i am Unius REI: WorldWide Kingdom: Universal Brotherhood, from kingdom ISRAEL, still: from BIG Kingdom PALESTINE SAUDI ARABIA
io sono il progetto politico per una monarchia per Israele e Palestina, se volete vivere. [ shalom + salam ] #SALMAN #Sharia [ ma, il fatto che, il troll CIA, lui mi vuole sparare con una m8 (l'arma preferita dalle femmine), questo vuol dire che, lui non potrebbe mai essere uno di quei Bush sommi Sacerdoti Farisei di Satana, con i super poteri soprannaturali voodoo del cazzo Kabbalah, perché, tutti i tuoi Enlightened? loro sanno bene: che Unius REI è immortale!
shalom + salam ] #SALMAN #Sharia [ cosa significa quello che ha detto, sulla mia pagina, il tuo agente della CIA contro di me? ] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5cqAsRyriIXaKku0RDa_dg Sky air 2 mesi fa you're a loser m8
shalom + salam ] #SALMAN #Sharia [ tu vuoi dire, ai tuoi agenti: cannibali, tutti i tuoi sacerdoti di satana nella CIA, che, loro la smettano di rompermi il cazzo?
ma, io sono molto scettico sul fatto che voi possiate meritare di vivere! https://youtu.be/aSQb5bzsERQ USA fuoco sharia Salafiti
o voi o loro sharia: ammazzateli come bestie, perché sono bestie, tutti sharia nazisti assetati di sangue e genocidio! SOLO LA MORTE LI PUÒ GUARIRE! entro questa sera: la LEGA ARABA deve sparire!
my ISRAEL ] vedi che i rotti di culo: le bestie goy 666 CIA tutte le tue scimmie Sodoma Darwin GENDER Talmud, mi stanno boicottando la grafica del canale!
Usa SODOMA scimmie Darwin GENDER: le bestie di satana: islamico Spara in un locale gay, Fbi indaga: su pista islamica sharia ] Gesù di Betlemme e Unius REI, non potrebbero approvare mai, degli omicidi: contro gente pacifica! e quella che era: una pena di morte nella torà: per noi, è diventata, il peccato mortale: che certo, ti porterà all'inferno, ma non ti porterà in carcere! Ma, non è così, per i fondamentalisti dell'Antico Testamento: Torah! Anche, i Sacerdoti di satana della CIA applicano la Torà: in maniera letterale, ma soltanto: contro i nemici del regno di Satana! per esempio, se io commettessi adulterio? la CIA 666 cannibali del Gufo: i sacrifici umani sull'Altare di Satana? loro mi ucciderebbero, certamente, perché io sono il loro nemico! Ma, io ho rispettato la legge di Dio JHWH, per tutta la mia vita: per la Grazia di Dio: anche quando, la legge era troppo difficile per me, ed adesso, che, sono vecchio? è molto più facile per me, rispettare la legge, .. .e come io potrei proprio adesso: trasgredire? Farebbero bene i Satana ad arrendersi tutti, oppure, in alternativa, si possono tutti suicidare in massa: perché, questa è la legge di satana: "chi fallisce deve morire!" .. e loro contro di me hanno fallito sempre: ma, quei codardi: di Bush e Rothschild? perché, non si sono ancora uccisi tutti ancora? infatti la legge di Satana vale anche per loro!
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | le sanzioni sono soltanto un grosso cazzo nel culo, di quel traditore della MERKEL, perché, per gli USA le sanzioni contro la RUSSIA non esistono! Pentagono interessato a produrre i kalashnikov negli USA
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | se tu prendi un pene di cane, e lo metti sul trono della ARABIA SAUDiTA? lui farebbe meno danni! E come potrebbero i sauditi aiutare i siriani Se Salman, LI ha tutti condannati al genocidio? TUTTI I SOLDI DATI A SALMAN FINIRANNO PER FINANZIARE I TERRORISTI JIHADISTI ALLAH AKBAR: BIG GENOCIDIO AKBAR!!! Le forze di sicurezza saudite inizieranno ad aprire le porte delle prigioni a chi raccoglie donazioni per i siriani attraverso i social network senza autorizzazione, ha avvertito attraverso i media locali il rappresentante del ministero degli Interni, il generale Mansour al-Turki. "Le forze di sicurezza saudite arresteranno chiunque raccolga donazioni per i siriani senza autorizzazione attraverso i social network o programmi per telefoni cellulari", — ha detto al-Turki.
Inoltre, gli stranieri residenti per tale violazione potrebbe affrontare l'espulsione.
Secondo lui, la raccolta delle donazioni per i siriani in questo modo viola il sistema vigente nel Paese per la lotta contro il terrorismo e il suo finanziamento. Coloro che vogliono partecipare ad attività di beneficenza nel mese sacro del Ramadan, possono elargire donazioni tramite la fondazione del re Salman per l'assistenza e le attività umanitarie all'estero, nonché tramite le organizzazioni registrate presso il ministero degli Affari Islamici.
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | GLI OMOSESSUALI ATTIVI della NATO, LORO PENSANO, CHE, in realtà, SONO VERI OMOSESSUALI SOLTANTO QUELLI PASSIVI (tipo Merkel Bildenberg)! ed è questa la verità: "se gli ucraini non fanno i boia? poi, gli USA li lasceranno morire di fame. questa è la economia di guerra nel 666 NWO NATO, che ha buttato nel girone infernale anche i palestinesi: infatti la guerra è la loro unica vera attività economicamente rilevante! .. ed anche se nessuno lo crederebbe? io piango per i miei fratelli palestinesi, ogni giorno! infatti è per loro, per la loro liberazione, che, io sono il Regno di Israele.. io ho spiegato questo concetto, oggi, al mio Parroco, ma lui non lo ha capito! ] [ "Donbass, filorussi si aspettano provocazioni da forze ucraine a Donetsk e Mariupol] [ "Donbass, filorussi si aspettano provocazioni da forze ucraine a Donetsk e Mariupol. 12.06.2016( Il vice comandante delle milizie della Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk (DNR) Eduard Basurin ha denunciato la preparazione di provocazioni da parte delle forze di sicurezza ucraine in direzione di Donetsk e Mariupol. "Alle divisioni delle forze armate ucraine è stato assegnato un compito: bombardare massicciamente dal 17 al 20 giugno i confini meridionali della Repubblica, così come con azioni di sabotaggio in direzione di Mariupol, per destabilizzare la situazione nella DNR con lo scopo di distogliere l'attenzione dai successivi tentativi di riconquistare i territori di Avdeevka, Yasinovataya e Gorlovka ", — ha detto Eduard Basurin, basandosi sui dati dell'intelligence della DNR. Secondo lui, per compiere provocazioni sono arrivati nei pressi di Mariupol 300 uomini delle forze di sicurezza ucraine. Eduard Basurin ha inoltre aggiunto che i militari ucraini continuano a concentrare le armi pesanti, proibite dagli accordi, verso la linea di contatto. Ad esempio nei pressi di Peski, Marinka e Pobeda, come notato da Eduard Basurin, sono stati trovati mortai, obici e unità di artiglieria delle forze ucraine. Nell'aprile 2014 Kiev ha lanciato un'operazione militare contro le autoproclamate Repubbliche Popolari di Donetsk (DNR) e Lugansk (LNR), che avevano dichiarato l'indipendenza dopo il colpo di stato di Maidan nel febbraio 2014. Secondo gli ultimi dati delle Nazioni Unite, le vittime dall'inizio del conflitto sono più di 9 mila persone. La normalizzazione del conflitto nel Donbass viene discussa anche tramite le riunioni del gruppo di contatto a Minsk, che da settembre 2014 ha adottato 3 documenti che regolano le operazioni di de-escalation del conflitto, tra cui il cessate il fuoco. Tuttavia, anche dopo l'entrata in vigore della tregua, tra le parti in conflitto proseguono scontri isolati. http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160612/2877277/Kiev-DNR-Ucraina-Basurin.html#ixzz4BNY2U1hi
Erdogan è un primatista islamico Nazista e Razzista: fanatico religioso, sharia massimalista: senza reciprocità, maniaco religioso, responsabile di tutti i genocidi di Siria e Iraq, la forca al più presto, è l'unico posto idoneo per lui! Caso Erdogan ai funerali di Ali, lascia offeso Louisville
quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein [ Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, SHARIa ALLAH AKBAR GENOCIDIO CONTRO tutti gli ISRAELIANI, conosciuto anche con la kunya Abū Māzen, è un politico palestinese TROPPO COGLIONE cattivo ed IGNORANTE PER ME! LUI PENSA CHE, nonostante tutti gli ebrei del mondo vanno tutti correndo a nascondersi da me, lui pensa, che, IO SONO UNA SPECIE DI SERVO degli EBREI: CHE, poi, CALUNNIARE UNIUS REI SIGNIFICA ANDARE ALL'INFERNO PER DIRETTISSIMA! [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein che, lei è stata una monaca, filosofa e mistica tedesca dell'Ordine delle Carmelitane Scalze. Di origine ebraica, si convertì al cattolicesimo dopo un periodo di ateismo che durava dall'adolescenza, Edith Stein (in religione Teresa Benedetta della Croce; Breslavia, 12 ottobre 1891 – Auschwitz, 9 agosto 1942) morì: ad Auschwitz-Birkenau dove, insieme alla sorella Rosa (anch'ella monaca carmelitana scalza) trovò la morte. Nel 1998 papa Giovanni Paolo II l'ha proclamata santa e l'anno successivo l'ha dichiarata compatrona d'Europa. [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere Edith Stein, lei disse alla sorella: "vieni sorella, andiamo a pagare per i delitti del nostro popolo!" .. e più i popoli diventano poveri e disperati, sempre più tutti gli ebrei, in tutto il mondo, loro diventano, sempre più ricchi! e tra tutti loro: meno dell'1% crede che, sia un suo dovere realizzare il REGNO di ISRAELE, perché sono tutti agenti di satana!
Brexit, l'allarme di Cameron: il rischio è la nuova austerity. Il premier prova a fare leva sui temi più cari agli inglesi, come il servizio sanitario nazi Bildenberg anale, la casa e le pensioni. LE PAROLE DI UN MASSONE, VALGONO MENO delle parole di una TROIA lussuriosa e felice nel bordello! Se, ci sarà austerity sarà soltanto Rothschild a deciderlo!
perché, dai peggiori siti pornografici, c'è un traffico che viene sul mio blog? http://rivera.fem******* in [ statistiche --> origine del traffico ] perché, 1. io lo devo vedere? perché, 2. i sacerdoti di satana hanno la gestione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale? ok! ma, noi questo lo sapevamo già: Bush, bildenberg, sharia, Erdogan Salman, NATO, SpA FMI BM, Monsanto GMOS, Talmud Obama, kabbalah: sono la feccia dell'inferno!
#Monsanto, SpA, metalli pesanti di nano particelle ferrose nei vaccini ] [ perché, da tre mesi, mi tira un piccolo dolore, nel punto, dove ho fatto il vaccino? ... è in questo modo, che, voi avete fatto venire la demenza senile a mio padre?
OGNI VERITÀ HA IL PREZZO DELLA RINUNCIA E DELLA PERDITA! ] [ non esiste qualcuno di nome Unius REI, che, lui deve dire, o fare conoscere la verità a qualcuno, o che, deve insegnare, quale dovrebbe essere una: corretta: religione pratica culto, NO! perché lo Spirito Santo della CONOSCENZA, è stato effuso dalla CROCE SANTA, quando Gesù di Betlemme spirò, cioè, morì, e rese lo Spirito al Padre ed a tutto il genere umano: QUINDI ESISTE UNA CONOSCENZA INCONSCIA DELLA VERITÀ IN TUTTI! MA, QUESTA È LA VERITÀ: se tutto il genere umano non diventeranno i cristiani (e non sto parlando di aderire: FORMALMENTE: ad una religione, perché, io sono un politico razionale con metodologia agnostica di pensiero) poi, i martiri cristiani innocenti dovranno sempre morire.. PERCHÉ, IL PROBLEMA DELLA VERITÀ NON È QUELLA CHE NON VIENE CONOSCIUTA, MA, È SOLTANTO QUELLA CHE NON VIENE AMATA, PERCHÉ OGNI VERITÀ HA IL PREZZO DELLA RINUNCIA E DELLA PERDITA!
ma, questo non è un problema per voi, perché, voi avete la tecnologia per vivere 200 anni sulla luna! ] [ quando, voi avete promesso a Michail Sergeevič Gorbačëv, che, la NATO non avrebbe mai oltrepassato, il Muro di Berlino? ok! voi potevate ottenere i vostri 5 miliardi di morti soltanto ] MA, ADESSO, VOI AVETE SCATENATO UNA CORSA AL RIARMO NUCLEARE, CHE NON LASCERÀ NEANCHE SOPRAVVIVERE GLI SCARAFAGGI SUL NOSTRO PIANETA!
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | GLI OMOSESSUALI ATTIVI della NATO, LORO PENSANO, CHE, in realtà, SONO VERI OMOSESSUALI SOLTANTO QUELLI PASSIVI (tipo Merkel Bildenberg)! ed è questa la verità: "se gli ucraini non fanno i boia? poi, gli USA li lasceranno morire di fame. questa è la economia di guerra nel 666 NWO NATO, che ha buttato nel girone infernale anche i palestinesi: infatti la guerra è la loro unica vera attività economicamente rilevante! .. ed anche se nessuno lo crederebbe? io piango per i miei fratelli palestinesi, ogni giorno! infatti è per loro, per la loro liberazione, che, io sono il Regno di Israele.. io ho spiegato questo concetto, oggi, al mio Parroco, ma lui non lo ha capito! ] [ "Donbass, filorussi si aspettano provocazioni da forze ucraine a Donetsk e Mariupol. quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein [ Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, SHARIa ALLAH AKBAR GENOCIDIO CONTRO tutti gli ISRAELIANI, conosciuto anche con la kunya Abū Māzen, è un politico palestinese TROPPO COGLIONE cattivo ed IGNORANTE PER ME! LUI PENSA CHE, nonostante tutti gli ebrei del mondo vanno tutti correndo a nascondersi da me, lui pensa, che, IO SONO UNA SPECIE DI SERVO degli EBREI: CHE, poi, CALUNNIARE UNIUS REI SIGNIFICA ANDARE ALL'INFERNO PER DIRETTISSIMA! [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein che, lei è stata una monaca, filosofa e mistica tedesca dell'Ordine delle Carmelitane Scalze. Di origine ebraica, si convertì al cattolicesimo dopo un periodo di ateismo che durava dall'adolescenza, Edith Stein (in religione Teresa Benedetta della Croce; Breslavia, 12 ottobre 1891 – Auschwitz, 9 agosto 1942) morì: ad Auschwitz-Birkenau dove, insieme alla sorella Rosa (anch'ella monaca carmelitana scalza) trovò la morte. Nel 1998 papa Giovanni Paolo II l'ha proclamata santa e l'anno successivo l'ha dichiarata compatrona d'Europa. [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere Edith Stein, lei disse alla sorella: "vieni sorella, andiamo a pagare per i delitti del nostro popolo!" .. e più i popoli diventano poveri e disperati, sempre più tutti gli ebrei, in tutto il mondo, loro diventano, sempre più ricchi! e tra tutti loro: meno dell'1% crede che, sia un suo dovere realizzare il REGNO di ISRAELE, perché sono tutti agenti di satana!
#salman #sharia: Eih tu, ciola di cane: #Saudi #Arabia! io ti prenderò insieme, a quei tuoi complici: MASSONI: anglo-americani 666 Bush 322 Gufo: NWO GMOS AGENDA A.I. NATO: di: pararissiti SpA Banche Centrali Rothschild BILDENBERG, e tante volte, io vi sbatterò contro il muro: così tante volte, finché, tutta la merda, che, esiste nel vostro cervello, non sarà uscita tutta! Edith Stein fu soltanto: una suora di: 10000 (diecimila) suore e preti cattolici, che, Hitler uccise, per vendicarsi: del documento che i Vescovi olandesi avevano scritto: per condannare il nazismo! Ecco perché, Papa PACELLI: Pio XII, detto Pastor Angelicus, lui non avrebbe mai potuto condannare formalmente il nazismo! Ecco perché, il vomito dell'inferno: di Farisei e loro Salafiti: NWO complici: voi state per scendere tutti all'inferno rapidamente: perché, voi siete quelli del TALMUD CORANO, che, voi avete tirato fuori la calunnia dei NAZI-Christians: PERCHÉ ALLAH AKBAR VOI SIETE LE PIÙ SPREGEVOLI BESTIE DI SATANA CHE QUESTO PIANETA ABBIA MAI CONOSCIUTO
Papa FRANCESCO, non è che: Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II, lui volle: a tutti i costi: Papa Benedetto XVI, perché, lui aveva paura che, tu potessi diventare il PAPA? Perché, se tu sei un massone, come si dice in giro? poi, non potrebbe mai essere: il tuo, un ruolo di santerello da circo, che, ti potrebbe salvare dal precipitare nel precipizio dell'INFERNO, per sempre!
#SALMAN, #ROTHSCHILD ] queste sono le leggi del soprannaturale ... tutti i demoni, finiscono tutti ai piedi della CROCE SANTA: prima o poi, ed ovviamente, io non ho fretta: perché, il cappio che voi avete messo al collo di tutti i popoli, io lo ho messo al vostro collo anche! Ecco perché, voi non avete un inferno adeguato, che vi potrebbe impedire di essere costretti a venire da me: prima o poi! ... ma, più e poi dopo? sempre peggio sarà per voi!
#SALMAN, #ROTHSCHILD ] ed io dubito che: tutti i gay ebrei di Obama, loro vorranno morire: per realizzare il vostro Califfato Nuovo Ordine Mondiale!
how many times God has been reincarnated himself? of course, everyone knows that God, the Almighty Creator, all-knowing, has no any form of the body, while, all his creatures, like the angels, they all have a form of body! and because God has said, "we TRINITY, we make man in our image, after our likeness" .. then, it is clear not there: for humans the reincarnation. That's because, for Buddhists Hindus etc .. God can not be a person!
quante volte Dio si è reincarnato? ovviamente, tutti sanno che Dio: il Creatore Onnipotente, onnisciente, non ha nessuna forma di corpo, mentre, tutte le sue creature, come anche gli angeli, tutti hanno una forma di corpo! e poiché Dio ha detto: "noi TRINITÀ, noi facciamo l'uomo a nostra immagine e a nostra somiglianza".. poi, è chiaro non esite per l'uomo nessuna forma di reincarnazione. Ecco perché per induisti Buddisti ecc.. Dio non può essere una Persona!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ non si tratta soltanto di distruggere: TALMUD Signoraggio bancario e Sharia: la scienza di Satana! no! in 500 anni, i Farisei hanno plasmato le istituzioni, e le relazioni tra: i soggetti giuridici, ed hanno impostato la struttura sociale in maniera iniqua: la struttura sociale: è malata! pertanto: distruggere TALMUD Signoraggio bancario e Sharia: non sarebbe sufficiente a disinnescare la guerra mondiale nucleare! Bisogna sostituire la Geopolitica: attraverso, una unica monarchia mondiale Unius REI, ovviamente: che, tu non puoi andare bene, nessuno si fiderebbe di te: perché tu sei un islamico assassino!
Tusk, con Brexit fine civiltà politica ] non abbiamo mai conosciuto una civiltà dei massoni: alto tradimento: costituzionale: depredazione sovranità monetaria! VOI MERITATE TUTTI DI ESSERE IMPICCATI!
Quel musulmano: ha giustamente rispettato la VERA PAROLA di DIO: ed ha fatto a Dio, DI SE STESSO: un sacrificio gradito della sua vita nobile e gloriosa! Con tutto il rispetto dovuto ai veri omosessuali: ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO DI NOI VUOLE VIVERE IN UNA DEPRAVAZIONE OBAMA ZAPATERO SODOMA! QUINDI DATEVI UNA CALMATA!" FORT PIERCE (FLORIDA), 13 GIUGNO. Omar Mateen, il killer di Orlando, "pregava in moschea tre, quattro volte a settimana" e prendeva parte alle cerimonie serali, recentemente anche "con il figlio piccolo". Lo afferma l'imam del luogo di culto, Syed Shafeeq Rahman, frequentato da Mateen, che ha visto per l'ultima volta il 29enne venerdì scorso. Il killer di Orlando non era molto socievole: "Finita la preghiera se ne andava, non socializzava con nessuno. Non è mai sembrato un violento", aggiunge il religioso
MA LUI È COLPEVOLE DI PENA DI MORTE: PERCHÉ, I MIEI DIRITTI UMANI SONO SATANA NELLA SHARIA! ECCO PERCHÉ LA LEGA ARABA DEVE ESSERE RASA AL SUOLO! DUBAI, 13 GIU - Nabeel Rajab, presidente del Centro per i diritti umani del Bahrain e noto attivista, è stato nuovamente arrestato dalle autorità del Bahrein dopo un blitz nella sua abitazione. Ma le accuse nei suoi confronti non sono molte chiare. Lo denuncia la famiglia, mentre la notizia non è stata ancora riportata dall'agenzia ufficiale del Paese o confermata dalle autorità. Rajab era stato imprigionato nel maggio del 2015 con l'accusa di aver offeso e insultato le autorità del Paese. Il 2 luglio dello stesso anno ricevette la grazia dal re, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, per motivi di salute. Sin dagli anni Novanta, è stato una delle voci più critiche nel Bahrain, e nel mondo arabo in generale.
LA LEGGE È BUONA, quando si prefigge di educare le persone, è cattiva quando diventa: cinica, ingiusta, formale: insensibile e unicamente repressiva! 13 GIU - La giovane olandese arrestata in Qatar per aver denunciato di essere stata stuprata alcuni mesi fa è stata rilasciata oggi dopo una condanna a un anno per adulterio. La pena è stata sospesa. Lo riferiscono i media olandesi. La giovane è stata condannata a pagare una multa di circo 720 euro, e verrà espulsa. L'uomo accusato dalla ragazza è stato invece condannato a 100 frustate per adulterio e 40 per consumo di alcol. SE LA DONNA POTEVA DIMOSTRARE DI ESSERE STATA VIOLENTATA? CERTO, LEI ANDAVA RISARCITA, NON PUNITA!
la NATO è l'AGGRESSORE! La Russia CRISTIANA rimane l'ultimo avamposto degli uomini liberi: dopo viene il DEMONIO NWO CALIFFATO: SODOMA E IL DILUVIO UNIVERSALE! "Senza senso i tentativi di attribuire l'immagine di aggressore alla Russia" 13.06.2016) Gli avversari della Russia cercano di creare l'immagine dell'aggressore, ma l'intera politica del Paese racconta una storia diversa, ha affermato il vicepresidente della Duma Sergey Zheleznyak. "I russi sono sempre aperto al dialogo e al rispetto delle tradizioni di altre nazioni. Nonostante i nostri avversari cerchino di creare per la Russia l'immagine di aggressore, tutta la nostra politica dice il contrario. La nostra patria interpreta il ruolo di pacificatore, fornisce assistenza umanitaria, salva la gente dalla guerra, dalla distruzione e dalla fame", — ha detto ai giornalisti Zheleznyak. Secondo lui, la Russia rimarrà un centro di stabilità, pace e cultura. http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160613/2879143/diplomazia-Occidente-Russofobia.html#ixzz4BS2PkHEG
Cinquanta persone sono morte e 53 sono rimaste ferite negli Stati Uniti, nella più grande strage nella storia americana, avvenuta in una discoteca-gay ad Orlando nella notte di sabato. L'aggressore Omar Matin, in base alle informazioni dell'FBI, aveva chiamato il numero di emergenza ed aveva dichiarato di aver giurato fedeltà allo "Stato Islamico". QUESTA STORIA DEL FBI PUÒ ESSERE SOLTANTO UNA CALUNNIA: E NON IMPORTA SE È UNA CALUNNIA DELLA FBI OPPURE È UNA CALUNNIA DELL'ASSALITORE!
UNIUS REI 13.06.2016 | Quel musulmano: ha giustamente rispettato la VERA PAROLA di DIO: ed ha fatto a Dio, DI SE STESSO: un sacrificio gradito della sua vita nobile e gloriosa! Con tutto il rispetto dovuto ai veri omosessuali: ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO DI NOI VUOLE VIVERE IN UNA DEPRAVAZIONE OBAMA ZAPATERO SODOMA! QUINDI DATEVI UNA CALMATA!"
lakieforsure In risposta UNIUS REI 13.06.2016 | UNIUS REI, Non condivido i metodi stampo nazista da eliminazione fisica di coloro che si ritengono nemici. Per quanto riguarda la Vera Parola di Dio, non l'ho ancora ben capita sinceramente: rimanendo nel credo ebraico-cristiano, l'Antico Testamento ricorda più un codice bellico, il Nuovo appare come una rivalutazione radicale di un Dio definito Padre pacifico e misericordioso. Mah.. e lo dico comunque da credente eh. Io credo fermamente nell'esistenza di un'entità superiore ai limiti della logica umana. Peccato solo che bisogna sempre catalogare la fede in base a credi determinati da questioni politiche o dalle lobby. Guarda caso poi, i tre più grandi credi sono le religioni abramitiche (un caso che, oltre all'economia, governino anche gli affari religiosi?).
Detto questo, condivido la tua ultima frase: nessuno vuole vivere nella depravazione. Le lobby LGBT, a mio parere, stanno pericolosamente soffiando sul fuoco.
UNIUS REI In risposta lakieforsure( 13.06.2016 | lakieforsure, è difficile, oggi, trovare in giro per il mondo, un uomo del tuo livello culturale e che abbia una saggezza pari alla tua! INFATTI, io sono proprio: la libertà di coscienza, ed il libero arbitrio per tutti! Ma questa è la verità: è il Regime usurocratico e pornocratico: Rothschild Bildenberg, Troia la Porca Bestialismo Zapatero ideologia Darwin Sodoma GENDER lobby LGBT, che, sono loro che, ci stanno scippando il libero arbitrio: e stanno gettando nella depravazione tutti i popoli del mondo!!
UNIUS REIIn risposta lakieforsure( 13.06.2016 | lakieforsure, CIRCA la vera Parola di Dio, questa può essere soltanto la LEGGE NATURALE, che, Dio ha scritto nel cuore di ogni uomo, e del DECALOGO di Mosé, che LUI Dio, proprio lui ha scritto personalmente!
ERDOGAN sharia law, SALMAN ] io non ricordo precisamente, quando è stato che tu hai fatto: anche quest'altro genocidio allah akbar? Tunisia, scoperte catacombe cristiane a Gammarth. Direttore scavi Inp, prima assoluta nella zona di Cartagine
RAMALLAH, 13 GIU - questo: segretario Generale della Lega Araba, Nabil al-Arabi, è soltanto un prestanome: come OBAMA; il realtà, il vero padrone della LEGA Araba: è SALMAN Salafita wahhabita: e voi siete tutti morti, perché siete i suoi dhimmi! Nabil al-Arabi arriverà domani per la prima volta in visita ufficiale in Cisgiordania.
e chi paga: economicamente: per questo DELIRIO: da trattamento psichiatrico obbligatorio? Questo è sicuro, per non far vedere che sono stati soldi spesi male, poi, dato che tutto e pronto: vedrete che anche spareranno contro la Russia: poi, qualche calunnia, la troveranno anche, come, è stato fatto anche tutte le altre volte! BRUXELLES, 13 GIU - La Nato schiererà quattro battaglioni nei Paesi Baltici e in Polonia per rafforzare le difese contro la Russia. Lo annuncia il segretario generale dell'Alleanza Atlantica Jens Stoltenberg.
ah, ma questo è un altro caso: trattamento da psichiatria: reparto soggetti casi gravi: e socialmente pericolosi! quì erano due canali: 1. JHWH999; 2. "Merkel dhimmi" senza video, li hanno chiusi entrambi e nessuno: saprà mai il perché: accounts-support@google.com> Oggetto: RE: [6-0945000011840] Salve, evolutionxcrimeideological@gmail.com Grazie per il ricorso sulla sospensione dell'account. Abbiamo deciso di mantenere sospeso l'account sulla base delle Norme della community e dei Termini di servizio. Per ulteriori informazioni, la invitiamo a visitare la pagina http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines. Cordiali saluti, Il team di YouTube ] my JHWH, non è per essere cattivo: ma, a questi una grave diarrea, con gravi complicanze intestinali tu gliela potresti anche mandare: io dico!
https://youtu.be/XG4s0PphWek Giulietto Chiesa - Il ruolo della Nato nella Guerra Mondiale a pezzi. la NATO si prepara ad aggredire la Russia, e si prepara ad inglobare tutte le Nazioni del mondo! PandoraTV Pubblicato il 13 giu 2016. Nel complesso San Niccolò a Prato si è svolto l'incontro "Il ruolo della Nato della guerra mondiale a pezzi", organizzato dal Comitato No Guerra No Nato, Pax Christi, Comunità le Piagge, Comitato No Guerra No Nato, Unione Suore Domenicane San Tommaso D'Aquino.
@Arutz Sheva TV. non posso proprio io: mettere nei guai Netanyahu: e lui "Enlightened countries must unite to fight terror" lui ha validi motivi per poter e dover mentire! https://youtu.be/1WkEjxpB3mM
https://youtu.be/FOMa0nkbZuY "Srebrenica, come sono andate veramente le cose" i massacri islamici della NATO! Pubblicato il 12 giu 2016. Alberto Melotto intervista l'editore Giuseppe Zambon in merito al libro "Srebrenica, come sono andate veramente le cose", di Alexander Dorin e Zoran Jovanovic. Paolo Marinelli ] finalmente mi viene da dire. sono anni che penso molto simile al signor Zambon, quel che passa come storia ufficiale, incontestata, è al 99% dei casi, il capovolgimento della realtà dei fatti.. capito questo, occorre andare a rivedere molti fatti.. non è un caso che si imponga per legge la storia (legge sul negazionismo). Il signor Zambon troverà molti molti nemici proprio tra quelli che notoriamente dovrebbero essere di sinistra: Sinistra che da decenni, guarda caso, la si trova sempre a sostegno di disegni imperialisti, globalizzanti, europeista. CI hanno detto che il nazionalismo era il male assoluto, e hanno creato una dittatura europea basata sull'ideologia della superiorità europea rispetto alle singole Nazioni e popoli. Decenni al fianco del Capitale, e come disse qualcun'altro, vestiti di rosso gli schizzi di sangue si notano meno. Decenni a incensare senza se e senza ma gli islamici insediati nella ex jugoslavia da secoli e che da secoli sono forieri di scontri di civiltà. Stesso percorso di verità necessiterebbe a questo punto, quanto successe col kosovo, da secoli territorio serbo, terreno di battaglie che fermarono le continue invasioni turche verso l'europa. E quelli "de sinistra" tutti a incensare i poveri kosovari, albanesi illegalmente sul suolo serbo.
il NAZISMO Regime Rothschild Bildenberg NATO per la realizzazione dell'Unico Impero Mondiale: Satana il Gufo Spa FED è Dio. i Farisei Enlightened! 10 giu 2016 https://youtu.be/ilRQWrsrb8c Roberto Quaglia ha raccontato per Pandora tv l'incontro avvenuto a Bruxelles tra intellettuali e politici di diverse provenienze, uno scambio di idee ed esperienze per iniziare a mettere in campo, su scala europea, delle risposte all'escalation militare e al crescente restringimento degli spazi di democrazia. "A Bruxelles idee nuove per l'Europa" di Roberto Quaglia
MARCELLO6859 Grazie a tutti voi che ci informate su quanto succede, purtoppo più vi ascolto e più mi sento frustrato perchè mi accorgo che con chi cerco di condividere e divulgare quanto ci riportate rilevo un TOTALE DISINTERESSE verso tali importanti e delicati temi.
Gli italiani sono quasi totalmente assoggettati a questo SCHIFOSO sistema.
ARABIA SAUDITA SHARIA CHE LEGA ARABA: È IL PIÙ GRANDE GENOCIDIO E NAZISMO ISLAMICO DELLA STORIA ] [ https://youtu.be/bJgBJpABiso L'Arabia Saudita si fa togliere dalla lista nera dell'Onu 10 giugno 2016 - L'assedio di Aleppo
daq36 Ricordiamoci che l'Arabia Inaudita è sauditamente a capo del Consiglio per i Diritti Umani dell'ONU.
Marcello Randazzo ONU a cosa serve??? Meglio non commentare! Buffoni (usa e ue) hanno isolato la russia??? In tanto noi stiamo puzzando di fame perdendo miliardi di €€€€ per un capriccio organizzato dai dementi oltre oceano. Bhe se queste sanzioni portano al sgretolamento dell'U.E sono piu che benedette, alla fine è quello che vogliono gli usa per mantenere la leadership. (Immaginate i paesi europei che fanno business con i russi. Per gli usa sarebbe il crollo totale) Quindi meglio mantenere il caos tanto la gente è lobotomizzata a dovere.
Koba d'acciaio é una lotta tra imperialismi per l'egemonia nel globo. il capitalismo industriale ha bisogno di avere dei paesi non progrediti , cioè feudali, tali da garantirgli una "riserva" di risorse umane schiave che produce per le multinazionali. é una lotta di eserciti privati al servizio delle multinazionali. anche il capitale finanziario internazionale ha interesse nel conquistare i paesi non allineati alle sue politiche, cioè al sistema del debito monetario dollaristico. anch'essa, la Russia, é una stazione dell'imperialismo e dello sfruttamento , ma in minor misura, poiché non ha riserve in giro per il mondo e non possiede multinazionali, ma opta per un'economia protezionistica reazionaria, che inevitabilmente sarà sconfitta dal progressivo espandersi del modo di produzione multinazionale
SATANA USA ALLAH NATO ] e perché: vi lamentate? forse, voi vi credete forse: i santi tutte delle brave persone? NON VI È SALTATO IN MENTE, QUALCHE VOLTA. CHE, VOI AVETE ROTTO VERAMENTE I COGLIONI ANCHE A DIO?
CHI è ERDOGAN? "Autocisterne col petrolio trafugato dall'ISIS in attesa di varcare il confine siriano-turco: IL DELITTO DI NAZISMO E GENOCIDIO ISLAMICO è TUTTO QUì, ERDOGAN SALMAN e la LEGA ARABA sono i MANDANTI e USA NATO, sono i COMPLICi di: TUTTI I DELITTI CHE ISIS DAESH HA FATTO!
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/search/#ixzz4BAGcTEM6
chiami il diavolo? e spuntano le corna! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A9Vag4L_ZI Senkaku Cina Giappone ] [ Max Power https://plus.google.com/102027713597454754105 [13:32] Mavvaffanculo lorenzojhwh UniusREI [ 14:09 ] [ my Israel ] UK services CIA 666 NWO SPA regime Bildenberg NATO [ no! loro non sono così masochisti, come potrebbe sembrare, MI STANNO SFIDANDO: perché è così che devono fare i sacerdoti di Satana, loro vogliono costringermi a pubblicare qualcosa attraverso la ADSL della scuola per potermi denunciare! [ BURN SATANA: DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: IN JESUS'S NAME! [ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce. N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce, V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana. Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo, I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen!
07:53 01.04.2016
Obama Finally Meets With Erdogan on Margins of Nuclear Security Summit
US President Barack Obama met with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, discussing terrorism and migration, the White House said.
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters pose for a picture during a break in fighting against Islamic State (IS) group on November 8, 2014 in the Syrian besieged border town of Ain al-Arab (known as Kobane by the Kurds)
07:00 01.04.2016
Turks Pose Greater Threat to Kurds Than Assad Kurdish Advocacy Group
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is currently visiting Washington to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, is imposing a major security crackdown on his 20-million Kurdish minority, 25 percent of
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the war academy in Istanbul, Turkey March 28, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
04:48 01.04.2016
Erdogan Says Restoring Relations in the 'Common Interest' of Turkey, Russia
Turkey and Russia need to reestablish a relationship because they are two critical countries that share many of the same interests, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during an address at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC
School class
03:22 01.04.2016
Turkish Clerics Plans to Open Schools on US Military Bases Raises Concerns
Turkish imam Fethullah Gulen is in a self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania to avoid criminal punishment under the administration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to The Hill, Gulen has spent his time
Turkish soldiers patrol in Sur district, which is partially under curfew, in the Kurdish-dominated southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey February 26, 2016
02:48 01.04.2016
Biden to Erdogan: Kurdish PKK Remains Target in US Battle Against Terrorism
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan received assurances from US Vice President Joe Biden that the fight by the United States to destroy terrorist organizations includes the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as an enemy, the White House said
urkish security personnel struggle to take a sign away from protesters in front of the Brookings Institute before the arrival of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Washington.
02:27 01.04.2016
Erdogans Security Team Thinks They Have Jurisdiction in Washington, DC
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech before the Brookings Institute on Thursday, a largely peaceful protest assembled outside. To quell the legal assembly, the embattled leaders security detail clashed with journalists
Turkish soldiers stand guard as Syrians wait behind the border fences near the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, Turkey (File)
01:57 01.04.2016
Turkish Policy in Syria to Deteriorate Relations Between Republics for Long
out from the Syrian territory against Turkey. In the latest interview with Sputnik, Assad reaffirmed his accusation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan directly supporting the Daesh, among other
Security agents accompany the limousine of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as he leaves the Brookings Institution where he spoke on the sidelines of the
22:48 31.03.2016
Turkish Security Removal of Journalists Violates Brookings Policy
The attempt by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans security guards to remove credentialed reporters from a Brookings Institution event does not cohere with the organizations policy, Brookings director of facilities operations, Joe Clapper
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks at the Brookings Institute in Washington March 31, 2016
21:31 31.03.2016
Erdogan Calls for Terror Free Zone in Northern Syria to Resettle Refugees
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey and the West could announce a no-terror zone in the northern part of Syria and declare that area to be a no-fly zone at the same time in order to provide safety and security for the refugees.
Song: Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan | extra 3 | NDR
21:11 31.03.2016
Turkish-German Diplomatic Row Over Song Will Only Lead to More Mockery
Cem Toker, the leader of Turkey's Liberal Democratic Party, says that the politics of the Erdogan government, including the recent scandal over a German satire video, have made Turkey out to be a backward third world dictatorship in the eyes of its
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during his meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
21:01 31.03.2016
US-EU Transatlantic Trade Deal to Negatively Impact Turkey's Trade Balance
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal will have a negative impact on Turkeys trade balance.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) receives US President Barack Obama (L) for a bilateral meeting as a part of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit on November 15, 2015 in Antalya
20:18 31.03.2016
Obama, Erdogan Likely to Speak Tonight at White House
US President Barack Obama and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan could have discussion on the margins of the dinner that's taking place at the White House, according to Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the war academy in Istanbul, Turkey March 28, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
20:13 31.03.2016
Demonstrations 'Out of Control' Outside Erdogan Speech in DC
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was set to deliver a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC, protests erupted, resulting in violence.
Gate of the General Staff headquarters in Ankara
19:29 31.03.2016
Turkish General Staff Rejects Reports of Alleged Military Coup Preparations
ANKARA (Sputnik) Several Turkish media outlets have published reports of an alleged planned military coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in recent days. Some reports pointed to political-exile Fethullah
White House
17:32 31.03.2016
All Quiet in the Eurasian Front
economic ties with Beijing? Lets keep rotating Then theres NATO. Many a key player across the Beltway is absolutely fed up with turbulent NATO ally Sultan Erdogan. Yet the impression
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais in Damascus, in this handout picture provided by SANA on February 20, 2016.
