There are many such examples of these same degrees of fulfillment in prophecy as well, thus the multi-layered fulfillment of Dan 9:25.
Thomas Campbell Commento sul tuo video: Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk Who else is on Obama_s Secret No you are the ANTICHRIST and not the real Christ !!!! Jesus is the Christ and NOT YOU !!!! Get real !! --ANSWER -- I never said to be Christ! I am his lay minister! and everyone knows that the Antichrist, he denies Christ. but the Jews have a right to hope! because the Pope said, there is a way to read the Hebrew Old Testament, which has not lost its legitimacy! non ho mai detto di essere Cristo! io sono un suo ministro laico! e tutti sanno che l'Anticristo, lui nega Cristo. ma, anche gli ebrei hanno diritto alla speranza! perché il Papa ha detto, che esiste un modo ebraico di leggere l'Antico Testamento, che non ha perso la sua legittimità!
rednck13: SAID: Daniels Timeline: Let me know if you can find any scriptural faults in these teachings. Thanks. God Bless. Daniels Timeline - Full Version /watch?v=Rj6JY40uyTc&feature=related pt4. /watch?v=VUk6mKotx0c&feature=relmfu pt5. /watch?v=Fwnxm-7W8n4&feature=relmfu -- ANSWER -- sorry I do not understand the English spoken .. so it would be very difficult for me to study: several days .. maybe one day I will be able to respond, but not immediately
Thomas Campbell Commento sul tuo video: Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk Who else is on Obama_s Secret I am an Gentile who 100 percent believes in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior !!! If the Jews would of not killed Jesus back then that we would of had Jesus ruling now and its because of the Monetary system of those days as well that played a major part in killing Jesus in the first place !!! -- ANSWER -- I AM JESUS RULING, IN MODE POLITICAL, IS WHY, I AM UNIUS REI THE KINGDOM OF GOD, IN WAY POLITICAL, In fact, I am the refreshment of monetary sovereignty to all peoples
Thomas Campbell Commento sul tuo video: Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk Who else is on Obama_s Secret I am an Gentile who 100 percent believes in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior !!! If the Jews would of not killed Jesus back then that we would of had Jesus ruling now and its because of the Monetary system of those days as well that played a major part in killing Jesus in the first place !!! -- ANSWER -- I AM JESUS RULING, IN MODE POLITICAL, IS WHY, I AM UNIUS REI THE KINGODOM OF GOD, IN WAY POLITICAL, In fact, I am the refreshment of monetary sovereignty to all peoples
rednck13 Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Daniels Timeline Muslims have a problem The Quran states that Jesus was a messenger of Allah Surah 19 Jesus began preaching Islamic theology the moment he was born. The Quran states that Allah deceived people into believing that Jesus died on the cross"For of a surety they killed him not" The Quran states that Allah helped spread Christianity.the quran states God and Jesus conspired to create a false religion based on a faked resurrection.Mohammed is saying Jesus and God are liars
rednck13 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Daniels Timeline Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri wrote the identity of the Messiah and left instructions to open the note a year after his death. He also said that Jesus would return soon after the death of Ariel Sharone / watch? v = nXGDfOgmlnk - ANSWER - in fact, this is not an error, even the Apostles believed that the return of Jesus, had to be imminent .. because the communion of Jesus cancels the perception of time! but if people accept my political Ministry, there will be another 300 years .. otherwise, there will be: another 200 years or so, only!
rednck13 Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Daniels Timeline said: I read the Bible many times when I was younger than, well you know. I came back into my faith by debating Muslims on line. At first it was because I hated their lies. But as I understood my own faith better I learned that I am not allowed to hate them. But I can hate their religion and if I help them to understand the truth that is good for the Lord and it is good for me. Jews are a branch of the olive tree, Christians (gentiles) are grafted in the tree. The Jews must be grafted back into the tree. The truth is Jews must be more like Christians and Christians must be more like Jews. Just like we both are trying to do.
rednck13 --- even the religion of the Muslims, is to love! because all the fruit may contain toxins, but, also, all fruits can be purified! so everything can be improved: through: our love Hebrew! after all, how many Christians in the world: have ascended above: their religion? to be entered: in the divine nature of God, in their, as we do? so, even most Christians are like everyone else ... until, remain bound, prisoners of their religion, they will never have true: relationship with God. who does not make the journey with God that Abraham did? has actually wasted his life!
