USA, Lady Liberty ] is [ "evil ", the goddess, Ashtar Sheran, the demonic, Babylonian, pantheon. of Marduk, with, its human sacrifices ] 'S DECEPTION ' ALWAYS... " And no wonder, Because, it, too, Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. " Astaroth, it is one, of the many, demons of Jewish cultures, Which, According, to a tradition, non- canonical, pushed Cain to kill, His Brother, Abel. Originally, Ashtoreth, was at pagan goddess, Transformed, by the Jews: in a, terrifying demon, and, repulsive. Ashtar Sheran, demon guides, spirit guides in, aliens abduction : she says: "... my words are important blackberries, the Decalogue, of Mount Sinai... " and, of course, this demon, like, all the demons, Communists, freemasonry, Islamists, Pharisees, macaws, Babylon, NWO power, 666, the big prostitute who commits fornication, with, all the kings, of the earth. Therefore, kill for, again, the seed of Abraham, in the next, imminent, Holocaust, against, Israel
[ ] CIA, DATAGATE, YOU Fuck With Wrong Person, World Bank, 666, Bush 322, Kerry, [ OSAMA OBAMA - ] marijuana, PARTY IN SATAN SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG, pharisees, Illuminati CULT GOd, OWL, at Bohhemian Grove, Baal, JabullOn, freemasory, seigniorage banking scam, IMF, FED, ECB, micro -chip, aliens abduction, agenda. GMO Morgellons - ANSWER - I can destroy the USA, now, or, between 150 years.
666, CIA, DATAGATE, HACKER, UFuckWithWrongPerson - when, you went to China, with, your wife do for an business, That, ( then, were Been, a failure !) Because, you asked me for help, and no, you asked for help, your satan, from time, Which, you said, "Satan saved me! " and, how he can save you, or others, if there is no one who can save him, from hell ?
@ King Saudi Arabia - I hope you not, you will have the shamelessness, to ask me to stop, the Russian tanks, and Chinese tanks, When They are going, Because, along with the Pharisees, Spa IMF, Bush, and, company corporations, masonic system, scam, banking seigniorage ?, you are the most hateful shit in the world.. and certainly, I can not do, my universal brotherhood, with you, in life!
@ King Saudi Arabia - the teacher, who, I have Replaced this year ( and all have said ), That lesson he has never done, and the Vice President, in fact, blamed me, saying, " Professor, you must understand, the students are not used, to make religion class, " but, the other teacher, he, too, does not it, lesson, class of religion. is in anguish, Because, now it can become, very, humiliating, embarrassing, and, strident, for him, the comparison between me and him, and, then, Began to slander me. lol. Luckily, That, I have a friend like you, who, you, can understand me ! In fact, even the Prophet Jeremiah, wherever, he was aroused, strife, and, quarrels.. but, That said, the story, the Prophet Jeremiah, saw die, All Those to-whom, he spoke.. In fact, you have not, no chance of being Able to stop Russian tanks, and Chinese.. if, not before, I'm coming to kill you, all islamists, Erdogan crazy, sharia nazi, to save, Israel, and the Human Race.
@ King Saudi Arabia, today, in my 4th ITIS, the blackboard "lim " with ADSL, [ (Return to Life - Resurrection : A history of the twentieth century), A shepherd died, in Nigeria, a car accident, after four days, God raised him up, with prayer, Pentecostal, charismatic ] but, in Nigeria, where it is not yours, Boko Haram, they are doing the massacres of Christians martyrs, innocent ? - > The video is stopped and cromium, gave before, then, alone, 1. pornographic videos 2. then, alone [ translate (. ) google ] read, the Ave Maria, on the Contrary ( blasphemy, satanism ), and then wrote and read : [ priest you, you must die ], and traslator read, However, also, if I had previously muted [ now, I say, if you're stupid ? I'm not responsible ! ]
[@ Obama - if you, too, do not you spit against the Constitution as they did, Bush 322, Kerry 322, then, also, you can do it, Kennedy's Executive Order 11110, to save your people ] it skips the budget deal: after 17 years ' closes ' the State... Washington - ( Adnkronos / Ign ) - The Congress, not, finds the agreement on the financing of the state machine, and, now the administration is no longer Able to pay most, of the public services, with, at least 800 thousand, civil servants at risk. -> @ Obama - if you, too, do not you spit, against, the Constitution, as did, Bush 322, Kerry, in esoteric satanic agenda pharisees ? Then, too, you can do it, Kennedy's executive order, 11110, for love, your american peoples
[ [ Popeye Obamacare, the risk Use the " shutdown "] ] @ OBAMA, YOU CAN BECOME AN, HERO ! If you really love the people, and you're not another, freemason criminal, like, Clinton, Bush, Kerry, etc...? you can print all the money needed, using the executive order, of Kennedy, the 11110, only, that, then, you do not have to show, in public, because the Pharisees enlightened Anglo-American, Spa IMF, FED ? 'll shoot you !
[ [ The failure of Vladimir Putin Barack Obama, on the case Syria ]] The proposal by the Kremlin to put, under international control of chemical weapons Bashar al -Assad is a way ' output for Obama. But even a setback for him - ANSWER - This article speaks of a weak Obama.. but, the force would not have been, that, to finish exterminate, Shiites, Christians and in Syria, on becoming, himself, Al- Qaeda (from, Obama, a, Osama ) ! The catastrophe of Obama, was ideological, and moral, he was the enemy, puppet of the Jewish Christian civilization, the enemy of monetary sovereignty, a true puppet in the hands of the Pharisees, Spa, Banca world, that want to destroy Israel, together, the whole human race, but, I'm the Jewish-Christian civilization, that is, I am the human race !