15:45 31.03.2016
Assad: Turkish Downing of Russian Jet Was Aggression Against Damascus
DAMASCUS (Sputnik) Turkey's attack against a Russian aircraft in Syrian airspace can be considered aggression against Syria itself, the country's President Bashar Assad told Sputnik. "He [Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan waits for the arrival of European Council President Donald Tusk prior to a meeting at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, Oct. 5, 2015.
15:06 31.03.2016
'Erdogan is Turkey's Biggest Comedian' German Satirists Respond to Furore
Germany's Extra 3 comedy show, which enraged Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by broadcasting a critical, satirical song about him, returned to German television on Wednesday evening with a new episode in which
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (C) looks on after arriving at Esenboga Airport, in Ankara, Turkey, June 8, 2015
03:21 31.03.2016
Rejected Erdogan Uses Private Dinner to Shame Obama Administration
While Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was denied a formal meeting with President Obama during his Washington visit, he was granted an audience before a number of DC think tanks and used the opportunity to bash US foreign policy.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech, flanked by his wife Emine (File)
00:41 31.03.2016
Erdogan Ready to Mend Diplomatic Ties With Israel
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed readiness to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel during his visit to the United States, Turkish media reported Wednesday.
22:51 30.03.2016
Turkish General Staff Says 23 PKK Militants Killed in Southeast
March 20. Clashes between the Turkish government and the PKK have claimed the lives of over 350 soldiers and police officers since they erupted in July 2015. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan alleges over 5,000 Kurdish
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (R) meets with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in Istanbul, Turkey January 23, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
20:54 30.03.2016
Biden to Hold Meeting With Erdogan While Obama Likely to Have Conversation
White House spokesperson Josh Earnest declined to say whether US President Barack Obama had rejected a private meeting at Erdogans request during the Nuclear Security Summit.
US Vice President Joe Biden (L) pose with Turkish President Rcep Tayyip Erdogan at Beylerbeyi Palace on November 22, 2014 in Istanbul
20:39 30.03.2016
Erdogan's Make or Break Visit to Washington Decides 'Fate of Middle East'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to the US takes place at a historically crucial moment for his political future and that of the Middle East, security analyst Haldun Solmazturk told Sputnik. Erdogan arrived in
A picture taken on March 18, 2016 shows a placard depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) giving money to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reading not to be accomplices to crime, involves supporting peace, democracy and human rights as Kurdish people take part in a protest to call for an end of the Turkish State terror in Kurdistan, during the European Union summit in Brussels
17:58 30.03.2016
Silent on Demarche Over Song, Merkel 'Shows Servility Toward Erdogan'
Turkey's Erdogan is using his new bargaining position with the EU over refugees to silence critics abroad, including a satirical program which made a song mocking him, while the German government silently complies, a German parliamentarian told
Kurdish women hold flags of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) political wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), and banners during a demonstration against the exclusion of Syrian-Kurds from the Geneva talks in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on February 4, 2016
17:30 30.03.2016
Syrian Kurds Hope Russia May Help Ethnic Group Join Next Geneva Talks
Rodi Osman, the head of Syrian Kurdistan's representative office in Moscow said that the Kurdish absence from the talks in Geneva was caused by the fact Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government opposed the participation of one
Erdogan guard yell at protester in Washington, DC.
15:52 30.03.2016
Erdogan's Guards Go Berserk, Outyell Protester in Washington Visit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Washington devolved into an outright circus, as his security detail outyelled protesters.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) receives US President Barack Obama (L) for a bilateral meeting as a part of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit on November 15, 2015 in Antalya
10:56 30.03.2016
Meeting of Last Hope? What Would Top the Talks Between Obama, Erdogan
a one-on-one meeting with Erdogan, which prompted speculation about cooling of ties between the two.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
10:45 30.03.2016
Making a Turkey of Erdogan: German TV Mocks Leader With Sarcastic Subtitles
The German NDR broadcaster continued mocking Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by adding English and Turkish subtitles to the jokey video about the president after reported Turkish demand to remove the footage.
Barack Obama and Recep Tayyip Erdogan
21:56 29.03.2016
US 'Needs Both' Turks and Kurds: What Went Wrong Between Obama and Erdogan?
President Barack Obama has elected to not meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the latters five-day visit to the United States. Radio Sputniks Brian Becker speaks with journalist Kemal Okuyan and activist Kani Xulan about
Barack Obama and Recep Tayyip Erdogan
20:31 29.03.2016
Turkish-US Tensions 'Wouldn't Go Away Even if Obama Did Meet With Erdogan'
Over the weekend, US media reports suggested that President Obama had rejected a one-on-one meeting with Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and refused to attend the opening ceremony of a mosque in Maryland built using
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech to supporters during a rally on June 16, 2013, in Istanbul.
18:59 29.03.2016
Diplomatic Row Between Turkey and Germany Threatens Migrant Deal
A diplomatic row has broken out between Ankara and Berlin over references to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a German satirical TV show which is likely to put a strain on the German-brokered migrant deal with Turkey.
A woman with children and the members of Turkish police special forces in the background (File)
17:47 29.03.2016
Martyrs 'R' Us: Turkish Government Magazine Sells Religious Death to Kids
A cartoon in a Turkish government magazine aimed at children promotes the idea of martyrdom in what could serve as more indication of Erdogan's support for radical Islamization policies.
Militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, stand in a bunker in Sirnak, Turkey, late Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015.
17:21 29.03.2016
Almost 30 PKK Militants Killed in Southeastern Turkey Over 24 Hours
and the PKK, outlawed by Ankara, has claimed the lives of 300 soldiers and police officers since it erupted anew in July 2015. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, over 5,000 Kurdish insurgents were killed in
A picture taken on November 27, 2015 in Istanbul, shows newspapers at the office of Cumhuriyet Daily newspaper's Editor in Chief Can Dundar, as people demonstrate outside the headquarters after the arrest of Dundar.
16:47 29.03.2016
Turkey in Fresh Diplomatic Row as Consuls Support Under-Fire Journalists
of "exceeding their authority." "Turkey is not a colony: Turkey is an independent and strong state. Turkish courts and Turkish judges are independent," he said. This was followed by criticism from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who lashed out
Loud & Clear
15:36 29.03.2016
Obama Snubs Erdogan: a New Day in US-Turkey Relations?
On todays episode of Loud & Clear, host Brian Becker discusses the arrival of Turkish President Erdogan in the United States today for a five day visit and the decision of President Obama not to meet with him.
Turkish journalists gathered to protest against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015
14:52 29.03.2016
No Justice: Turkey Court Charges MPs Protesting Persecution of Journalists
the release of the journalists in February, ruling that they were journalists and not terrorists. However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the country's government kept the "espionage" case going, appointing a new prosecutor
Ancient Palmyra
14:27 29.03.2016
In Syria, President Putin Acts Sincerely, Based on Real Human Impulses
then heading into Europe. The illicit oil trade, smuggling of antiquities and theft of equipment from our factories in Aleppo Erdogans government is neck-deep in support of terrorism not only in Syria
US President Barack Obama and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
12:13 29.03.2016
Erdogan Says Expects to Meet With Obama During US Visit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his meeting with the US President Barack Obama is planned during Erdogan's visit to the United States for the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS).
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
06:22 29.03.2016
No Joking Matter: Ankara Summons Berlin's Envoy Over Mocking Erdogan
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has summoned the German ambassador to the country after one of the German television channels broadcast a satirical song about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, local media reported.
People demonstrate against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015.
17:31 28.03.2016
Ankara Protests Presence of EU Diplomats at Opposition Journalists' Trial
by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the head of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) after they published an article bringing to light MIT arms deliveries to Syria. Friday's first hearing was attended by several EU
Turkey gas pipeline
17:27 28.03.2016
Broken Dreams: This is How Russia Ruins Erdogans Energy Plan
successfully ended its aerial operation in Syria, Islamist groups have been losing ground across Syria while the positions of the Syrian government and Kurds have strengthened. Russias involvement in the region shattered Erdogan
17:25 28.03.2016
Obama will not have a personal meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan during Erdogan's upcoming visit to the United States. Obama has rejected Erdogan's request to participate in a joint event and the US leader has no plans
A militant of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, stands at a barricade in Sirnak, Turkey, late Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015.
16:39 28.03.2016
Turkish Forces Subdue About 5,300 PKK Militants Since July 2015
Turkish security services have killed, injured or detained more than 5,300 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) since July 2015, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday.
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:26 28.03.2016
Erdogan's Administration Preparing for Meeting With Obama in US - Ankara
The administration of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is preparing for his one-on-one meeting with US leader Barack Obama during an upcoming visit to the United States, Erdogan's spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said Monday.
US President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
14:03 28.03.2016
Erdogan's Administration Unaware of Cancellation of Meeting With Obama
Administration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has no information about a reported cancellation of Erdogan's meeting with his US counterpart Barack Obama, a spokesman for the administration said Monday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) speaks with US President Barack Obama (L) during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit in Antalya. (File)
13:10 28.03.2016
Obama Rejects Proposal to Meet Erdogan During Turkish Leader's Visit to US
US President Barack Obama will not have a personal meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan during Erdogan's upcoming visit to the United States, media reported.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:22 27.03.2016
US, Turkish Businessman May Strike a 'Secret Deal' Against Erdogan
The US has accused Turkish businessman Reza Zarrab of illegal money transferring activities helping Iran bypass American sanctions. If Zarrab strikes a deal with Washington it would deliver a heavy blow to Erdogan.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
13:20 27.03.2016
This is Why Erdogan Considers Everyone in Turkey a 'Terrorist'
at least 37 people dead, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested that terrorism should be redefined. Erdogan believes that there is no difference between "a terrorist holding a gun or a bomb and those who use their position and pen to
Men place a candles on a street memorial following Tuesday's bomb attacks in Brussels, Belgium, March 23, 2016
10:27 27.03.2016
Washington Could Have Put Pressure on Erdogan if 'Wanted to Help Europe'
restore cooperation. They also could have asserted influence over Turkish President Erdogan Yevseyev told Radio Sputnik. The expert added that the methods used by the US simply do not work and create a lot of problems for
Fighters from the Kurdish People Protection Unit (YPG) monitor the horizon in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh on June 28, 2015
20:18 26.03.2016
Kurdish Federalization: Trojan Horse or Golden Opportunity for Syria?
resolve the Kurdish question by offering the Kurds the security they seek. People gravitate towards situations that offer good quality of life, and if the Kurdish Syrians are afforded those opportunities, then the Erdogan brutality
Armed Belgian police secure the area, in this still image taken from video, upon their arrival in Molenbeeck, near Brussels, Belgium
18:06 26.03.2016
Unspoken Story of Europe's Islamization: Who's Behind the Terror Upsurge?
Chancellor Angela Merkel are still turning a blind eye to the problem. They are courting Turkish President Recep Erdogan who is famous for his clandestine collaboration with Islamists and who "himself is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
16:41 26.03.2016
Leaked Memo Reveals Erdogans 'Radical Solution' to Mideast Crises
According to King Abdullah, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes in a radical solution" to the problems in the Middle East. "The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy, and Turkey keeps
A demonstrator holds newspaper read Black day of the press during a protest outside the Cumhuriyet newspaper in Istanbul, Turkey, November 27, 2015
19:26 25.03.2016
HRW: Turkish Journalists' Trial is Suppression of Critical Reporting
insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his nearly two-year term.
A poster with a picture of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, displayed in Istanbul, Turkey
19:21 25.03.2016
US, Europe Will Show No 'Sympathy' to Erdogan in Event of 'Military Coup'
an impact on citizens buying power, the analyst wrote for the American Enterprise Institute. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is "out-of-control," the article read. He is imprisoning political opponents, cracking down on the freedom
17:04 25.03.2016
Leaked Memo Reveals UK Special Air Service Deployed in Libya Since January
to combat the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The document also expresses Jordans frustrations with other allies in the region. "[Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan] believes in a radical Islamic solution
A UK national detained in Ankara on suspicion of links to Daesh terrorist group will be deported from Turkey, local media reported Friday.
16:13 25.03.2016
Turkey to Deport UK National Suspected of Links to Daesh - Reports
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey had detained one of the Brussels terrorist attack suspects, identified as Ibrahim Bakraoui, on the border with Syria in June 2015 and subsequently deported him to
People gather to protest the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
15:15 25.03.2016
Trial of Turkish Reporters Accused of Revealing State Secrets to Be Closed
was held at the 14th Criminal Court in Istanbul, at which requests by MIT and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be considered as plaintiffs were accepted, the Hurriyet Daily News newspaper reported. Dundar and Gul were
This file photo shows people demonstrating against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
10:16 25.03.2016
Turkish Reporters Accused of Revealing State Secrets to Stand Trial Friday
of their trial to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans consternation, who refused to "accept, respect and follow" the ruling. Dundar, the dailys editor-in-chief, and Gul, its Ankara bureau chief, face a maximum life sentence
CCTV surveillance image shows three men identified as suspects in the Brussels attacks.
23:03 24.03.2016
US Terror Databases Included 2 Brothers Involved in Brussels Attacks
Bakraoui, and said his brother Ibrahim was one of two perpetrators of the blasts in Zaventem. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Turkey had detained Ibrahim Bakraoui on the border with Syria in
RT Probe Into Daesh Oil Industry Proves Financial Ties With Turkey
19:12 24.03.2016
RT Probe Into Daesh Oil Industry Proves Financial Ties With Turkey
Syria to Turkey. Moscow also contends that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family are directly involved in illicit oil activities with the Islamic State, which is also known as Daesh.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during his meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
18:19 24.03.2016
Belgian Authorities Verify Info on Suicide Bomber Deportation by Turkey
BRUSSELS (Sputnik) On Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey had detained one of the Brussels terrorist attack suspects, identified as Ibrahim Bakraoui, on the border with Syria in
Policemen take part to an operation against a jihadist cell in the Spanish city of Melilla on March 14, 2014
18:02 24.03.2016
The European Jihadi Union
the risk of an attack at the airport and a probable attack on the metro. Even more significantly, and before the arrest of Abdeslam, none other than neo-Ottoman Sultan Erdogan, leader of a key "NATO ally
The deputy rector of a Turkish University, who drew flak over his controversial remarks about education, has resigned from his post
17:41 24.03.2016
Turkish Professor's Controversial Remarks on Education Cause Public Uproar
Separately, he cautioned against spreading panic and fear among the population of Turkey in connection with the threat of new terrorist attacks. He also warned that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's possible resignation
Oil well pumps are seen in the Rmeilane oil field in Syria's northerneastern Hasakeh province on July 15, 2015
05:00 24.03.2016
RT Exclusive Documentary Reveals Financial Tracks of Turkey-Daesh Oil Trade
on the Erdogans policy, his ties with Daesh and the illegal oil trade. Their comments were confirmed by a bunch of leftover passports and other IDs shown by a YPG officer. All of them had a Turkish entry stamp. Among
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
20:08 23.03.2016
Belgium Disputes Turkey's 2015 Origin Story of Brussels Bomber
and set him free, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday. The news outlet, however, states that Belgian prosecutors has no confirmation of such reports. According to latest official reports, 31 people were killed and 270 injured
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, presidente de Turquía
19:37 23.03.2016
Erdogan Thinks There Should Be No Permanent UN Security Council Members
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that the UN Security Council must be reformed and expanded, and permanent seats in the body abolished altogether. For their part, Russian analysts suggest that such a proposal, if implemented, would
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev (L) and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) huging after signing bilateral agreements following the 5th Turkey-Azerbaijan High Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting at the Presidential Complex in Ankara
17:53 22.03.2016
Erdogan's Game: Turkey Making Groups of Allies out of Russias Adversaries
of the ethnic Armenians backed by neighboring Armenia. Negotiations have so far failed to produce a permanent peace agreement, and the dispute remains one of post-Soviet Europe's "frozen conflicts." Ataev notes that Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, centre, accompanied by Turkish Forces' Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, left, reviews a honour guard Thursday Feb. 18, 2016
14:39 22.03.2016
EU-Turkey Deal 'Lays Foundation for Conflict Where Europe Will Be Victim'
suggests, "by crushing the Iraqi and Syrian people under the pressure of the jihadists whom they are indirectly financing, and abandoning the Turkish people to the dictatorship of President Erdogan, [Europe is] preparing the foundations
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during his meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
14:30 22.03.2016
Turkeys Erdogan Mentions Possible Brussels Bombing Just Days Before Attack
Less than a week before the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of possible bombings in European cities, including Brussels.
A carnival float depicting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) clinking his glass with a fighter of the Islamic State (IS) stands in front of the city hall in Duesseldorf, western Germany, after the Rose Monday (Rosenmontag) street parade has been cancelled on February 8, 2016
21:43 21.03.2016
Turkey Is 'One Step Away' From Dictatorial Powers for Erdogan
Erdogan's new definitions of terrorism could lead to one-man rule, as they threaten to label anyone in disagreement with the ruling a party a "terrorist" in an already polarized political climate.
Emergency workers work at the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey March 13, 2016
19:36 21.03.2016
Could Istanbul Terror Attack Actually Bring Turkey and Israel Together?
Turkey's rift with Russia over the Syrian conflict left Israel having to choose between Putin and Erdogan when it comes to forming major regional partnerships. A Daesh suicide attack in Turkey's Istanbul, which killed
A Turkish Kurd holds a flag during the funeral of three Kurdish fighters killed during clashes in Kobani, in this October 23, 2014.
15:13 21.03.2016
Senior Merkel Ally Warns EU-Turkey Deal Could Lead to Kurdish Exodus
states will be unable to control. Now online: #EUTurkey statement. https://t.co/rvZlfFrLyG #EUCO #migrationEU EU Council Press (@EUCouncilPress) 18 March 2016? In Turkey, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a meeting of local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
09:46 21.03.2016
Turkish Tyranny: Brussels Embraces Erdogan Despite 'Regime of Fear'
government's arbitrary use of every law at its disposal to facilitate what she described as tyranny. The interview came amid escalating tensions in the country after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the fight
Police officers install security barriers at the historic Sultanahmet district, which is popular with tourists, after an explosion in Istanbul, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016
07:59 21.03.2016
Turkey's Tourism Tumbles: Terrorism, Kurdish Situation Take Toll on Travel
visiting the country and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) clashed with the Erdogan regime, which is responsible for attacking Kurdish communities in both southeast Turkey and neighboring Syria. Turkish cities have witnessed numerous acts
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (R) shakes hands with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu before their meeting in Tehran, Iran March 5, 2016.
15:10 20.03.2016
Unexpected Twist: This is Why Turkey Wants to Be Friends With Iran
overthrow him. Moreover, Ankara was ostensibly planning to send ground forces to northern Syria not so long ago. On Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Davutoglu and Foreign
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
03:20 20.03.2016
Erdogan 'Turned Turkey Into Totalitarian State'
Kurds are playing a key role in resolving the Syrian conflict, but they are being treated like enemies by the totalitarian rule of Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saunders wrote in his piece for Globe
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
21:18 19.03.2016
Ankara 'Shows Little Enthusiasm' Over Turkey-EU Deal
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not seem to be enthusiastic over the recent agreement with the EU and the policy of European states as a whole, German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reported.
Pope Francis gestures during a special audience to celebrate a Jubilee day for the mystic saint Padre Pio in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican February 6, 2016.
03:30 19.03.2016
Pope to Visit Armenia One Year after Condemning Turkey for 1915 Genocide
Erdogan regime vents as Pope Francis takes the side of historical record regarding the savage ethnic cleansing that decimated over 83% of the Armenian population one century ago.
Buildings, which were damaged during the security operations and clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants, are seen in the southeastern town of Cizre in Sirnak province, Turkey March 2, 2016
21:57 18.03.2016
'Devastating': US Media Turns Back on Horrors of Erdogans Kurdish Assault
As the Turkish government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues its crackdown on Kurdish communities in the countrys southeast, Radio Sputniks Loud & Clear host Brian Becker speaks with RT reporter William Whiteman, who has witnessed
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse stone throwing Kurdish demonstrators during a protest against the curfew in Sur district, in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, December 22, 2015
21:45 18.03.2016
2,000 Turkish Academics Signed Petition for Peace Process
Ankaras military action in the countrys southeast. Stephensons arrest and departure came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that it is necessary to redefine terrorism. On Monday, Erdogan said
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu poses with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (L) and European Council President Donald Tusk (R) during a European Union leaders summit on migration in Brussels, Belgium, March 18, 2016.
19:57 18.03.2016
Concerns Remain Over EU-Turkey Deal on Refugees Amid Acrimony
(@TimKirkhopeMEP) March 18, 2016? Watching the EU grovel to #Turkey is not just humiliating but also so dangerous. Erdogan's Islamofascist regime cannot be trusted. David Vance (@DVATW) March 18, 2016? It's wrong to compromise on
Context Countdown
16:13 18.03.2016
Anti-Trump Violence, Super Tuesday 2.0, Russias Drawdown in Syria
Following that, we talk about Erdogans latest power trip in wanting to broaden the definition of terrorist to include civilians and non-combatant sympathizers alike. The third topic that we
Turkish soldiers on a tank sit opposite the Syrian town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane by the Kurds, at the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern Turkish village of Mursitpinar, Sanliurfa province (File)
15:05 18.03.2016
Erdogans Policy Against Kurds Constitutes Genocide - Kurdish Official
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans policy against Kurds, both in Turkey and abroad, is genocide and total extermination, a member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
06:59 18.03.2016
Erdogan Says Democracy Has 'No Value', Vows to Crack Down on Opposition
In the wake of a recent bomb attack in Ankara, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared that the fight against terrorism is above the rule of law and vowed to hit his enemies, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in particular
A man holds the flag of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as Kurds living in Greece protest in central Athens on October 8, 2014
02:17 18.03.2016
Is Syria Unravelling? Kurds Declare Federation in Northern Syria
the Kurds. He explained that Erdogan cannot accept the Kurds in Turkey linking up with the Kurds in Syria because he views that as a potential threat to Turkey. Bangash sees Saudi Arabia and Qatar as
Syria. First day of truce
19:18 17.03.2016
Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria?
something that would freak out Sultan Erdogan to Kingdom Come. And Cosmopolistan would unite the Alawi/ Christian/ Druze/ secular Sunni heart of Syria, or the Syria that works, from Damascus up to Latakia and Aleppo. Syrian Kurds
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting of mukhtars (heads of towns and villages) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 24, 2016
16:44 17.03.2016
Blame Game Turkish Style or Erdogans Propaganda War
just ahead of President Erdogans visit to Azerbaijan and, therefore, was not coincidental, given Russias open cooperation with the Kurdistan Workers Party and Syrias Kurdish Democratic Union Party
Russian war planes at Hmeymim base in Syria
12:23 17.03.2016
The Turks and Saudis Should Beware the Ides of March
and arms-length support to Erdogan after he shot down the Russian anti-terrorist plane over Syria late last year sparked questions about why the US would hang Turkey out to dry, but after realizing that it largely comes
Turkish police stands guard outside of Bilgi University in Istanbul, Turkey (File)
19:04 16.03.2016
Turkey May Deport UK Academic for Alleged PKK Support
cessation of military operation against the PKK in the southeast of Turkey. Ankara has launched a probe against a total of 507 researchers for signing the petition. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called
Russian tourists in Antalya. file photo
17:38 16.03.2016
Erdogan's Hardline Policy Scares Tourists Away From Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's harsh stance on the opposition media, coupled with terrorist attacks in his country have already led to a sharp decline in the flow of tourists to the country, according to the German newspaper Die Zeit.
Rescuers carry a victim on a stretcher at the scene of a blast in Ankara on March 13, 2016.
17:18 16.03.2016
Erdogan Demands Action to 'Redefine Terrorism Laws' After Ankara Blast
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish parliament must immediately take steps to redefine terrorism laws.
Security officials at Sunday's explosion site covered by large white sheeting in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, March 15, 2016
16:36 16.03.2016
Around 40 Ankara Bombing Victims Remain Hospitalized - Erdogan
Some 40 victims of Sunday's deadly blast in Ankara remain hospitalized, with seven being treated for grave injuries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday.
A Kurdish YPG fighter
16:19 16.03.2016
'The Kurds Have No Friends': Why the Nation's Motto May Turn Into Reality
18th century German writer Friedrich von Schiller once said. There are signs that the grim prognosis is likely to come true. "First, Washington exhibits an embarrassing fealty toward Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is waging
Syrian refugees fleeing Aleppo.
15:32 16.03.2016
Eleventh Hour Crisis Talks as EU-Turkey Refugee Deal Set for Failure
Last-minute talks between the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu are due Wednesday amid angry calls from lawmakers to decouple the deal from Turkish membership of the EU.
Hmeimim airbase in Syria
10:59 16.03.2016
Most Discussed Ways to View President Putins Syrian Surprise
campaign, among which is Turkey. And it is a very serious blow to Erdogan personally. The website, however, admits that this version is highly unlikely as through the recent years, Russia has demonstrated that it stands firm in
Armed Kurdish militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) stand behind a barricade during clashes with Turkish forces on September 28, 2015, at Bismil, in Diyarbakir
22:10 15.03.2016
'Full of Vengeance': PKK Leader Warns Ankara Offensive Will Lead to Payback
Erdogan, which have become increasingly authoritarian. "If Erdogan defeats us, then he can defeat everyone in Turkey who wants democracy, so our main aim now is the fall of Erdogan," he said. "Our fight is now existential: to
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting of mukhtars (heads of towns and villages) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 24, 2016
19:48 15.03.2016
Erdogan Calls Sunday's Ankara Bombing an Attack Against All Turks
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the terrorist attack in Ankara was directed against all of Turkey, "against all 79 million citizens of the country."
History Lessons
10:53 15.03.2016
History Lessons
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's wife was wrong when she claimed that the Ottoman-era harems provided women with an education.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visits Turkey
10:23 15.03.2016
Strange Bedfellows: Turkish-Ukrainian Friendship Unlikely to Last Long
for a high-level strategic cooperation council meeting as the guest of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, only three weeks after Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu paid a snap visit to Kiev. On the same day as Davutoglu was in Kiev
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
23:10 14.03.2016
Turkeys Erdogan Looks to Expand Terrorist Definition to Include Civilians
of terror activity. "It's not only the person who pulls the trigger, but those who made that possible who should also be defined as terrorists, regardless of their title," said Erdogan, following a bombing in Ankara which
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech, flanked by his wife Emine (File)
21:53 14.03.2016
Erdogan's Wife Was Wrong: Ottoman Harems Were About Slavery, Not Education
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's wife Emine Erdogan's comment that harems provided women with education are not true, Turkish historian Ay?e Hür told Sputnik Turkiye. "Do not forget that it was closely associated
Berkin Elvan's father Sami Elvan marches in Istanbul on March 7, 2015 as thousands of people marched to mark the first anniversary of the death of the youngest victim of the Gezi Park protests
18:53 14.03.2016
Turkish Father Recounts Silence on Son, Killed for Protesting Erdogan
Despite public outcry, the names of people responsible for killing a teenager during 2013 Turkish anti-Erdogan protests have yet to be revealed, the teen's father told Sputnik Turkiye.
Riot police use water canon against people gathered in support of Turkey's largest-circulation newspaper Zaman at its headquarters in Istanbul, early Saturday, March 5, 2016
14:03 14.03.2016
Beyond the Pale: Canadian Press Urges Abandonment of 'Totalitarian' Turkey
is allegedly aimed at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reining in the Islamist and Kurdish movements. "Erdogan claims they are security threats, but in practice, these crackdowns give him absolute executive power by eliminating all
Emergency workers work at the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey March 13, 2016
13:59 14.03.2016
Ankara Warns of Kurds' Plans to Attack Turkish Cities on March 20
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it was a terrorist attack, although no militant group immediately claimed responsibility for it. Earlier on Monday, Kurdistan National Congress spokesman Selahattin Soro said that the PKK
In this photo taken from the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria, in Akcakale, southeastern Turkey, a Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier watches as in the background a flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, is raised over the city of Tal Abyad, Syria, Tuesday, June 16, 2015
13:14 14.03.2016
Turkey May Use Ankara Attack to Invade Neighboring States
least 37 people. Following the blast, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would never lose its right to defend itself against threats, which might include military operations abroad. "It is not yet known who did
Terrorist Car Bomb Attack on Central Ankara Shreds Public Square
08:30 14.03.2016Photo7
Terrorist Car Bomb Attack on Central Ankara Shreds Public Square
Kizilay Square became the second terrorist attack in Ankara this year, following a Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the bombing as a terror attack and swore to bring those responsible to justice.
Activists call for the US to stay out of 'unjust' wars
02:57 14.03.2016
200 Activists Protest in NYC, Call for US to Stay Out of Ukraine, Syria
Activists took to the New York City streets Saturday holding signs with various messages including "Stop the US drone attacks," "Stop the War at Home and Abroad," and "Obama, Erdogan, Saudi Royals Sponsors of Global Terrorism
A man stands next to a burnt out bus after a blast in Ankara on March 13, 2016
02:53 14.03.2016
Turkish Interior Ministry May Name Culprits in Ankara Bombing Soon
ANKARA (Sputnik) A car bomb exploded late Sunday at a bus stop near Ankaras central Kizilay square, killing 34 people and wounding 125. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it was a terrorist attack, although
Emergency workers work at the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey March 13, 2016
23:54 13.03.2016
Ankara Blast Death Toll Reaches 34 - Turkish Health Minister
Square was the second this year, after a military convoy was bombed in the capital in February. In a written statement after the blast, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the bombing as a terror attack and vowed
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) shakes hands with European Council President Donald Tusk after a news conference at the end of a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels March 8, 2016.
21:21 13.03.2016
EU-Turkey Migrant Agreement: Bad Deal for Europeans, Bad Deal for the Turks
for Radio Sputnik Turkey, Hisyar Ozsoy, the deputy chairman of the Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party, suggested that President Erdogan and the AKP were themselves responsible for the crisis. "Yes, Turkey is now going through
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, right, and his wife, Emine, arrive at the airport in Santiago, Chile, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016
11:22 13.03.2016
To Europe With Harem: EU Unlikely to Welcome Values of Its Striving Partner
Erdogans praise of the harems of the Ottoman Empire has caused a stir both in Turkey and in the EU.
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan prepares for the welding of the final section of the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, the Third Bosphorus Bridge, during a ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey, March 6, 2016
09:30 13.03.2016
Feeling the Pressure: Erdogan 'May Become Even More Isolated'
The next few months may see the further isolation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who will continue to antagonize more people at home and abroad, according to Ian Bremmer, a well-known US political scientist.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
02:00 13.03.2016
Turkish Leader Expected in Azerbaijan Tuesday Reports
Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected in Central Asias Azerbaijan next Tuesday after his visit was put off last month due to a deadly blast in Ankara, Azeri media reported.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchange gifts before their talks
17:36 12.03.2016
Merkel and Hollande Give 'Sultan' Erdogan This Much Power Over Europe
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long allowed migrants to freely travel to the Schengen Area through Turkey, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the European Commission have "actively backed" this, he insisted. Turkey has recently agreed
German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers her keynote speech during the Christain Democratic Union (CDU) politial Ash Wednesday meeting in Volkmarsen, Germany February 29, 2016.
14:30 12.03.2016
Full Obedience: Turkey Is Keeping Europe on a Leash'
and the EU has no other choice than to satisfy all of them ignoring its own interests. The conservative Austrian newspaper Die Presse wrote that it "was Angela Merkel's mistake to rely solely on Turkey. President Erdogan now believes
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan
14:05 12.03.2016
Erdogans Conundrum: What Could Trigger Military Coup in Turkey
Justice and Development Party (founded by Recep Tayyip Erdogan) are vague in the current environment. Erdogan and the Turkish military In his report presented at the Carnegie Moscow Center, Shlykov analyzed the question: is a military coup
Masyaf Castle is seen near the town of Masyaf in Hama province, in Syria
12:48 12.03.2016
Yugoslavi-zation: Ex NATO Chief Urges Dividing Syria Into Three Parts
militants at home, in Iraq and Syria. One could only guess what steps Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his allies would take if the Syrian Kurds form a state of their own. Partitions are also "difficult to implement, because most
Red Line
19:30 11.03.2016
President Erdogan: Shooting Down Independent Media
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans crackdown on independent media which led to the stormy takeover of Zaman leading opposition paper by the government has sent the shockwaves all over global media describing Turkish strongman as the killer
Ruined houses and buildings are seen in Cizre, Turkey, Wednesday, March 2, 2016.
18:51 11.03.2016
This is Not Syria, This is Turkey: Tour of Ruined Kurdish Town of Cizre
Erdogan destroyed our world. He burned us," one local resident told the journalists. "This was a residential building where women and children lived. Erdogan killed them all with heavy artillery. He destroyed this building. They say theyre
Migrants queue for a food distribution under the rain on March 10, 2016, in a makeshift camp at the Greek-Macedonian border, near the Greek village of Idomeni.
15:14 11.03.2016
EU-Turkey Deal Breaches Geneva Convention - European Lawmakers
and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) said: "Europeans will block all refugees who are looking for protection and it will be Turkey and Erdogan who will decide on an individual basis who is a political refugee and who is not, who can enter in
Context Countdown
14:50 11.03.2016
Venezuelan Opposition, Somali Drone Strike, Erdogan Seizes Zaman
in Somalia. Finally, this weeks show ends by explaining why Erdogan decided to seize the Zaman news outlet and how this destroyed the last veneer of Turkish democracy.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchange gifts before their talks
10:39 11.03.2016
Brussels Negotiating With Turkey Proves EU is 'Morally Bankrupt'
Having shifted responsibility for refugees to such a criminal like Erdogan, the EU has lost its face. First of all, Erdogan is to blame for the refugee crisis," she said. According to the politician, siding with
Turkish Flag
21:34 10.03.2016
Ankara Probing Over 500 Academics for Petition to Stop Anti-Kurds Violence
Psychology Department and reported by the Hurriyet newspaper. Mungan added that another 43 probes were launched regarding academics at private universities. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously called the signatories "poor excuses
Portraits of lieutenant colonel Oleg Peshkov and mariner Alexander Pozynich, who were killed in Syria
15:03 10.03.2016
Turkish Poet Apologizes to Russians for Erdogans Actions
Famous Turkish poet and winner of multiple national awards Hüseyin Haydar has recorded a video message in which he apologized to all the great Russian people for Ankara's policies, including the downing of a Russian bomber over Syria in November 2015.
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) chats with Russia's President Vladimir Putin prior to a working session at the Group of 20 (G20) leaders summit in the Mediterranean resort city of Antalya, Turkey, November 16, 2015
14:11 10.03.2016
'New Cold Warriors' Ready to Ruin This Country to Prevent US-Russia Thaw
Recep Tayyip Erdogan," the analyst detailed. "Indeed, Turkey's by now well-known collusion with [Daesh] is studiously ignored in favor [of] a narrative that paints Turkey as the latest target of Putin's Russia." Moscow's relations
In this photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, right, talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Saadabad palace in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, April 7, 2015
13:13 10.03.2016
Iran's Rouhani, Turkey's Erdogan to Meet in Spring
Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani will visit Turkey to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan this spring.
An employee of Zaman newspaper holds a chain during a protest at the courtyard of the newspaper in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016.
10:27 10.03.2016
Democracy 'Suspended' in Turkey as Government Takes Over Top Newspaper
Today's Zaman editor-in-chief Sevgi Akarcesme maintains that the European Union is "scared of pissing off" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan because they are concerned with an uncontrolled influx of refugees. "Their priority
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
23:41 09.03.2016
Turkey-Ukraine Free Trade Pact Possible in 2016 - Erdogan
Turkey and Ukraine could sign an agreement establishing a free trade zone this year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday.
A Syrian refugee child looks on, moments after arriving on a raft with other Syrian refugees on a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos, January 4, 2016.
22:26 09.03.2016
'Dirty Bargain': Turkey, EU Forge Deal With Syrian Blood on Their Hands
responsible for this big human tragedy." While the Erdogan government may have sights on joining the EU, it could face problems due to its harsh press laws. "Nearly three-fourths of the daily newspapers printed in Turkey are in
21:45 09.03.2016
Watch Your Mouth: Turkey Journalist Jailed Over Op-Ed
The lawyer of the Turkish journalist and chief editor of newspaper BirGün, Bar?? Ince, who was sentenced to 21 months in prison, spoke to Sputnik in an exclusive interview.
Loud & Clear
14:24 09.03.2016
Erdogan Supports Terrorism While Strangling the Press
On today's episode of Loud & Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by Kemal Okuyan, a leading columnist for the newspaper SoL, to talk about the deal reached between Turkey and the European Union. Okuyan exposes the twists and turns of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy. Millions of refugees have become a political football.
Kremlin, Moscow
13:26 09.03.2016
This is Why 'Getting Tough' With Russia is a Bad Idea
Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) forecast that Turkey's economy would lose up to $8.3 billion in 2016 due to sanctions, imposed by Moscow following the incident. In addition, Recep Tayyip Erdogan's erratic foreign policy strategies
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
10:13 09.03.2016
Erdogan Plays 'a Bitter Game of Political Blackmail' With EU
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems to believe that he can call the shots in his dealings with the EU because Brussels needs Ankara if it wants to tackle the refugee crisis, Germany's N-TV television news channel asserted, calling Erdogan's
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
23:41 08.03.2016
Turkish Opposition Sues Erdogan Government for Supporting Terrorism
Turkeys main opposition party has filed a lawsuit against the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accusing Ankara of "aiding and abetting a terrorist organization."
A stranded migrant reacts in front of a Macedonian police cordon as they clash after a migrant was injured when he climbed on top of a train wagon, near the village of Idomeni, Greece, November 28, 2015.
21:11 08.03.2016
'EU Ready to Betray Greece as it Did Czechoslovakia in 1938'
suggests, "Mr. Erdogan's Turkey seems to be engaged in a showdown with Europe, using a form of blackmail by conditioning its aid to migrants to accession to the EU, which would open it unlimited access to
Flags of Turkey, right, and the European Union are seen in front of a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey
20:45 08.03.2016
Greeks Worried by Influx of Kurds if Turkey Given Visa-Free EU Deal
unforeseen consequences if the semi-authoritarian [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan regime would escalate its war against the Kurdish minority inside Turkey. In this case, we could see massive flows of Kurdish refugees from South-Eastern
Turkish market, Istanbul
19:45 08.03.2016
Concerns Erdogan's Reckless Policies Ruining Turkish Economy
While Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has championed his government's role in defending Turkish interests throughout the migration crisis and war in Syria, critics fear the president's strong-handed approach to domestic and foreign policy may
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu speaks at a news conference at the end of a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels March 8, 2016.