rednck13 - the problem of truth: it is not that: it is not known, but it is only one: that is not loved .. lol. how many: verses of the Gospel: we the two of us: we hide as cowards? lol. so, all creatures know: in their heart that Jesus Christ is God. only that, they are not yet ready: to be martyred! but, I am a political way universal: for the salvation of the soul: that I am the natural law: universal, that is, the Ten Commandments .. This can be understood by all.. il problema della verità: non è quella che: non è conosciuta, ma, è soltanto quella: che, non è amata.. lol. da quanti versetti del Vangelo: noi due: come vigliacchi ci nascondiamo? lol. così, tutte le creature sanno: nel loro cuore: che: Gesù Cristo è Dio.. soltanto che, loro non sono ancora pronti: per essere martirizzati! ma, io sono una via politica universale: alla salvezza dell'anima: cioè: io sono la legge naturale: cioè, il decalogo.. questo può essere capito da tutti
rednck13 Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Daniels Timeline hai potuto immaginare, Mizrahi Haredi rabbi and Kabbalist era un Ebreo per cento anni, poi è diventato un cristiano -- ANSWER -- THIS IS NOT A MYSTERY TO ME: ALL RABBIS Pharisees, they all KNOW that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah! but they chose Satan, through the IMF FED 666 cult Baal Peor, ECB, because they have chosen hatred finest! if all those who kill Christians in the world ...? then, they would have no reason to kill Christians, if Jesus was not the truth! all KNOW that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah! QUESTO NON È UN MISTERO PER ME: TUTTI I RABBINI farisei, tutti loro SANNO che Gesù Cristo è veramente il Messia! ma, loro hanno scelto satana: attraverso, il FMI FED BCE; perché loro hanno scelto l'odio più raffinato! se, tutti quelli che uccidono i cristiani nel mondo...? poi, loro non avrebbero nessun motivo di uccidere i cristiani, se Gesù non fosse la verità!
Mizrahi Haredi rabbi and Kabbalist that: he has dedicated his life to the study of the Torah.? he is a smart! because, he has recognized: Jesus Christ, before he died, so he saved himself from hell! but if Jews (and, all other religions) allow me to establish the real mosaic Judaism: updated to modern times? they will not need to be Christian to be saved! in reality, the real reason: of the mission of Jesus was not salvation, but, it is the deification: that is, to receive the divine nature!
rednck13 Re:R:Re:R:Re:R:Daniels Timeline Sì, sono cristiano, ma, mi piace quando le persone chiedono che Rabbino ortodosso rivela il nome del Messia "Gesù", "Yehoshua" o "Yeshua" (ebraico) Il rabbino Yitzhak Kaduri rivela il nome del Messia prima di morire. Era un famoso Mizrahi Haredi rabbino cabbalista e che ha dedicato la sua vita allo studio della Torah. Prima di morire all'età di 108, rabbino leader di Israele, Yitzhak Kaduri, ha lasciato un biglietto con segno che indica l'identità del Messia Con uno dei rabbini più importanti di Israele che indicano il nome del Messia è Yeshua aka GESÙ Oggi Israele ha parlato con due dei seguaci Kaduri a Gerusalemme che chiaramente ammesso che la nota era totalmente autentico, ma che è stato fonte di confusione per i suoi seguaci e
rednck13 Re:R:Re:R:Daniels Timeline Those that believe in Jesus (alive and dead) will ascend to receive glorified bodies, then they will be priest and servants in the temple. Those left on the earth will be destroyed by the wrath of the lamb (the lion of Judea) . He will re-make the earth and Christ will rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years before the final judgement. The Ministry of Jesus lasted 3 1/2 years, he is coming back for 3 1/2 years more of teaching. --ANSWER -- The thousand years are the symbol of the time of the Church! Christ already reigns: by his grace through the Church .. but his salvation is universal salvation, it is not only for Christians! I mille anni sono il simbolo: del tempo della Chiesa! Cristo già regna: con la sua grazia, attraverso, la Chiesa.. ma, la sua salvezza è una salvezza universale, non è soltanto per i cristiani
@ 666 priest of satan voodoo: ie, master synnek1 CIA: satanism international institutional: in 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan ---- also, you are superior to Obama in the hierarchy NWO-IMF? There are 32 levels of secrecy, on Obama fagot, about the project: of: aliens abduction: However, there are others: 32 levels of power: over to Obama, also, you are superior to Obama fagot: in the hierarchy: kabbalah IMF 666: 322 NWO: god awl owl baal shit saudi arabia: that suck? @ my YHWH - I continue to call all of them, but, they all continue to resist me, and in fact, they do not came, from me! @ But, as ever, the King of Saudi Arabia continues to do evil to the innocent Christians, if the power of the West, it's all in the hands of Freemasonry: of: 322 JaBullOn maggot, worm and 666 Illuminati Jews lobby: banking seigniorage: of FED ECB IMF, Baal Peor Marduk? this is obvious: he is the synagogue of Satan: also! demonic satanAllah : worm, maggot. demonic
rednck13 Commento sul tuo video: horror sharia jihad Mohammed False Prophet Wafa Sultan Trying to interpretative the prophecy before it happens is impossible. There is only one evil in the world. Baal is one of his many names for he must disguise himself differently with every new group of people he deceives. 666 is just his mark. God throughout the Bible uses a deceived people to punish his own people that have gone astray. What ever this thing is/ true Christians will not be deceived by it. 'He will even fool the elect, IF THAT WERE POSSIBLE" it is not possible to fool the elect -- ANSWER -- TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!