@ Putin - you're a big dick, no balls, you're just a pathetic traitor. you can not ever win a war against the Pharisees Anglo -Americans, in fact, you buy from them, to interest your money..
30th September PARIS, '' Ripping Silvio Berlusconi threatens the stability of the euro zone.'' - ANSWER - @ Illuminati Pharisees Bildenbeg, IMF, FED ECB Spa, you, the Masons, you have taken, hostage, all peoples, in fact, you have stolen them all, the monetary sovereignty ( seigniorage banking ), you have stolen from them, their future, and hope, in fact, you have done, the people, your slaves... [ [ is the servant, buy money, and is the slave pay interest.. you are not human beings, ye are the monsters of the ruthless killers criminals.. ]]
@ Pharisees, Rothschild Rochefeller, Bildenberg, Illuminati dirty, pigs criminals - it does not matter, that you are the hypocrites, for they do not see the pornography, you are always, instigators ! why do the " drug dealer ", that is, ( the owner of any monopoly, ( Spa IMF) is to be the master of all things, it is always, more serious, that make the user "of drugs ) according to your Torah ? you have been sentenced to death by me. fact, I had, ordered to you, to remove all minors, pornography, and instead, also, in the porn sites, main, were, still involved, the children. then, I sentence you to death all those pedophiles, too, those, who do video porn with the children, and the minors, you still have them.. killed by Satanists
[ Iran, 200 warheads, in Israeli nuclear arsenal ] Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of Iran, during an interview with the American television network ABC, - ANSWER - because, you 're the Nazis, who torture the innocent Christian martyrs, the Middle East.. - ANSWER - OK! SE, IS 200, I HAVE ENOUGH !
30 September, 17:46, Nazi Sudan, without freedom of religion, KHARTOUM, have been published on the internet, photo shock, which would show the victims of the violent suppression of protests in Sudan by the police.. - ANSWER - @ 666 SATAN, USA, IMF, Pharisees Anglo- Americans - IN Sudan, Christians have been killed everyone, and the children of Christians, were sold as slaves, Saudi Arabia, so you can kill them all, with all your lies!
September 30, 19:18. Iran, Obama, Netanyahu, nothing, atomic, NEW YORK, President, Use Barack Obama, agrees with the Israeli prime minister, Benyamin Netanyahu :... The goal of Iran is always there, '' to destroy Israel,'' said Netanyahu. blah, blah, blah, - ANSWER - jackals, as was Rothschild, who taught you to play in freemasonry, blah, blah, blah ? when the nuclear accident, that the Israeli intelligence services will, as an auto - attack to do, start the aggression against Iran, and the nuclear world war ?
[ Politicians, Israelis ] from the Six Day War, with the return of the Egyptian desert ? Ye have always made the agenda of the Illuminati Satanists Pharisees ! you are traitors ! you are the greatest threat to Israel !
[@ 666, Obama, DATAGATE, -> I'm really angry, because you have blocked, my OS, LINUX MINT 15 ] @ my YHWH - like Israel, could resist, that she is so young and small, in the face of evil, of 1. ARAB LEAGUE , and its allies, 2. 666 PHARISEES, Anglo, Americans, and, all his, 3. political Masons corrupt, which, all together, conspired, juror, designed to destroy it, again, in a new Holocaust ?
Premier, turkish, Islamist Nazi Salafi wahhadita, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is preparing, quickly, at war and seeks to eliminate internal stress also seeks to have more soldiers, more cannon fodder, and pushes upward, the already his, rather than a huge overpopulation. [ also, Mussolini did the same ] 1, [ Turkey Erdogan reforms for the Kurds ] ] 2. [[ ANKARA, Erdogan : 3 children, not enough, Make it 4] ] - ANSWER - my @ YHWH, rather, that, invest in peace, and rinuncire, the Sharia ARAB League, decided to go down, at war against me, for expand, the imperialism, its criminal, Nazi, religious revelation, for the world !
@ crazy criminal, IRAN, for dhimmis slaves --- I has proposed an alliance, Already, this mornig, 1. you destroy the Sharia, quickly, and, 2. the destroy, Masonic State, of Israel 3. then, we make the Kingdom of Persia, or of Palestine, along with Syria, 4. I am your King, - conclusion - if, you accept this covenant, you can live again! you do know, to me your answer, Because, to me, does not like to wait.. I lose patience, easily
[[ PAKISTAN, ISLAM, Peshawar criminal, king, SAUDI, SAUDI, you have made, your religion, a weapon, to ruin peoples ! if you do not, you were a demon, the little Satan? Satanists Americans, DATAGATE, GREAT SATAN, no, they would be, your allies ! ]] More blood in Peshawar. Christians pray for victims, and, peace in the country. Yesterday morning, a car bomb struck, town market, not, far from, the All Saints Church, place, of the massacre, of 22 September. At least 33 people dead, and, wounded 70, in the third attack, in a few days. The Bishop, of, Islamabad : " Pakistan is at the crossroads ; remain united, against, terrorism." Peshawar ( AsiaNews) - More blood, and, violence, in Peshawar, capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, provinces of Pakistan, the theater, in the last week, of three, suicide bombings, of, Islamist origin. Yesterday, morning a car bomb Placed in the city market, exploded at rush hour, killing, 33 people, and, injuring blackberries, than, 70.
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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) 3205708054
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- the Synagogue of Satan
- ILLUMINATI? are all Luciferian!
- on the most important page in the world
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- Unius Rei am I]
- I am the greatest King of all ages
- wrong those criminals toppled cross ✞
- Drink your poisons made by yourself ✞
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- Dr. Norman Finkelstein at the University of Waterloo
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- un Iraq privo d'identità
dic 31
- ► 2014 (439)
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?