18:34 08.03.2016
Turkeys $6.6bn EU Bribe
Erdogans Turkey this week diversified its rogue-state conduct from terror sponsorship to international bribery. The proceeds? Not bad earning, with $6.6 billion in aid extracted from the European Union.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L), European Council President Donald Tusk (C) and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (R) greet each other after a news conference at the end of a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels March 8, 2016
14:08 08.03.2016
Turkey's Goal of Joining EU 'Poses an Existential Problem for the West'
by "the sight of Europe's leaders kowtowing" to Erdogan, adding that promises to renew negotiations on Turkey joining the EU may end up creating an existential crisis for the supranational bloc, given the values it claims to
French President Francois Hollande (2nd L front row) looks on as Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (3rd L) chats with European Council President Donald Tusk (4th L) while posing with European Union leaders during a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels, as the bloc is looking to Ankara to help it curb the influx of refugees and migrants flowing into Europe, March 7, 2016
10:30 08.03.2016
Ankara's Trump Card: Turkey Hammers Out Migration Deal With EU in Brussels
The leaders of the 28 EU countries and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu have agreed on a new migration plan; its six principles are due to put an end to illegal immigration to the bloc from the Middle East via the Balkan route and restore the Schengen Agreement.
Kurdish people display a picture of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during a protest outside an EU-Turkey summit as the bloc is looking to Ankara to help it curb the influx of refugees and migrants flowing into Europe, in Brussels March 7, 2016
00:29 08.03.2016
Turkey Holds Brussels Hostage on Refugees to Get EU Help for Imperial Goals
into subsidizing Turkeys plans for regional hegemony," Draitser suggests, adding that, at issue is a "neo-Ottoman strategy that Erdogan and Prime Minister Davuto?lu have been pursuing since they got into power." What about
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan holds a board featuring the new Turkish lira samples (File)
18:47 07.03.2016
Erdogan Hopes EU to Allocate $3.3 Bln to Ankara After Migration Summit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the European Union will provide Ankara 3 billion euros as a promised support.
Kurdish people display a picture of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during a protest outside an EU-Turkey summit as the bloc is looking to Ankara to help it curb the influx of refugees and migrants flowing into Europe, in Brussels March 7, 2016
17:58 07.03.2016
Turkey's Erdogan Is 'Complicit' in Europe's Migrant Crisis
Turkey has enabled Europe's migrant crisis with President Erdogan's complicity, according to a French former diplomat and government auditor.
A photo taken in Ankara on March 6, 2016 shows the front page of the first new edition of the Turkish daily newspaper Zaman, which had staunchly opposed the president, now with articles supporting the government since its seizure by authorities
17:50 07.03.2016
Todays Zaman: Drastic U-Turn in Editorial Stance of Turkish Critical Media
Recep Tayyip Erdogan now can be seen on the new Zaman dailys front page. Its top story on Sunday described how he attended a ceremony marking a key phase in the construction of a bridge across the Bosphorus in
Flowers laid at the monument to pilots in the center of Lipetsk in memory of Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov of the Lipetsk Air Force Center, the commander of the downed bomber Su-24
16:57 07.03.2016
Syrian Turkmen Lament Death of Russian Pilot, Rely on Russia's Support
pursued by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "We are all Turkmen, but we are the people of Syria and want to continue to live in peace and accord. We are against Erdogan's aggression and we do not want to help him
Loud & Clear
16:40 07.03.2016
Turkey Plays the Refugee Card With the EU
On today's episode of Loud & Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by political analyst Eric Draitser to discuss what's behind the European Union and Turkey holding an emergency summit today in Brussels on the refugee crisis. The EU wants Turkey to stop the flow of refugees, but what does Turkey want in return?
An informal refugee camp (File)
16:15 07.03.2016
Erdogans Suggestion of a Refugee City in Syria is Only a Smokescreen
Recep Tayyip Erdogans recent suggestion about building a 'refugee city' on a foreign territory is only a smokescreen, which conceals his true intentions, among which are a push for a buffer zone and air cover for his moderate rebels, says
An employee of Zaman newspaper holds a chain during a protest at the courtyard of the newspaper in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016.
16:11 07.03.2016
Human Rights and Press Freedom Loom Large Amid EU-Turkey Migration Talks
may try to blackmail the EU into negotiating a favorable deal, after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in November threatened to flood Europe with migrants and refugees if the EU did not offer Turkey a better deal.
Employees of Zaman newspaper gather at the courtyard of the newspaper during a protest in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016
15:10 07.03.2016
EU Turns Blind Eye to Turkey Media Freedom Restrictions Amid Refugee Crisis
The European Union turns a blind eye to Ankara restricting media freedom in Turkey over the migration crisis issue, a diplomatic source in Brussels said Monday.
A man walks across piles of life jackets used by refugees and migrants to cross the Aegean sea from the Turkish coast which remained stacked on the Greek eastern island of Lesbos, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015.
13:40 07.03.2016
Shotgun Wedding: EU-Turkey Summit is Marriage of Desperation
The EU is ready to overlook the problems of Erdogan's Turkey because of its desperate desire to stop the flow of migrants into Europe, the Financial Times reported.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, right, introduces Turkish businessmen to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, during an official visit at the Presidential Palace in Abuja, Nigeria, Wednesday, March 2, 2016
21:55 06.03.2016
Facing Losses in Trade With Russia, Turkey Attempts Africa Pivot
The Turkish economy has been seriously damaged as a result of the rift in relations with Russia following Ankara's downing of a Russian military jet over Syria late last year. Now, President Recip Tayyip Erdogan is attempting a pivot to Africa
Map of Europe
21:42 06.03.2016
Europe's Actions Are Increasingly Absurd in the Face of Recent Challenges
ally Erdogan without qualms provides indirect support to the Islamic State (Daesh), Bashar (Assad) and Putin are being accused of human rights violations. And Europeans keep making concessions to Cameron for the sake
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting on the New Constitution at the Congresium in Ankara on January 28, 2016.
21:41 06.03.2016
EU Ignores Turkey's Butchering of Kurds if Erdogan Mops Up Migrants
Ankara political concessions and 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) in financial aid to be spent on refugees in Turkey "highly problematic." "The EU has got itself into a fatal dependency on President Erdogan and is now in
Normandy Four foreign ministerial meeting starts in Paris, March 3 2016. From left: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, Foreign Minister of France Jean-Marc Ayrault and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
14:30 06.03.2016
Will Brussels' 'Big European Lie' Lead to Political Crisis in Kiev?
in a conflict with Russia, and that it does not want a new problematic member; Erdogan's unpredictability and regular attempts to put NATO on the brink of war with Moscow are enough of a problem for them." Factually
Employees of Zaman newspaper gather at the courtyard of the newspaper during a protest in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016
20:41 05.03.2016
'We Will Never Kneel Before Erdogan' Turkish Zaman Journalist
Sputnik. ?"Our main headquarters are in Istanbul and yesterday a Turkish court, which is allegedly under the control of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ordered the seizure of Zaman newspapers, and police forces yesterday raided our
Women helps another woman who felt as Turkish anti-riot police officers launch tear gas to disperse supporters in front of the headquarters of the Turkish daily newspaper Zaman in Istanbul on March 5, 2016, after Turkish authorities seized the headquarters in a midnight raid
18:48 05.03.2016
Turkey Falls Under Boot of Dictatorship
For many months now, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been cracking down on media as part of a wider move towards an increasingly authoritarian regime under his ruling Justice and Development Party
Briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova
16:31 05.03.2016
Moscow Calls on West to React to Turkey's Press Crackdown
Zakharova provided as examples Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's refusal to accept a Constitutional Court decision to release two senior Cumhurriyet journalists, and the raids of Zaman opposition daily and other outlets under
A Turkish soldier gestures while standing on the hill overlooking damaged buildings following heavy fighting between government troops and Kurdish fighters in the Kurdish town of Cizre in southeastern Turkey, which lies near the border with Syria and Iraq, on March 2, 2016
15:22 05.03.2016
Saudi-Turkish Trick: What Are the Two Scheming in Syria?
and the House of Erdogan with a supposedly legitimate excuse to send troops to Syria to face off against Iran a country they have been unable to defeat at the diplomatic level
Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky: Capture of Grivitsa Strongpoint near Plevna by Romanians on 30th August 1877 (1885)
10:58 05.03.2016
Wrong Train to Damascus: Will Erdogan Catch the Last Car?
which in recent years has already been enormous and is estimated to be hundreds of billions of dollars it would be durable for the Russian economy in the medium term. The second option for Erdogan
Riot police use tear gas to disperse protesting employees and supporters of Zaman newspaper at the courtyard of the newspaper's office in Istanbul, Turkey, late March 4, 2016
02:12 05.03.2016
Tear Gas, Water Cannon: Turkish Police Raid Zaman Newspaper in Istanbul
is closely linked to the Hizmet movement of the influential US-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen. Turkey has designated Hizmet a terrorist organization, claiming that the group aims to topple President Recep Tayyip Erdogans government
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
00:29 05.03.2016
Erdogan Responsible for Seizure of Zaman Media Group - RSF
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan bears responsibility for the government attempts to gain control of the Zaman media group, a secretary general of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said Friday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) speaks with US President Barack Obama (L) during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit in Antalya. (File)
21:46 04.03.2016
How Muslim Brotherhood May Lead to New Conflict Between US and Turkey
The deputy leader of the Turkish Republican People's Party (CHP), Erdogan Toprak, in his weekly report on the parliamentary agenda brought up the topics of the Turkish ruling AKP partys foreign policy and recent statements of the president
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
16:43 04.03.2016
Erdogan Accuses Turkey's Constitutional Court of Breaching Constitution
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the country's Constitutional Court on Friday of violating the Constitution by releasing two journalists from pre-trial detention who had been arrested for investigating the delivery of weapons from
Turkish police
11:19 04.03.2016
Four Businessmen Detained in Turkey Over Links to US-Based Oppositionist
or, as Ankara calls it, the Gulenist Terror Organization, for allegedly seeking to overthrow the government, headed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In late December, Turkish media reported that the country's authorities had issued arrest
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
10:45 04.03.2016
Breaking Bad? Erdogan's 'Willful' Foreign Policy 'Bemuses' Turkey's Allies
Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not seem to have many foreign policy achievements to boast since in the last decade his strategies have badly affected Turkey's relations with Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Russia and the United States, Turkey's Radikal
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) chats with Russia's President Vladimir Putin prior to a working session at the Group of 20 (G20) leaders summit in the Mediterranean resort city of Antalya, Turkey, November 16, 2015
21:30 03.03.2016
Is Ankara Trying to Derail Syria Truce to 'Drive Wedge Between US, Russia'?
by Washington and Moscow that went in effect on Saturday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed the Syrian Kurds have connections with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is fighting for independence from
19:07 03.03.2016
Bitter Reality: Erdogan's Policies Transforming Turkey Into 'Rogue State'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come increasingly under fire from within the country and beyond for his stance on a whole range of issues, including the Syrian war, Russia and its anti-Daesh campaign, the Kurds, constitutional law
Stop sign
15:28 03.03.2016
'It Is All for Nothing': EU President Tells Economic Migrants to Stay Away
trying to travel to Europe, Donald Tusk will hold meetings with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Ankara and President Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul where he hopes to convince Turkey to do more to help reduce
Fighters from the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) drive a tank in the al-Zohour neighbourhood of northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh (File)
15:03 03.03.2016
Erdogan's Worst Nightmare: Could Kurds Redraw the Map of the Middle East?
The Kurds, often referred to as the largest ethnic group without a state, have become the first ground force to shatter the myth that Daesh was unstoppable and invincible. Their success on the Iraqi and Syrian battlefields has fueled fears, particularly in Turkey, that the Kurds would try to establish an independent state, but do they want it?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
13:57 03.03.2016
Is the US Turning On Erdogan?
As unlikely as it may have sounded just under one year ago, the geostrategic situation has remarkably changed to such an extent that it now looks conceivable that the US might be ready to turn on Erdogan.
A poster with a picture of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, displayed in Istanbul, Turkey
12:35 03.03.2016
Turkey's President vs Top Court: Erdogan's Remarks 'Violate Constitution'
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's remarks on the Constitutional Court's decision with regard to two jailed opposition journalists should not be viewed as a personal opinion, but rather as a "clear violation of the constitution," legal scholar ?brahim
Turkey is complicit in funding the Islamic State militant group through purchase on the territory of Turkey of crude oil stolen from fields captured by ISIL
01:41 03.03.2016
Turkey Should Take Steps to Stop Terrorist Oil Smuggling - State Department
being trucked from Islamic State facilities in Syria to Turkey. Moscow also contends that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family are directly involved in illicit oil activities with the Islamic State, which is also
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
00:02 03.03.2016
Erdogan Calls Planned Pro-Kurdish Anti-Military March 'Appeal to Terrorism'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared on Wednesday an anti-military march in Diyarbakir, proposed by country's pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP), with an appeal to terrorism.
A young protester wearing a Turkish flag stands in front of a banner featuring Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Adolf Hitler in Gezi park near Taksim square in Istanbul, Friday, June 7, 2013
23:59 02.03.2016
Turkey Files Over 1,800 Criminal Cases for Insulting President - Reports
More than 1,800 criminal lawsuits were filed over insulting Turkish President Erdogan, media reported.
Can Dundar, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, speaks to the media outside the headquarters of his paper in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015
22:55 02.03.2016
US Welcomes Court Ruling to Release 2 Detained Turkish Journalists
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Last week, Turkey's Constitutional Court ruled that the arrest of the journalists Can Dundar and Erdem Gul constituted a violation of their rights. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on
US Secretary of State John Kerry talks to the media at the State Department in Washington on December 16, 2015
20:13 02.03.2016
War and Peace: Are US Hawks at Odds With Secretary of State Kerry?
Against all odds, the Syrian ceasefire is holding; however, Washington and Ankara's war hawks pose a threat to Russo-American diplomatic efforts in Syria, Professor Stephen F. Cohen notes.
A Syrian national flag waves as vehicles move slowly on a bridge during rush hour, in Damascus, Syria, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016
18:00 02.03.2016
Torn Apart: What Lies Behind Washingtons 'Plan' B for Syria
to intensify its struggle against Ankara, including for a Kurdish autonomous region in Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cannot let this happen. This is why, now the Turkish government is testing public attitudes toward
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends to the G20 Leaders Summit welcoming ceremony on November 15,2015 in Antalya
16:33 02.03.2016
Could Turkey's Top Court Undermine Erdogan's 'Quest for Unlimited Power'?
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has openly challenged the Constitutional Court's ruling that the detention of two opposition journalists had violated their rights as Turkey's top court along with the military are the only two institutions
Refugees and migrants on a dinghy approach Mytilene on the northern island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean sea from Turkey on February 19, 2016
14:05 02.03.2016
Merkel's Plan in Acute Danger: Turkey Rejects NATO Ships in Aegean Sea
wrote. "This indicates that Erdogan is completely getting out of control of Americans and NATO in general. Of course, he doesn't want a close monitoring at the border zone, in the waters adjacent to the territory of
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
10:39 02.03.2016
Erdogan's 'Disregard for Diplomacy' Gets Turkish President Into Trouble
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's disregard for the rules of diplomacy often gets him into trouble as evidenced by his remarks following the downing of a Russian bomber, Turkey's BirGün newspaper asserted.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
00:40 02.03.2016
Turkish Opposition Leader Accuses Erdogan of Narcissism
The president of Turkeys main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of narcissism and of failure to comply with the countrys constitution on Tuesday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
19:51 01.03.2016
Time to Say Good-Bye? Storm Clouds Gathering on Erdogan's Horizon
Turkish President Recep Erdogan has made a huge mistake by publicly blackmailing Washington, US author and researcher Michael Collins notes, suggesting that Erdogan's days as President of Turkey are numbered.
Syria update
19:14 01.03.2016
Syrian Ceasefire: Cool Heads Have Prevailed in the West at Least for Now
and Libya. Since both processes can take a lot of time, this war is far from over," the military analyst emphasized. Western Leaders Sick and Tired of Erdogan's Erratic Policies Indeed, tensions are still simmering over the possibility
Turkish soldiers stand on top of tanks next to the Syrian-Trukish border fence (file photo)
17:21 01.03.2016
Turkey Will Resort to 'Provocations Until Ceasefire Collapses'
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey-backed rebel groups "have little interest in a lasting ceasefire" in Syria and want the fighting to go on despite the fact that the Syrians "are tired of war," which has claimed more than 250,000 lives and uprooted 11
People disperse as Turkish police fire tear gas in Diyarbakir on February 27, 2016 during a demonstration against government-imposed curfews on areas of eastern Turkey
17:06 01.03.2016
Dead End: 'Erdogan Driving Turkey Into the Abyss'
The events currently taking place in Turkey are pushing the country to the brink of disaster, which will become imminent if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains in power, Todays Zaman newspaper wrote citing representatives of a platform endorsing
Turkish soldier stands guard near the site of an explosion in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016
00:03 01.03.2016
'Things Look Gloomy': Turkey in Desperate Need of Security Upgrades
Facing an increase in domestic terrorism, Turkish President Erdogan's government is scrambling to fine-tune its terrorist prevention methods and plans to purchase a number of new intelligence and surveillance systems.
In this picture taken Friday, Feb. 26, 2016, Syrian boys are seen inside their destroyed house at neighborhood of Baba Amr in Homs, Syria
17:38 29.02.2016
Regional States Responsible for Ceasefire Violations Syrian Opposition
organization by Ankara. Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the Syrian ceasefire deal, arguing Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should be excluded from the ceasefire process
FILE - Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil speaks during an interview with Associated press, in Cairo, Egypt, in this Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013 file photo
11:00 29.02.2016
Syrian Peace Talks Likely to Proceed Thanks to Ceasefire- Opposition Figure
Councils decisions," Jamil stressed. Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the ceasefire deal, arguing Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should be excluded from the ceasefire
A Turkish army position is seen near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, close to the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
10:48 29.02.2016
Don't Shoot: Russian TV Crew Videotapes Turkish Tanks on Syrian Border
hostilities does not apply to designated terrorist organizations operating in Syria, such as the Daesh and the Nusra Front, both outlawed in Russia and the United States. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the ceasefire
A man looks out his damaged window as ministers visit the site of an attack in Ankara on February 19, 2016
10:24 29.02.2016
On the Hook: Turkish Political Flop in Syria
been trapped in the region. The websites columnist Kadri Gursel, a reporter on Turkish foreign policy, explained the evolution of Turkeys desperate and failed Syria policy. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ahmet Davutoglu dropped
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, centre, accompanied by Turkish Forces' Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, left, reviews a honour guard Thursday Feb. 18, 2016
09:40 29.02.2016
Does Erdogan See Himself as a 21st Century Ottoman Sultan?
Turkey's latest moves indicate that the country's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is doing his best to revive the Ottoman Empire, according to Marcus Papadopoulos, editor of the British magazine Politics First.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
05:25 29.02.2016
Erdogan 'Not Respect' Turkish Court for Releasing Opposition Journalists
A Turkish constitutional court was debating the issue of human rights when it made the decision to free two local journalists from a leading opposition newspaper. However President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blasted the court.
Turkish soldiers stand guar near the Turkey-Syrian border (File)
18:07 28.02.2016
Turkey 'Main Violator' of Ceasefire Regime in Syria's North
a group affiliated with al-Qaeda. Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the ceasefire deal, arguing Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should be excluded from the ceasefire
US President Barack Obama listens a question during a meeting with the U.S. Governors Association at the White House in Washington February 22, 2016.
21:38 27.02.2016
Lone Superpower? Washington's Allies are Getting Out of Control
and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East are happy with the Obama administration's recent initiatives. The Syrian ceasefire by no means plays into the hands of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and King Salman; at the same time Tokyo and Seoul do
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting of mukhtars (heads of towns and villages) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 24, 2016
20:25 27.02.2016
Intl Community Should Judge Erdogan for Anti-Kurdish Policies
WASHINGTON (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko The international community should judge Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for Ankaras atrocities against Kurdish people, Rodi Osman, head of Syrian
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
19:40 27.02.2016
Turkey's Erdogan Unleashes 'Personal' Crackdown on Journalists
Turkish journalists face a growing crackdown with fines and prison terms for simply being critical of President Erdogan and his family, particularly when controversial policies are discussed.
Women members of the Kurdish community take part in the annual rally of Kurds from all over Europe.file photo
15:12 27.02.2016
Kurdish Women Protest in France, Draw Attention to Turkey's Atrocities
month-year-old babies who became a target for Turkish strikes," Kilic said. She also claimed that the Turkish army's military operation against Kurds in Cizre continues despite the Erdogan administration's words to the contrary
A young protester wearing a Turkish flag stands in front of a banner featuring Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Adolf Hitler in Gezi park near Taksim square in Istanbul, Friday, June 7, 2013
02:07 27.02.2016
Ankara Position on Kurds Participation in Syria Ceasefire Racist
The opposition by Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Kurds participating in the agreement on cessation of hostilities in Syria is racist, Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party Representative to the United States Mehmet Yuksel told Sputnik.
Turkish journalists gathered to protest against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015
01:53 27.02.2016
Terrorist Crackdown? Turkey Crushes Independent TV Station
Shocking figures about the Erdogan administration suppression of press freedoms emerged last month. According to Sezgin Tanrikulu, deputy leader of Turkeys Republican Peoples Party, at least 774 journalists
A photographer walks in the neighbourhood of Jobar, on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus, on January 23, 2016
20:03 26.02.2016
Midnight in Damascus
almost all sides and depending solely on Ankara, which for its part won't dare a face-to-face with the Russian Air Force. It's no wonder Turkey's Sultan Erdogan fears this ceasefire business like the plague. Because he's got
NATO's ship Bonn en route to the Aegean Sea.
19:05 26.02.2016
NATO Aegean Patrols Expose Deep Divisions Between Athens and Ankara
in the question of the accession of Turkey into the EU as a full member. Another is a dispute over territorial sea limits between the two nations. Erdogan's position on the Kurds as well as
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
16:43 26.02.2016
Against the Whole World? Erdogan at High Risk of Being Completely Isolated
Commenting on the recent accusations of Recep Tayyip Erdogan of a shameful cooperation between Russia, US and UN on settling the Syrian crisis, Lebanese news station Al Mayadeen said the Turkish leader is running a high risk of being completely
Turkish journalists Can Dundar and Erdem Gulm, who were imprisoned for publishing information about Ankara's weapons deliveries to Syria, will be freed until they their scheduled trial begins the end of March
23:05 25.02.2016
Two Detained Journalists in Turkey to Be Freed Before Scheduled Trial
Tayyip Erdogan and the head of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) after they brought light MITs arms deliveries to Syria. Several weeks after their arrest, Dundar and Gul petitioned the Constitutional Court, arguing
Syrian Arab Army troops take part in a rally in Tarus in support of the Russian Aerospace Force operation in Syria
21:43 25.02.2016
Out to Win: Why Syria Ceasefire Deal is a Huge Victory for Russia
of the anti-Assad forces," the military analyst stresses. It means that the moral legitimacy of the anti-Assad forces lies in tatters, he underscores. Thirdly, regardless of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's warmongering stance, it has already
A young protester wearing a Turkish flag stands in front of a banner featuring Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Adolf Hitler in Gezi park near Taksim square in Istanbul, Friday, June 7, 2013
21:39 25.02.2016
Enemy Within: Only Threat Turkey is Facing Comes From Ruling Party
and not the Kurds. The main threat is the AKP party and Ahmet Davutoglu and the President Reccep Erdogan. He further spoke about what Turkey was like just five years ago. Now Turkey is surrounded by a ring of enemies. Why is that so
People demonstrate against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
21:36 25.02.2016
Ankara's Arrest of Opposition Reporters Violates Rights - Turkish Court
ANKARA (Sputnik) In November 2015, Dundar and Gul, editor and Ankara bureau chief of the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, respectively, were arrested following accusations by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the head
Syria's Osman village freed from terrorists
19:43 25.02.2016
Keep Calm: Syrian Conflict is by No Means a Prelude to WW3
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and Bashar Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria, General Secretary of the ruling Baath Party in Syria. "This is NOT World War III, and I refuse to believe it will become World War III," the researcher
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan listens to statements at the COP21, United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Le Bourget, outside Paris, Monday, Nov. 30, 2015
18:32 25.02.2016
In Hussein's Footsteps? Erdogan is Walking Straight Into Washington's Trap
Washington has set a trap for impulsive Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, US journalist Mike Whitney notes, adding that a 'color revolution' in Turkey may one day become a reality.
In this photo taken from the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria, in Akcakale, southeastern Turkey, a Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier watches as in the background a flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, is raised over the city of Tal Abyad, Syria, Tuesday, June 16, 2015
17:24 25.02.2016
This is the Real Reason Why Turkey Needs the Syrian City of Azaz
prevent the Syrian Kurds from liberating the strategically important city. "Azaz is a key city on the way from Turkey to Syria, which allows Erdogan to meddle in Syria's internal affairs," Abdul Kadir Azuz told RT. "He wants
EU Migrant crisis
15:33 25.02.2016
EU Asks Turkey to Protect EU Borders Due to Blocs Inability Hungarian PM
MOSCOW (Sputnik) The European Union is asking Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to help protect its borders, as the bloc cannot do it on its own, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said. "We humbly ask President
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:17 25.02.2016
Erdogan's 'Ottoman Ambitions' Stopped by Failure to Achieve Goals in Syria
According to Syrian presidential aide, Erdogan's "Ottoman ambitions" failed due to inability to reach his goals in Syria.
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
14:59 25.02.2016
More Bad Blood? Turkey's Ultimatum to Washington is 'Major Miscalculation'
Erdogan's policies will adversely affect Turkey's relations with the United States, particularly after Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called on Washington to give Ankara unconditional support in its fight against the Syrian Kurds, Turkey's former
Workers take measurements of a near finished section of a 3,7 km long fence at a border crossing between Austria and Slovenia at Spielfeld, Austria on December 9, 2015.
13:57 25.02.2016
Brussels Begging for Erdogans Help as EU Unable to Protect Its Borders
itself dependent on Turkey's goodwill. "In return for money and promises, we are submissively begging for Mr. Erdogan to ensure the security of our borders, because we can't protect ourselves," the politician told German newspaper
Residents push a cart near al-Shaar bridge in Aleppo's al-Shaar neighborhood, Syria, January 19, 2016
07:30 25.02.2016
Does Kerry's 'Plan B' on Syria Originate From 2008 Secret US-Saudi Plan?
sympathizers not on the UN list. "Now, with perfect orchestration by Washington, their UN man, Feltman, Prince Salman and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, the fuse is about to be lit on what is shaping up to be one of the most
Turkish investigative journalist and editor CanDundar has never regretted his words after being jailed for exposing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's arms deliveries to Syria, Can's wife Dilek told Sputnik.
03:39 25.02.2016
Wife of Imprisoned Turkish Journalist: Husband Never Regretted His Words
Turkish investigative journalist and editor CanDundar has never regretted his words after being jailed for exposing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's arms deliveries to Syria, Can's wife Dilek told Sputnik.
Journalists and Turkish intellectuals shout slogans during a demonstration on December 26, 2015 in Istanbul, following the arrest of Cumhuriyet newspaper's Editor in Chief
02:16 25.02.2016
Turkey Suppressing Press Freedom Creates Dangerous Repercussions - Watchdog
respectively. The arrests were carried out as a result of accusations by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the head of Turkeys National Intelligence Organization (MIT) against Dundar and Gul, after they brought light
Turkish journalists gathered to protest against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015
01:59 25.02.2016
US Must Put Pressure on Turkey to Stop Crackdown on Reporters - Journalists
pressure our own government to begin to do something about it, New York Times investigative journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner James Risen told Sputnik. Risen called outrageous the charges brought by Turkish President Erdogan
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
00:55 25.02.2016
Turkish Football Legend Faces 4 Years Behind Bars for 'Insulting' Erdogan
One of the most prolific strikers in the history of Turkish football and former party fellow of then-Prime-Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan may end up imprisoned for tweeting sentiments his ex-ally allegedly feels are a personal insult to the current
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) shake hands during the press conference, after a meeting at the Chancellery, in Berlin on January 22, 2016
21:43 24.02.2016
Merkel Should Not Sell All European Values As If At Bazaar'
the serious missteps (of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan) in Turkey and Syria," Ferber said Wednesday, cited by the newspaper. On November 29, the European Union and Turkey approved a joint plan to counter the influx of migrants
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
20:35 24.02.2016
NATO Should Realize Erdogan 'Problem, Not Solution' - Assad's Aide
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's actions pose problems for resolving the Syrian conflict rather than helping to find a solution, Bouthaina Shaaban, political and media adviser to the Syrian president, said Wednesday.
Turkish soldiers stand guar near the Turkey-Syrian border post in Sanliurfa (file photo)
20:18 24.02.2016
Infighting? Turkey's General Staff Concerned with Erdogan's Syria Policies
The former head of the General Staff of the Turkish Intelligence Agency told Sputnik that the Armed Forces have been growing discontent with the Syrian policy of the Turkish leadership.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses after he received an honorary doctorate from Qatar University in Doha, Qatar, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015
17:39 24.02.2016
Erdogan: Russians and Turks Are Not Enemies
ANKARA (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that he did not see the Russian people as an enemy and expressed hope for the normalization of Russian-Turkish relations. "We are not enemies
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
17:23 24.02.2016
Russian MoD Calls on Amnesty Int'l to Investigate Turkey's Attacks on Syria
of northern Syria, Recep Erdogan claimed that "nobody can limit Turkey in using its legitimate right of self-defense." Turkey believes that the Kurds in Syria have ties to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a group
Party members stand during the second general assembly of the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) at Ahmet Taner Kislali Sports Hall in Ankara on January 24, 2016
16:18 24.02.2016
Erdogan Renews Call for Stripping Pro-Kurdish MPs of Legislative Immunity
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeated his call for the Turkish parliament to strip deputies from the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) of their legislative immunity, local media said Wednesday.
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse stone throwing Kurdish demonstrators during a protest against the curfew in Sur district, in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, December 22, 2015
15:49 24.02.2016
Has Erdogan's 'Reckless Policy' Brought Turkey to the Brink of Civil War?
the Turkish Kurds are not the only ones who oppose Erdogan's policy in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, he added. Yet, Ankara has focused on blaming the Kurds for its most recent tragedy. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his supporters view
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a mukhtars meeting at the presidential palace on November 26, 2015 in Ankara
15:44 24.02.2016
Erdogan Claims Russia-US Deal on Syrian Ceasefire 'Gives Support to Assad'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has supported the agreement between Russia and the United States on the cessation of hostilities in Syria, but said the agreement only helps Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Turkish Army vehicles and tanks wait near the Syrian border in Suruc on February 23, 2015
10:37 24.02.2016
Docs Reveal That Turkish Officers Work With Daesh on Syrian Border
is largely seen as the key source of Daesh's resilience and longevity. Ankara's inability to secure the 60-mile border region has prompted many to question Erdogan's true agenda with regard to the deadly Syrian conflict.
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad answers questions during an interview with al-Manar's journalist Amro Nassef, in Damascus, Syria, in this handout photograph released by Syria's national news agency SANA on August 25, 2015
21:41 23.02.2016
Deal With It, Erdogan: Assad is Not Going to Fall Anytime Soon
Turkey's Erdogan should come to terms with the "stark reality" that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will not fall anytime soon, former senior CIA official Graham E. Fuller notes, stressing that Erdogan's personal interests are not synonymous
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting on the New Constitution at the Congresium in Ankara on January 28, 2016.
17:02 23.02.2016
Split Affections: Turkish Husband Sues Wife for Badmouthing Erdogan
A man in Turkeys western Izmir province has filed a legal complaint against his own wife for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the newspaper Yeni Safak wrote on Monday.
Thick smoke rises following an airstrike by the US-led coalition in Kobani, Syria as fighting intensified between Syrian Kurds and the militants of Islamic State group, as seen from Mursitpinar in the outskirts of Suruc, at the Turkey-Syria border, Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014.
16:27 23.02.2016
How Turkey, Saudi Arabia Try to Justify Their Own Imperialism in Syria
Turkey has the right to conduct military operations in Syria and elsewhere to protect itself from the threat of terrorism. Thats what Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a conference on Saturday at an event celebrating the inclusion
In this Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, photo, provided by the United Nations, US President Barack Obama, left, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin toast during a luncheon hosted during the 70th annual United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters
14:14 23.02.2016
Unexpected: Turkey's Attacks on Syrian Kurds 'Bring Russia and US Closer'
Ten days ago Ankara began cross-border shelling of the People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syria. Erdogan's move has "brought Russia and the United States closer together," Russian news site Gazeta.ru asserted. "Both countries chastised Turkey
Turkish army tanks take position near the Syrian border (file photo)
09:43 23.02.2016
This is Why Turkey is in a 'De Facto War-Like Situation'
against [Daesh]," the analyst observed. Ankara's "constant refusal" to cooperate genuinely "seems to be working against" Erdogan, "further discrediting Turkey as an ally and further diminishing its role as a serious actor in
Syrian city of Aleppo
04:07 23.02.2016
Syrian Civil War Entering End-Game Stage - Former UN Representative
Daesh, the Islamic State," he said. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan heightened tension with the Kurds on both sides of the boarder by backing the Islamic jihadist rebels in Syria, beginning in late 2011
Six batteries of NATO-backed missile defense systems have been set up in southeastern Turkey to protect against aerial attacks from war-torn Syria (File)
21:37 22.02.2016
Syrian Ceasefire: Why Situation May 'Spin Out of Control'
or buts. He also added that Turkey would tighten security across the country, especially in the capital. The statement came a day after a phone conversation between Turkish President President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his US counterpart
In this photo taken from the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria, in Akcakale, southeastern Turkey, a Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier watches as in the background a flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, is raised over the city of Tal Abyad, Syria, Tuesday, June 16, 2015
19:59 22.02.2016
'Too Many Enemies': Erdogan Believes Turkey 'Has the Right' to Invade Syria
Recep Erdogan's Turkey risks becoming a "failed" state; Ankara's irresponsible Mideast policy combined with the oppression of the Kurdish minority may result in the country's social turmoil and disintegration, Czech-based analyst Martin Berger warns.
Oil pump jack
18:01 22.02.2016
Oil Prices Slump: How Sino-Russian De-Dollarization May Save the Day
markets, via the role of the dollar as reserve currency plan to de facto destroy Saudi Arabian oil hegemony, destroy Turkish Erdogan's ambitions, even if it means the destruction of much of the oil states of
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
17:48 22.02.2016
Obama Takes Erdogan's Threats to Send Ground Troops to Syria 'Seriously'
Yet Barack Obama urged Recep Tayyip Erdogan to refrain from taking any drastic action against the Syrian Kurds in an 80-minute telephone conversation on Friday following a bombing attack, which claimed the lives of
Turkish soldiers on a tank sit opposite the Syrian town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane by the Kurds, at the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern Turkish village of Mursitpinar, Sanliurfa province (File)
16:00 22.02.2016
Erdogan's Nightmare of United Kurdistan Fuels Turkey's 'Misguided Policies'
Recep Tayyip Erdogan's obsession with preventing the Kurds from making any gains in Turkey or elsewhere is contributing to greater chaos in the Middle East, yet Ankara seems oblivious to this adverse trend.
Turkish police secure the site of an explosion after an attack targeted a convoy of military service vehicles in Ankara on February 17, 2016
14:39 22.02.2016
At Least 14 Suspects Charged Over Ankara Car Bombing
Tayyip Erdogan said on February 19 Ankara was absolutely certain that the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units had carried out the deadly car explosion. The same day, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons militants claimed responsibility for
Smoke billows from buildings following a reported air strike in Damascus' rebel-held suburb of Zamalka on December 6, 2015
09:54 22.02.2016
The Art of Cunning: Turkey 'Will Use Others' to Wage 'Proxy War' in Syria
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to the expert, is fully aware of the fact that not a single Ankara's ally, including Washington, will back the AKP's initiative. Moscow's counterterrorism operation in Syria is also limiting Turkey's
Cars of emergency services arrive after an explosion in Ankara, Turkey
08:51 22.02.2016
Ankara Car Bomb Attack Suspects Taken to Court
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday Ankara was absolutely certain that the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units had carried out the deadly car explosion. The same day, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons militants claimed responsibility
A Turkish and an Union Jack flags are pictured at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels
00:03 22.02.2016
Turkeys NATO Exit is a Matter of Time After the Latest US Insult
has been all the more humiliating for the way it was delivered. It was voiced in a newspaper interview by Jean Asselborn, foreign minister of Luxembourg, a junior NATO member much denigrated by Turkish president Erdogan just
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
21:43 21.02.2016
Turkey 'Has Right to Operations in Syria or Anywhere Else' Erdogan
Turkey has the right to carry out operations in Syria or anywhere else where Ankara sees a threat, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.
Protesters run after they threw a petrol bomb against a Turkish police water cannon during clashes in Istanbul, Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016, between police forces and people protesting against security operations against Kurdish rebels in southeastern Turkey
21:12 21.02.2016
Terror, US Rebuff & Resurgent Kurds Turkey's Missteps Come Home to Roost
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government are facing a multitude of problems and have isolated Turkey internationally by believing their own hubris about Ankara's influence, the Washington Post (WP) wrote on Saturday. The country
Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu speaks during a news conference at his ruling AK Party (AKP) headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, July 13, 2015
00:43 21.02.2016
'No Ifs or Buts': Turkey Demands US Support Against Kurdish YPG
be involved in the attack as it has repeatedly called TAK a "proxy" that claimed the responsibility for the bombing to protect the reputation of the Syrian Kurdish militia. On Friday, Obama and Erdogan had a phone call during
Turkish President's son Bilal Erdogan leaves a polling station in Istanbul on November 1, 2015 after casting his vote for Turkey's legislative
21:51 20.02.2016
What Could Italy's Investigation Against Erdogan Find?
Italy's investigation into criminal activities by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may have to look to authorities in Switzerand, Malaysia and Austria to solve the case, Turkish parliamentarian from
A police officer guards an entrance of the new Presidential Palace in Ankara
20:44 20.02.2016
Turkey to Bolster Security Measures Amid Recent Terrorist Attack in Ankara
operations in a number of provinces throughout the country. On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that three organizers of the terrorist act were among 14 people detained in connection with the attack
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
20:43 20.02.2016
Troublemakers: Ankara, Riyadh Envision the Creation of New 'Wahhabi Empire'
In addition, Ankara's tentacles have been spread to Europe: the Erdogan government has no scruples about blackmailing Brussels amid the ongoing refugee crisis. "Erdogan has destroyed Germany's Merkel, whose popularity is at an all-time low
Backdropped by a Turkish forces armoured personnel carrier, residents walk around after the 24-hour curfew was lifted, in the mostly-Kurdish town of Silopi, in southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016
18:33 20.02.2016
Ankara Plays Pivotal Role in Escalation of Violence in Middle East, Europe
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become the first sectarian leader of the country, Czech-based freelance journalist and analyst Martin Berger notes, referring to the fact that Erdogan's ideas originated from the "New Look
Fighters from the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) marching in Raqqa, Syria
15:29 20.02.2016
Daesh Terrorists: A Multifunction Tool in Hands of Ankara, Riyadh, NATO
Erdogan or King Salman and his impulsive son Prince Mohammed, are reasonable, as hate knows no reason.
Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the monthly Mukhtars meeting (local administrators) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 10, 2016
13:40 20.02.2016
Turkeys Kurdish Conundrum
Erdogan whacked a hornets nest when he broke the ceasefire with the Kurds, and now it looks like theres never any going back to the way that things used to be.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
13:15 20.02.2016
Erdogan 'Continues to Play the Fool as He Paints Himself Into a Corner'
President Erdogan's politics of confrontation with the Kurds will only further complicate Ankara's relations with Russia and the US, and lead to an escalation of internal tensions, writes Deutsche Welle columnist Kersten Knipp. The Turkish president
The Moscow Kremlin
12:48 20.02.2016
Kremlin: Shelling of Syrian Territory by Turkey 'Unacceptable'
(PKK) militant group, considered a terrorist organization by Ankara, which fights for Kurdish independence from Turkey. On Friday, US President Barack Obama held a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
11:05 20.02.2016
Turkey Continues Shelling of Northern Syria
MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Friday, US President Barack Obama held a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, urging Ankara to exercise restraint and cease ceasing artillery strikes in the area. According
U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle sits after shortly landing Nov. 12, 2015, at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey
07:09 20.02.2016
Turkey Fears Alienating US by Restricting Access to Incirlik Airbase
air base arrangement," radio show host and political activist Stephen Lendman told Sputnik on Friday. Lendman added that comments critical of the United States emanating from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister
Members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) monitor the positions of Islamic State (IS) group in the Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, close to the Turkish border on March 13, 2015
05:10 20.02.2016
Obama Backs Turkey Against Syrian Government, PKK in Call to Erdogan
Tayyip Erdogan on Friday, the White House said.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) speaks with US President Barack Obama (R) (File)
22:37 19.02.2016
Obama, Erdogan Discuss 'Situation in Syria' in Friday Phone Call
US President Barack Obama discussed over the telephone the recent developments in war-torn Syria with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a briefing on Friday.
Red Line
19:15 19.02.2016
Kurds of Discord: Turkeys New War on Syria
New Cold War. Its perhaps for these reasons that the two rivals put aside their larger differences and pushed forward a statement to ask Turkey to comply with international law. President Erdogan had earlier put
Euro Money
18:49 19.02.2016
Mandate Given for EU Money to Be Sent for Migrant Containment in Turkey
money from the US$3 billion budget for humanitarian aid for refugee children in Turkey immediately. That decision has taken five months to reach. In October 2015, President Recap Tayyip Erdogan emerged victorious in
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
18:24 19.02.2016
Erdogan Says No Doubt Kurdish YPG Militia Behind Ankara Deadly Blast
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG) is certainly the perpetrator of the deadly car explosion in the Turkish capital Ankara.
A group of coalition forces, which includes People's Protection Units (YPG) Women's Protection Units (YPJ), Sutoro militia, a pro-government Syriac Christian movement, and other forces, monitor the area in al-Hol in the Syrian Hasakeh province, some 650 kms northeast of Damascus, near the Iraqi border on November 2, 2015
18:09 19.02.2016
Crying Wolf: Ankara Adopting 'Terror' Methods in War Against Kurds
in order to crack down further on the ethnic minority and justify the Erdogan government's Syrian adventure. General Comman of YPG: Turkey fabricates false accusations against us, to justify her attacks against
Turkish soldiers parade for modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during a commemoration ceremony in the capital Ankara 10 November 2004 to mark the 66th anniversary of the death of Ataturk
16:40 19.02.2016
New Player in the Gulf: What is the Turkish Base in Qatar All About?
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party have been using every pretext to justify the future deployment of its troops in the Persian Gulf through the sincere desire to intensify &ldquo
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
15:48 19.02.2016
Three Ankara Terrorist Act Organizers Among 14 Detained Earlier
ANKARA (Sputnik) Three organizers of the terrorist act in Ankara on February 17 that killed 28 and injured another 81 are among the 14 who were detained earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday. &ldquo
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:48 19.02.2016
Turk Tail Wags US Dog
A spate of atrocities over the past week suggests that the Erdogan regime in Turkey is desperately trying to goad Washington into a wider Syrian war. Whos giving the orders here?
Bouthaina Shaaban, adviser of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad (File)
14:48 19.02.2016
'Want to Help Civilians? Help Syria Deal With Terrorism!' Assad Advisor
in to save them and to help them." Commenting on Turkey's role in the refugee crisis which has hit Europe, Shaaban emphasized that she sincerely hopes "that the Western world will stop looking at Erdogan's government as
Context Countdown
12:38 19.02.2016
US-ASEAN, Merkels 'No-Fly Zone,' and the Russian-Saudi Oil Proposal
Erdogan and the US proxies are being defeated there. To cap off the week, we conclude by discussing the surprise oil proposal put forth by Russia and Saudi Arabia, where the two market giants agreed to freeze their production
Snipers of Saudi Special forces run before taking a position during anti-terrorist exercises (File)
21:43 18.02.2016
The Art of War: Will Russia Outplay Washington's Cunning Geostrategists?
cutting off Daesh supply lines to Erdogan's Turkey and heading to Raqqa, a de facto capital of Daesh, Washington has persuaded Damascus and Moscow to impose a ceasefire in a week. Regardless of the ongoing peace process
This file photo taken on November 01, 2015 shows Turkish President's son Bilal Erdogan leaving a polling station in Istanbul on November 1, 2015 after casting his vote for Turkey's legislative
21:37 18.02.2016
Turkish Businessman Reveals Erdogans' Alleged Money Laundering Scheme
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's son Bilal Erdogan came to Italy with a large amount of cash and number of bogyguards, according to a statement by Turkish businessman Murat Hakan Uzan, in a documents
Buildings which were damaged during the security operations and clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants, are pictured in Sur district of Diyarbakir, Turkey February 11, 2016
21:02 18.02.2016
Turkey May Continue Attacks on Kurds Despite Int'l Calls for Restraint
sharply with its NATO allies," Katzman said. Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan questioned US loyalty to Turkey because Washington still supported the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as it had been successfully
Turkish Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon
19:09 18.02.2016
Initiative on No-Fly Zone Over Syria 'Difficult to Implement'
next couple of weeks," Rutte told journalists. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, which borders Syria, has been vocal in calling for a no-fly zone over the war-torn country since the start of the Syrian
Turkish soldier stands guard near the site of an explosion in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016
18:39 18.02.2016
Turkey's Terrorist Attacks Must Not Be Pretext for 'Collective Punishment'
There is a risk that the Turkish government will use the recent terrorist attacks in the country to pursue retribution against political enemies, human rights campaigner Osman Isci told Sputnik.
Islamic fighters from the al-Qaida group in the Levant, Al-Nusra Front, wave their movement's flag as they parade at the Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp, south of Damascus, to denounce Israels military offensive on the Gaza Strip, on July 28, 2014.
16:57 18.02.2016
'One Must Be Blind Not to Realize That Russia is Defending Europe in Syria'
capitals affected by the Arab Spring." Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's dream of becoming the neo-sultan of a neo-Ottoman empire has been fading before his eyes, Lombardi warns. Facing growing international isolation, Ankara
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
16:54 18.02.2016
Terror Takes Hold in Erdogan's Turkey as Ankara Struggles to Stem Violence
state of Turkey under President Recep Erdogan.
A handout photo by Hellenic Airforce shows two Greek F-16 fighters flying over the Aegean sea
15:21 18.02.2016
Battle Over the Aegean: The Undeclared Greco-Turkish Air War
to the Turkish side. The co-pilot, Captain Nail Erdogan, was declared missing. His body was never found." "Almost immediately, Erdogan's relatives declared that the authorities are hiding the truth, and that the plane was shot down
Press briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova
15:15 18.02.2016
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova Holds Weekly Press Briefing
the Turkish leadership, and with [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan in particular. According to the information in these materials, the Turkish leader is openly inciting Turkish Cypriots on a hard and uncompromised line during
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
14:22 18.02.2016
Turkey as 'The Voice of Global Conscience': Would the World Agree?
Turkey has become the voice of the global conscience in the Syrian crisis and has given a lesson in humanity to the whole world, ambitiously claimed Recep Tayyip Erdogan, referring to the European refugee crisis, conveniently neglecting to mention
Cars of emergency services arrive after an explosion in Ankara, Turkey
13:43 18.02.2016
Erdogan Says 14 Detained on Suspicion of Involvement in Ankara Explosion
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that 14 suspects in the Ankara terrorist attack were arested and the tracks of the crime lead to both Turkey and from abroad.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (C) gets a briefing from Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar (R) during his visit to the Gendarmerie Commando Special Forces headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, in this February 16, 2016
11:36 18.02.2016
Turkey Raises Stakes in Syria, Steering to Disaster
from NATO. German news service Tagesschau has also commented on the issue, calling Turkeys policy in Syrian a disaster from the very start. The outlet has called Erdogans foreign policy a chain of failures, which
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016.
10:53 18.02.2016
Why are Riyadh, Ankara Adding Fuel to the Fire in Syria?
the opposite side of the border, less than 10 km away. In addition to Turkish President Erdogan's continuing war against Kurds both in Syria and his own country, it seems that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are attempting to throw
Refugees arriving in Afrin
06:53 18.02.2016
EU Should Press Turkey to Make Refugee Policy More Responsible - Think Tank
as to seek money from Brussels. Earlier in February, media reports claimed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had demanded 30 billion euro ($34 billion) from the EU to help the country resolve the migrant crisis or would
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis town toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey.
06:43 18.02.2016
Syrian Kurds Strain US-Turkish Relations, Complicate Alliances in Region
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan questioned US loyalty to Turkey because Washington still supported the PYD as it had been successfully fighting against the Islamic State terror group
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis town toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey.
01:40 18.02.2016
US Should Do More to End Turkish Assault on Syrian Kurds - Russian Envoy
Kurdish YPG units]. We would like to see it transformed in more energetic work with the Turkish allies to implement it, Kislyak said on Wednesday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier on Wednesday
A Syrian man runs for cover as smoke rises from buildings nearby following a reported bombing attack, Aleppo, Syria (file photo)
21:23 17.02.2016
Tension Escalation: 'Turkish and Saudi Boots in Syria May Trigger WW3'
to take on Russians and the Syrian Army, I dont think so, Jatras said. Talking about Turkey, the analyst said that it is hard to tell because their president is very irrational. Erdogan is so irrational and so
Firefighters try to extinguish flames following an explosion after an attack targeted a convoy of military service vehicles in Ankara
19:59 17.02.2016
Major Explosion Shakes Center of Turkish Capital
(@RamiAlLolah) February 17, 2016 The attack targeted buses with the personnel of the Turkish General Staff, according to a statement. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan postponed his planned trip to Azerbaijan following the deadly
Baghdad-based spokesman for the US-led coalition in Iraq Col. Steve Warren speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Baghdad, Iraq.
19:12 17.02.2016
US Willing to Consider Air Support for Afrin Kurds in N Syria - Pentagon
Ankara claims that Syrian Kurds have links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is fighting for Kurdish independence and is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey. On Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (2nd L) speaks with commandos during his visit at the Gendarmerie Commando Special Forces headquarters in Ankara, Turkey February 16, 2016
18:30 17.02.2016
Erdogan's War Against Kurds in Southeast Turkey is 'Part of Business Plan'
The Kurdish peace process launched by Recep Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) back in 2009 has been eventually brought to an end by Ankara, who now has unleashed an all-out war against its own population in
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
18:19 17.02.2016
Erdogan Slams US Over Lack of Support for No-Fly Zone Over Syria
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Washington's reluctance to approve of a no-fly zone over Northern Syria
An officer speaks on the radio as Turkish tanks line up on a hill outside on the Turkish-Syrian border (file photo)
16:21 17.02.2016
Who's First? True Prospects of Foreign Boots on the Ground in Syria
in Syria, Evgeniy Satanovskiy, head of the Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, told Gazeta.Ru. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan planned to topple Assad and destroy Syria in its current form, siding
Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech.
16:18 17.02.2016
Erdogan Urges US to Recognize Syrian Kurdish PYD Group as Terrorists
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated on Wednesday his calls on Western allies to recognize the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as a terrorist organization
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis town toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey.
15:33 17.02.2016
Turkey to Continue Attacks on Kurdish Fighter Positions in Syria - Erdogan
ANKARA (Sputnik) Turkey will continue attacks on Kurdish fighter posts in Syria in return to alleged attacks by the Syrian Kurds, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday. "Let no one think we
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, accused by critics of an increasingly authoritarian style of government, has argued that the country would be better served by a strong presidential system
20:26 16.02.2016
'Kurdish Issue' Urges Washington to Reconsider Relations With Ankara
Washington has urged Ankara to stop launching airstrikes against the Kurds, but Erdogan is not going to give in, because he views Kurdish fighters as the main threat to Turkey's security, German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau wrote.
A Kurdish YPG fighter
17:51 16.02.2016
Syria's Hidden Conflict: Turkey's All-Out Offensive Against the Kurds
more autonomy. #BREAKING Thousands of #Kurds protest in #Kurdish city van,Turkey over Erdogan's Crime against Humanity R now #Cizre pic.twitter.com/oGJn2Yz4ae Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) February 15, 2016? This fear has
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey, Monday, Feb. 15, 2016.
16:53 16.02.2016
Infighting? NATO Members Ask Turkey to Stop Shelling Kurds in Syria
with Turkish President Erdogan asking America point blank whose side it is on Turkeys or the Kurds? To this Washington says it supports both, but with the situation developing as it does, America will hardly be able to sit
A photo taken on February 3, 2016 shows smokes rising over the district of Sur in Diyarbakir after clashes between Kurdish rebels and Turkish forces
06:54 16.02.2016
Turkish Journalists Make a Stand Against Erdogans Censorship
A group of journalists from Istanbul are confronting the propaganda of the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan by forcing their way to the unofficial Kurdish capital of Turkey, Diyarbakir, in an attempt to tell the truth about whats happening
A group of migrants make their way over a meadow after crossing the border between Austria and Germany in Wegscheid near Passau, Germany, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015.
21:35 15.02.2016
Turkish PM Threatens Germany With Hundreds of Thousands of New Refugees'
The Erdogan government is the last hope for Merkel to solve the refugee crisis, and therefore she has to silently watch his uncontrollable behavior, the newspaper wrote. The US and France have called on Turkey to stop the attacks
Backdropped by a Turkish forces armoured personnel carrier, residents walk around after the 24-hour curfew was lifted, in the mostly-Kurdish town of Silopi, in southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016
19:43 15.02.2016
Erdogans Cruel Calculus: Killing Kurds at Home and in Syria Means Votes
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has attacked Kurds in neighboring Syria in order to win popular support at home and because he was wary about the gains they had been making against anti-government groups, according to Selma Irmak, a Turkish
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) shake hands during the press conference, after a meeting at the Chancellery, in Berlin on January 22, 2016
18:47 15.02.2016
Bad Idea? Merkel's 'Reckless' Game With Turkey May Backfire on EU
By negotiating with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the issue of refugees, Merkel is simply pushing her own interests, not the interests of the EU as a whole. "There is no equality between German interests
Barack Obama at the what-dog.net
18:13 15.02.2016
Political Pedigrees: New App Identifies Which Dogs World Leaders Resemble
partner." Turkish Erdogan was likened to a ferocious black-faced South African guard dog, the Boerboel, whose canine credentials include its "protective nature" which is known to "cause damage when jumping." According to the site, the animal
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) chats with her host Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (R) in the parliament building of Budapest on February 2, 2015 during their joint press conference during her first visit to Hungary in last five years.
15:08 15.02.2016
Europe Split, Merkel Sidelined Over Refugee Crisis and Closed Borders
Dark Lord (@voxday) February 14, 2016? However, the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan has said the EU money is insufficient for it to tackle to huge number of people crossing from Syria and aiming for Europe. He
Turkish soldiers patrol near the border with Syria, ouside the village of Elbeyli, east of the town of Kilis, southeastern Turkey
12:45 15.02.2016
Turkeys Attacks on Syrian Kurds Expose Deep Rift in US-Led Coalition
Kurdish positions in Aleppo Province which commenced on Saturday will dramatically escalate the turmoil in Syria. "For Erdogan, the Kurdish advance in northern Syria is a stab in the back," Alexei Malashenko, an analyst at
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a mukhtars meeting at the presidential palace on November 26, 2015 in Ankara
12:26 15.02.2016
Erdogan is Squealing as Russia Exacts Justice
Four months ago Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan was having a moment of glory, baiting Russia from behind the backs of his Nato allies over a downed Russian plane. Now he is watching his Syria strategy to fall apart before his own eyes.
Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), delivers a speech during a party meeting in Ankara on September 30, 2015
22:20 14.02.2016
Turkish Opposition Speaks Out Action Which Could Plunge Ankara Into War
is the one who must pick sides, he calls for supporting [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogans foreign policy interests, not the Turkish interests," Kilicdaroglu continued. On Saturday, Davutoglu said Turkish forces shelled Kurdish People&rsquo
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad giving an interview. File photo
18:05 14.02.2016
Assad Explains Why He is Not Ruling Out Turkish, Saudi Invasion of Syria
with logic, particularly when there are irrational people leading a certain state. Thats why I dont rule that out for a simple reason: Erdogan is a fanatical person with Muslim Brotherhood inclinations. He is living the Ottoman
A Kurdish man waves a large flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) political wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), during a demonstration against the exclusion of Syrian-Kurds from the Geneva talks in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on February 4, 2016
17:44 14.02.2016
What Lies Behind Spat Between Ankara and its Close Ally
Erdogans policy has brought Turkey to a point where it is at odds not only with Russia but with Washington, a supposed ally in the region, as well.
NATO country flags wave outside NATO headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday July 28, 2015
14:34 14.02.2016
Doomed to Fail? NATO's Plan for Aegean Sea Is Ill-Conceived And Impractical
into Greece from Turkey. In the Aegean Sea, we are witnessing terrible tragedies and are facing fraudulent smuggling schemes," the expert said. Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) speaks with US President Barack Obama (R) as they arrive for the family photo during the G20 Leaders Summit on November 15, 2015 in Antalya
21:52 13.02.2016
Erdogans Gamble in Syria Goes Bust
Daesh. And then President Erdogan suddenly demands that the US label Kurds as terrorists," he said. Tanir explained that Ankara's demands are pinned on hopes that the US would be reluctant to give up its alliance with Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacts as he attends the COP 21 United Nations conference on climate change, on November 30, 2015 at Le Bourget, on the outskirts of the French capital Paris
20:54 12.02.2016
Fool Me Once? Erdogan Allegedly Falls Victim of a Phone Prank
A pair of Russian pranksters reportedly managed to trick Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Residents of Nubul and al-Zahraa, along with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, celebrate after the siege of their towns was broken, northern Aleppo countryside, Syria, in this handout picture provided by SANA on February 4, 2016
19:52 12.02.2016
Liberation of Aleppo: What the Western Media is Shy About Showing
"the government offensive and the predictable debacle for the rebels marks a serious setback for Turkey, which today is cynically refusing to open its borders for those fleeing Aleppo. This position may be connected to Sultan Erdogan's
Russian Foreign Affairs' Minister Sergei Lavrov's meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
18:41 12.02.2016
The Syrian Sea of Hostility
The Americans and our [Arab] partners must think hard about this: Do they want a permanent war? Sultan Erdogan and the House of Saud certainly do because their Syrian regime change dreams are in tatters. But the lame duck Obama
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban addresses the media on the occasion of a meeting with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Vice Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner at the Hungarian Embassy in Vienna, Austria, Friday, Sept. 25, 2015.
16:55 12.02.2016
Brussels and Turkey Threaten Europe, Says Hungary's PM
is an agreement made between the EU and President Erdogan to transport almost half a million migrants from Turkey to the European Union, suggesting nation states should get ready for a major increase in people migrating from
Context Countdown
14:54 12.02.2016
New Hampshire Primary, US Intels Global Review, Erdogans Grandstanding
labeled as global threats. Finally, the highlight of our weekly countdown is Erdogans dramatic grandstanding against the EU, the US, and Russia.
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
14:40 12.02.2016
Erdogan's Deep State: Ankara Creating Monsters in Menacing Power Grab
The Erdogan regime has recreated the Turkish "deep state" comprising of intelligence officials, Islamists and ultranationalists to maintain full control over the country, US author Jonathan Marshall stresses, adding that the "system" represents
War ships of NATO take part in a military drill on the Black Sea
13:51 12.02.2016
NATO's Cold War 2.0 Rhetoric Threatens to Give Aggressive Turkey Free Hand
NATO's latest initiative a buildup in Eastern Europe which officials have called "the most significant boost" to the alliance's military readiness "since the end of the Cold War," threatens to untie Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's hands
Servicemen of the Syrian Arab Army at the Syrian-Turkish border near the town of Kessab
17:39 11.02.2016
Militants' Defeat in Aleppo Has US Scrambling to Derail Syrian Juggernaut
time, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has admitted that Turkey will not stay on the sidelines if it is asked to participate in a future campaign." Thus, "while it is impossible to know whether Turkey, Saudi Arabia or the US
Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan
17:28 11.02.2016
US Blames Putin When Erdogan Caught Weaponizing Refugees
The recently released minutes from a November meeting between Erdogan and the EU prove that the Turkish strongman is manipulating the immigrant flow into Europe for strategic ends.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) during the G20 Summit in Antalya, on November 16, 2015
11.02.2016 242332
Merkel Wants to Send NATO Ships to Curry Favor With Erdogan
Germany is placating Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan by requesting a NATO mission to the Aegean Sea to support Turkey in the fight against the trafficking of people and contraband, German newspaper DWN writes.
A Syrian woman stands holding a banner that reads in Turkish ''we are migrants, we will pass'' and in Arabic (top), We are only crossing, our aim is peaceful to secure humanitarian passage allowing refugees to enter Greece near the highway, on their way to the border between Turkey and Greece
15:48 11.02.2016
Erdogan Threatens to Expel Syrian Refugees From Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the United Nations should advise other countries to accept the refugees, not only Turkey, and Ankara will send these refugees there.
Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the monthly Mukhtars meeting (local administrators) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 10, 2016
15:40 11.02.2016
Bitter Pill for Erdogan: Russia Leaves Turkey a Helpless Spectator in Syria
as a severe blow to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who made the ousting of President Assad the alpha and omega of his policy in Syria. The pill is even more bitter for Erdogan, as, devoid of any leverage on
Iraqi Kurdish forces take part in an operation backed by US-led strikes on the outskirts of northern Iraqi town of Sinjar on November 12, 2015, to retake the town from the Islamic State group and cut a key supply line to Syria
10:16 11.02.2016
Ultimatum Not Met? US, Turkey Not on the Same Page in the Middle East
Erdogans recent ultimatum to the US to choose between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds as a partner on the ground in Syria is a dead-end for Ankara: the US would not dump this group for Turkeys sake and the demand will only strain relations between
Migrants and refugees disembark safely from a dinghy at a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean sea from the Turkish coast, Monday, Nov. 16, 2015
04:08 11.02.2016
Erdogan Trapping Europe Into Accepting Millions of Syrians - Kurdish Leader
Turkish parliament member and Kurdish activist Osman Baydemir said that Erdogan has cornered European countries into accepting millions of Syrians, among which extremists, by giving them free access across his country?
Nusra Front fighters
03:45 11.02.2016
Erdogan Using al-Qaeda, Nusra Front to Encircle Kurds - Lawmaker
Turkish parliament member and Kurdish activist Osman Baydemir said that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is encouraging Islamist terrorists to encircle and isolate the 20 million Kurds who live in the eastern half of the country.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
03:14 11.02.2016
Erdogan Crackdown Killed 458 Civilians in Eastern Turkey - Kurdish Lawmaker
Turkish parliament member and Kurdish activist Osman Baydemir said that Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered a wave of repression in Kurdistan that has killed more than 450 people, including eight-month-old children.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting on the New Constitution at the Congresium in Ankara on January 28, 2016.
21:34 10.02.2016
Erdogan Slams US Support for Kurdish 'Terrorists'
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called partnership between Turkey and the United Stated 'strange', because of the US position on the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD), which is considered as terrorist organization by Ankara.
People react as smoke billows from burning pallets set on fire during clashes between Turkish riot policemen and Kurdish protesters in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir on November 1, 2015
20:32 10.02.2016
Erdogan's Policy Against Kurds Deepens Refugee Crisis
Feleknas Uca, a Turkish parliamentarian and deputy for the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party, said that Erdogan and his government have blocked all solutions to the Kurdish issue in Turkey and this policy will deepen refugee crisis.
Syria's General Fahd Jassem al-Freij (C), Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense allegedly visiting troops in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. (File)
19:10 10.02.2016
The Aleppo Pocket: Turkey Running Out of Time for Its Plans to Invade Syria
with the Erdogan government effectively blackmailing Brussels by threatening to 'dump' its refugees on Europe, "the EU may decide to close its eyes on a Turkish military operation, as it has already done with the growing
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
19:06 10.02.2016
Sultanic Rites: Erdogan Threatens Europe Over Refugee Crisis
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan's threats to open the borders with Europe to millions of refugees and migrants unless Brussels accedes to his demands is proof that he is exploiting the crisis and blackmailing Europe
A picture taken on November 25, 2013 shows oil rigs in the Kurdish town of Deriq (al-Malikiyah in Arabic), in the northeastern Hasakeh governorate on the border with Turkey and Iraq
18:05 10.02.2016
Syrian Kurds to Continue Working With Russia to Halt Illegal Oil to Turkey
a day. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly denied profiting from Daesh oil trafficking.
Protesters and members of Turkey's People's Democracy Party (HDP) hold a banner with pictures of the victims of the Suruc bomb attack after their peace march was banned by authorities in the Aksaray district of Istanbul on July 26
16:54 10.02.2016
Human Rights Groups Must 'Raise Alarm' Over Crimes Against Turkish Kurds
was founded in the late 1970s to promote the self-determination for the Kurdish community. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his New Years address that Turkish security forces killed 3,100 PKK militants in 2015.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:14 10.02.2016
It's a Trap! Erdogan Trying to Use Refugee Crisis to Lure NATO Into Mideast
Earlier this week, the German chancellor met with her Turkish counterpart, agreeing on a refugee 'action plan' including plans to use NATO forces to bolster Turkey's coastal borders. Asked for comment, John Hopkins University Turkey expert Gareth Jenkins told Sputnik that he hopes that NATO doesn't give in to Ankara's demands.
Yeni Cami and Eminonu bazaar, Constantinople
13:43 10.02.2016
Lost to History? Turkish Scholar Says Ottomans Invented Submarine, Missile
Bayramoglu Ali Aga invented firearms and missiles," Ayduz said, adding that all knowledge in this field was ultimately lost. Turk Pres Erdogan"Contacts between Latin America and Islam date to 12th century. Muslims discovered America in
Members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) monitor the positions of Islamic State (IS) group in the Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, close to the Turkish border on March 13, 2015
09:59 10.02.2016
Russias Kurdish Gambit: US Ally in Syria Takes Moscows Side
organization by the US, Turkey, and the EU. Meanwhile, Turkey has denounced the move. Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued what can be considered as an ultimatum to the US this week, saying that its, that its either us or the PYD&rdquo
Turkey US Flags
23:49 09.02.2016
Ankara Summons US Ambassador Over Washingtons Stance on Kurds
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long considered the Kurdish PYD to be a terrorist group, one that threatens the stability of his administration. As a member of NATO, Ankara expects its allies to agree. But on
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
22:38 09.02.2016
'Its a Power Game': Erdogans Ultimatum to Washington Decoded
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has drawn a line in the sand; either the US supports Ankara or the Kurdish people. Speaking to Radio Sputniks Loud & Clear, activist Elif Sarican and journalist Eric Draitser discuss the meaning behind
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
21:46 09.02.2016
Why so Much Hate? Closer Look at Erdogans Kurdophobia
As the ongoing clashes between the Turkish government and Kurds intensify and more innocent civilians are dying, there is something distinct and perhaps intangible about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: his deep-rooted personal hatred
A Kurdish man waves a large flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) political wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), during a demonstration against the exclusion of Syrian-Kurds from the Geneva talks in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on February 4, 2016
21:26 09.02.2016
Turkish FM Says US Must Choose Between Turkey, Syrian Kurds
Turkish President Recep Erdogan who said Washington must choose on whose side it is. "The U.S. needs to make a decision: Does it choose us [Turkey] as a partner or terrorist organizations?" Cavusoglu reiterated on Tuesday in
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
19:32 09.02.2016
Erdogan Threatened to Flood Europe With Refugees Unless EU Deal Agreed
Newly published documents show that the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan threatened the European Commission with a series of demands over its proposed membership of the European Union in return for agreement to stem the flow of migrants entering
Smoke rises during airstrikes on the Syrian town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane by the Kurds
19:25 09.02.2016
Settlement of Syrian Crisis: 'US Needs Both Turkey and Kurds'
Turkish president Erdogan has lashed out against Washington, saying the US should choose between Ankara and the Kurds as its partner. The Turkish leader fiercely criticized the US government after Washington sent an envoy to the city of Kobani
A man holds the flag of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as Kurds living in Greece protest in central Athens on October 8, 2014
17:44 09.02.2016
Will Syrian Kurds Become a 'Stumbling Block' in Washington-Ankara Ties?
On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan harshly criticized Washington for sending US envoy Brett McGurk to Kobani in northern Syria for talks with representatives of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).
Loud & Clear
13:55 09.02.2016
North Korea Launches Satellite: Republicans Call For War on DPRK
North Korea. In the second segment, host Brian Becker asks what's behind the comments by Turkish President Erdogan that the U.S. must choose between supporting either Turkey or the Kurds he calls "terrorists." He is joined from
Syrian government forces inspect an area near the village of Khan Tuman, south from the provincial capital Aleppo, on December 22, 2015
13:26 09.02.2016
Losing the War, Blame Russia
role is seen in how the Turkish regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to have deliberately exacerbated the scenes of chaos on Syrias border. It was last week that the Turkish authorities took the decision
Moscow and Kremlin
13:23 09.02.2016
Kremlin Dismisses Erdogan's 'Absurd' Claims of Russia's 'Invasion' in Syria
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent statements that Russia has allegedly invaded Syria are absurd, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
11:39 09.02.2016
Erdogan Blackmailed EU for 30 Bln Over Migrant Crisis Plan
In November, during a meeting with President of the European Council Donald Tusk and European Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded from Brussels 30 billion to resolve the European migrant crisis
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse stone throwing Kurdish demonstrators during a protest against the curfew in Sur district, in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, December 22, 2015
21:23 08.02.2016
Massacre of Kurds is Policy of Criminalization by Turkish Authorities
want to live in freedom and democracy. After the victory of the Kurds in Koban, Erdogan once again wants to change the international community's attitude toward the Kurdish people by destroying the ancient Mesopotamian
Ain't No Sunshine When They're Gone
17:35 08.02.2016
Ain't No Sunshine When They're Gone
It seems that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shot himself in the foot when the Turkish Air Force jet downed a Russian Su-24 bomber over Syria as the number of Russian tourists visiting the Turkish resort city of Antalya dropped by 5.3 times
A picture taken on November 29, 2015 shows the Tel Aviv skyline from the neighbourhood of Jaffa
16:14 08.02.2016
Israel Not Ready to Renew Full Diplomatic Ties With Turkey - Embassy
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Israel is not ready to renew full diplomatic relations with Turkey yet and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not seem interested in renewing them either, Israeli Charge dAffaires
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchange gifts before their talks
16:06 08.02.2016
EU Should Ask Russia for Help Instead of Kneeling in Front of Ankara'
Europe does not realize that "falling on its knees" in front of Erdogan in a desperate attempt to resolve the current refugee crisis is absolutely useless, the article said. "Today, Angela Merkel is once again talking
Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighters walk with their weapons at the eastern entrances to the town of Tal Abyad in the northern Raqqa countryside, Syria, June 14, 2015
08:29 08.02.2016
Turkey's Hostility Toward Syrian Kurds Hampers Fight Against Daesh
ties to the PKK. According to the PYD, Ankara blocked its participation in the Syrian peace talks over fears of its links to the militant movement. Earlier Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Washington
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends to the G20 Leaders Summit welcoming ceremony on November 15,2015 in Antalya
Erdogan Forfeits EU Relations for Overtures With 'Long Indulged' Radicals
Ankara has long made overtures to radical Islamists battling against Syrias president Bashar al-Assad and now has to face the consequences of its reckless policies.
Members of the Kurdish internal security forces (known as the Asayish) check vehicles on December 16, 2015 in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli as tensions rose between regime forces and Kurdish fighter in the city
01:38 08.02.2016
Syrian Kurds Cooperate With All Countries Assisting in Fight Against Daesh
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Earlier in the day, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Washington to choose between the partnership with Turkey and Kurdish forces, which Ankara claims are linked to the pro
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is losing his wits over the Kurdish issue. The Turkish leader fiercely criticized the US government after Washington sent an envoy to the city of Kobani controlled by Syrian Kurds.
Erdogan Blackmails Washington Over US Cooperation With Syrian Kurds
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is losing his wits over the Kurdish issue. The Turkish leader fiercely criticized the US government after Washington sent an envoy to the city of Kobani controlled by Syrian Kurds.
The militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, stand at a barricade in Sirnak, Turkey, late Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015.
04:26 07.02.2016
Turkish Foreign Minister Accuses PKK of Using Civilians as 'Human Shield'
ANKARA (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his New Years statement that Turkish security forces killed 3,100 PKK militants in 2015. "Turkey is conducting an active fight against the PKK
Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire into the the air while celebrating the retaking of of Sinjar, northern Iraq, Friday Nov.
13, 2015
22:50 06.02.2016
Kurdish Militants Use Western-Produced Weapons - Erdogan
Kurdish militants use weapons manufactured in the western countries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday.
Servicemen of the Syrian army near the village of Salma, Latakia Province
With Russia's Help Syrian Army Will Soon Restore Sovereignty of the State
while answering the question on whether Bashar al-Assad has enough power and political tools to settle the conflict. Erratic Erdogan "Militarily speaking, the prospects on the ground are good and looking good. If [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends to the G20 Leaders Summit welcoming ceremony on November 15,2015 in Antalya
Turkey's Foreign Policy Ambitions Fall to Pieces Due to Erdogan's 'Hubris'
Turkey's once ambitious foreign policy strategy of having no unresolved issues with its neighbors, as well as its aspirations to become the leading regional power are in ruins to an extent due to Recep Tayyip Erdogan's personal ambitions
A picture taken June 26, 2011 shows Saudi special forces graduates showing their skills during a ceremony held at their base near the capital Riyadh
18:02 06.02.2016
Why 'It Will Be Risky for Saudi Arabia to Deploy Ground Forces to Syria'
have been more than once accused of doing business with Daesh (ISIL/ISIS/IS). President Erdogans son-in-law has been linked to oil trade with the jihadist group. As for Riyadh it has always been dubbed the incubator
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
16:45 06.02.2016
Erdogans Push for 'Ultimate Power' Leading to 'Erosion' of Turkish State
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who used to promote himself to the West as neo-liberal and reformist has now revived "neo-Ottoman fantasies" and is tightening his grip on the opposition. Erdogans thirst for ultimate power risks to destroy
A man rides a motorcycle past damaged buildings in al-Myassar neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria January 31, 2016
15:58 06.02.2016
Will The Saudis And Turks Really Invade Syria?
: Erdogan wants to create a safe zone in northern Syria in which Turkey can directly embed its influence, train more terrorist proxies, and utilize as a forward operating base for future attacks within the country
Red Line
13:55 06.02.2016
President Erdogan: Playing With Fire
While claiming he still wish to meet Russias President Vladimir Putin Mr. Erdogan appears intent on both sabotaging the Syrian peace process and generating a broad anti-Russian front around which his supposed allies can gather
A photo taken on February 3, 2016 shows smokes rising over the district of Sur in Diyarbakir after clashes between Kurdish
rebels and Turkish forces
13:30 06.02.2016
Intense Clashes Erupt Between Turkish Army, Kurdish Fighters in Diyarbakir
Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his New Years statement that Turkish security forces killed 3,100 PKK militants in 2015.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a mukhtars meeting at the presidential palace on November
26, 2015 in Ankara
02:28 06.02.2016
Erdogans Open Door for Jihadists Leaves Turkish Foreign Policy in Ruins
Turkeys open border policy for Islamic fighters into Syria has destroyed President Recep Tayyip Erdogans dream of making Ankara the dominant power in the Middle East, Woodrow Wilson Center Middle East Program Director Henri Barkey stated
A large convoy of Turkish military including tanks and ambulances rolls from the southeastern part of Turkey toward the
Iraqi border (File)
22:29 05.02.2016
'We Expect A Military Escalation in Syria': Turkeys True Motives
War III with Russia. "Erdogan is trapped, so he wants an escalation between NATO and Russia," Cete says. "His main salvation from Syria and the inner politics of Turkey is to rage a war against a foreign enemy." War
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan rubs his eye during a diplomatic ceremony in front of Carondelet Palace in Quito, Ecuador, February 4, 2016
21:36 05.02.2016
Erdogans Justice: A Few Loose Words Get Civilian Labeled a Terrorist
Omer Bulur, a resident of the city of Siirt located in Turkeys southeast, is being accused of spreading terrorist propaganda and offending a head of state.
Turkish soldiers
19:12 05.02.2016
Turkey's Invasion of Syria? Moscow Keeping an Eye on Ankara's Moves
It is unlikely that the Erdogan government will succeed in provoking Moscow and Damascus into a direct confrontation with Ankara, US syndicated columnist Stephen Lendman notes, adding that the two capitals will not tolerate Turkey's naked aggression
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan waves next to Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Ricardo Patino while walking into Carondelet Palace in Quito, Ecuador, February 4, 2016
16:37 05.02.2016
Watch and Learn: Erdogan Gathers Data to Consolidate Power in Turkey
As Turkish President Erdogan continues his five-day tour across South America, Korkut Boratav, a notable economist and foreign relations expert, told Spuntik about the political and economic goals of this voyage.
Masked members of YDG-H, youth wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), sit next to their weapons in Silvan, near the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, August 17, 2015
13:56 05.02.2016
Turkish Pundit Complains of Western Conspiracy Supporting 'Terrorist' Kurds
which Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party has been moving in recent years. Ozkan begins his piece with an analysis of the West's alleged support for the outlawed Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK
Russian Presidential Secretary Dmitri Peskov has officially denied a claim made by the press office of Ukraine's president, which stated that in the course of a recent telephone conversation in the Normandy Four format, President Vladimir Putin had proposed sending Russian peacekeepers to Donbass.
12:57 05.02.2016
No Contact Made Between Putin, Erdogan
There has been no contact between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.