Moussai Presidangue / channel/UCvTinxHTHh0MQOagnmRHYnA --- 400 Christians are killed by Muslims everyday Hm cool , please can you show us how you came up with that number . Can you help understand please , be specific ,for example: 200 died in the US , 40 in south Africa .... , Be specific so we can all check and see that indeed you are a liar . -- ANSWER --- EVERY 5 MINUTES: a Christian is killed innocent in the world! every day: 300, martyrs, some are killed by the Muslims, and 100: about martyrs: they are killed: Hindu: Buddhists and communists, only, in one day: only: in Nigeria, your Boko Haram: 500 Christians killed: innocent ! in A giant prison: for all Christians in Eritrea: Christians are preserved in the desert in a container of iron etc.. etc. .. and you should be ashamed to have a computer in your hands, and be the Executioner, which denies freedom of religion for the death penalty, etc. .. for the crime of apostasy .. You're a monster!
Moussai Presidangue /channel/UCvTinxHTHh0MQOagnmRHYnA --- OGNI 5 MINUTI: un cristiano innocente viene ucciso nel mondo! ogni giorno: 1. 300, martiri, circa, sono uccisi dai musulmani, e 100: martiri circa: sono uccisi da: induisti: buddisti: e comunisti, soltanto, in solo giorno: soltanto: in Nigeria, i tuoi Boko Haram: hanno ucciso 500 cristiani: innocenti! in Una prigione gigante: per tutti i cristiani d'Eritrea: i cristiani sono consevati, nel deserto in container di ferro: ecc. ecc.. e tu ti dovresti vergognare, di avere un computer nelle tue mani, e di essere il boia, che, nega la libertà di religione: per avere la pena di morte, ecc.. per il delitto di apostasia.. tu sei un mostro!
666 CIA IHateNEWLAYOUT - and why God should have, given: a power so immense: to Unius REI, a power, which is unprecedented, in all the history of mankind, at unius REI? for to hurt men? lol. but this does not make sense, because if God removes: his ministries of mercy? then, men destroying, himself, by alone! it does not matter, for me, if synnek1, today, he is a lowlife. but, I look at that synnek1 can become, a tomorrow ... for give to him all his blessings: in JHWH! I have not invested in the destruction of the human race, because, I hope the love for all.. I respect synnek1, because, I make hurting to him greatly, through my love for him! and I not hate americans, or other peoples.. for me there are no races, because I am the father of all mankind.. From this point of view, I can not be: a father: who may be happy to destroy his children, so, I have to invent a way, to save the Satanists and Masons, also:
666 CIA IHateNEWLAYOUT --- --- it does not matter, for me, if synnek1, today, he is a lowlife. but, I look at that synnek1 can become, a tomorrow ... for give to him all his blessings: in JHWH! I have not invested in the destruction of the human race, because, I hope the love for all.. I respect synnek1, because, I make hurting to him greatly, through my love for him! and I not hate americans, or other peoples.. for me there are no races, because I am the father of all mankind.. From this point of view, I can not be: a father: who may be happy to destroy his children, so, I have to invent a way, to save the Satanists and Masons, also:
@King Saudi Arabia -- tu hai visto: come: il tuo OBAMA: il tuo satanista alleato: lui ha reso legale: il 666 micro-chip: di Apocalisse 13? che cosa, tu stai aspettando, ancora .. per capire : che, tu sei nel posto sbagliato, al momento sbagliato? oppure, l'ingenuo sono soltanto io, che, io credo che, tu non sei ancora diventato, un satanista perfetto, come Bush 322: owl gods: at Bohemian Grove, ed, Obama: JabullOn, e Rothschild 666 IMF FED, di Baal Peor, .. ma, che, tu sei soltanto, un idiota, che è: più ignorante del suo asino!
@King Saudi Arabia -- Io sono Unius REI, il Regno di Dio: in chiave politica, per tutti i popoli, infatti, Dio non avrebbe un significato, se, lui non fosse amore infinito, e quindi, soltanto satana può essere il razzista, fariseo, salafita, prepotente, arrogante, predatore, ecc.. cioè, per creare i goym, dalit, ecc.. schiavi dalla forma umana, e tante altre stronzate del genere! e poiché Dio è uno soltanto,e noi siamo tutti fratelli: allora! se tu rifiuti la mia visione teologica del mondo? non il Regno di Dio, ma, un unico grande regno di satana tu vedrai nel mondo.. perché, i tuoi falsi amici: 322, 666 IMF FED ECB; NWO, proprio loro solo sono i tuoi peggiori e spietati nemici! in ogni modo? tu puoi cadere dalla padella, nella brace: di (Cina Russia), in ogni modo? quindi, non può esistere un futuro, per te, al di fuori di me!