The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives to welcome the President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani (not seen) during an official ceremony at Presidential Complex in Ankara, on December 24, 2015
07:53 05.02.2016
Turkey-Ecuador Bilateral Trade Agreement Expected in Near Future - Erdogan
Turkey plans to conclude a bilateral trade agreement with Ecuador in the near future, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/search/#ixzz4BAGcTEM6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A9Vag4L_ZI Senkaku Cina Giappone ] [ Max Power https://plus.google.com/102027713597454754105 [13:32] Mavvaffanculo lorenzojhwh UniusREI [ 14:09 ] [ my Israel ] UK services CIA 666 NWO SPA regime Bildenberg NATO [ no! loro non sono così masochisti, come potrebbe sembrare, MI STANNO SFIDANDO: perché è così che devono fare i sacerdoti di Satana, loro vogliono costringermi a pubblicare qualcosa attraverso la ADSL della scuola per potermi denunciare! [ BURN SATANA: DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: IN JESUS'S NAME! [ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce. N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce, V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana. Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo, I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen!
io sono il progetto politico per una monarchia per Israele e Palestina, se volete vivere. [ shalom + salam ] #SALMAN #Sharia [ ma, il fatto che, il troll CIA, lui mi vuole sparare con una m8 (l'arma preferita dalle femmine), questo vuol dire che, lui non potrebbe mai essere uno di quei Bush sommi Sacerdoti Farisei di Satana, con i super poteri soprannaturali voodoo del cazzo Kabbalah, perché, tutti i tuoi Enlightened? loro sanno bene: che Unius REI è immortale!
shalom + salam ] #SALMAN #Sharia [ cosa significa quello che ha detto, sulla mia pagina, il tuo agente della CIA contro di me? ] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5cqAsRyriIXaKku0RDa_dg Sky air 2 mesi fa you're a loser m8
shalom + salam ] #SALMAN #Sharia [ tu vuoi dire, ai tuoi agenti: cannibali, tutti i tuoi sacerdoti di satana nella CIA, che, loro la smettano di rompermi il cazzo?
ma, io sono molto scettico sul fatto che voi possiate meritare di vivere! https://youtu.be/aSQb5bzsERQ USA fuoco sharia Salafiti
o voi o loro sharia: ammazzateli come bestie, perché sono bestie, tutti sharia nazisti assetati di sangue e genocidio! SOLO LA MORTE LI PUÒ GUARIRE! entro questa sera: la LEGA ARABA deve sparire!
my ISRAEL ] vedi che i rotti di culo: le bestie goy 666 CIA tutte le tue scimmie Sodoma Darwin GENDER Talmud, mi stanno boicottando la grafica del canale!
Usa SODOMA scimmie Darwin GENDER: le bestie di satana: islamico Spara in un locale gay, Fbi indaga: su pista islamica sharia ] Gesù di Betlemme e Unius REI, non potrebbero approvare mai, degli omicidi: contro gente pacifica! e quella che era: una pena di morte nella torà: per noi, è diventata, il peccato mortale: che certo, ti porterà all'inferno, ma non ti porterà in carcere! Ma, non è così, per i fondamentalisti dell'Antico Testamento: Torah! Anche, i Sacerdoti di satana della CIA applicano la Torà: in maniera letterale, ma soltanto: contro i nemici del regno di Satana! per esempio, se io commettessi adulterio? la CIA 666 cannibali del Gufo: i sacrifici umani sull'Altare di Satana? loro mi ucciderebbero, certamente, perché io sono il loro nemico! Ma, io ho rispettato la legge di Dio JHWH, per tutta la mia vita: per la Grazia di Dio: anche quando, la legge era troppo difficile per me, ed adesso, che, sono vecchio? è molto più facile per me, rispettare la legge, .. .e come io potrei proprio adesso: trasgredire? Farebbero bene i Satana ad arrendersi tutti, oppure, in alternativa, si possono tutti suicidare in massa: perché, questa è la legge di satana: "chi fallisce deve morire!" .. e loro contro di me hanno fallito sempre: ma, quei codardi: di Bush e Rothschild? perché, non si sono ancora uccisi tutti ancora? infatti la legge di Satana vale anche per loro!
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | le sanzioni sono soltanto un grosso cazzo nel culo, di quel traditore della MERKEL, perché, per gli USA le sanzioni contro la RUSSIA non esistono! Pentagono interessato a produrre i kalashnikov negli USA
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | se tu prendi un pene di cane, e lo metti sul trono della ARABIA SAUDiTA? lui farebbe meno danni! E come potrebbero i sauditi aiutare i siriani Se Salman, LI ha tutti condannati al genocidio? TUTTI I SOLDI DATI A SALMAN FINIRANNO PER FINANZIARE I TERRORISTI JIHADISTI ALLAH AKBAR: BIG GENOCIDIO AKBAR!!! Le forze di sicurezza saudite inizieranno ad aprire le porte delle prigioni a chi raccoglie donazioni per i siriani attraverso i social network senza autorizzazione, ha avvertito attraverso i media locali il rappresentante del ministero degli Interni, il generale Mansour al-Turki. "Le forze di sicurezza saudite arresteranno chiunque raccolga donazioni per i siriani senza autorizzazione attraverso i social network o programmi per telefoni cellulari", — ha detto al-Turki.
Inoltre, gli stranieri residenti per tale violazione potrebbe affrontare l'espulsione.
Secondo lui, la raccolta delle donazioni per i siriani in questo modo viola il sistema vigente nel Paese per la lotta contro il terrorismo e il suo finanziamento. Coloro che vogliono partecipare ad attività di beneficenza nel mese sacro del Ramadan, possono elargire donazioni tramite la fondazione del re Salman per l'assistenza e le attività umanitarie all'estero, nonché tramite le organizzazioni registrate presso il ministero degli Affari Islamici.
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | GLI OMOSESSUALI ATTIVI della NATO, LORO PENSANO, CHE, in realtà, SONO VERI OMOSESSUALI SOLTANTO QUELLI PASSIVI (tipo Merkel Bildenberg)! ed è questa la verità: "se gli ucraini non fanno i boia? poi, gli USA li lasceranno morire di fame. questa è la economia di guerra nel 666 NWO NATO, che ha buttato nel girone infernale anche i palestinesi: infatti la guerra è la loro unica vera attività economicamente rilevante! .. ed anche se nessuno lo crederebbe? io piango per i miei fratelli palestinesi, ogni giorno! infatti è per loro, per la loro liberazione, che, io sono il Regno di Israele.. io ho spiegato questo concetto, oggi, al mio Parroco, ma lui non lo ha capito! ] [ "Donbass, filorussi si aspettano provocazioni da forze ucraine a Donetsk e Mariupol] [ "Donbass, filorussi si aspettano provocazioni da forze ucraine a Donetsk e Mariupol. 12.06.2016( Il vice comandante delle milizie della Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk (DNR) Eduard Basurin ha denunciato la preparazione di provocazioni da parte delle forze di sicurezza ucraine in direzione di Donetsk e Mariupol. "Alle divisioni delle forze armate ucraine è stato assegnato un compito: bombardare massicciamente dal 17 al 20 giugno i confini meridionali della Repubblica, così come con azioni di sabotaggio in direzione di Mariupol, per destabilizzare la situazione nella DNR con lo scopo di distogliere l'attenzione dai successivi tentativi di riconquistare i territori di Avdeevka, Yasinovataya e Gorlovka ", — ha detto Eduard Basurin, basandosi sui dati dell'intelligence della DNR. Secondo lui, per compiere provocazioni sono arrivati nei pressi di Mariupol 300 uomini delle forze di sicurezza ucraine. Eduard Basurin ha inoltre aggiunto che i militari ucraini continuano a concentrare le armi pesanti, proibite dagli accordi, verso la linea di contatto. Ad esempio nei pressi di Peski, Marinka e Pobeda, come notato da Eduard Basurin, sono stati trovati mortai, obici e unità di artiglieria delle forze ucraine. Nell'aprile 2014 Kiev ha lanciato un'operazione militare contro le autoproclamate Repubbliche Popolari di Donetsk (DNR) e Lugansk (LNR), che avevano dichiarato l'indipendenza dopo il colpo di stato di Maidan nel febbraio 2014. Secondo gli ultimi dati delle Nazioni Unite, le vittime dall'inizio del conflitto sono più di 9 mila persone. La normalizzazione del conflitto nel Donbass viene discussa anche tramite le riunioni del gruppo di contatto a Minsk, che da settembre 2014 ha adottato 3 documenti che regolano le operazioni di de-escalation del conflitto, tra cui il cessate il fuoco. Tuttavia, anche dopo l'entrata in vigore della tregua, tra le parti in conflitto proseguono scontri isolati. http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160612/2877277/Kiev-DNR-Ucraina-Basurin.html#ixzz4BNY2U1hi
Erdogan è un primatista islamico Nazista e Razzista: fanatico religioso, sharia massimalista: senza reciprocità, maniaco religioso, responsabile di tutti i genocidi di Siria e Iraq, la forca al più presto, è l'unico posto idoneo per lui! Caso Erdogan ai funerali di Ali, lascia offeso Louisville
quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein [ Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, SHARIa ALLAH AKBAR GENOCIDIO CONTRO tutti gli ISRAELIANI, conosciuto anche con la kunya Abū Māzen, è un politico palestinese TROPPO COGLIONE cattivo ed IGNORANTE PER ME! LUI PENSA CHE, nonostante tutti gli ebrei del mondo vanno tutti correndo a nascondersi da me, lui pensa, che, IO SONO UNA SPECIE DI SERVO degli EBREI: CHE, poi, CALUNNIARE UNIUS REI SIGNIFICA ANDARE ALL'INFERNO PER DIRETTISSIMA! [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein che, lei è stata una monaca, filosofa e mistica tedesca dell'Ordine delle Carmelitane Scalze. Di origine ebraica, si convertì al cattolicesimo dopo un periodo di ateismo che durava dall'adolescenza, Edith Stein (in religione Teresa Benedetta della Croce; Breslavia, 12 ottobre 1891 – Auschwitz, 9 agosto 1942) morì: ad Auschwitz-Birkenau dove, insieme alla sorella Rosa (anch'ella monaca carmelitana scalza) trovò la morte. Nel 1998 papa Giovanni Paolo II l'ha proclamata santa e l'anno successivo l'ha dichiarata compatrona d'Europa. [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere Edith Stein, lei disse alla sorella: "vieni sorella, andiamo a pagare per i delitti del nostro popolo!" .. e più i popoli diventano poveri e disperati, sempre più tutti gli ebrei, in tutto il mondo, loro diventano, sempre più ricchi! e tra tutti loro: meno dell'1% crede che, sia un suo dovere realizzare il REGNO di ISRAELE, perché sono tutti agenti di satana!
Brexit, l'allarme di Cameron: il rischio è la nuova austerity. Il premier prova a fare leva sui temi più cari agli inglesi, come il servizio sanitario nazi Bildenberg anale, la casa e le pensioni. LE PAROLE DI UN MASSONE, VALGONO MENO delle parole di una TROIA lussuriosa e felice nel bordello! Se, ci sarà austerity sarà soltanto Rothschild a deciderlo!
perché, dai peggiori siti pornografici, c'è un traffico che viene sul mio blog? http://rivera.fem******* in [ statistiche --> origine del traffico ] perché, 1. io lo devo vedere? perché, 2. i sacerdoti di satana hanno la gestione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale? ok! ma, noi questo lo sapevamo già: Bush, bildenberg, sharia, Erdogan Salman, NATO, SpA FMI BM, Monsanto GMOS, Talmud Obama, kabbalah: sono la feccia dell'inferno!
#Monsanto, SpA, metalli pesanti di nano particelle ferrose nei vaccini ] [ perché, da tre mesi, mi tira un piccolo dolore, nel punto, dove ho fatto il vaccino? ... è in questo modo, che, voi avete fatto venire la demenza senile a mio padre?
OGNI VERITÀ HA IL PREZZO DELLA RINUNCIA E DELLA PERDITA! ] [ non esiste qualcuno di nome Unius REI, che, lui deve dire, o fare conoscere la verità a qualcuno, o che, deve insegnare, quale dovrebbe essere una: corretta: religione pratica culto, NO! perché lo Spirito Santo della CONOSCENZA, è stato effuso dalla CROCE SANTA, quando Gesù di Betlemme spirò, cioè, morì, e rese lo Spirito al Padre ed a tutto il genere umano: QUINDI ESISTE UNA CONOSCENZA INCONSCIA DELLA VERITÀ IN TUTTI! MA, QUESTA È LA VERITÀ: se tutto il genere umano non diventeranno i cristiani (e non sto parlando di aderire: FORMALMENTE: ad una religione, perché, io sono un politico razionale con metodologia agnostica di pensiero) poi, i martiri cristiani innocenti dovranno sempre morire.. PERCHÉ, IL PROBLEMA DELLA VERITÀ NON È QUELLA CHE NON VIENE CONOSCIUTA, MA, È SOLTANTO QUELLA CHE NON VIENE AMATA, PERCHÉ OGNI VERITÀ HA IL PREZZO DELLA RINUNCIA E DELLA PERDITA!
ma, questo non è un problema per voi, perché, voi avete la tecnologia per vivere 200 anni sulla luna! ] [ quando, voi avete promesso a Michail Sergeevič Gorbačëv, che, la NATO non avrebbe mai oltrepassato, il Muro di Berlino? ok! voi potevate ottenere i vostri 5 miliardi di morti soltanto ] MA, ADESSO, VOI AVETE SCATENATO UNA CORSA AL RIARMO NUCLEARE, CHE NON LASCERÀ NEANCHE SOPRAVVIVERE GLI SCARAFAGGI SUL NOSTRO PIANETA!
UNIUS REI 12.06.2016 | GLI OMOSESSUALI ATTIVI della NATO, LORO PENSANO, CHE, in realtà, SONO VERI OMOSESSUALI SOLTANTO QUELLI PASSIVI (tipo Merkel Bildenberg)! ed è questa la verità: "se gli ucraini non fanno i boia? poi, gli USA li lasceranno morire di fame. questa è la economia di guerra nel 666 NWO NATO, che ha buttato nel girone infernale anche i palestinesi: infatti la guerra è la loro unica vera attività economicamente rilevante! .. ed anche se nessuno lo crederebbe? io piango per i miei fratelli palestinesi, ogni giorno! infatti è per loro, per la loro liberazione, che, io sono il Regno di Israele.. io ho spiegato questo concetto, oggi, al mio Parroco, ma lui non lo ha capito! ] [ "Donbass, filorussi si aspettano provocazioni da forze ucraine a Donetsk e Mariupol. quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein [ Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, SHARIa ALLAH AKBAR GENOCIDIO CONTRO tutti gli ISRAELIANI, conosciuto anche con la kunya Abū Māzen, è un politico palestinese TROPPO COGLIONE cattivo ed IGNORANTE PER ME! LUI PENSA CHE, nonostante tutti gli ebrei del mondo vanno tutti correndo a nascondersi da me, lui pensa, che, IO SONO UNA SPECIE DI SERVO degli EBREI: CHE, poi, CALUNNIARE UNIUS REI SIGNIFICA ANDARE ALL'INFERNO PER DIRETTISSIMA! [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere ] Edith Stein che, lei è stata una monaca, filosofa e mistica tedesca dell'Ordine delle Carmelitane Scalze. Di origine ebraica, si convertì al cattolicesimo dopo un periodo di ateismo che durava dall'adolescenza, Edith Stein (in religione Teresa Benedetta della Croce; Breslavia, 12 ottobre 1891 – Auschwitz, 9 agosto 1942) morì: ad Auschwitz-Birkenau dove, insieme alla sorella Rosa (anch'ella monaca carmelitana scalza) trovò la morte. Nel 1998 papa Giovanni Paolo II l'ha proclamata santa e l'anno successivo l'ha dichiarata compatrona d'Europa. [ quando: le SS naziste andarono a prendere Edith Stein, lei disse alla sorella: "vieni sorella, andiamo a pagare per i delitti del nostro popolo!" .. e più i popoli diventano poveri e disperati, sempre più tutti gli ebrei, in tutto il mondo, loro diventano, sempre più ricchi! e tra tutti loro: meno dell'1% crede che, sia un suo dovere realizzare il REGNO di ISRAELE, perché sono tutti agenti di satana!
#salman #sharia: Eih tu, ciola di cane: #Saudi #Arabia! io ti prenderò insieme, a quei tuoi complici: MASSONI: anglo-americani 666 Bush 322 Gufo: NWO GMOS AGENDA A.I. NATO: di: pararissiti SpA Banche Centrali Rothschild BILDENBERG, e tante volte, io vi sbatterò contro il muro: così tante volte, finché, tutta la merda, che, esiste nel vostro cervello, non sarà uscita tutta! Edith Stein fu soltanto: una suora di: 10000 (diecimila) suore e preti cattolici, che, Hitler uccise, per vendicarsi: del documento che i Vescovi olandesi avevano scritto: per condannare il nazismo! Ecco perché, Papa PACELLI: Pio XII, detto Pastor Angelicus, lui non avrebbe mai potuto condannare formalmente il nazismo! Ecco perché, il vomito dell'inferno: di Farisei e loro Salafiti: NWO complici: voi state per scendere tutti all'inferno rapidamente: perché, voi siete quelli del TALMUD CORANO, che, voi avete tirato fuori la calunnia dei NAZI-Christians: PERCHÉ ALLAH AKBAR VOI SIETE LE PIÙ SPREGEVOLI BESTIE DI SATANA CHE QUESTO PIANETA ABBIA MAI CONOSCIUTO
Papa FRANCESCO, non è che: Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II, lui volle: a tutti i costi: Papa Benedetto XVI, perché, lui aveva paura che, tu potessi diventare il PAPA? Perché, se tu sei un massone, come si dice in giro? poi, non potrebbe mai essere: il tuo, un ruolo di santerello da circo, che, ti potrebbe salvare dal precipitare nel precipizio dell'INFERNO, per sempre!
#SALMAN, #ROTHSCHILD ] queste sono le leggi del soprannaturale ... tutti i demoni, finiscono tutti ai piedi della CROCE SANTA: prima o poi, ed ovviamente, io non ho fretta: perché, il cappio che voi avete messo al collo di tutti i popoli, io lo ho messo al vostro collo anche! Ecco perché, voi non avete un inferno adeguato, che vi potrebbe impedire di essere costretti a venire da me: prima o poi! ... ma, più e poi dopo? sempre peggio sarà per voi!
#SALMAN, #ROTHSCHILD ] ed io dubito che: tutti i gay ebrei di Obama, loro vorranno morire: per realizzare il vostro Califfato Nuovo Ordine Mondiale!
how many times God has been reincarnated himself? of course, everyone knows that God, the Almighty Creator, all-knowing, has no any form of the body, while, all his creatures, like the angels, they all have a form of body! and because God has said, "we TRINITY, we make man in our image, after our likeness" .. then, it is clear not there: for humans the reincarnation. That's because, for Buddhists Hindus etc .. God can not be a person!
quante volte Dio si è reincarnato? ovviamente, tutti sanno che Dio: il Creatore Onnipotente, onnisciente, non ha nessuna forma di corpo, mentre, tutte le sue creature, come anche gli angeli, tutti hanno una forma di corpo! e poiché Dio ha detto: "noi TRINITÀ, noi facciamo l'uomo a nostra immagine e a nostra somiglianza".. poi, è chiaro non esite per l'uomo nessuna forma di reincarnazione. Ecco perché per induisti Buddisti ecc.. Dio non può essere una Persona!
SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] [ non si tratta soltanto di distruggere: TALMUD Signoraggio bancario e Sharia: la scienza di Satana! no! in 500 anni, i Farisei hanno plasmato le istituzioni, e le relazioni tra: i soggetti giuridici, ed hanno impostato la struttura sociale in maniera iniqua: la struttura sociale: è malata! pertanto: distruggere TALMUD Signoraggio bancario e Sharia: non sarebbe sufficiente a disinnescare la guerra mondiale nucleare! Bisogna sostituire la Geopolitica: attraverso, una unica monarchia mondiale Unius REI, ovviamente: che, tu non puoi andare bene, nessuno si fiderebbe di te: perché tu sei un islamico assassino!
Tusk, con Brexit fine civiltà politica ] non abbiamo mai conosciuto una civiltà dei massoni: alto tradimento: costituzionale: depredazione sovranità monetaria! VOI MERITATE TUTTI DI ESSERE IMPICCATI!
Quel musulmano: ha giustamente rispettato la VERA PAROLA di DIO: ed ha fatto a Dio, DI SE STESSO: un sacrificio gradito della sua vita nobile e gloriosa! Con tutto il rispetto dovuto ai veri omosessuali: ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO DI NOI VUOLE VIVERE IN UNA DEPRAVAZIONE OBAMA ZAPATERO SODOMA! QUINDI DATEVI UNA CALMATA!" FORT PIERCE (FLORIDA), 13 GIUGNO. Omar Mateen, il killer di Orlando, "pregava in moschea tre, quattro volte a settimana" e prendeva parte alle cerimonie serali, recentemente anche "con il figlio piccolo". Lo afferma l'imam del luogo di culto, Syed Shafeeq Rahman, frequentato da Mateen, che ha visto per l'ultima volta il 29enne venerdì scorso. Il killer di Orlando non era molto socievole: "Finita la preghiera se ne andava, non socializzava con nessuno. Non è mai sembrato un violento", aggiunge il religioso
MA LUI È COLPEVOLE DI PENA DI MORTE: PERCHÉ, I MIEI DIRITTI UMANI SONO SATANA NELLA SHARIA! ECCO PERCHÉ LA LEGA ARABA DEVE ESSERE RASA AL SUOLO! DUBAI, 13 GIU - Nabeel Rajab, presidente del Centro per i diritti umani del Bahrain e noto attivista, è stato nuovamente arrestato dalle autorità del Bahrein dopo un blitz nella sua abitazione. Ma le accuse nei suoi confronti non sono molte chiare. Lo denuncia la famiglia, mentre la notizia non è stata ancora riportata dall'agenzia ufficiale del Paese o confermata dalle autorità. Rajab era stato imprigionato nel maggio del 2015 con l'accusa di aver offeso e insultato le autorità del Paese. Il 2 luglio dello stesso anno ricevette la grazia dal re, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, per motivi di salute. Sin dagli anni Novanta, è stato una delle voci più critiche nel Bahrain, e nel mondo arabo in generale.
LA LEGGE È BUONA, quando si prefigge di educare le persone, è cattiva quando diventa: cinica, ingiusta, formale: insensibile e unicamente repressiva! 13 GIU - La giovane olandese arrestata in Qatar per aver denunciato di essere stata stuprata alcuni mesi fa è stata rilasciata oggi dopo una condanna a un anno per adulterio. La pena è stata sospesa. Lo riferiscono i media olandesi. La giovane è stata condannata a pagare una multa di circo 720 euro, e verrà espulsa. L'uomo accusato dalla ragazza è stato invece condannato a 100 frustate per adulterio e 40 per consumo di alcol. SE LA DONNA POTEVA DIMOSTRARE DI ESSERE STATA VIOLENTATA? CERTO, LEI ANDAVA RISARCITA, NON PUNITA!
la NATO è l'AGGRESSORE! La Russia CRISTIANA rimane l'ultimo avamposto degli uomini liberi: dopo viene il DEMONIO NWO CALIFFATO: SODOMA E IL DILUVIO UNIVERSALE! "Senza senso i tentativi di attribuire l'immagine di aggressore alla Russia" 13.06.2016) Gli avversari della Russia cercano di creare l'immagine dell'aggressore, ma l'intera politica del Paese racconta una storia diversa, ha affermato il vicepresidente della Duma Sergey Zheleznyak. "I russi sono sempre aperto al dialogo e al rispetto delle tradizioni di altre nazioni. Nonostante i nostri avversari cerchino di creare per la Russia l'immagine di aggressore, tutta la nostra politica dice il contrario. La nostra patria interpreta il ruolo di pacificatore, fornisce assistenza umanitaria, salva la gente dalla guerra, dalla distruzione e dalla fame", — ha detto ai giornalisti Zheleznyak. Secondo lui, la Russia rimarrà un centro di stabilità, pace e cultura. http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160613/2879143/diplomazia-Occidente-Russofobia.html#ixzz4BS2PkHEG
Cinquanta persone sono morte e 53 sono rimaste ferite negli Stati Uniti, nella più grande strage nella storia americana, avvenuta in una discoteca-gay ad Orlando nella notte di sabato. L'aggressore Omar Matin, in base alle informazioni dell'FBI, aveva chiamato il numero di emergenza ed aveva dichiarato di aver giurato fedeltà allo "Stato Islamico". QUESTA STORIA DEL FBI PUÒ ESSERE SOLTANTO UNA CALUNNIA: E NON IMPORTA SE È UNA CALUNNIA DELLA FBI OPPURE È UNA CALUNNIA DELL'ASSALITORE!
UNIUS REI 13.06.2016 | Quel musulmano: ha giustamente rispettato la VERA PAROLA di DIO: ed ha fatto a Dio, DI SE STESSO: un sacrificio gradito della sua vita nobile e gloriosa! Con tutto il rispetto dovuto ai veri omosessuali: ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO DI NOI VUOLE VIVERE IN UNA DEPRAVAZIONE OBAMA ZAPATERO SODOMA! QUINDI DATEVI UNA CALMATA!"
lakieforsure In risposta UNIUS REI 13.06.2016 | UNIUS REI, Non condivido i metodi stampo nazista da eliminazione fisica di coloro che si ritengono nemici. Per quanto riguarda la Vera Parola di Dio, non l'ho ancora ben capita sinceramente: rimanendo nel credo ebraico-cristiano, l'Antico Testamento ricorda più un codice bellico, il Nuovo appare come una rivalutazione radicale di un Dio definito Padre pacifico e misericordioso. Mah.. e lo dico comunque da credente eh. Io credo fermamente nell'esistenza di un'entità superiore ai limiti della logica umana. Peccato solo che bisogna sempre catalogare la fede in base a credi determinati da questioni politiche o dalle lobby. Guarda caso poi, i tre più grandi credi sono le religioni abramitiche (un caso che, oltre all'economia, governino anche gli affari religiosi?).
Detto questo, condivido la tua ultima frase: nessuno vuole vivere nella depravazione. Le lobby LGBT, a mio parere, stanno pericolosamente soffiando sul fuoco.
UNIUS REI In risposta lakieforsure( 13.06.2016 | lakieforsure, è difficile, oggi, trovare in giro per il mondo, un uomo del tuo livello culturale e che abbia una saggezza pari alla tua! INFATTI, io sono proprio: la libertà di coscienza, ed il libero arbitrio per tutti! Ma questa è la verità: è il Regime usurocratico e pornocratico: Rothschild Bildenberg, Troia la Porca Bestialismo Zapatero ideologia Darwin Sodoma GENDER lobby LGBT, che, sono loro che, ci stanno scippando il libero arbitrio: e stanno gettando nella depravazione tutti i popoli del mondo!!
UNIUS REIIn risposta lakieforsure( 13.06.2016 | lakieforsure, CIRCA la vera Parola di Dio, questa può essere soltanto la LEGGE NATURALE, che, Dio ha scritto nel cuore di ogni uomo, e del DECALOGO di Mosé, che LUI Dio, proprio lui ha scritto personalmente!
ERDOGAN sharia law, SALMAN ] io non ricordo precisamente, quando è stato che tu hai fatto: anche quest'altro genocidio allah akbar? Tunisia, scoperte catacombe cristiane a Gammarth. Direttore scavi Inp, prima assoluta nella zona di Cartagine
RAMALLAH, 13 GIU - questo: segretario Generale della Lega Araba, Nabil al-Arabi, è soltanto un prestanome: come OBAMA; il realtà, il vero padrone della LEGA Araba: è SALMAN Salafita wahhabita: e voi siete tutti morti, perché siete i suoi dhimmi! Nabil al-Arabi arriverà domani per la prima volta in visita ufficiale in Cisgiordania.
e chi paga: economicamente: per questo DELIRIO: da trattamento psichiatrico obbligatorio? Questo è sicuro, per non far vedere che sono stati soldi spesi male, poi, dato che tutto e pronto: vedrete che anche spareranno contro la Russia: poi, qualche calunnia, la troveranno anche, come, è stato fatto anche tutte le altre volte! BRUXELLES, 13 GIU - La Nato schiererà quattro battaglioni nei Paesi Baltici e in Polonia per rafforzare le difese contro la Russia. Lo annuncia il segretario generale dell'Alleanza Atlantica Jens Stoltenberg.
ah, ma questo è un altro caso: trattamento da psichiatria: reparto soggetti casi gravi: e socialmente pericolosi! quì erano due canali: 1. JHWH999; 2. "Merkel dhimmi" senza video, li hanno chiusi entrambi e nessuno: saprà mai il perché: accounts-support@google.com> Oggetto: RE: [6-0945000011840] Salve, evolutionxcrimeideological@gmail.com Grazie per il ricorso sulla sospensione dell'account. Abbiamo deciso di mantenere sospeso l'account sulla base delle Norme della community e dei Termini di servizio. Per ulteriori informazioni, la invitiamo a visitare la pagina http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines. Cordiali saluti, Il team di YouTube ] my JHWH, non è per essere cattivo: ma, a questi una grave diarrea, con gravi complicanze intestinali tu gliela potresti anche mandare: io dico!
https://youtu.be/XG4s0PphWek Giulietto Chiesa - Il ruolo della Nato nella Guerra Mondiale a pezzi. la NATO si prepara ad aggredire la Russia, e si prepara ad inglobare tutte le Nazioni del mondo! PandoraTV Pubblicato il 13 giu 2016. Nel complesso San Niccolò a Prato si è svolto l'incontro "Il ruolo della Nato della guerra mondiale a pezzi", organizzato dal Comitato No Guerra No Nato, Pax Christi, Comunità le Piagge, Comitato No Guerra No Nato, Unione Suore Domenicane San Tommaso D'Aquino.
@Arutz Sheva TV. non posso proprio io: mettere nei guai Netanyahu: e lui "Enlightened countries must unite to fight terror" lui ha validi motivi per poter e dover mentire! https://youtu.be/1WkEjxpB3mM
https://youtu.be/FOMa0nkbZuY "Srebrenica, come sono andate veramente le cose" i massacri islamici della NATO! Pubblicato il 12 giu 2016. Alberto Melotto intervista l'editore Giuseppe Zambon in merito al libro "Srebrenica, come sono andate veramente le cose", di Alexander Dorin e Zoran Jovanovic. Paolo Marinelli ] finalmente mi viene da dire. sono anni che penso molto simile al signor Zambon, quel che passa come storia ufficiale, incontestata, è al 99% dei casi, il capovolgimento della realtà dei fatti.. capito questo, occorre andare a rivedere molti fatti.. non è un caso che si imponga per legge la storia (legge sul negazionismo). Il signor Zambon troverà molti molti nemici proprio tra quelli che notoriamente dovrebbero essere di sinistra: Sinistra che da decenni, guarda caso, la si trova sempre a sostegno di disegni imperialisti, globalizzanti, europeista. CI hanno detto che il nazionalismo era il male assoluto, e hanno creato una dittatura europea basata sull'ideologia della superiorità europea rispetto alle singole Nazioni e popoli. Decenni al fianco del Capitale, e come disse qualcun'altro, vestiti di rosso gli schizzi di sangue si notano meno. Decenni a incensare senza se e senza ma gli islamici insediati nella ex jugoslavia da secoli e che da secoli sono forieri di scontri di civiltà. Stesso percorso di verità necessiterebbe a questo punto, quanto successe col kosovo, da secoli territorio serbo, terreno di battaglie che fermarono le continue invasioni turche verso l'europa. E quelli "de sinistra" tutti a incensare i poveri kosovari, albanesi illegalmente sul suolo serbo.
il NAZISMO Regime Rothschild Bildenberg NATO per la realizzazione dell'Unico Impero Mondiale: Satana il Gufo Spa FED è Dio. i Farisei Enlightened! 10 giu 2016 https://youtu.be/ilRQWrsrb8c Roberto Quaglia ha raccontato per Pandora tv l'incontro avvenuto a Bruxelles tra intellettuali e politici di diverse provenienze, uno scambio di idee ed esperienze per iniziare a mettere in campo, su scala europea, delle risposte all'escalation militare e al crescente restringimento degli spazi di democrazia. "A Bruxelles idee nuove per l'Europa" di Roberto Quaglia
MARCELLO6859 Grazie a tutti voi che ci informate su quanto succede, purtoppo più vi ascolto e più mi sento frustrato perchè mi accorgo che con chi cerco di condividere e divulgare quanto ci riportate rilevo un TOTALE DISINTERESSE verso tali importanti e delicati temi.
Gli italiani sono quasi totalmente assoggettati a questo SCHIFOSO sistema.
ARABIA SAUDITA SHARIA CHE LEGA ARABA: È IL PIÙ GRANDE GENOCIDIO E NAZISMO ISLAMICO DELLA STORIA ] [ https://youtu.be/bJgBJpABiso L'Arabia Saudita si fa togliere dalla lista nera dell'Onu 10 giugno 2016 - L'assedio di Aleppo
daq36 Ricordiamoci che l'Arabia Inaudita è sauditamente a capo del Consiglio per i Diritti Umani dell'ONU.
Marcello Randazzo ONU a cosa serve??? Meglio non commentare! Buffoni (usa e ue) hanno isolato la russia??? In tanto noi stiamo puzzando di fame perdendo miliardi di €€€€ per un capriccio organizzato dai dementi oltre oceano. Bhe se queste sanzioni portano al sgretolamento dell'U.E sono piu che benedette, alla fine è quello che vogliono gli usa per mantenere la leadership. (Immaginate i paesi europei che fanno business con i russi. Per gli usa sarebbe il crollo totale) Quindi meglio mantenere il caos tanto la gente è lobotomizzata a dovere.
Koba d'acciaio é una lotta tra imperialismi per l'egemonia nel globo. il capitalismo industriale ha bisogno di avere dei paesi non progrediti , cioè feudali, tali da garantirgli una "riserva" di risorse umane schiave che produce per le multinazionali. é una lotta di eserciti privati al servizio delle multinazionali. anche il capitale finanziario internazionale ha interesse nel conquistare i paesi non allineati alle sue politiche, cioè al sistema del debito monetario dollaristico. anch'essa, la Russia, é una stazione dell'imperialismo e dello sfruttamento , ma in minor misura, poiché non ha riserve in giro per il mondo e non possiede multinazionali, ma opta per un'economia protezionistica reazionaria, che inevitabilmente sarà sconfitta dal progressivo espandersi del modo di produzione multinazionale
SATANA USA ALLAH NATO ] e perché: vi lamentate? forse, voi vi credete forse: i santi tutte delle brave persone? NON VI È SALTATO IN MENTE, QUALCHE VOLTA. CHE, VOI AVETE ROTTO VERAMENTE I COGLIONI ANCHE A DIO?
CHI è ERDOGAN? "Autocisterne col petrolio trafugato dall'ISIS in attesa di varcare il confine siriano-turco: IL DELITTO DI NAZISMO E GENOCIDIO ISLAMICO è TUTTO QUì, ERDOGAN SALMAN e la LEGA ARABA sono i MANDANTI e USA NATO, sono i COMPLICi di: TUTTI I DELITTI CHE ISIS DAESH HA FATTO!
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/search/#ixzz4BAGcTEM6
chiami il diavolo? e spuntano le corna! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A9Vag4L_ZI Senkaku Cina Giappone ] [ Max Power https://plus.google.com/102027713597454754105 [13:32] Mavvaffanculo lorenzojhwh UniusREI [ 14:09 ] [ my Israel ] UK services CIA 666 NWO SPA regime Bildenberg NATO [ no! loro non sono così masochisti, come potrebbe sembrare, MI STANNO SFIDANDO: perché è così che devono fare i sacerdoti di Satana, loro vogliono costringermi a pubblicare qualcosa attraverso la ADSL della scuola per potermi denunciare! [ BURN SATANA: DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: IN JESUS'S NAME! [ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce. N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce, V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana. Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo, I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen!
07:53 01.04.2016
Obama Finally Meets With Erdogan on Margins of Nuclear Security Summit
US President Barack Obama met with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, discussing terrorism and migration, the White House said.
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters pose for a picture during a break in fighting against Islamic State (IS) group on November 8, 2014 in the Syrian besieged border town of Ain al-Arab (known as Kobane by the Kurds)
07:00 01.04.2016
Turks Pose Greater Threat to Kurds Than Assad Kurdish Advocacy Group
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is currently visiting Washington to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, is imposing a major security crackdown on his 20-million Kurdish minority, 25 percent of
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the war academy in Istanbul, Turkey March 28, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
04:48 01.04.2016
Erdogan Says Restoring Relations in the 'Common Interest' of Turkey, Russia
Turkey and Russia need to reestablish a relationship because they are two critical countries that share many of the same interests, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during an address at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC
School class
03:22 01.04.2016
Turkish Clerics Plans to Open Schools on US Military Bases Raises Concerns
Turkish imam Fethullah Gulen is in a self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania to avoid criminal punishment under the administration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to The Hill, Gulen has spent his time
Turkish soldiers patrol in Sur district, which is partially under curfew, in the Kurdish-dominated southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey February 26, 2016
02:48 01.04.2016
Biden to Erdogan: Kurdish PKK Remains Target in US Battle Against Terrorism
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan received assurances from US Vice President Joe Biden that the fight by the United States to destroy terrorist organizations includes the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as an enemy, the White House said
urkish security personnel struggle to take a sign away from protesters in front of the Brookings Institute before the arrival of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Washington.
02:27 01.04.2016
Erdogans Security Team Thinks They Have Jurisdiction in Washington, DC
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech before the Brookings Institute on Thursday, a largely peaceful protest assembled outside. To quell the legal assembly, the embattled leaders security detail clashed with journalists
Turkish soldiers stand guard as Syrians wait behind the border fences near the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, Turkey (File)
01:57 01.04.2016
Turkish Policy in Syria to Deteriorate Relations Between Republics for Long
out from the Syrian territory against Turkey. In the latest interview with Sputnik, Assad reaffirmed his accusation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan directly supporting the Daesh, among other
Security agents accompany the limousine of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as he leaves the Brookings Institution where he spoke on the sidelines of the
22:48 31.03.2016
Turkish Security Removal of Journalists Violates Brookings Policy
The attempt by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans security guards to remove credentialed reporters from a Brookings Institution event does not cohere with the organizations policy, Brookings director of facilities operations, Joe Clapper
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks at the Brookings Institute in Washington March 31, 2016
21:31 31.03.2016
Erdogan Calls for Terror Free Zone in Northern Syria to Resettle Refugees
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey and the West could announce a no-terror zone in the northern part of Syria and declare that area to be a no-fly zone at the same time in order to provide safety and security for the refugees.
Song: Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan | extra 3 | NDR
21:11 31.03.2016
Turkish-German Diplomatic Row Over Song Will Only Lead to More Mockery
Cem Toker, the leader of Turkey's Liberal Democratic Party, says that the politics of the Erdogan government, including the recent scandal over a German satire video, have made Turkey out to be a backward third world dictatorship in the eyes of its
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during his meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
21:01 31.03.2016
US-EU Transatlantic Trade Deal to Negatively Impact Turkey's Trade Balance
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal will have a negative impact on Turkeys trade balance.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) receives US President Barack Obama (L) for a bilateral meeting as a part of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit on November 15, 2015 in Antalya
20:18 31.03.2016
Obama, Erdogan Likely to Speak Tonight at White House
US President Barack Obama and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan could have discussion on the margins of the dinner that's taking place at the White House, according to Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the war academy in Istanbul, Turkey March 28, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
20:13 31.03.2016
Demonstrations 'Out of Control' Outside Erdogan Speech in DC
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was set to deliver a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC, protests erupted, resulting in violence.
Gate of the General Staff headquarters in Ankara
19:29 31.03.2016
Turkish General Staff Rejects Reports of Alleged Military Coup Preparations
ANKARA (Sputnik) Several Turkish media outlets have published reports of an alleged planned military coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in recent days. Some reports pointed to political-exile Fethullah
White House
17:32 31.03.2016
All Quiet in the Eurasian Front
economic ties with Beijing? Lets keep rotating Then theres NATO. Many a key player across the Beltway is absolutely fed up with turbulent NATO ally Sultan Erdogan. Yet the impression
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais in Damascus, in this handout picture provided by SANA on February 20, 2016.