@King Saudi Arabia -- è troppo riduttivo, pensare che, Unius REI, sia: soltanto, il messia politico, che, gli ebrei hanno sempre atteso(ovviamente non parlo dei Farisei del Talmud, del FMI, i Neturei Karta, 666, di Baal Peor, che loro amano fare: i parassiti vampiri del signoraggio bancario). cioè, questo, di dare una patria dignitosa, a tutti gli ebrei del mondo? ma, questo lavoro: è tra i miei compiti più facili! ma, forse, soltanto, gli ebrei che, sono rimasti onesti, soltanto loro aspettano: il regno di Israele?, cioè, aspettano il compimento: del Regno di Dio: sulla terra: in chiave politica? forse che: i musulmani onesti: non lo aspettano anche loro: questo REGNO di Dio: sulla terra, in chiave politica, finalmente? no! non sei tu! tu hai fallito! ma, insieme a me, tu puoi riscattare te stesso, perché, io non disconosco la tua autorità: su tutti i musulmani del mondo!
@King Saudi Arabia -- il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano, ha celebrato: a 10 anni dalla sua morte: Gianni Agnelli.. ma, che senso ha: tutto questo, se, l'uno e l'altro finiranno all'inferno: comunque? perché, neanche, il Papa può salvare se stesso, dall'inferno: tacendo il crimine di satanismo: che: è il signoraggio bancario: che, i farisei hanno rubato ai popoli! ecco perché, Gesù ha detto: "è più facile: per un cammello: di entrare nella cruna: di un ago, che: non: per un ricco: di entrare nel Regno di Dio!".. dopo tutto, tra, il 60%, del genere umano, che, finisce all'inferno? questo è vero, tra di loro: ci sono quasi tutti i ricchi
@King Saudi Arabia -- 1. nessuno ha dato a te: il permesso di uccidere qualcuno: per il suo orientamento religioso: cioè, di fare del male a persone oneste: ed innocenti! 2. Gesù Cristo è il significato: ed il senso dell'Universo: tutto è stato fatto per Lui, ed in vista di Lui, e, a Lui appartengono: tutte le cose! -- ANSWER -- 1. in questo modo, io non sto chiedendo a te, di fare il cristiano.. ma, di non essere trovato: nel giorno del giudizio: come: un nemico di Cristo Gesù! 2. quindi: tu smetti di fare morire: i Cristiani: come idolatri(stop, a fare la agenda del Talmud: nella tua vita!): perché, 1. ne tu, e neanche, 2. il tuo Maometto profeta: guerriero sterminatore; e neanche, 3. il tuo Arcangelo Raffaele? bene, nessuno di voi: ha mai visto Dio, nella sua realtà interiore!
poiché, io sono rivestito: delle virtù di Cristo Gesù, nostro Signore? niente, .. E nessuno: può danneggiare: me, neanche me stesso! io sono qualcosa: che: non può essere: INFLUENZATO, manipolato, neanche da me stesso.. io sono qualcosa, che, non può essere fermato o condizionato da nessuno.. io sono UNIUS REI, il Regno di Dio, in modalità politica, sulla terra.. se volete sopravvivere alla vostra malvagità? voi ora potete!

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...
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Scientific Evidence for Creation
Series Title: “Wonders of Creation..Soaring in Splendor"
Day: First Saturday of Every Month
Time: Starts at 11:00 am and again at 2:00 pm
Creation Evidence Museum will be holding the annual Public Excavation. Experience the fun of a real archilogical excivation. For information see below.
Excavation Details, Registration and Liabilty Waiver
Day & Time: June 29th - July 3rd from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm@SiamoInGuerra999 - walking worms slanderers, like you, on the page of youtube, when I go to sleep!. 666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods Baal Marduk owl: at bohemian grove, 322 - ie, institutional Satanism: you are the fan: of 666 IMF Rothschild, and, not, of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary: all your lies: about IMF FED, etc. .., I do not want, the charity, by the thief murderess: 666 322 Bush satanic Rothschild, who, wants to be my friend, after all .. That legitimacy can never have been, for a murderess usurer, he stole: the monetary sovereignty: of all Peoples: in total disregard, of human dignity: Hope of Israel, and the Constitutions of all Peoples? .. Therefore, all that you said? are lies of the devil!