15:45 31.03.2016
Assad: Turkish Downing of Russian Jet Was Aggression Against Damascus
DAMASCUS (Sputnik) Turkey's attack against a Russian aircraft in Syrian airspace can be considered aggression against Syria itself, the country's President Bashar Assad told Sputnik. "He [Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan waits for the arrival of European Council President Donald Tusk prior to a meeting at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, Oct. 5, 2015.
15:06 31.03.2016
'Erdogan is Turkey's Biggest Comedian' German Satirists Respond to Furore
Germany's Extra 3 comedy show, which enraged Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by broadcasting a critical, satirical song about him, returned to German television on Wednesday evening with a new episode in which
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (C) looks on after arriving at Esenboga Airport, in Ankara, Turkey, June 8, 2015
03:21 31.03.2016
Rejected Erdogan Uses Private Dinner to Shame Obama Administration
While Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was denied a formal meeting with President Obama during his Washington visit, he was granted an audience before a number of DC think tanks and used the opportunity to bash US foreign policy.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech, flanked by his wife Emine (File)
00:41 31.03.2016
Erdogan Ready to Mend Diplomatic Ties With Israel
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed readiness to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel during his visit to the United States, Turkish media reported Wednesday.
22:51 30.03.2016
Turkish General Staff Says 23 PKK Militants Killed in Southeast
March 20. Clashes between the Turkish government and the PKK have claimed the lives of over 350 soldiers and police officers since they erupted in July 2015. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan alleges over 5,000 Kurdish
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (R) meets with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in Istanbul, Turkey January 23, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
20:54 30.03.2016
Biden to Hold Meeting With Erdogan While Obama Likely to Have Conversation
White House spokesperson Josh Earnest declined to say whether US President Barack Obama had rejected a private meeting at Erdogans request during the Nuclear Security Summit.
US Vice President Joe Biden (L) pose with Turkish President Rcep Tayyip Erdogan at Beylerbeyi Palace on November 22, 2014 in Istanbul
20:39 30.03.2016
Erdogan's Make or Break Visit to Washington Decides 'Fate of Middle East'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to the US takes place at a historically crucial moment for his political future and that of the Middle East, security analyst Haldun Solmazturk told Sputnik. Erdogan arrived in
A picture taken on March 18, 2016 shows a placard depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) giving money to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reading not to be accomplices to crime, involves supporting peace, democracy and human rights as Kurdish people take part in a protest to call for an end of the Turkish State terror in Kurdistan, during the European Union summit in Brussels
17:58 30.03.2016
Silent on Demarche Over Song, Merkel 'Shows Servility Toward Erdogan'
Turkey's Erdogan is using his new bargaining position with the EU over refugees to silence critics abroad, including a satirical program which made a song mocking him, while the German government silently complies, a German parliamentarian told
Kurdish women hold flags of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) political wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), and banners during a demonstration against the exclusion of Syrian-Kurds from the Geneva talks in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on February 4, 2016
17:30 30.03.2016
Syrian Kurds Hope Russia May Help Ethnic Group Join Next Geneva Talks
Rodi Osman, the head of Syrian Kurdistan's representative office in Moscow said that the Kurdish absence from the talks in Geneva was caused by the fact Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government opposed the participation of one
Erdogan guard yell at protester in Washington, DC.
15:52 30.03.2016
Erdogan's Guards Go Berserk, Outyell Protester in Washington Visit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Washington devolved into an outright circus, as his security detail outyelled protesters.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) receives US President Barack Obama (L) for a bilateral meeting as a part of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit on November 15, 2015 in Antalya
10:56 30.03.2016
Meeting of Last Hope? What Would Top the Talks Between Obama, Erdogan
a one-on-one meeting with Erdogan, which prompted speculation about cooling of ties between the two.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
10:45 30.03.2016
Making a Turkey of Erdogan: German TV Mocks Leader With Sarcastic Subtitles
The German NDR broadcaster continued mocking Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by adding English and Turkish subtitles to the jokey video about the president after reported Turkish demand to remove the footage.
Barack Obama and Recep Tayyip Erdogan
21:56 29.03.2016
US 'Needs Both' Turks and Kurds: What Went Wrong Between Obama and Erdogan?
President Barack Obama has elected to not meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the latters five-day visit to the United States. Radio Sputniks Brian Becker speaks with journalist Kemal Okuyan and activist Kani Xulan about
Barack Obama and Recep Tayyip Erdogan
20:31 29.03.2016
Turkish-US Tensions 'Wouldn't Go Away Even if Obama Did Meet With Erdogan'
Over the weekend, US media reports suggested that President Obama had rejected a one-on-one meeting with Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and refused to attend the opening ceremony of a mosque in Maryland built using
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech to supporters during a rally on June 16, 2013, in Istanbul.
18:59 29.03.2016
Diplomatic Row Between Turkey and Germany Threatens Migrant Deal
A diplomatic row has broken out between Ankara and Berlin over references to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a German satirical TV show which is likely to put a strain on the German-brokered migrant deal with Turkey.
A woman with children and the members of Turkish police special forces in the background (File)
17:47 29.03.2016
Martyrs 'R' Us: Turkish Government Magazine Sells Religious Death to Kids
A cartoon in a Turkish government magazine aimed at children promotes the idea of martyrdom in what could serve as more indication of Erdogan's support for radical Islamization policies.
Militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, stand in a bunker in Sirnak, Turkey, late Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015.
17:21 29.03.2016
Almost 30 PKK Militants Killed in Southeastern Turkey Over 24 Hours
and the PKK, outlawed by Ankara, has claimed the lives of 300 soldiers and police officers since it erupted anew in July 2015. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, over 5,000 Kurdish insurgents were killed in
A picture taken on November 27, 2015 in Istanbul, shows newspapers at the office of Cumhuriyet Daily newspaper's Editor in Chief Can Dundar, as people demonstrate outside the headquarters after the arrest of Dundar.
16:47 29.03.2016
Turkey in Fresh Diplomatic Row as Consuls Support Under-Fire Journalists
of "exceeding their authority." "Turkey is not a colony: Turkey is an independent and strong state. Turkish courts and Turkish judges are independent," he said. This was followed by criticism from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who lashed out
Loud & Clear
15:36 29.03.2016
Obama Snubs Erdogan: a New Day in US-Turkey Relations?
On todays episode of Loud & Clear, host Brian Becker discusses the arrival of Turkish President Erdogan in the United States today for a five day visit and the decision of President Obama not to meet with him.
Turkish journalists gathered to protest against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015
14:52 29.03.2016
No Justice: Turkey Court Charges MPs Protesting Persecution of Journalists
the release of the journalists in February, ruling that they were journalists and not terrorists. However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the country's government kept the "espionage" case going, appointing a new prosecutor
Ancient Palmyra
14:27 29.03.2016
In Syria, President Putin Acts Sincerely, Based on Real Human Impulses
then heading into Europe. The illicit oil trade, smuggling of antiquities and theft of equipment from our factories in Aleppo Erdogans government is neck-deep in support of terrorism not only in Syria
US President Barack Obama and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
12:13 29.03.2016
Erdogan Says Expects to Meet With Obama During US Visit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his meeting with the US President Barack Obama is planned during Erdogan's visit to the United States for the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS).
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
06:22 29.03.2016
No Joking Matter: Ankara Summons Berlin's Envoy Over Mocking Erdogan
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has summoned the German ambassador to the country after one of the German television channels broadcast a satirical song about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, local media reported.
People demonstrate against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015.
17:31 28.03.2016
Ankara Protests Presence of EU Diplomats at Opposition Journalists' Trial
by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the head of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) after they published an article bringing to light MIT arms deliveries to Syria. Friday's first hearing was attended by several EU
Turkey gas pipeline
17:27 28.03.2016
Broken Dreams: This is How Russia Ruins Erdogans Energy Plan
successfully ended its aerial operation in Syria, Islamist groups have been losing ground across Syria while the positions of the Syrian government and Kurds have strengthened. Russias involvement in the region shattered Erdogan
17:25 28.03.2016
Obama will not have a personal meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan during Erdogan's upcoming visit to the United States. Obama has rejected Erdogan's request to participate in a joint event and the US leader has no plans
A militant of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, stands at a barricade in Sirnak, Turkey, late Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015.
16:39 28.03.2016
Turkish Forces Subdue About 5,300 PKK Militants Since July 2015
Turkish security services have killed, injured or detained more than 5,300 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) since July 2015, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday.
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:26 28.03.2016
Erdogan's Administration Preparing for Meeting With Obama in US - Ankara
The administration of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is preparing for his one-on-one meeting with US leader Barack Obama during an upcoming visit to the United States, Erdogan's spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said Monday.
US President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
14:03 28.03.2016
Erdogan's Administration Unaware of Cancellation of Meeting With Obama
Administration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has no information about a reported cancellation of Erdogan's meeting with his US counterpart Barack Obama, a spokesman for the administration said Monday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) speaks with US President Barack Obama (L) during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit in Antalya. (File)
13:10 28.03.2016
Obama Rejects Proposal to Meet Erdogan During Turkish Leader's Visit to US
US President Barack Obama will not have a personal meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan during Erdogan's upcoming visit to the United States, media reported.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:22 27.03.2016
US, Turkish Businessman May Strike a 'Secret Deal' Against Erdogan
The US has accused Turkish businessman Reza Zarrab of illegal money transferring activities helping Iran bypass American sanctions. If Zarrab strikes a deal with Washington it would deliver a heavy blow to Erdogan.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
13:20 27.03.2016
This is Why Erdogan Considers Everyone in Turkey a 'Terrorist'
at least 37 people dead, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested that terrorism should be redefined. Erdogan believes that there is no difference between "a terrorist holding a gun or a bomb and those who use their position and pen to
Men place a candles on a street memorial following Tuesday's bomb attacks in Brussels, Belgium, March 23, 2016
10:27 27.03.2016
Washington Could Have Put Pressure on Erdogan if 'Wanted to Help Europe'
restore cooperation. They also could have asserted influence over Turkish President Erdogan Yevseyev told Radio Sputnik. The expert added that the methods used by the US simply do not work and create a lot of problems for
Fighters from the Kurdish People Protection Unit (YPG) monitor the horizon in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh on June 28, 2015
20:18 26.03.2016
Kurdish Federalization: Trojan Horse or Golden Opportunity for Syria?
resolve the Kurdish question by offering the Kurds the security they seek. People gravitate towards situations that offer good quality of life, and if the Kurdish Syrians are afforded those opportunities, then the Erdogan brutality
Armed Belgian police secure the area, in this still image taken from video, upon their arrival in Molenbeeck, near Brussels, Belgium
18:06 26.03.2016
Unspoken Story of Europe's Islamization: Who's Behind the Terror Upsurge?
Chancellor Angela Merkel are still turning a blind eye to the problem. They are courting Turkish President Recep Erdogan who is famous for his clandestine collaboration with Islamists and who "himself is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
16:41 26.03.2016
Leaked Memo Reveals Erdogans 'Radical Solution' to Mideast Crises
According to King Abdullah, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes in a radical solution" to the problems in the Middle East. "The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy, and Turkey keeps
A demonstrator holds newspaper read Black day of the press during a protest outside the Cumhuriyet newspaper in Istanbul, Turkey, November 27, 2015
19:26 25.03.2016
HRW: Turkish Journalists' Trial is Suppression of Critical Reporting
insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his nearly two-year term.
A poster with a picture of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, displayed in Istanbul, Turkey
19:21 25.03.2016
US, Europe Will Show No 'Sympathy' to Erdogan in Event of 'Military Coup'
an impact on citizens buying power, the analyst wrote for the American Enterprise Institute. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is "out-of-control," the article read. He is imprisoning political opponents, cracking down on the freedom
17:04 25.03.2016
Leaked Memo Reveals UK Special Air Service Deployed in Libya Since January
to combat the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The document also expresses Jordans frustrations with other allies in the region. "[Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan] believes in a radical Islamic solution
A UK national detained in Ankara on suspicion of links to Daesh terrorist group will be deported from Turkey, local media reported Friday.
16:13 25.03.2016
Turkey to Deport UK National Suspected of Links to Daesh - Reports
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey had detained one of the Brussels terrorist attack suspects, identified as Ibrahim Bakraoui, on the border with Syria in June 2015 and subsequently deported him to
People gather to protest the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
15:15 25.03.2016
Trial of Turkish Reporters Accused of Revealing State Secrets to Be Closed
was held at the 14th Criminal Court in Istanbul, at which requests by MIT and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be considered as plaintiffs were accepted, the Hurriyet Daily News newspaper reported. Dundar and Gul were
This file photo shows people demonstrating against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
10:16 25.03.2016
Turkish Reporters Accused of Revealing State Secrets to Stand Trial Friday
of their trial to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans consternation, who refused to "accept, respect and follow" the ruling. Dundar, the dailys editor-in-chief, and Gul, its Ankara bureau chief, face a maximum life sentence
CCTV surveillance image shows three men identified as suspects in the Brussels attacks.
23:03 24.03.2016
US Terror Databases Included 2 Brothers Involved in Brussels Attacks
Bakraoui, and said his brother Ibrahim was one of two perpetrators of the blasts in Zaventem. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Turkey had detained Ibrahim Bakraoui on the border with Syria in
RT Probe Into Daesh Oil Industry Proves Financial Ties With Turkey
19:12 24.03.2016
RT Probe Into Daesh Oil Industry Proves Financial Ties With Turkey
Syria to Turkey. Moscow also contends that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family are directly involved in illicit oil activities with the Islamic State, which is also known as Daesh.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during his meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
18:19 24.03.2016
Belgian Authorities Verify Info on Suicide Bomber Deportation by Turkey
BRUSSELS (Sputnik) On Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey had detained one of the Brussels terrorist attack suspects, identified as Ibrahim Bakraoui, on the border with Syria in
Policemen take part to an operation against a jihadist cell in the Spanish city of Melilla on March 14, 2014
18:02 24.03.2016
The European Jihadi Union
the risk of an attack at the airport and a probable attack on the metro. Even more significantly, and before the arrest of Abdeslam, none other than neo-Ottoman Sultan Erdogan, leader of a key "NATO ally
The deputy rector of a Turkish University, who drew flak over his controversial remarks about education, has resigned from his post
17:41 24.03.2016
Turkish Professor's Controversial Remarks on Education Cause Public Uproar
Separately, he cautioned against spreading panic and fear among the population of Turkey in connection with the threat of new terrorist attacks. He also warned that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's possible resignation
Oil well pumps are seen in the Rmeilane oil field in Syria's northerneastern Hasakeh province on July 15, 2015
05:00 24.03.2016
RT Exclusive Documentary Reveals Financial Tracks of Turkey-Daesh Oil Trade
on the Erdogans policy, his ties with Daesh and the illegal oil trade. Their comments were confirmed by a bunch of leftover passports and other IDs shown by a YPG officer. All of them had a Turkish entry stamp. Among
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
20:08 23.03.2016
Belgium Disputes Turkey's 2015 Origin Story of Brussels Bomber
and set him free, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday. The news outlet, however, states that Belgian prosecutors has no confirmation of such reports. According to latest official reports, 31 people were killed and 270 injured
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, presidente de Turquía
19:37 23.03.2016
Erdogan Thinks There Should Be No Permanent UN Security Council Members
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that the UN Security Council must be reformed and expanded, and permanent seats in the body abolished altogether. For their part, Russian analysts suggest that such a proposal, if implemented, would
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev (L) and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) huging after signing bilateral agreements following the 5th Turkey-Azerbaijan High Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting at the Presidential Complex in Ankara
17:53 22.03.2016
Erdogan's Game: Turkey Making Groups of Allies out of Russias Adversaries
of the ethnic Armenians backed by neighboring Armenia. Negotiations have so far failed to produce a permanent peace agreement, and the dispute remains one of post-Soviet Europe's "frozen conflicts." Ataev notes that Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, centre, accompanied by Turkish Forces' Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, left, reviews a honour guard Thursday Feb. 18, 2016
14:39 22.03.2016
EU-Turkey Deal 'Lays Foundation for Conflict Where Europe Will Be Victim'
suggests, "by crushing the Iraqi and Syrian people under the pressure of the jihadists whom they are indirectly financing, and abandoning the Turkish people to the dictatorship of President Erdogan, [Europe is] preparing the foundations
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during his meeting with mukhtars at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
14:30 22.03.2016
Turkeys Erdogan Mentions Possible Brussels Bombing Just Days Before Attack
Less than a week before the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of possible bombings in European cities, including Brussels.
A carnival float depicting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) clinking his glass with a fighter of the Islamic State (IS) stands in front of the city hall in Duesseldorf, western Germany, after the Rose Monday (Rosenmontag) street parade has been cancelled on February 8, 2016
21:43 21.03.2016
Turkey Is 'One Step Away' From Dictatorial Powers for Erdogan
Erdogan's new definitions of terrorism could lead to one-man rule, as they threaten to label anyone in disagreement with the ruling a party a "terrorist" in an already polarized political climate.
Emergency workers work at the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey March 13, 2016
19:36 21.03.2016
Could Istanbul Terror Attack Actually Bring Turkey and Israel Together?
Turkey's rift with Russia over the Syrian conflict left Israel having to choose between Putin and Erdogan when it comes to forming major regional partnerships. A Daesh suicide attack in Turkey's Istanbul, which killed
A Turkish Kurd holds a flag during the funeral of three Kurdish fighters killed during clashes in Kobani, in this October 23, 2014.
15:13 21.03.2016
Senior Merkel Ally Warns EU-Turkey Deal Could Lead to Kurdish Exodus
states will be unable to control. Now online: #EUTurkey statement. https://t.co/rvZlfFrLyG #EUCO #migrationEU EU Council Press (@EUCouncilPress) 18 March 2016? In Turkey, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a meeting of local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, March 16, 2016
09:46 21.03.2016
Turkish Tyranny: Brussels Embraces Erdogan Despite 'Regime of Fear'
government's arbitrary use of every law at its disposal to facilitate what she described as tyranny. The interview came amid escalating tensions in the country after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the fight
Police officers install security barriers at the historic Sultanahmet district, which is popular with tourists, after an explosion in Istanbul, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016
07:59 21.03.2016
Turkey's Tourism Tumbles: Terrorism, Kurdish Situation Take Toll on Travel
visiting the country and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) clashed with the Erdogan regime, which is responsible for attacking Kurdish communities in both southeast Turkey and neighboring Syria. Turkish cities have witnessed numerous acts
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (R) shakes hands with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu before their meeting in Tehran, Iran March 5, 2016.
15:10 20.03.2016
Unexpected Twist: This is Why Turkey Wants to Be Friends With Iran
overthrow him. Moreover, Ankara was ostensibly planning to send ground forces to northern Syria not so long ago. On Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Davutoglu and Foreign
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
03:20 20.03.2016
Erdogan 'Turned Turkey Into Totalitarian State'
Kurds are playing a key role in resolving the Syrian conflict, but they are being treated like enemies by the totalitarian rule of Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saunders wrote in his piece for Globe
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
21:18 19.03.2016
Ankara 'Shows Little Enthusiasm' Over Turkey-EU Deal
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not seem to be enthusiastic over the recent agreement with the EU and the policy of European states as a whole, German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reported.
Pope Francis gestures during a special audience to celebrate a Jubilee day for the mystic saint Padre Pio in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican February 6, 2016.
03:30 19.03.2016
Pope to Visit Armenia One Year after Condemning Turkey for 1915 Genocide
Erdogan regime vents as Pope Francis takes the side of historical record regarding the savage ethnic cleansing that decimated over 83% of the Armenian population one century ago.
Buildings, which were damaged during the security operations and clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants, are seen in the southeastern town of Cizre in Sirnak province, Turkey March 2, 2016
21:57 18.03.2016
'Devastating': US Media Turns Back on Horrors of Erdogans Kurdish Assault
As the Turkish government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues its crackdown on Kurdish communities in the countrys southeast, Radio Sputniks Loud & Clear host Brian Becker speaks with RT reporter William Whiteman, who has witnessed
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse stone throwing Kurdish demonstrators during a protest against the curfew in Sur district, in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, December 22, 2015
21:45 18.03.2016
2,000 Turkish Academics Signed Petition for Peace Process
Ankaras military action in the countrys southeast. Stephensons arrest and departure came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that it is necessary to redefine terrorism. On Monday, Erdogan said
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu poses with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (L) and European Council President Donald Tusk (R) during a European Union leaders summit on migration in Brussels, Belgium, March 18, 2016.
19:57 18.03.2016
Concerns Remain Over EU-Turkey Deal on Refugees Amid Acrimony
(@TimKirkhopeMEP) March 18, 2016? Watching the EU grovel to #Turkey is not just humiliating but also so dangerous. Erdogan's Islamofascist regime cannot be trusted. David Vance (@DVATW) March 18, 2016? It's wrong to compromise on
Context Countdown
16:13 18.03.2016
Anti-Trump Violence, Super Tuesday 2.0, Russias Drawdown in Syria
Following that, we talk about Erdogans latest power trip in wanting to broaden the definition of terrorist to include civilians and non-combatant sympathizers alike. The third topic that we
Turkish soldiers on a tank sit opposite the Syrian town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane by the Kurds, at the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern Turkish village of Mursitpinar, Sanliurfa province (File)
15:05 18.03.2016
Erdogans Policy Against Kurds Constitutes Genocide - Kurdish Official
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans policy against Kurds, both in Turkey and abroad, is genocide and total extermination, a member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
06:59 18.03.2016
Erdogan Says Democracy Has 'No Value', Vows to Crack Down on Opposition
In the wake of a recent bomb attack in Ankara, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared that the fight against terrorism is above the rule of law and vowed to hit his enemies, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in particular
A man holds the flag of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as Kurds living in Greece protest in central Athens on October 8, 2014
02:17 18.03.2016
Is Syria Unravelling? Kurds Declare Federation in Northern Syria
the Kurds. He explained that Erdogan cannot accept the Kurds in Turkey linking up with the Kurds in Syria because he views that as a potential threat to Turkey. Bangash sees Saudi Arabia and Qatar as
Syria. First day of truce
19:18 17.03.2016
Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria?
something that would freak out Sultan Erdogan to Kingdom Come. And Cosmopolistan would unite the Alawi/ Christian/ Druze/ secular Sunni heart of Syria, or the Syria that works, from Damascus up to Latakia and Aleppo. Syrian Kurds
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting of mukhtars (heads of towns and villages) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 24, 2016
16:44 17.03.2016
Blame Game Turkish Style or Erdogans Propaganda War
just ahead of President Erdogans visit to Azerbaijan and, therefore, was not coincidental, given Russias open cooperation with the Kurdistan Workers Party and Syrias Kurdish Democratic Union Party
Russian war planes at Hmeymim base in Syria
12:23 17.03.2016
The Turks and Saudis Should Beware the Ides of March
and arms-length support to Erdogan after he shot down the Russian anti-terrorist plane over Syria late last year sparked questions about why the US would hang Turkey out to dry, but after realizing that it largely comes
Turkish police stands guard outside of Bilgi University in Istanbul, Turkey (File)
19:04 16.03.2016
Turkey May Deport UK Academic for Alleged PKK Support
cessation of military operation against the PKK in the southeast of Turkey. Ankara has launched a probe against a total of 507 researchers for signing the petition. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called
Russian tourists in Antalya. file photo
17:38 16.03.2016
Erdogan's Hardline Policy Scares Tourists Away From Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's harsh stance on the opposition media, coupled with terrorist attacks in his country have already led to a sharp decline in the flow of tourists to the country, according to the German newspaper Die Zeit.
Rescuers carry a victim on a stretcher at the scene of a blast in Ankara on March 13, 2016.
17:18 16.03.2016
Erdogan Demands Action to 'Redefine Terrorism Laws' After Ankara Blast
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish parliament must immediately take steps to redefine terrorism laws.
Security officials at Sunday's explosion site covered by large white sheeting in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, March 15, 2016
16:36 16.03.2016
Around 40 Ankara Bombing Victims Remain Hospitalized - Erdogan
Some 40 victims of Sunday's deadly blast in Ankara remain hospitalized, with seven being treated for grave injuries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday.
A Kurdish YPG fighter
16:19 16.03.2016
'The Kurds Have No Friends': Why the Nation's Motto May Turn Into Reality
18th century German writer Friedrich von Schiller once said. There are signs that the grim prognosis is likely to come true. "First, Washington exhibits an embarrassing fealty toward Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is waging
Syrian refugees fleeing Aleppo.
15:32 16.03.2016
Eleventh Hour Crisis Talks as EU-Turkey Refugee Deal Set for Failure
Last-minute talks between the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu are due Wednesday amid angry calls from lawmakers to decouple the deal from Turkish membership of the EU.
Hmeimim airbase in Syria
10:59 16.03.2016
Most Discussed Ways to View President Putins Syrian Surprise
campaign, among which is Turkey. And it is a very serious blow to Erdogan personally. The website, however, admits that this version is highly unlikely as through the recent years, Russia has demonstrated that it stands firm in
Armed Kurdish militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) stand behind a barricade during clashes with Turkish forces on September 28, 2015, at Bismil, in Diyarbakir
22:10 15.03.2016
'Full of Vengeance': PKK Leader Warns Ankara Offensive Will Lead to Payback
Erdogan, which have become increasingly authoritarian. "If Erdogan defeats us, then he can defeat everyone in Turkey who wants democracy, so our main aim now is the fall of Erdogan," he said. "Our fight is now existential: to
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting of mukhtars (heads of towns and villages) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 24, 2016
19:48 15.03.2016
Erdogan Calls Sunday's Ankara Bombing an Attack Against All Turks
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the terrorist attack in Ankara was directed against all of Turkey, "against all 79 million citizens of the country."
History Lessons
10:53 15.03.2016
History Lessons
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's wife was wrong when she claimed that the Ottoman-era harems provided women with an education.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visits Turkey
10:23 15.03.2016
Strange Bedfellows: Turkish-Ukrainian Friendship Unlikely to Last Long
for a high-level strategic cooperation council meeting as the guest of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, only three weeks after Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu paid a snap visit to Kiev. On the same day as Davutoglu was in Kiev
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
23:10 14.03.2016
Turkeys Erdogan Looks to Expand Terrorist Definition to Include Civilians
of terror activity. "It's not only the person who pulls the trigger, but those who made that possible who should also be defined as terrorists, regardless of their title," said Erdogan, following a bombing in Ankara which
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech, flanked by his wife Emine (File)
21:53 14.03.2016
Erdogan's Wife Was Wrong: Ottoman Harems Were About Slavery, Not Education
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's wife Emine Erdogan's comment that harems provided women with education are not true, Turkish historian Ay?e Hür told Sputnik Turkiye. "Do not forget that it was closely associated
Berkin Elvan's father Sami Elvan marches in Istanbul on March 7, 2015 as thousands of people marched to mark the first anniversary of the death of the youngest victim of the Gezi Park protests
18:53 14.03.2016
Turkish Father Recounts Silence on Son, Killed for Protesting Erdogan
Despite public outcry, the names of people responsible for killing a teenager during 2013 Turkish anti-Erdogan protests have yet to be revealed, the teen's father told Sputnik Turkiye.
Riot police use water canon against people gathered in support of Turkey's largest-circulation newspaper Zaman at its headquarters in Istanbul, early Saturday, March 5, 2016
14:03 14.03.2016
Beyond the Pale: Canadian Press Urges Abandonment of 'Totalitarian' Turkey
is allegedly aimed at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reining in the Islamist and Kurdish movements. "Erdogan claims they are security threats, but in practice, these crackdowns give him absolute executive power by eliminating all
Emergency workers work at the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey March 13, 2016
13:59 14.03.2016
Ankara Warns of Kurds' Plans to Attack Turkish Cities on March 20
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it was a terrorist attack, although no militant group immediately claimed responsibility for it. Earlier on Monday, Kurdistan National Congress spokesman Selahattin Soro said that the PKK
In this photo taken from the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria, in Akcakale, southeastern Turkey, a Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier watches as in the background a flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, is raised over the city of Tal Abyad, Syria, Tuesday, June 16, 2015
13:14 14.03.2016
Turkey May Use Ankara Attack to Invade Neighboring States
least 37 people. Following the blast, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would never lose its right to defend itself against threats, which might include military operations abroad. "It is not yet known who did
Terrorist Car Bomb Attack on Central Ankara Shreds Public Square
08:30 14.03.2016Photo7
Terrorist Car Bomb Attack on Central Ankara Shreds Public Square
Kizilay Square became the second terrorist attack in Ankara this year, following a Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the bombing as a terror attack and swore to bring those responsible to justice.
Activists call for the US to stay out of 'unjust' wars
02:57 14.03.2016
200 Activists Protest in NYC, Call for US to Stay Out of Ukraine, Syria
Activists took to the New York City streets Saturday holding signs with various messages including "Stop the US drone attacks," "Stop the War at Home and Abroad," and "Obama, Erdogan, Saudi Royals Sponsors of Global Terrorism
A man stands next to a burnt out bus after a blast in Ankara on March 13, 2016
02:53 14.03.2016
Turkish Interior Ministry May Name Culprits in Ankara Bombing Soon
ANKARA (Sputnik) A car bomb exploded late Sunday at a bus stop near Ankaras central Kizilay square, killing 34 people and wounding 125. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it was a terrorist attack, although
Emergency workers work at the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey March 13, 2016
23:54 13.03.2016
Ankara Blast Death Toll Reaches 34 - Turkish Health Minister
Square was the second this year, after a military convoy was bombed in the capital in February. In a written statement after the blast, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the bombing as a terror attack and vowed
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) shakes hands with European Council President Donald Tusk after a news conference at the end of a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels March 8, 2016.
21:21 13.03.2016
EU-Turkey Migrant Agreement: Bad Deal for Europeans, Bad Deal for the Turks
for Radio Sputnik Turkey, Hisyar Ozsoy, the deputy chairman of the Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party, suggested that President Erdogan and the AKP were themselves responsible for the crisis. "Yes, Turkey is now going through
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, right, and his wife, Emine, arrive at the airport in Santiago, Chile, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016
11:22 13.03.2016
To Europe With Harem: EU Unlikely to Welcome Values of Its Striving Partner
Erdogans praise of the harems of the Ottoman Empire has caused a stir both in Turkey and in the EU.
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan prepares for the welding of the final section of the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, the Third Bosphorus Bridge, during a ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey, March 6, 2016
09:30 13.03.2016
Feeling the Pressure: Erdogan 'May Become Even More Isolated'
The next few months may see the further isolation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who will continue to antagonize more people at home and abroad, according to Ian Bremmer, a well-known US political scientist.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
02:00 13.03.2016
Turkish Leader Expected in Azerbaijan Tuesday Reports
Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected in Central Asias Azerbaijan next Tuesday after his visit was put off last month due to a deadly blast in Ankara, Azeri media reported.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchange gifts before their talks
17:36 12.03.2016
Merkel and Hollande Give 'Sultan' Erdogan This Much Power Over Europe
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long allowed migrants to freely travel to the Schengen Area through Turkey, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the European Commission have "actively backed" this, he insisted. Turkey has recently agreed
German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers her keynote speech during the Christain Democratic Union (CDU) politial Ash Wednesday meeting in Volkmarsen, Germany February 29, 2016.
14:30 12.03.2016
Full Obedience: Turkey Is Keeping Europe on a Leash'
and the EU has no other choice than to satisfy all of them ignoring its own interests. The conservative Austrian newspaper Die Presse wrote that it "was Angela Merkel's mistake to rely solely on Turkey. President Erdogan now believes
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan
14:05 12.03.2016
Erdogans Conundrum: What Could Trigger Military Coup in Turkey
Justice and Development Party (founded by Recep Tayyip Erdogan) are vague in the current environment. Erdogan and the Turkish military In his report presented at the Carnegie Moscow Center, Shlykov analyzed the question: is a military coup
Masyaf Castle is seen near the town of Masyaf in Hama province, in Syria
12:48 12.03.2016
Yugoslavi-zation: Ex NATO Chief Urges Dividing Syria Into Three Parts
militants at home, in Iraq and Syria. One could only guess what steps Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his allies would take if the Syrian Kurds form a state of their own. Partitions are also "difficult to implement, because most
Red Line
19:30 11.03.2016
President Erdogan: Shooting Down Independent Media
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans crackdown on independent media which led to the stormy takeover of Zaman leading opposition paper by the government has sent the shockwaves all over global media describing Turkish strongman as the killer
Ruined houses and buildings are seen in Cizre, Turkey, Wednesday, March 2, 2016.
18:51 11.03.2016
This is Not Syria, This is Turkey: Tour of Ruined Kurdish Town of Cizre
Erdogan destroyed our world. He burned us," one local resident told the journalists. "This was a residential building where women and children lived. Erdogan killed them all with heavy artillery. He destroyed this building. They say theyre
Migrants queue for a food distribution under the rain on March 10, 2016, in a makeshift camp at the Greek-Macedonian border, near the Greek village of Idomeni.
15:14 11.03.2016
EU-Turkey Deal Breaches Geneva Convention - European Lawmakers
and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) said: "Europeans will block all refugees who are looking for protection and it will be Turkey and Erdogan who will decide on an individual basis who is a political refugee and who is not, who can enter in
Context Countdown
14:50 11.03.2016
Venezuelan Opposition, Somali Drone Strike, Erdogan Seizes Zaman
in Somalia. Finally, this weeks show ends by explaining why Erdogan decided to seize the Zaman news outlet and how this destroyed the last veneer of Turkish democracy.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchange gifts before their talks
10:39 11.03.2016
Brussels Negotiating With Turkey Proves EU is 'Morally Bankrupt'
Having shifted responsibility for refugees to such a criminal like Erdogan, the EU has lost its face. First of all, Erdogan is to blame for the refugee crisis," she said. According to the politician, siding with
Turkish Flag
21:34 10.03.2016
Ankara Probing Over 500 Academics for Petition to Stop Anti-Kurds Violence
Psychology Department and reported by the Hurriyet newspaper. Mungan added that another 43 probes were launched regarding academics at private universities. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously called the signatories "poor excuses
Portraits of lieutenant colonel Oleg Peshkov and mariner Alexander Pozynich, who were killed in Syria
15:03 10.03.2016
Turkish Poet Apologizes to Russians for Erdogans Actions
Famous Turkish poet and winner of multiple national awards Hüseyin Haydar has recorded a video message in which he apologized to all the great Russian people for Ankara's policies, including the downing of a Russian bomber over Syria in November 2015.
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) chats with Russia's President Vladimir Putin prior to a working session at the Group of 20 (G20) leaders summit in the Mediterranean resort city of Antalya, Turkey, November 16, 2015
14:11 10.03.2016
'New Cold Warriors' Ready to Ruin This Country to Prevent US-Russia Thaw
Recep Tayyip Erdogan," the analyst detailed. "Indeed, Turkey's by now well-known collusion with [Daesh] is studiously ignored in favor [of] a narrative that paints Turkey as the latest target of Putin's Russia." Moscow's relations
In this photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, right, talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Saadabad palace in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, April 7, 2015
13:13 10.03.2016
Iran's Rouhani, Turkey's Erdogan to Meet in Spring
Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani will visit Turkey to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan this spring.
An employee of Zaman newspaper holds a chain during a protest at the courtyard of the newspaper in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016.
10:27 10.03.2016
Democracy 'Suspended' in Turkey as Government Takes Over Top Newspaper
Today's Zaman editor-in-chief Sevgi Akarcesme maintains that the European Union is "scared of pissing off" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan because they are concerned with an uncontrolled influx of refugees. "Their priority
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
23:41 09.03.2016
Turkey-Ukraine Free Trade Pact Possible in 2016 - Erdogan
Turkey and Ukraine could sign an agreement establishing a free trade zone this year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday.
A Syrian refugee child looks on, moments after arriving on a raft with other Syrian refugees on a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos, January 4, 2016.
22:26 09.03.2016
'Dirty Bargain': Turkey, EU Forge Deal With Syrian Blood on Their Hands
responsible for this big human tragedy." While the Erdogan government may have sights on joining the EU, it could face problems due to its harsh press laws. "Nearly three-fourths of the daily newspapers printed in Turkey are in
21:45 09.03.2016
Watch Your Mouth: Turkey Journalist Jailed Over Op-Ed
The lawyer of the Turkish journalist and chief editor of newspaper BirGün, Bar?? Ince, who was sentenced to 21 months in prison, spoke to Sputnik in an exclusive interview.
Loud & Clear
14:24 09.03.2016
Erdogan Supports Terrorism While Strangling the Press
On today's episode of Loud & Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by Kemal Okuyan, a leading columnist for the newspaper SoL, to talk about the deal reached between Turkey and the European Union. Okuyan exposes the twists and turns of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy. Millions of refugees have become a political football.
Kremlin, Moscow
13:26 09.03.2016
This is Why 'Getting Tough' With Russia is a Bad Idea
Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) forecast that Turkey's economy would lose up to $8.3 billion in 2016 due to sanctions, imposed by Moscow following the incident. In addition, Recep Tayyip Erdogan's erratic foreign policy strategies
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
10:13 09.03.2016
Erdogan Plays 'a Bitter Game of Political Blackmail' With EU
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems to believe that he can call the shots in his dealings with the EU because Brussels needs Ankara if it wants to tackle the refugee crisis, Germany's N-TV television news channel asserted, calling Erdogan's
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
23:41 08.03.2016
Turkish Opposition Sues Erdogan Government for Supporting Terrorism
Turkeys main opposition party has filed a lawsuit against the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accusing Ankara of "aiding and abetting a terrorist organization."
A stranded migrant reacts in front of a Macedonian police cordon as they clash after a migrant was injured when he climbed on top of a train wagon, near the village of Idomeni, Greece, November 28, 2015.
21:11 08.03.2016
'EU Ready to Betray Greece as it Did Czechoslovakia in 1938'
suggests, "Mr. Erdogan's Turkey seems to be engaged in a showdown with Europe, using a form of blackmail by conditioning its aid to migrants to accession to the EU, which would open it unlimited access to
Flags of Turkey, right, and the European Union are seen in front of a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey
20:45 08.03.2016
Greeks Worried by Influx of Kurds if Turkey Given Visa-Free EU Deal
unforeseen consequences if the semi-authoritarian [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan regime would escalate its war against the Kurdish minority inside Turkey. In this case, we could see massive flows of Kurdish refugees from South-Eastern
Turkish market, Istanbul
19:45 08.03.2016
Concerns Erdogan's Reckless Policies Ruining Turkish Economy
While Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has championed his government's role in defending Turkish interests throughout the migration crisis and war in Syria, critics fear the president's strong-handed approach to domestic and foreign policy may
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu speaks at a news conference at the end of a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels March 8, 2016.
18:34 08.03.2016
Turkeys $6.6bn EU Bribe
Erdogans Turkey this week diversified its rogue-state conduct from terror sponsorship to international bribery. The proceeds? Not bad earning, with $6.6 billion in aid extracted from the European Union.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L), European Council President Donald Tusk (C) and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (R) greet each other after a news conference at the end of a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels March 8, 2016
14:08 08.03.2016
Turkey's Goal of Joining EU 'Poses an Existential Problem for the West'
by "the sight of Europe's leaders kowtowing" to Erdogan, adding that promises to renew negotiations on Turkey joining the EU may end up creating an existential crisis for the supranational bloc, given the values it claims to
French President Francois Hollande (2nd L front row) looks on as Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (3rd L) chats with European Council President Donald Tusk (4th L) while posing with European Union leaders during a EU-Turkey summit in Brussels, as the bloc is looking to Ankara to help it curb the influx of refugees and migrants flowing into Europe, March 7, 2016
10:30 08.03.2016
Ankara's Trump Card: Turkey Hammers Out Migration Deal With EU in Brussels
The leaders of the 28 EU countries and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu have agreed on a new migration plan; its six principles are due to put an end to illegal immigration to the bloc from the Middle East via the Balkan route and restore the Schengen Agreement.
Kurdish people display a picture of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during a protest outside an EU-Turkey summit as the bloc is looking to Ankara to help it curb the influx of refugees and migrants flowing into Europe, in Brussels March 7, 2016
00:29 08.03.2016
Turkey Holds Brussels Hostage on Refugees to Get EU Help for Imperial Goals
into subsidizing Turkeys plans for regional hegemony," Draitser suggests, adding that, at issue is a "neo-Ottoman strategy that Erdogan and Prime Minister Davuto?lu have been pursuing since they got into power." What about
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan holds a board featuring the new Turkish lira samples (File)
18:47 07.03.2016
Erdogan Hopes EU to Allocate $3.3 Bln to Ankara After Migration Summit
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the European Union will provide Ankara 3 billion euros as a promised support.
Kurdish people display a picture of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during a protest outside an EU-Turkey summit as the bloc is looking to Ankara to help it curb the influx of refugees and migrants flowing into Europe, in Brussels March 7, 2016
17:58 07.03.2016
Turkey's Erdogan Is 'Complicit' in Europe's Migrant Crisis
Turkey has enabled Europe's migrant crisis with President Erdogan's complicity, according to a French former diplomat and government auditor.
A photo taken in Ankara on March 6, 2016 shows the front page of the first new edition of the Turkish daily newspaper Zaman, which had staunchly opposed the president, now with articles supporting the government since its seizure by authorities
17:50 07.03.2016
Todays Zaman: Drastic U-Turn in Editorial Stance of Turkish Critical Media
Recep Tayyip Erdogan now can be seen on the new Zaman dailys front page. Its top story on Sunday described how he attended a ceremony marking a key phase in the construction of a bridge across the Bosphorus in
Flowers laid at the monument to pilots in the center of Lipetsk in memory of Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov of the Lipetsk Air Force Center, the commander of the downed bomber Su-24
16:57 07.03.2016
Syrian Turkmen Lament Death of Russian Pilot, Rely on Russia's Support
pursued by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "We are all Turkmen, but we are the people of Syria and want to continue to live in peace and accord. We are against Erdogan's aggression and we do not want to help him
Loud & Clear
16:40 07.03.2016
Turkey Plays the Refugee Card With the EU
On today's episode of Loud & Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by political analyst Eric Draitser to discuss what's behind the European Union and Turkey holding an emergency summit today in Brussels on the refugee crisis. The EU wants Turkey to stop the flow of refugees, but what does Turkey want in return?
An informal refugee camp (File)
16:15 07.03.2016
Erdogans Suggestion of a Refugee City in Syria is Only a Smokescreen
Recep Tayyip Erdogans recent suggestion about building a 'refugee city' on a foreign territory is only a smokescreen, which conceals his true intentions, among which are a push for a buffer zone and air cover for his moderate rebels, says
An employee of Zaman newspaper holds a chain during a protest at the courtyard of the newspaper in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016.
16:11 07.03.2016
Human Rights and Press Freedom Loom Large Amid EU-Turkey Migration Talks
may try to blackmail the EU into negotiating a favorable deal, after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in November threatened to flood Europe with migrants and refugees if the EU did not offer Turkey a better deal.
Employees of Zaman newspaper gather at the courtyard of the newspaper during a protest in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016
15:10 07.03.2016
EU Turns Blind Eye to Turkey Media Freedom Restrictions Amid Refugee Crisis
The European Union turns a blind eye to Ankara restricting media freedom in Turkey over the migration crisis issue, a diplomatic source in Brussels said Monday.
A man walks across piles of life jackets used by refugees and migrants to cross the Aegean sea from the Turkish coast which remained stacked on the Greek eastern island of Lesbos, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015.
13:40 07.03.2016
Shotgun Wedding: EU-Turkey Summit is Marriage of Desperation
The EU is ready to overlook the problems of Erdogan's Turkey because of its desperate desire to stop the flow of migrants into Europe, the Financial Times reported.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, right, introduces Turkish businessmen to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, during an official visit at the Presidential Palace in Abuja, Nigeria, Wednesday, March 2, 2016
21:55 06.03.2016
Facing Losses in Trade With Russia, Turkey Attempts Africa Pivot
The Turkish economy has been seriously damaged as a result of the rift in relations with Russia following Ankara's downing of a Russian military jet over Syria late last year. Now, President Recip Tayyip Erdogan is attempting a pivot to Africa
Map of Europe
21:42 06.03.2016
Europe's Actions Are Increasingly Absurd in the Face of Recent Challenges
ally Erdogan without qualms provides indirect support to the Islamic State (Daesh), Bashar (Assad) and Putin are being accused of human rights violations. And Europeans keep making concessions to Cameron for the sake
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting on the New Constitution at the Congresium in Ankara on January 28, 2016.
21:41 06.03.2016
EU Ignores Turkey's Butchering of Kurds if Erdogan Mops Up Migrants
Ankara political concessions and 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) in financial aid to be spent on refugees in Turkey "highly problematic." "The EU has got itself into a fatal dependency on President Erdogan and is now in
Normandy Four foreign ministerial meeting starts in Paris, March 3 2016. From left: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, Foreign Minister of France Jean-Marc Ayrault and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
14:30 06.03.2016
Will Brussels' 'Big European Lie' Lead to Political Crisis in Kiev?
in a conflict with Russia, and that it does not want a new problematic member; Erdogan's unpredictability and regular attempts to put NATO on the brink of war with Moscow are enough of a problem for them." Factually
Employees of Zaman newspaper gather at the courtyard of the newspaper during a protest in Istanbul, Turkey March 4, 2016
20:41 05.03.2016
'We Will Never Kneel Before Erdogan' Turkish Zaman Journalist
Sputnik. ?"Our main headquarters are in Istanbul and yesterday a Turkish court, which is allegedly under the control of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ordered the seizure of Zaman newspapers, and police forces yesterday raided our
Women helps another woman who felt as Turkish anti-riot police officers launch tear gas to disperse supporters in front of the headquarters of the Turkish daily newspaper Zaman in Istanbul on March 5, 2016, after Turkish authorities seized the headquarters in a midnight raid
18:48 05.03.2016
Turkey Falls Under Boot of Dictatorship
For many months now, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been cracking down on media as part of a wider move towards an increasingly authoritarian regime under his ruling Justice and Development Party
Briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova
16:31 05.03.2016
Moscow Calls on West to React to Turkey's Press Crackdown
Zakharova provided as examples Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's refusal to accept a Constitutional Court decision to release two senior Cumhurriyet journalists, and the raids of Zaman opposition daily and other outlets under
A Turkish soldier gestures while standing on the hill overlooking damaged buildings following heavy fighting between government troops and Kurdish fighters in the Kurdish town of Cizre in southeastern Turkey, which lies near the border with Syria and Iraq, on March 2, 2016
15:22 05.03.2016
Saudi-Turkish Trick: What Are the Two Scheming in Syria?
and the House of Erdogan with a supposedly legitimate excuse to send troops to Syria to face off against Iran a country they have been unable to defeat at the diplomatic level
Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky: Capture of Grivitsa Strongpoint near Plevna by Romanians on 30th August 1877 (1885)
10:58 05.03.2016
Wrong Train to Damascus: Will Erdogan Catch the Last Car?
which in recent years has already been enormous and is estimated to be hundreds of billions of dollars it would be durable for the Russian economy in the medium term. The second option for Erdogan
Riot police use tear gas to disperse protesting employees and supporters of Zaman newspaper at the courtyard of the newspaper's office in Istanbul, Turkey, late March 4, 2016
02:12 05.03.2016
Tear Gas, Water Cannon: Turkish Police Raid Zaman Newspaper in Istanbul
is closely linked to the Hizmet movement of the influential US-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen. Turkey has designated Hizmet a terrorist organization, claiming that the group aims to topple President Recep Tayyip Erdogans government
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
00:29 05.03.2016
Erdogan Responsible for Seizure of Zaman Media Group - RSF
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan bears responsibility for the government attempts to gain control of the Zaman media group, a secretary general of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said Friday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) speaks with US President Barack Obama (L) during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Turkey Leaders Summit in Antalya. (File)
21:46 04.03.2016
How Muslim Brotherhood May Lead to New Conflict Between US and Turkey
The deputy leader of the Turkish Republican People's Party (CHP), Erdogan Toprak, in his weekly report on the parliamentary agenda brought up the topics of the Turkish ruling AKP partys foreign policy and recent statements of the president
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
16:43 04.03.2016
Erdogan Accuses Turkey's Constitutional Court of Breaching Constitution
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the country's Constitutional Court on Friday of violating the Constitution by releasing two journalists from pre-trial detention who had been arrested for investigating the delivery of weapons from
Turkish police
11:19 04.03.2016
Four Businessmen Detained in Turkey Over Links to US-Based Oppositionist
or, as Ankara calls it, the Gulenist Terror Organization, for allegedly seeking to overthrow the government, headed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In late December, Turkish media reported that the country's authorities had issued arrest
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
10:45 04.03.2016
Breaking Bad? Erdogan's 'Willful' Foreign Policy 'Bemuses' Turkey's Allies
Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not seem to have many foreign policy achievements to boast since in the last decade his strategies have badly affected Turkey's relations with Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Russia and the United States, Turkey's Radikal
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) chats with Russia's President Vladimir Putin prior to a working session at the Group of 20 (G20) leaders summit in the Mediterranean resort city of Antalya, Turkey, November 16, 2015
21:30 03.03.2016
Is Ankara Trying to Derail Syria Truce to 'Drive Wedge Between US, Russia'?
by Washington and Moscow that went in effect on Saturday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed the Syrian Kurds have connections with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is fighting for independence from
19:07 03.03.2016
Bitter Reality: Erdogan's Policies Transforming Turkey Into 'Rogue State'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come increasingly under fire from within the country and beyond for his stance on a whole range of issues, including the Syrian war, Russia and its anti-Daesh campaign, the Kurds, constitutional law
Stop sign
15:28 03.03.2016
'It Is All for Nothing': EU President Tells Economic Migrants to Stay Away
trying to travel to Europe, Donald Tusk will hold meetings with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Ankara and President Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul where he hopes to convince Turkey to do more to help reduce
Fighters from the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) drive a tank in the al-Zohour neighbourhood of northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh (File)
15:03 03.03.2016
Erdogan's Worst Nightmare: Could Kurds Redraw the Map of the Middle East?
The Kurds, often referred to as the largest ethnic group without a state, have become the first ground force to shatter the myth that Daesh was unstoppable and invincible. Their success on the Iraqi and Syrian battlefields has fueled fears, particularly in Turkey, that the Kurds would try to establish an independent state, but do they want it?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
13:57 03.03.2016
Is the US Turning On Erdogan?
As unlikely as it may have sounded just under one year ago, the geostrategic situation has remarkably changed to such an extent that it now looks conceivable that the US might be ready to turn on Erdogan.
A poster with a picture of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, displayed in Istanbul, Turkey
12:35 03.03.2016
Turkey's President vs Top Court: Erdogan's Remarks 'Violate Constitution'
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's remarks on the Constitutional Court's decision with regard to two jailed opposition journalists should not be viewed as a personal opinion, but rather as a "clear violation of the constitution," legal scholar ?brahim
Turkey is complicit in funding the Islamic State militant group through purchase on the territory of Turkey of crude oil stolen from fields captured by ISIL
01:41 03.03.2016
Turkey Should Take Steps to Stop Terrorist Oil Smuggling - State Department
being trucked from Islamic State facilities in Syria to Turkey. Moscow also contends that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family are directly involved in illicit oil activities with the Islamic State, which is also
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
00:02 03.03.2016
Erdogan Calls Planned Pro-Kurdish Anti-Military March 'Appeal to Terrorism'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared on Wednesday an anti-military march in Diyarbakir, proposed by country's pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP), with an appeal to terrorism.
A young protester wearing a Turkish flag stands in front of a banner featuring Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Adolf Hitler in Gezi park near Taksim square in Istanbul, Friday, June 7, 2013
23:59 02.03.2016
Turkey Files Over 1,800 Criminal Cases for Insulting President - Reports
More than 1,800 criminal lawsuits were filed over insulting Turkish President Erdogan, media reported.
Can Dundar, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, speaks to the media outside the headquarters of his paper in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015
22:55 02.03.2016
US Welcomes Court Ruling to Release 2 Detained Turkish Journalists
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Last week, Turkey's Constitutional Court ruled that the arrest of the journalists Can Dundar and Erdem Gul constituted a violation of their rights. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on
US Secretary of State John Kerry talks to the media at the State Department in Washington on December 16, 2015
20:13 02.03.2016
War and Peace: Are US Hawks at Odds With Secretary of State Kerry?
Against all odds, the Syrian ceasefire is holding; however, Washington and Ankara's war hawks pose a threat to Russo-American diplomatic efforts in Syria, Professor Stephen F. Cohen notes.
A Syrian national flag waves as vehicles move slowly on a bridge during rush hour, in Damascus, Syria, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016
18:00 02.03.2016
Torn Apart: What Lies Behind Washingtons 'Plan' B for Syria
to intensify its struggle against Ankara, including for a Kurdish autonomous region in Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cannot let this happen. This is why, now the Turkish government is testing public attitudes toward
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends to the G20 Leaders Summit welcoming ceremony on November 15,2015 in Antalya
16:33 02.03.2016
Could Turkey's Top Court Undermine Erdogan's 'Quest for Unlimited Power'?
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has openly challenged the Constitutional Court's ruling that the detention of two opposition journalists had violated their rights as Turkey's top court along with the military are the only two institutions
Refugees and migrants on a dinghy approach Mytilene on the northern island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean sea from Turkey on February 19, 2016
14:05 02.03.2016
Merkel's Plan in Acute Danger: Turkey Rejects NATO Ships in Aegean Sea
wrote. "This indicates that Erdogan is completely getting out of control of Americans and NATO in general. Of course, he doesn't want a close monitoring at the border zone, in the waters adjacent to the territory of
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
10:39 02.03.2016
Erdogan's 'Disregard for Diplomacy' Gets Turkish President Into Trouble
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's disregard for the rules of diplomacy often gets him into trouble as evidenced by his remarks following the downing of a Russian bomber, Turkey's BirGün newspaper asserted.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
00:40 02.03.2016
Turkish Opposition Leader Accuses Erdogan of Narcissism
The president of Turkeys main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of narcissism and of failure to comply with the countrys constitution on Tuesday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
19:51 01.03.2016
Time to Say Good-Bye? Storm Clouds Gathering on Erdogan's Horizon
Turkish President Recep Erdogan has made a huge mistake by publicly blackmailing Washington, US author and researcher Michael Collins notes, suggesting that Erdogan's days as President of Turkey are numbered.
Syria update
19:14 01.03.2016
Syrian Ceasefire: Cool Heads Have Prevailed in the West at Least for Now
and Libya. Since both processes can take a lot of time, this war is far from over," the military analyst emphasized. Western Leaders Sick and Tired of Erdogan's Erratic Policies Indeed, tensions are still simmering over the possibility
Turkish soldiers stand on top of tanks next to the Syrian-Trukish border fence (file photo)
17:21 01.03.2016
Turkey Will Resort to 'Provocations Until Ceasefire Collapses'
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey-backed rebel groups "have little interest in a lasting ceasefire" in Syria and want the fighting to go on despite the fact that the Syrians "are tired of war," which has claimed more than 250,000 lives and uprooted 11
People disperse as Turkish police fire tear gas in Diyarbakir on February 27, 2016 during a demonstration against government-imposed curfews on areas of eastern Turkey
17:06 01.03.2016
Dead End: 'Erdogan Driving Turkey Into the Abyss'
The events currently taking place in Turkey are pushing the country to the brink of disaster, which will become imminent if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains in power, Todays Zaman newspaper wrote citing representatives of a platform endorsing
Turkish soldier stands guard near the site of an explosion in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016
00:03 01.03.2016
'Things Look Gloomy': Turkey in Desperate Need of Security Upgrades
Facing an increase in domestic terrorism, Turkish President Erdogan's government is scrambling to fine-tune its terrorist prevention methods and plans to purchase a number of new intelligence and surveillance systems.
In this picture taken Friday, Feb. 26, 2016, Syrian boys are seen inside their destroyed house at neighborhood of Baba Amr in Homs, Syria
17:38 29.02.2016
Regional States Responsible for Ceasefire Violations Syrian Opposition
organization by Ankara. Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the Syrian ceasefire deal, arguing Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should be excluded from the ceasefire process
FILE - Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil speaks during an interview with Associated press, in Cairo, Egypt, in this Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013 file photo
11:00 29.02.2016
Syrian Peace Talks Likely to Proceed Thanks to Ceasefire- Opposition Figure
Councils decisions," Jamil stressed. Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the ceasefire deal, arguing Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should be excluded from the ceasefire
A Turkish army position is seen near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, close to the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
10:48 29.02.2016
Don't Shoot: Russian TV Crew Videotapes Turkish Tanks on Syrian Border
hostilities does not apply to designated terrorist organizations operating in Syria, such as the Daesh and the Nusra Front, both outlawed in Russia and the United States. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the ceasefire
A man looks out his damaged window as ministers visit the site of an attack in Ankara on February 19, 2016
10:24 29.02.2016
On the Hook: Turkish Political Flop in Syria
been trapped in the region. The websites columnist Kadri Gursel, a reporter on Turkish foreign policy, explained the evolution of Turkeys desperate and failed Syria policy. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ahmet Davutoglu dropped
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, centre, accompanied by Turkish Forces' Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, left, reviews a honour guard Thursday Feb. 18, 2016
09:40 29.02.2016
Does Erdogan See Himself as a 21st Century Ottoman Sultan?
Turkey's latest moves indicate that the country's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is doing his best to revive the Ottoman Empire, according to Marcus Papadopoulos, editor of the British magazine Politics First.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
05:25 29.02.2016
Erdogan 'Not Respect' Turkish Court for Releasing Opposition Journalists
A Turkish constitutional court was debating the issue of human rights when it made the decision to free two local journalists from a leading opposition newspaper. However President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blasted the court.
Turkish soldiers stand guar near the Turkey-Syrian border (File)
18:07 28.02.2016
Turkey 'Main Violator' of Ceasefire Regime in Syria's North
a group affiliated with al-Qaeda. Turkish Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the ceasefire deal, arguing Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) should be excluded from the ceasefire
US President Barack Obama listens a question during a meeting with the U.S. Governors Association at the White House in Washington February 22, 2016.
21:38 27.02.2016
Lone Superpower? Washington's Allies are Getting Out of Control
and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East are happy with the Obama administration's recent initiatives. The Syrian ceasefire by no means plays into the hands of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and King Salman; at the same time Tokyo and Seoul do
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting of mukhtars (heads of towns and villages) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 24, 2016
20:25 27.02.2016
Intl Community Should Judge Erdogan for Anti-Kurdish Policies
WASHINGTON (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko The international community should judge Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for Ankaras atrocities against Kurdish people, Rodi Osman, head of Syrian
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
19:40 27.02.2016
Turkey's Erdogan Unleashes 'Personal' Crackdown on Journalists
Turkish journalists face a growing crackdown with fines and prison terms for simply being critical of President Erdogan and his family, particularly when controversial policies are discussed.
Women members of the Kurdish community take part in the annual rally of Kurds from all over Europe.file photo
15:12 27.02.2016
Kurdish Women Protest in France, Draw Attention to Turkey's Atrocities
month-year-old babies who became a target for Turkish strikes," Kilic said. She also claimed that the Turkish army's military operation against Kurds in Cizre continues despite the Erdogan administration's words to the contrary
A young protester wearing a Turkish flag stands in front of a banner featuring Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Adolf Hitler in Gezi park near Taksim square in Istanbul, Friday, June 7, 2013
02:07 27.02.2016
Ankara Position on Kurds Participation in Syria Ceasefire Racist
The opposition by Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Kurds participating in the agreement on cessation of hostilities in Syria is racist, Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party Representative to the United States Mehmet Yuksel told Sputnik.
Turkish journalists gathered to protest against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015
01:53 27.02.2016
Terrorist Crackdown? Turkey Crushes Independent TV Station
Shocking figures about the Erdogan administration suppression of press freedoms emerged last month. According to Sezgin Tanrikulu, deputy leader of Turkeys Republican Peoples Party, at least 774 journalists
A photographer walks in the neighbourhood of Jobar, on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus, on January 23, 2016
20:03 26.02.2016
Midnight in Damascus
almost all sides and depending solely on Ankara, which for its part won't dare a face-to-face with the Russian Air Force. It's no wonder Turkey's Sultan Erdogan fears this ceasefire business like the plague. Because he's got
NATO's ship Bonn en route to the Aegean Sea.
19:05 26.02.2016
NATO Aegean Patrols Expose Deep Divisions Between Athens and Ankara
in the question of the accession of Turkey into the EU as a full member. Another is a dispute over territorial sea limits between the two nations. Erdogan's position on the Kurds as well as
Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addresses local administrators at his palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016
16:43 26.02.2016
Against the Whole World? Erdogan at High Risk of Being Completely Isolated
Commenting on the recent accusations of Recep Tayyip Erdogan of a shameful cooperation between Russia, US and UN on settling the Syrian crisis, Lebanese news station Al Mayadeen said the Turkish leader is running a high risk of being completely
Turkish journalists Can Dundar and Erdem Gulm, who were imprisoned for publishing information about Ankara's weapons deliveries to Syria, will be freed until they their scheduled trial begins the end of March
23:05 25.02.2016
Two Detained Journalists in Turkey to Be Freed Before Scheduled Trial
Tayyip Erdogan and the head of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) after they brought light MITs arms deliveries to Syria. Several weeks after their arrest, Dundar and Gul petitioned the Constitutional Court, arguing
Syrian Arab Army troops take part in a rally in Tarus in support of the Russian Aerospace Force operation in Syria
21:43 25.02.2016
Out to Win: Why Syria Ceasefire Deal is a Huge Victory for Russia
of the anti-Assad forces," the military analyst stresses. It means that the moral legitimacy of the anti-Assad forces lies in tatters, he underscores. Thirdly, regardless of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's warmongering stance, it has already
A young protester wearing a Turkish flag stands in front of a banner featuring Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as Adolf Hitler in Gezi park near Taksim square in Istanbul, Friday, June 7, 2013
21:39 25.02.2016
Enemy Within: Only Threat Turkey is Facing Comes From Ruling Party
and not the Kurds. The main threat is the AKP party and Ahmet Davutoglu and the President Reccep Erdogan. He further spoke about what Turkey was like just five years ago. Now Turkey is surrounded by a ring of enemies. Why is that so
People demonstrate against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
21:36 25.02.2016
Ankara's Arrest of Opposition Reporters Violates Rights - Turkish Court
ANKARA (Sputnik) In November 2015, Dundar and Gul, editor and Ankara bureau chief of the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, respectively, were arrested following accusations by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the head
Syria's Osman village freed from terrorists
19:43 25.02.2016
Keep Calm: Syrian Conflict is by No Means a Prelude to WW3
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and Bashar Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria, General Secretary of the ruling Baath Party in Syria. "This is NOT World War III, and I refuse to believe it will become World War III," the researcher
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan listens to statements at the COP21, United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Le Bourget, outside Paris, Monday, Nov. 30, 2015
18:32 25.02.2016
In Hussein's Footsteps? Erdogan is Walking Straight Into Washington's Trap
Washington has set a trap for impulsive Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, US journalist Mike Whitney notes, adding that a 'color revolution' in Turkey may one day become a reality.
In this photo taken from the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria, in Akcakale, southeastern Turkey, a Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier watches as in the background a flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, is raised over the city of Tal Abyad, Syria, Tuesday, June 16, 2015
17:24 25.02.2016
This is the Real Reason Why Turkey Needs the Syrian City of Azaz
prevent the Syrian Kurds from liberating the strategically important city. "Azaz is a key city on the way from Turkey to Syria, which allows Erdogan to meddle in Syria's internal affairs," Abdul Kadir Azuz told RT. "He wants
EU Migrant crisis
15:33 25.02.2016
EU Asks Turkey to Protect EU Borders Due to Blocs Inability Hungarian PM
MOSCOW (Sputnik) The European Union is asking Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to help protect its borders, as the bloc cannot do it on its own, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said. "We humbly ask President
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:17 25.02.2016
Erdogan's 'Ottoman Ambitions' Stopped by Failure to Achieve Goals in Syria
According to Syrian presidential aide, Erdogan's "Ottoman ambitions" failed due to inability to reach his goals in Syria.
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
14:59 25.02.2016
More Bad Blood? Turkey's Ultimatum to Washington is 'Major Miscalculation'
Erdogan's policies will adversely affect Turkey's relations with the United States, particularly after Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called on Washington to give Ankara unconditional support in its fight against the Syrian Kurds, Turkey's former
Workers take measurements of a near finished section of a 3,7 km long fence at a border crossing between Austria and Slovenia at Spielfeld, Austria on December 9, 2015.
13:57 25.02.2016
Brussels Begging for Erdogans Help as EU Unable to Protect Its Borders
itself dependent on Turkey's goodwill. "In return for money and promises, we are submissively begging for Mr. Erdogan to ensure the security of our borders, because we can't protect ourselves," the politician told German newspaper
Residents push a cart near al-Shaar bridge in Aleppo's al-Shaar neighborhood, Syria, January 19, 2016
07:30 25.02.2016
Does Kerry's 'Plan B' on Syria Originate From 2008 Secret US-Saudi Plan?
sympathizers not on the UN list. "Now, with perfect orchestration by Washington, their UN man, Feltman, Prince Salman and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, the fuse is about to be lit on what is shaping up to be one of the most
Turkish investigative journalist and editor CanDundar has never regretted his words after being jailed for exposing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's arms deliveries to Syria, Can's wife Dilek told Sputnik.
03:39 25.02.2016
Wife of Imprisoned Turkish Journalist: Husband Never Regretted His Words
Turkish investigative journalist and editor CanDundar has never regretted his words after being jailed for exposing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's arms deliveries to Syria, Can's wife Dilek told Sputnik.
Journalists and Turkish intellectuals shout slogans during a demonstration on December 26, 2015 in Istanbul, following the arrest of Cumhuriyet newspaper's Editor in Chief
02:16 25.02.2016
Turkey Suppressing Press Freedom Creates Dangerous Repercussions - Watchdog
respectively. The arrests were carried out as a result of accusations by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the head of Turkeys National Intelligence Organization (MIT) against Dundar and Gul, after they brought light
Turkish journalists gathered to protest against the jailing of opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara representative Erdem Gul, in Istanbul, Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015
01:59 25.02.2016
US Must Put Pressure on Turkey to Stop Crackdown on Reporters - Journalists
pressure our own government to begin to do something about it, New York Times investigative journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner James Risen told Sputnik. Risen called outrageous the charges brought by Turkish President Erdogan
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
00:55 25.02.2016
Turkish Football Legend Faces 4 Years Behind Bars for 'Insulting' Erdogan
One of the most prolific strikers in the history of Turkish football and former party fellow of then-Prime-Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan may end up imprisoned for tweeting sentiments his ex-ally allegedly feels are a personal insult to the current
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) shake hands during the press conference, after a meeting at the Chancellery, in Berlin on January 22, 2016
21:43 24.02.2016
Merkel Should Not Sell All European Values As If At Bazaar'
the serious missteps (of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan) in Turkey and Syria," Ferber said Wednesday, cited by the newspaper. On November 29, the European Union and Turkey approved a joint plan to counter the influx of migrants
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
20:35 24.02.2016
NATO Should Realize Erdogan 'Problem, Not Solution' - Assad's Aide
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's actions pose problems for resolving the Syrian conflict rather than helping to find a solution, Bouthaina Shaaban, political and media adviser to the Syrian president, said Wednesday.
Turkish soldiers stand guar near the Turkey-Syrian border post in Sanliurfa (file photo)
20:18 24.02.2016
Infighting? Turkey's General Staff Concerned with Erdogan's Syria Policies
The former head of the General Staff of the Turkish Intelligence Agency told Sputnik that the Armed Forces have been growing discontent with the Syrian policy of the Turkish leadership.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses after he received an honorary doctorate from Qatar University in Doha, Qatar, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015
17:39 24.02.2016
Erdogan: Russians and Turks Are Not Enemies
ANKARA (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that he did not see the Russian people as an enemy and expressed hope for the normalization of Russian-Turkish relations. "We are not enemies
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
17:23 24.02.2016
Russian MoD Calls on Amnesty Int'l to Investigate Turkey's Attacks on Syria
of northern Syria, Recep Erdogan claimed that "nobody can limit Turkey in using its legitimate right of self-defense." Turkey believes that the Kurds in Syria have ties to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a group
Party members stand during the second general assembly of the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) at Ahmet Taner Kislali Sports Hall in Ankara on January 24, 2016
16:18 24.02.2016
Erdogan Renews Call for Stripping Pro-Kurdish MPs of Legislative Immunity
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeated his call for the Turkish parliament to strip deputies from the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) of their legislative immunity, local media said Wednesday.
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse stone throwing Kurdish demonstrators during a protest against the curfew in Sur district, in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, December 22, 2015
15:49 24.02.2016
Has Erdogan's 'Reckless Policy' Brought Turkey to the Brink of Civil War?
the Turkish Kurds are not the only ones who oppose Erdogan's policy in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, he added. Yet, Ankara has focused on blaming the Kurds for its most recent tragedy. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his supporters view
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a mukhtars meeting at the presidential palace on November 26, 2015 in Ankara
15:44 24.02.2016
Erdogan Claims Russia-US Deal on Syrian Ceasefire 'Gives Support to Assad'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has supported the agreement between Russia and the United States on the cessation of hostilities in Syria, but said the agreement only helps Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Turkish Army vehicles and tanks wait near the Syrian border in Suruc on February 23, 2015
10:37 24.02.2016
Docs Reveal That Turkish Officers Work With Daesh on Syrian Border
is largely seen as the key source of Daesh's resilience and longevity. Ankara's inability to secure the 60-mile border region has prompted many to question Erdogan's true agenda with regard to the deadly Syrian conflict.
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad answers questions during an interview with al-Manar's journalist Amro Nassef, in Damascus, Syria, in this handout photograph released by Syria's national news agency SANA on August 25, 2015
21:41 23.02.2016
Deal With It, Erdogan: Assad is Not Going to Fall Anytime Soon
Turkey's Erdogan should come to terms with the "stark reality" that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will not fall anytime soon, former senior CIA official Graham E. Fuller notes, stressing that Erdogan's personal interests are not synonymous
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting on the New Constitution at the Congresium in Ankara on January 28, 2016.
17:02 23.02.2016
Split Affections: Turkish Husband Sues Wife for Badmouthing Erdogan
A man in Turkeys western Izmir province has filed a legal complaint against his own wife for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the newspaper Yeni Safak wrote on Monday.
Thick smoke rises following an airstrike by the US-led coalition in Kobani, Syria as fighting intensified between Syrian Kurds and the militants of Islamic State group, as seen from Mursitpinar in the outskirts of Suruc, at the Turkey-Syria border, Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014.
16:27 23.02.2016
How Turkey, Saudi Arabia Try to Justify Their Own Imperialism in Syria
Turkey has the right to conduct military operations in Syria and elsewhere to protect itself from the threat of terrorism. Thats what Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a conference on Saturday at an event celebrating the inclusion
In this Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, photo, provided by the United Nations, US President Barack Obama, left, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin toast during a luncheon hosted during the 70th annual United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters
14:14 23.02.2016
Unexpected: Turkey's Attacks on Syrian Kurds 'Bring Russia and US Closer'
Ten days ago Ankara began cross-border shelling of the People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syria. Erdogan's move has "brought Russia and the United States closer together," Russian news site Gazeta.ru asserted. "Both countries chastised Turkey
Turkish army tanks take position near the Syrian border (file photo)
09:43 23.02.2016
This is Why Turkey is in a 'De Facto War-Like Situation'
against [Daesh]," the analyst observed. Ankara's "constant refusal" to cooperate genuinely "seems to be working against" Erdogan, "further discrediting Turkey as an ally and further diminishing its role as a serious actor in
Syrian city of Aleppo
04:07 23.02.2016
Syrian Civil War Entering End-Game Stage - Former UN Representative
Daesh, the Islamic State," he said. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan heightened tension with the Kurds on both sides of the boarder by backing the Islamic jihadist rebels in Syria, beginning in late 2011
Six batteries of NATO-backed missile defense systems have been set up in southeastern Turkey to protect against aerial attacks from war-torn Syria (File)
21:37 22.02.2016
Syrian Ceasefire: Why Situation May 'Spin Out of Control'
or buts. He also added that Turkey would tighten security across the country, especially in the capital. The statement came a day after a phone conversation between Turkish President President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his US counterpart
In this photo taken from the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria, in Akcakale, southeastern Turkey, a Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier watches as in the background a flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, is raised over the city of Tal Abyad, Syria, Tuesday, June 16, 2015
19:59 22.02.2016
'Too Many Enemies': Erdogan Believes Turkey 'Has the Right' to Invade Syria
Recep Erdogan's Turkey risks becoming a "failed" state; Ankara's irresponsible Mideast policy combined with the oppression of the Kurdish minority may result in the country's social turmoil and disintegration, Czech-based analyst Martin Berger warns.
Oil pump jack
18:01 22.02.2016
Oil Prices Slump: How Sino-Russian De-Dollarization May Save the Day
markets, via the role of the dollar as reserve currency plan to de facto destroy Saudi Arabian oil hegemony, destroy Turkish Erdogan's ambitions, even if it means the destruction of much of the oil states of
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
17:48 22.02.2016
Obama Takes Erdogan's Threats to Send Ground Troops to Syria 'Seriously'
Yet Barack Obama urged Recep Tayyip Erdogan to refrain from taking any drastic action against the Syrian Kurds in an 80-minute telephone conversation on Friday following a bombing attack, which claimed the lives of
Turkish soldiers on a tank sit opposite the Syrian town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane by the Kurds, at the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern Turkish village of Mursitpinar, Sanliurfa province (File)
16:00 22.02.2016
Erdogan's Nightmare of United Kurdistan Fuels Turkey's 'Misguided Policies'
Recep Tayyip Erdogan's obsession with preventing the Kurds from making any gains in Turkey or elsewhere is contributing to greater chaos in the Middle East, yet Ankara seems oblivious to this adverse trend.
Turkish police secure the site of an explosion after an attack targeted a convoy of military service vehicles in Ankara on February 17, 2016
14:39 22.02.2016
At Least 14 Suspects Charged Over Ankara Car Bombing
Tayyip Erdogan said on February 19 Ankara was absolutely certain that the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units had carried out the deadly car explosion. The same day, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons militants claimed responsibility for
Smoke billows from buildings following a reported air strike in Damascus' rebel-held suburb of Zamalka on December 6, 2015
09:54 22.02.2016
The Art of Cunning: Turkey 'Will Use Others' to Wage 'Proxy War' in Syria
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to the expert, is fully aware of the fact that not a single Ankara's ally, including Washington, will back the AKP's initiative. Moscow's counterterrorism operation in Syria is also limiting Turkey's
Cars of emergency services arrive after an explosion in Ankara, Turkey
08:51 22.02.2016
Ankara Car Bomb Attack Suspects Taken to Court
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday Ankara was absolutely certain that the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units had carried out the deadly car explosion. The same day, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons militants claimed responsibility
A Turkish and an Union Jack flags are pictured at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels
00:03 22.02.2016
Turkeys NATO Exit is a Matter of Time After the Latest US Insult
has been all the more humiliating for the way it was delivered. It was voiced in a newspaper interview by Jean Asselborn, foreign minister of Luxembourg, a junior NATO member much denigrated by Turkish president Erdogan just
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
21:43 21.02.2016
Turkey 'Has Right to Operations in Syria or Anywhere Else' Erdogan
Turkey has the right to carry out operations in Syria or anywhere else where Ankara sees a threat, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.
Protesters run after they threw a petrol bomb against a Turkish police water cannon during clashes in Istanbul, Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016, between police forces and people protesting against security operations against Kurdish rebels in southeastern Turkey
21:12 21.02.2016
Terror, US Rebuff & Resurgent Kurds Turkey's Missteps Come Home to Roost
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government are facing a multitude of problems and have isolated Turkey internationally by believing their own hubris about Ankara's influence, the Washington Post (WP) wrote on Saturday. The country
Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu speaks during a news conference at his ruling AK Party (AKP) headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, July 13, 2015
00:43 21.02.2016
'No Ifs or Buts': Turkey Demands US Support Against Kurdish YPG
be involved in the attack as it has repeatedly called TAK a "proxy" that claimed the responsibility for the bombing to protect the reputation of the Syrian Kurdish militia. On Friday, Obama and Erdogan had a phone call during
Turkish President's son Bilal Erdogan leaves a polling station in Istanbul on November 1, 2015 after casting his vote for Turkey's legislative
21:51 20.02.2016
What Could Italy's Investigation Against Erdogan Find?
Italy's investigation into criminal activities by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may have to look to authorities in Switzerand, Malaysia and Austria to solve the case, Turkish parliamentarian from
A police officer guards an entrance of the new Presidential Palace in Ankara
20:44 20.02.2016
Turkey to Bolster Security Measures Amid Recent Terrorist Attack in Ankara
operations in a number of provinces throughout the country. On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that three organizers of the terrorist act were among 14 people detained in connection with the attack
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
20:43 20.02.2016
Troublemakers: Ankara, Riyadh Envision the Creation of New 'Wahhabi Empire'
In addition, Ankara's tentacles have been spread to Europe: the Erdogan government has no scruples about blackmailing Brussels amid the ongoing refugee crisis. "Erdogan has destroyed Germany's Merkel, whose popularity is at an all-time low
Backdropped by a Turkish forces armoured personnel carrier, residents walk around after the 24-hour curfew was lifted, in the mostly-Kurdish town of Silopi, in southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016
18:33 20.02.2016
Ankara Plays Pivotal Role in Escalation of Violence in Middle East, Europe
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become the first sectarian leader of the country, Czech-based freelance journalist and analyst Martin Berger notes, referring to the fact that Erdogan's ideas originated from the "New Look
Fighters from the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) marching in Raqqa, Syria
15:29 20.02.2016
Daesh Terrorists: A Multifunction Tool in Hands of Ankara, Riyadh, NATO
Erdogan or King Salman and his impulsive son Prince Mohammed, are reasonable, as hate knows no reason.
Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the monthly Mukhtars meeting (local administrators) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 10, 2016
13:40 20.02.2016
Turkeys Kurdish Conundrum
Erdogan whacked a hornets nest when he broke the ceasefire with the Kurds, and now it looks like theres never any going back to the way that things used to be.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
13:15 20.02.2016
Erdogan 'Continues to Play the Fool as He Paints Himself Into a Corner'
President Erdogan's politics of confrontation with the Kurds will only further complicate Ankara's relations with Russia and the US, and lead to an escalation of internal tensions, writes Deutsche Welle columnist Kersten Knipp. The Turkish president
The Moscow Kremlin
12:48 20.02.2016
Kremlin: Shelling of Syrian Territory by Turkey 'Unacceptable'
(PKK) militant group, considered a terrorist organization by Ankara, which fights for Kurdish independence from Turkey. On Friday, US President Barack Obama held a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
11:05 20.02.2016
Turkey Continues Shelling of Northern Syria
MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Friday, US President Barack Obama held a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, urging Ankara to exercise restraint and cease ceasing artillery strikes in the area. According
U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle sits after shortly landing Nov. 12, 2015, at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey
07:09 20.02.2016
Turkey Fears Alienating US by Restricting Access to Incirlik Airbase
air base arrangement," radio show host and political activist Stephen Lendman told Sputnik on Friday. Lendman added that comments critical of the United States emanating from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister
Members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) monitor the positions of Islamic State (IS) group in the Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, close to the Turkish border on March 13, 2015
05:10 20.02.2016
Obama Backs Turkey Against Syrian Government, PKK in Call to Erdogan
Tayyip Erdogan on Friday, the White House said.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) speaks with US President Barack Obama (R) (File)
22:37 19.02.2016
Obama, Erdogan Discuss 'Situation in Syria' in Friday Phone Call
US President Barack Obama discussed over the telephone the recent developments in war-torn Syria with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a briefing on Friday.
Red Line
19:15 19.02.2016
Kurds of Discord: Turkeys New War on Syria
New Cold War. Its perhaps for these reasons that the two rivals put aside their larger differences and pushed forward a statement to ask Turkey to comply with international law. President Erdogan had earlier put
Euro Money
18:49 19.02.2016
Mandate Given for EU Money to Be Sent for Migrant Containment in Turkey
money from the US$3 billion budget for humanitarian aid for refugee children in Turkey immediately. That decision has taken five months to reach. In October 2015, President Recap Tayyip Erdogan emerged victorious in
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
18:24 19.02.2016
Erdogan Says No Doubt Kurdish YPG Militia Behind Ankara Deadly Blast
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG) is certainly the perpetrator of the deadly car explosion in the Turkish capital Ankara.
A group of coalition forces, which includes People's Protection Units (YPG) Women's Protection Units (YPJ), Sutoro militia, a pro-government Syriac Christian movement, and other forces, monitor the area in al-Hol in the Syrian Hasakeh province, some 650 kms northeast of Damascus, near the Iraqi border on November 2, 2015
18:09 19.02.2016
Crying Wolf: Ankara Adopting 'Terror' Methods in War Against Kurds
in order to crack down further on the ethnic minority and justify the Erdogan government's Syrian adventure. General Comman of YPG: Turkey fabricates false accusations against us, to justify her attacks against
Turkish soldiers parade for modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during a commemoration ceremony in the capital Ankara 10 November 2004 to mark the 66th anniversary of the death of Ataturk
16:40 19.02.2016
New Player in the Gulf: What is the Turkish Base in Qatar All About?
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party have been using every pretext to justify the future deployment of its troops in the Persian Gulf through the sincere desire to intensify &ldquo
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
15:48 19.02.2016
Three Ankara Terrorist Act Organizers Among 14 Detained Earlier
ANKARA (Sputnik) Three organizers of the terrorist act in Ankara on February 17 that killed 28 and injured another 81 are among the 14 who were detained earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday. &ldquo
U.S President Barack Obama and Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:48 19.02.2016
Turk Tail Wags US Dog
A spate of atrocities over the past week suggests that the Erdogan regime in Turkey is desperately trying to goad Washington into a wider Syrian war. Whos giving the orders here?
Bouthaina Shaaban, adviser of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad (File)
14:48 19.02.2016
'Want to Help Civilians? Help Syria Deal With Terrorism!' Assad Advisor
in to save them and to help them." Commenting on Turkey's role in the refugee crisis which has hit Europe, Shaaban emphasized that she sincerely hopes "that the Western world will stop looking at Erdogan's government as
Context Countdown
12:38 19.02.2016
US-ASEAN, Merkels 'No-Fly Zone,' and the Russian-Saudi Oil Proposal
Erdogan and the US proxies are being defeated there. To cap off the week, we conclude by discussing the surprise oil proposal put forth by Russia and Saudi Arabia, where the two market giants agreed to freeze their production
Snipers of Saudi Special forces run before taking a position during anti-terrorist exercises (File)
21:43 18.02.2016
The Art of War: Will Russia Outplay Washington's Cunning Geostrategists?
cutting off Daesh supply lines to Erdogan's Turkey and heading to Raqqa, a de facto capital of Daesh, Washington has persuaded Damascus and Moscow to impose a ceasefire in a week. Regardless of the ongoing peace process
This file photo taken on November 01, 2015 shows Turkish President's son Bilal Erdogan leaving a polling station in Istanbul on November 1, 2015 after casting his vote for Turkey's legislative
21:37 18.02.2016
Turkish Businessman Reveals Erdogans' Alleged Money Laundering Scheme
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's son Bilal Erdogan came to Italy with a large amount of cash and number of bogyguards, according to a statement by Turkish businessman Murat Hakan Uzan, in a documents
Buildings which were damaged during the security operations and clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants, are pictured in Sur district of Diyarbakir, Turkey February 11, 2016
21:02 18.02.2016
Turkey May Continue Attacks on Kurds Despite Int'l Calls for Restraint
sharply with its NATO allies," Katzman said. Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan questioned US loyalty to Turkey because Washington still supported the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as it had been successfully
Turkish Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon
19:09 18.02.2016
Initiative on No-Fly Zone Over Syria 'Difficult to Implement'
next couple of weeks," Rutte told journalists. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, which borders Syria, has been vocal in calling for a no-fly zone over the war-torn country since the start of the Syrian
Turkish soldier stands guard near the site of an explosion in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016
18:39 18.02.2016
Turkey's Terrorist Attacks Must Not Be Pretext for 'Collective Punishment'
There is a risk that the Turkish government will use the recent terrorist attacks in the country to pursue retribution against political enemies, human rights campaigner Osman Isci told Sputnik.
Islamic fighters from the al-Qaida group in the Levant, Al-Nusra Front, wave their movement's flag as they parade at the Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp, south of Damascus, to denounce Israels military offensive on the Gaza Strip, on July 28, 2014.
16:57 18.02.2016
'One Must Be Blind Not to Realize That Russia is Defending Europe in Syria'
capitals affected by the Arab Spring." Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's dream of becoming the neo-sultan of a neo-Ottoman empire has been fading before his eyes, Lombardi warns. Facing growing international isolation, Ankara
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a joint press conference with Yemen's president at the presidential complex in Ankara on February 16, 2016.
16:54 18.02.2016
Terror Takes Hold in Erdogan's Turkey as Ankara Struggles to Stem Violence
state of Turkey under President Recep Erdogan.
A handout photo by Hellenic Airforce shows two Greek F-16 fighters flying over the Aegean sea
15:21 18.02.2016
Battle Over the Aegean: The Undeclared Greco-Turkish Air War
to the Turkish side. The co-pilot, Captain Nail Erdogan, was declared missing. His body was never found." "Almost immediately, Erdogan's relatives declared that the authorities are hiding the truth, and that the plane was shot down
Press briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova
15:15 18.02.2016
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova Holds Weekly Press Briefing
the Turkish leadership, and with [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan in particular. According to the information in these materials, the Turkish leader is openly inciting Turkish Cypriots on a hard and uncompromised line during
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey February 17, 2016, in this handout photo provided by the Presidential Palace
14:22 18.02.2016
Turkey as 'The Voice of Global Conscience': Would the World Agree?
Turkey has become the voice of the global conscience in the Syrian crisis and has given a lesson in humanity to the whole world, ambitiously claimed Recep Tayyip Erdogan, referring to the European refugee crisis, conveniently neglecting to mention
Cars of emergency services arrive after an explosion in Ankara, Turkey
13:43 18.02.2016
Erdogan Says 14 Detained on Suspicion of Involvement in Ankara Explosion
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that 14 suspects in the Ankara terrorist attack were arested and the tracks of the crime lead to both Turkey and from abroad.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (C) gets a briefing from Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar (R) during his visit to the Gendarmerie Commando Special Forces headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, in this February 16, 2016
11:36 18.02.2016
Turkey Raises Stakes in Syria, Steering to Disaster
from NATO. German news service Tagesschau has also commented on the issue, calling Turkeys policy in Syrian a disaster from the very start. The outlet has called Erdogans foreign policy a chain of failures, which
Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016.
10:53 18.02.2016
Why are Riyadh, Ankara Adding Fuel to the Fire in Syria?
the opposite side of the border, less than 10 km away. In addition to Turkish President Erdogan's continuing war against Kurds both in Syria and his own country, it seems that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are attempting to throw
Refugees arriving in Afrin
06:53 18.02.2016
EU Should Press Turkey to Make Refugee Policy More Responsible - Think Tank
as to seek money from Brussels. Earlier in February, media reports claimed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had demanded 30 billion euro ($34 billion) from the EU to help the country resolve the migrant crisis or would
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis town toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey.
06:43 18.02.2016
Syrian Kurds Strain US-Turkish Relations, Complicate Alliances in Region
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan questioned US loyalty to Turkey because Washington still supported the PYD as it had been successfully fighting against the Islamic State terror group
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis town toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey.
01:40 18.02.2016
US Should Do More to End Turkish Assault on Syrian Kurds - Russian Envoy
Kurdish YPG units]. We would like to see it transformed in more energetic work with the Turkish allies to implement it, Kislyak said on Wednesday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier on Wednesday
A Syrian man runs for cover as smoke rises from buildings nearby following a reported bombing attack, Aleppo, Syria (file photo)
21:23 17.02.2016
Tension Escalation: 'Turkish and Saudi Boots in Syria May Trigger WW3'
to take on Russians and the Syrian Army, I dont think so, Jatras said. Talking about Turkey, the analyst said that it is hard to tell because their president is very irrational. Erdogan is so irrational and so
Firefighters try to extinguish flames following an explosion after an attack targeted a convoy of military service vehicles in Ankara
19:59 17.02.2016
Major Explosion Shakes Center of Turkish Capital
(@RamiAlLolah) February 17, 2016 The attack targeted buses with the personnel of the Turkish General Staff, according to a statement. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan postponed his planned trip to Azerbaijan following the deadly
Baghdad-based spokesman for the US-led coalition in Iraq Col. Steve Warren speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Baghdad, Iraq.
19:12 17.02.2016
US Willing to Consider Air Support for Afrin Kurds in N Syria - Pentagon
Ankara claims that Syrian Kurds have links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is fighting for Kurdish independence and is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey. On Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (2nd L) speaks with commandos during his visit at the Gendarmerie Commando Special Forces headquarters in Ankara, Turkey February 16, 2016
18:30 17.02.2016
Erdogan's War Against Kurds in Southeast Turkey is 'Part of Business Plan'
The Kurdish peace process launched by Recep Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) back in 2009 has been eventually brought to an end by Ankara, who now has unleashed an all-out war against its own population in
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
18:19 17.02.2016
Erdogan Slams US Over Lack of Support for No-Fly Zone Over Syria
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Washington's reluctance to approve of a no-fly zone over Northern Syria
An officer speaks on the radio as Turkish tanks line up on a hill outside on the Turkish-Syrian border (file photo)
16:21 17.02.2016
Who's First? True Prospects of Foreign Boots on the Ground in Syria
in Syria, Evgeniy Satanovskiy, head of the Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, told Gazeta.Ru. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan planned to topple Assad and destroy Syria in its current form, siding
Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech.
16:18 17.02.2016
Erdogan Urges US to Recognize Syrian Kurdish PYD Group as Terrorists
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated on Wednesday his calls on Western allies to recognize the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as a terrorist organization
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis town toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey.
15:33 17.02.2016
Turkey to Continue Attacks on Kurdish Fighter Positions in Syria - Erdogan
ANKARA (Sputnik) Turkey will continue attacks on Kurdish fighter posts in Syria in return to alleged attacks by the Syrian Kurds, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday. "Let no one think we
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, accused by critics of an increasingly authoritarian style of government, has argued that the country would be better served by a strong presidential system
20:26 16.02.2016
'Kurdish Issue' Urges Washington to Reconsider Relations With Ankara
Washington has urged Ankara to stop launching airstrikes against the Kurds, but Erdogan is not going to give in, because he views Kurdish fighters as the main threat to Turkey's security, German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau wrote.
A Kurdish YPG fighter
17:51 16.02.2016
Syria's Hidden Conflict: Turkey's All-Out Offensive Against the Kurds
more autonomy. #BREAKING Thousands of #Kurds protest in #Kurdish city van,Turkey over Erdogan's Crime against Humanity R now #Cizre pic.twitter.com/oGJn2Yz4ae Botin Kurdistani (@kurdistannews24) February 15, 2016? This fear has
Turkish artillery fire from the border near Kilis toward northern Syria, in Kilis, Turkey, Monday, Feb. 15, 2016.
16:53 16.02.2016
Infighting? NATO Members Ask Turkey to Stop Shelling Kurds in Syria
with Turkish President Erdogan asking America point blank whose side it is on Turkeys or the Kurds? To this Washington says it supports both, but with the situation developing as it does, America will hardly be able to sit
A photo taken on February 3, 2016 shows smokes rising over the district of Sur in Diyarbakir after clashes between Kurdish rebels and Turkish forces
06:54 16.02.2016
Turkish Journalists Make a Stand Against Erdogans Censorship
A group of journalists from Istanbul are confronting the propaganda of the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan by forcing their way to the unofficial Kurdish capital of Turkey, Diyarbakir, in an attempt to tell the truth about whats happening
A group of migrants make their way over a meadow after crossing the border between Austria and Germany in Wegscheid near Passau, Germany, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015.
21:35 15.02.2016
Turkish PM Threatens Germany With Hundreds of Thousands of New Refugees'
The Erdogan government is the last hope for Merkel to solve the refugee crisis, and therefore she has to silently watch his uncontrollable behavior, the newspaper wrote. The US and France have called on Turkey to stop the attacks
Backdropped by a Turkish forces armoured personnel carrier, residents walk around after the 24-hour curfew was lifted, in the mostly-Kurdish town of Silopi, in southeastern Turkey, near the border with Iraq, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016
19:43 15.02.2016
Erdogans Cruel Calculus: Killing Kurds at Home and in Syria Means Votes
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has attacked Kurds in neighboring Syria in order to win popular support at home and because he was wary about the gains they had been making against anti-government groups, according to Selma Irmak, a Turkish
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L) shake hands during the press conference, after a meeting at the Chancellery, in Berlin on January 22, 2016
18:47 15.02.2016
Bad Idea? Merkel's 'Reckless' Game With Turkey May Backfire on EU
By negotiating with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the issue of refugees, Merkel is simply pushing her own interests, not the interests of the EU as a whole. "There is no equality between German interests
Barack Obama at the what-dog.net
18:13 15.02.2016
Political Pedigrees: New App Identifies Which Dogs World Leaders Resemble
partner." Turkish Erdogan was likened to a ferocious black-faced South African guard dog, the Boerboel, whose canine credentials include its "protective nature" which is known to "cause damage when jumping." According to the site, the animal
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) chats with her host Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (R) in the parliament building of Budapest on February 2, 2015 during their joint press conference during her first visit to Hungary in last five years.
15:08 15.02.2016
Europe Split, Merkel Sidelined Over Refugee Crisis and Closed Borders
Dark Lord (@voxday) February 14, 2016? However, the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan has said the EU money is insufficient for it to tackle to huge number of people crossing from Syria and aiming for Europe. He
Turkish soldiers patrol near the border with Syria, ouside the village of Elbeyli, east of the town of Kilis, southeastern Turkey
12:45 15.02.2016
Turkeys Attacks on Syrian Kurds Expose Deep Rift in US-Led Coalition
Kurdish positions in Aleppo Province which commenced on Saturday will dramatically escalate the turmoil in Syria. "For Erdogan, the Kurdish advance in northern Syria is a stab in the back," Alexei Malashenko, an analyst at
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a mukhtars meeting at the presidential palace on November 26, 2015 in Ankara
12:26 15.02.2016
Erdogan is Squealing as Russia Exacts Justice
Four months ago Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan was having a moment of glory, baiting Russia from behind the backs of his Nato allies over a downed Russian plane. Now he is watching his Syria strategy to fall apart before his own eyes.
Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), delivers a speech during a party meeting in Ankara on September 30, 2015
22:20 14.02.2016
Turkish Opposition Speaks Out Action Which Could Plunge Ankara Into War
is the one who must pick sides, he calls for supporting [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogans foreign policy interests, not the Turkish interests," Kilicdaroglu continued. On Saturday, Davutoglu said Turkish forces shelled Kurdish People&rsquo
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad giving an interview. File photo
18:05 14.02.2016
Assad Explains Why He is Not Ruling Out Turkish, Saudi Invasion of Syria
with logic, particularly when there are irrational people leading a certain state. Thats why I dont rule that out for a simple reason: Erdogan is a fanatical person with Muslim Brotherhood inclinations. He is living the Ottoman
A Kurdish man waves a large flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) political wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), during a demonstration against the exclusion of Syrian-Kurds from the Geneva talks in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on February 4, 2016
17:44 14.02.2016
What Lies Behind Spat Between Ankara and its Close Ally
Erdogans policy has brought Turkey to a point where it is at odds not only with Russia but with Washington, a supposed ally in the region, as well.
NATO country flags wave outside NATO headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday July 28, 2015
14:34 14.02.2016
Doomed to Fail? NATO's Plan for Aegean Sea Is Ill-Conceived And Impractical
into Greece from Turkey. In the Aegean Sea, we are witnessing terrible tragedies and are facing fraudulent smuggling schemes," the expert said. Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) speaks with US President Barack Obama (R) as they arrive for the family photo during the G20 Leaders Summit on November 15, 2015 in Antalya
21:52 13.02.2016
Erdogans Gamble in Syria Goes Bust
Daesh. And then President Erdogan suddenly demands that the US label Kurds as terrorists," he said. Tanir explained that Ankara's demands are pinned on hopes that the US would be reluctant to give up its alliance with Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacts as he attends the COP 21 United Nations conference on climate change, on November 30, 2015 at Le Bourget, on the outskirts of the French capital Paris
20:54 12.02.2016
Fool Me Once? Erdogan Allegedly Falls Victim of a Phone Prank
A pair of Russian pranksters reportedly managed to trick Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Residents of Nubul and al-Zahraa, along with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, celebrate after the siege of their towns was broken, northern Aleppo countryside, Syria, in this handout picture provided by SANA on February 4, 2016
19:52 12.02.2016
Liberation of Aleppo: What the Western Media is Shy About Showing
"the government offensive and the predictable debacle for the rebels marks a serious setback for Turkey, which today is cynically refusing to open its borders for those fleeing Aleppo. This position may be connected to Sultan Erdogan's
Russian Foreign Affairs' Minister Sergei Lavrov's meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
18:41 12.02.2016
The Syrian Sea of Hostility
The Americans and our [Arab] partners must think hard about this: Do they want a permanent war? Sultan Erdogan and the House of Saud certainly do because their Syrian regime change dreams are in tatters. But the lame duck Obama
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban addresses the media on the occasion of a meeting with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Vice Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner at the Hungarian Embassy in Vienna, Austria, Friday, Sept. 25, 2015.
16:55 12.02.2016
Brussels and Turkey Threaten Europe, Says Hungary's PM
is an agreement made between the EU and President Erdogan to transport almost half a million migrants from Turkey to the European Union, suggesting nation states should get ready for a major increase in people migrating from
Context Countdown
14:54 12.02.2016
New Hampshire Primary, US Intels Global Review, Erdogans Grandstanding
labeled as global threats. Finally, the highlight of our weekly countdown is Erdogans dramatic grandstanding against the EU, the US, and Russia.
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
14:40 12.02.2016
Erdogan's Deep State: Ankara Creating Monsters in Menacing Power Grab
The Erdogan regime has recreated the Turkish "deep state" comprising of intelligence officials, Islamists and ultranationalists to maintain full control over the country, US author Jonathan Marshall stresses, adding that the "system" represents
War ships of NATO take part in a military drill on the Black Sea
13:51 12.02.2016
NATO's Cold War 2.0 Rhetoric Threatens to Give Aggressive Turkey Free Hand
NATO's latest initiative a buildup in Eastern Europe which officials have called "the most significant boost" to the alliance's military readiness "since the end of the Cold War," threatens to untie Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's hands
Servicemen of the Syrian Arab Army at the Syrian-Turkish border near the town of Kessab
17:39 11.02.2016
Militants' Defeat in Aleppo Has US Scrambling to Derail Syrian Juggernaut
time, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has admitted that Turkey will not stay on the sidelines if it is asked to participate in a future campaign." Thus, "while it is impossible to know whether Turkey, Saudi Arabia or the US
Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan
17:28 11.02.2016
US Blames Putin When Erdogan Caught Weaponizing Refugees
The recently released minutes from a November meeting between Erdogan and the EU prove that the Turkish strongman is manipulating the immigrant flow into Europe for strategic ends.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) during the G20 Summit in Antalya, on November 16, 2015
11.02.2016 242332
Merkel Wants to Send NATO Ships to Curry Favor With Erdogan
Germany is placating Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan by requesting a NATO mission to the Aegean Sea to support Turkey in the fight against the trafficking of people and contraband, German newspaper DWN writes.
A Syrian woman stands holding a banner that reads in Turkish ''we are migrants, we will pass'' and in Arabic (top), We are only crossing, our aim is peaceful to secure humanitarian passage allowing refugees to enter Greece near the highway, on their way to the border between Turkey and Greece
15:48 11.02.2016
Erdogan Threatens to Expel Syrian Refugees From Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the United Nations should advise other countries to accept the refugees, not only Turkey, and Ankara will send these refugees there.
Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the monthly Mukhtars meeting (local administrators) at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on February 10, 2016
15:40 11.02.2016
Bitter Pill for Erdogan: Russia Leaves Turkey a Helpless Spectator in Syria
as a severe blow to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who made the ousting of President Assad the alpha and omega of his policy in Syria. The pill is even more bitter for Erdogan, as, devoid of any leverage on
Iraqi Kurdish forces take part in an operation backed by US-led strikes on the outskirts of northern Iraqi town of Sinjar on November 12, 2015, to retake the town from the Islamic State group and cut a key supply line to Syria
10:16 11.02.2016
Ultimatum Not Met? US, Turkey Not on the Same Page in the Middle East
Erdogans recent ultimatum to the US to choose between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds as a partner on the ground in Syria is a dead-end for Ankara: the US would not dump this group for Turkeys sake and the demand will only strain relations between
Migrants and refugees disembark safely from a dinghy at a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean sea from the Turkish coast, Monday, Nov. 16, 2015
04:08 11.02.2016
Erdogan Trapping Europe Into Accepting Millions of Syrians - Kurdish Leader
Turkish parliament member and Kurdish activist Osman Baydemir said that Erdogan has cornered European countries into accepting millions of Syrians, among which extremists, by giving them free access across his country?
Nusra Front fighters
03:45 11.02.2016
Erdogan Using al-Qaeda, Nusra Front to Encircle Kurds - Lawmaker
Turkish parliament member and Kurdish activist Osman Baydemir said that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is encouraging Islamist terrorists to encircle and isolate the 20 million Kurds who live in the eastern half of the country.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
03:14 11.02.2016
Erdogan Crackdown Killed 458 Civilians in Eastern Turkey - Kurdish Lawmaker
Turkish parliament member and Kurdish activist Osman Baydemir said that Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered a wave of repression in Kurdistan that has killed more than 450 people, including eight-month-old children.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a meeting on the New Constitution at the Congresium in Ankara on January 28, 2016.
21:34 10.02.2016
Erdogan Slams US Support for Kurdish 'Terrorists'
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called partnership between Turkey and the United Stated 'strange', because of the US position on the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD), which is considered as terrorist organization by Ankara.
People react as smoke billows from burning pallets set on fire during clashes between Turkish riot policemen and Kurdish protesters in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir on November 1, 2015
20:32 10.02.2016
Erdogan's Policy Against Kurds Deepens Refugee Crisis
Feleknas Uca, a Turkish parliamentarian and deputy for the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party, said that Erdogan and his government have blocked all solutions to the Kurdish issue in Turkey and this policy will deepen refugee crisis.
Syria's General Fahd Jassem al-Freij (C), Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense allegedly visiting troops in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. (File)
19:10 10.02.2016
The Aleppo Pocket: Turkey Running Out of Time for Its Plans to Invade Syria
with the Erdogan government effectively blackmailing Brussels by threatening to 'dump' its refugees on Europe, "the EU may decide to close its eyes on a Turkish military operation, as it has already done with the growing
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
19:06 10.02.2016
Sultanic Rites: Erdogan Threatens Europe Over Refugee Crisis
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan's threats to open the borders with Europe to millions of refugees and migrants unless Brussels accedes to his demands is proof that he is exploiting the crisis and blackmailing Europe
A picture taken on November 25, 2013 shows oil rigs in the Kurdish town of Deriq (al-Malikiyah in Arabic), in the northeastern Hasakeh governorate on the border with Turkey and Iraq
18:05 10.02.2016
Syrian Kurds to Continue Working With Russia to Halt Illegal Oil to Turkey
a day. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly denied profiting from Daesh oil trafficking.
Protesters and members of Turkey's People's Democracy Party (HDP) hold a banner with pictures of the victims of the Suruc bomb attack after their peace march was banned by authorities in the Aksaray district of Istanbul on July 26
16:54 10.02.2016
Human Rights Groups Must 'Raise Alarm' Over Crimes Against Turkish Kurds
was founded in the late 1970s to promote the self-determination for the Kurdish community. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his New Years address that Turkish security forces killed 3,100 PKK militants in 2015.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
15:14 10.02.2016
It's a Trap! Erdogan Trying to Use Refugee Crisis to Lure NATO Into Mideast
Earlier this week, the German chancellor met with her Turkish counterpart, agreeing on a refugee 'action plan' including plans to use NATO forces to bolster Turkey's coastal borders. Asked for comment, John Hopkins University Turkey expert Gareth Jenkins told Sputnik that he hopes that NATO doesn't give in to Ankara's demands.
Yeni Cami and Eminonu bazaar, Constantinople
13:43 10.02.2016
Lost to History? Turkish Scholar Says Ottomans Invented Submarine, Missile
Bayramoglu Ali Aga invented firearms and missiles," Ayduz said, adding that all knowledge in this field was ultimately lost. Turk Pres Erdogan"Contacts between Latin America and Islam date to 12th century. Muslims discovered America in
Members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) monitor the positions of Islamic State (IS) group in the Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, close to the Turkish border on March 13, 2015
09:59 10.02.2016
Russias Kurdish Gambit: US Ally in Syria Takes Moscows Side
organization by the US, Turkey, and the EU. Meanwhile, Turkey has denounced the move. Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued what can be considered as an ultimatum to the US this week, saying that its, that its either us or the PYD&rdquo
Turkey US Flags
23:49 09.02.2016
Ankara Summons US Ambassador Over Washingtons Stance on Kurds
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long considered the Kurdish PYD to be a terrorist group, one that threatens the stability of his administration. As a member of NATO, Ankara expects its allies to agree. But on
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
22:38 09.02.2016
'Its a Power Game': Erdogans Ultimatum to Washington Decoded
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has drawn a line in the sand; either the US supports Ankara or the Kurdish people. Speaking to Radio Sputniks Loud & Clear, activist Elif Sarican and journalist Eric Draitser discuss the meaning behind
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
21:46 09.02.2016
Why so Much Hate? Closer Look at Erdogans Kurdophobia
As the ongoing clashes between the Turkish government and Kurds intensify and more innocent civilians are dying, there is something distinct and perhaps intangible about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: his deep-rooted personal hatred
A Kurdish man waves a large flag of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) political wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), during a demonstration against the exclusion of Syrian-Kurds from the Geneva talks in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on February 4, 2016
21:26 09.02.2016
Turkish FM Says US Must Choose Between Turkey, Syrian Kurds
Turkish President Recep Erdogan who said Washington must choose on whose side it is. "The U.S. needs to make a decision: Does it choose us [Turkey] as a partner or terrorist organizations?" Cavusoglu reiterated on Tuesday in
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan addresses the audience during a meeting in Ankara, January 12, 2016.
19:32 09.02.2016
Erdogan Threatened to Flood Europe With Refugees Unless EU Deal Agreed
Newly published documents show that the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan threatened the European Commission with a series of demands over its proposed membership of the European Union in return for agreement to stem the flow of migrants entering
Smoke rises during airstrikes on the Syrian town of Ain al-Arab, known as Kobane by the Kurds
19:25 09.02.2016
Settlement of Syrian Crisis: 'US Needs Both Turkey and Kurds'
Turkish president Erdogan has lashed out against Washington, saying the US should choose between Ankara and the Kurds as its partner. The Turkish leader fiercely criticized the US government after Washington sent an envoy to the city of Kobani
A man holds the flag of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as Kurds living in Greece protest in central Athens on October 8, 2014
17:44 09.02.2016
Will Syrian Kurds Become a 'Stumbling Block' in Washington-Ankara Ties?
On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan harshly criticized Washington for sending US envoy Brett McGurk to Kobani in northern Syria for talks with representatives of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).
Loud & Clear
13:55 09.02.2016
North Korea Launches Satellite: Republicans Call For War on DPRK
North Korea. In the second segment, host Brian Becker asks what's behind the comments by Turkish President Erdogan that the U.S. must choose between supporting either Turkey or the Kurds he calls "terrorists." He is joined from
Syrian government forces inspect an area near the village of Khan Tuman, south from the provincial capital Aleppo, on December 22, 2015
13:26 09.02.2016
Losing the War, Blame Russia
role is seen in how the Turkish regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to have deliberately exacerbated the scenes of chaos on Syrias border. It was last week that the Turkish authorities took the decision
Moscow and Kremlin
13:23 09.02.2016
Kremlin Dismisses Erdogan's 'Absurd' Claims of Russia's 'Invasion' in Syria
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent statements that Russia has allegedly invaded Syria are absurd, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
11:39 09.02.2016
Erdogan Blackmailed EU for 30 Bln Over Migrant Crisis Plan
In November, during a meeting with President of the European Council Donald Tusk and European Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded from Brussels 30 billion to resolve the European migrant crisis
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse stone throwing Kurdish demonstrators during a protest against the curfew in Sur district, in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, December 22, 2015
21:23 08.02.2016
Massacre of Kurds is Policy of Criminalization by Turkish Authorities
want to live in freedom and democracy. After the victory of the Kurds in Koban, Erdogan once again wants to change the international community's attitude toward the Kurdish people by destroying the ancient Mesopotamian
Ain't No Sunshine When They're Gone
17:35 08.02.2016
Ain't No Sunshine When They're Gone
It seems that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shot himself in the foot when the Turkish Air Force jet downed a Russian Su-24 bomber over Syria as the number of Russian tourists visiting the Turkish resort city of Antalya dropped by 5.3 times
A picture taken on November 29, 2015 shows the Tel Aviv skyline from the neighbourhood of Jaffa
16:14 08.02.2016
Israel Not Ready to Renew Full Diplomatic Ties With Turkey - Embassy
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Israel is not ready to renew full diplomatic relations with Turkey yet and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not seem interested in renewing them either, Israeli Charge dAffaires
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchange gifts before their talks
16:06 08.02.2016
EU Should Ask Russia for Help Instead of Kneeling in Front of Ankara'
Europe does not realize that "falling on its knees" in front of Erdogan in a desperate attempt to resolve the current refugee crisis is absolutely useless, the article said. "Today, Angela Merkel is once again talking
Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighters walk with their weapons at the eastern entrances to the town of Tal Abyad in the northern Raqqa countryside, Syria, June 14, 2015
08:29 08.02.2016
Turkey's Hostility Toward Syrian Kurds Hampers Fight Against Daesh
ties to the PKK. According to the PYD, Ankara blocked its participation in the Syrian peace talks over fears of its links to the militant movement. Earlier Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Washington
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends to the G20 Leaders Summit welcoming ceremony on November 15,2015 in Antalya
Erdogan Forfeits EU Relations for Overtures With 'Long Indulged' Radicals
Ankara has long made overtures to radical Islamists battling against Syrias president Bashar al-Assad and now has to face the consequences of its reckless policies.
Members of the Kurdish internal security forces (known as the Asayish) check vehicles on December 16, 2015 in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli as tensions rose between regime forces and Kurdish fighter in the city
01:38 08.02.2016
Syrian Kurds Cooperate With All Countries Assisting in Fight Against Daesh
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Earlier in the day, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Washington to choose between the partnership with Turkey and Kurdish forces, which Ankara claims are linked to the pro
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is losing his wits over the Kurdish issue. The Turkish leader fiercely criticized the US government after Washington sent an envoy to the city of Kobani controlled by Syrian Kurds.
Erdogan Blackmails Washington Over US Cooperation With Syrian Kurds
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is losing his wits over the Kurdish issue. The Turkish leader fiercely criticized the US government after Washington sent an envoy to the city of Kobani controlled by Syrian Kurds.
The militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, stand at a barricade in Sirnak, Turkey, late Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015.
04:26 07.02.2016
Turkish Foreign Minister Accuses PKK of Using Civilians as 'Human Shield'
ANKARA (Sputnik) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his New Years statement that Turkish security forces killed 3,100 PKK militants in 2015. "Turkey is conducting an active fight against the PKK
Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire into the the air while celebrating the retaking of of Sinjar, northern Iraq, Friday Nov.
13, 2015
22:50 06.02.2016
Kurdish Militants Use Western-Produced Weapons - Erdogan
Kurdish militants use weapons manufactured in the western countries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday.
Servicemen of the Syrian army near the village of Salma, Latakia Province
With Russia's Help Syrian Army Will Soon Restore Sovereignty of the State
while answering the question on whether Bashar al-Assad has enough power and political tools to settle the conflict. Erratic Erdogan "Militarily speaking, the prospects on the ground are good and looking good. If [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends to the G20 Leaders Summit welcoming ceremony on November 15,2015 in Antalya
Turkey's Foreign Policy Ambitions Fall to Pieces Due to Erdogan's 'Hubris'
Turkey's once ambitious foreign policy strategy of having no unresolved issues with its neighbors, as well as its aspirations to become the leading regional power are in ruins to an extent due to Recep Tayyip Erdogan's personal ambitions
A picture taken June 26, 2011 shows Saudi special forces graduates showing their skills during a ceremony held at their base near the capital Riyadh
18:02 06.02.2016
Why 'It Will Be Risky for Saudi Arabia to Deploy Ground Forces to Syria'
have been more than once accused of doing business with Daesh (ISIL/ISIS/IS). President Erdogans son-in-law has been linked to oil trade with the jihadist group. As for Riyadh it has always been dubbed the incubator
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
16:45 06.02.2016
Erdogans Push for 'Ultimate Power' Leading to 'Erosion' of Turkish State
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who used to promote himself to the West as neo-liberal and reformist has now revived "neo-Ottoman fantasies" and is tightening his grip on the opposition. Erdogans thirst for ultimate power risks to destroy
A man rides a motorcycle past damaged buildings in al-Myassar neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria January 31, 2016
15:58 06.02.2016
Will The Saudis And Turks Really Invade Syria?
: Erdogan wants to create a safe zone in northern Syria in which Turkey can directly embed its influence, train more terrorist proxies, and utilize as a forward operating base for future attacks within the country
Red Line
13:55 06.02.2016
President Erdogan: Playing With Fire
While claiming he still wish to meet Russias President Vladimir Putin Mr. Erdogan appears intent on both sabotaging the Syrian peace process and generating a broad anti-Russian front around which his supposed allies can gather
A photo taken on February 3, 2016 shows smokes rising over the district of Sur in Diyarbakir after clashes between Kurdish
rebels and Turkish forces
13:30 06.02.2016
Intense Clashes Erupt Between Turkish Army, Kurdish Fighters in Diyarbakir
Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his New Years statement that Turkish security forces killed 3,100 PKK militants in 2015.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during a mukhtars meeting at the presidential palace on November
26, 2015 in Ankara
02:28 06.02.2016
Erdogans Open Door for Jihadists Leaves Turkish Foreign Policy in Ruins
Turkeys open border policy for Islamic fighters into Syria has destroyed President Recep Tayyip Erdogans dream of making Ankara the dominant power in the Middle East, Woodrow Wilson Center Middle East Program Director Henri Barkey stated
A large convoy of Turkish military including tanks and ambulances rolls from the southeastern part of Turkey toward the
Iraqi border (File)
22:29 05.02.2016
'We Expect A Military Escalation in Syria': Turkeys True Motives
War III with Russia. "Erdogan is trapped, so he wants an escalation between NATO and Russia," Cete says. "His main salvation from Syria and the inner politics of Turkey is to rage a war against a foreign enemy." War
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan rubs his eye during a diplomatic ceremony in front of Carondelet Palace in Quito, Ecuador, February 4, 2016
21:36 05.02.2016
Erdogans Justice: A Few Loose Words Get Civilian Labeled a Terrorist
Omer Bulur, a resident of the city of Siirt located in Turkeys southeast, is being accused of spreading terrorist propaganda and offending a head of state.
Turkish soldiers
19:12 05.02.2016
Turkey's Invasion of Syria? Moscow Keeping an Eye on Ankara's Moves
It is unlikely that the Erdogan government will succeed in provoking Moscow and Damascus into a direct confrontation with Ankara, US syndicated columnist Stephen Lendman notes, adding that the two capitals will not tolerate Turkey's naked aggression
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan waves next to Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Ricardo Patino while walking into Carondelet Palace in Quito, Ecuador, February 4, 2016
16:37 05.02.2016
Watch and Learn: Erdogan Gathers Data to Consolidate Power in Turkey
As Turkish President Erdogan continues his five-day tour across South America, Korkut Boratav, a notable economist and foreign relations expert, told Spuntik about the political and economic goals of this voyage.
Masked members of YDG-H, youth wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), sit next to their weapons in Silvan, near the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, August 17, 2015
13:56 05.02.2016
Turkish Pundit Complains of Western Conspiracy Supporting 'Terrorist' Kurds
which Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party has been moving in recent years. Ozkan begins his piece with an analysis of the West's alleged support for the outlawed Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK
Russian Presidential Secretary Dmitri Peskov has officially denied a claim made by the press office of Ukraine's president, which stated that in the course of a recent telephone conversation in the Normandy Four format, President Vladimir Putin had proposed sending Russian peacekeepers to Donbass.
12:57 05.02.2016
No Contact Made Between Putin, Erdogan
There has been no contact between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.
The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives to welcome the President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani (not seen) during an official ceremony at Presidential Complex in Ankara, on December 24, 2015
07:53 05.02.2016
Turkey-Ecuador Bilateral Trade Agreement Expected in Near Future - Erdogan
Turkey plans to conclude a bilateral trade agreement with Ecuador in the near future, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/search/#ixzz4BAGcTEM6
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