theSynagogueofSatan (14 minuti fa) Spam
theSynagogueofSatan (14 minuti fa) Spam@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .---- brothers! I have my divine nature, and my perfect and dynamic perpetual: sanctification: for mercy: of Jesus of Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaf? we are Zionists for the kingdom of Israel! is this great love that I have given up: removed: my identity: Nationality: Religion! What you see me? is only a shell! I have become: truly, the heart of the world: the universal brotherhood! has arrived: for you: time to eliminate from your symbol is the Star of Satan that: is the IMF! The work that: I'm doing, "Christian blood: in Jewish rites": "as a substitute for the sacrifices of the Temple!" is the my work: the most painful work of my life .. but I do not want publish it: on your page so that: the whole world to know: what: I have decided: of not to move against you, no charge: and not any condemnation!
theSynagogueofSatan (14 minuti fa) Spam
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma,2628342.-- fratelli! io devo la mia natura divina e la mia perfetta: e dinamica: perpetua: santificazione a: Gesù di Betlemme: il Cristo! Tuttavia, io come Toaf? noi siamo sionisti per il regno di Israele! è per questo grande amore: che, io ho rinunciato alla mia identità: nazionalità: religione! Quello che voi vedete di me? è soltanto un involucro! io sono diventato: veramente: il cuore del mondo: la fratellanza universale! è arrivato: per voi: il momento di eliminare dal vostro simbolo: la stella di satana che: è il FMI! Il lavoro: che: io sto facendo: è il lavoro: più doloroso lavoro: della mia vita.. ma: io non lo pubblicherò: sulla vostra pagina: affinché: tutto il mondo sappia: che: io ho deciso: di non muovere contro di voi nessuna accusa!
theSynagogueofSatan (14 minuti fa) Spam@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .---- brothers! I have my divine nature, and my perfect and dynamic perpetual: sanctification: for mercy: of Jesus of Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaf? we are Zionists for the kingdom of Israel! is this great love that I have given up: removed: my identity: Nationality: Religion! What you see me? is only a shell! I have become: truly, the heart of the world: the universal brotherhood! has arrived: for you: time to eliminate from your symbol is the Star of Satan that: is the IMF! The work that: I'm doing, "Christian blood: in Jewish rites": "as a substitute for the sacrifices of the Temple!" is the my work: the most painful work of my life .. but I do not want publish it: on your page so that: the whole world to know: what: I have decided: of not to move against you, no charge: and not any condemnation!
(14 minuti fa) Spam
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma,2628342.-- fratelli! io devo la mia natura divina e la mia perfetta: e dinamica: perpetua: santificazione a: Gesù di Betlemme: il Cristo! Tuttavia, io come Toaf? noi siamo sionisti per il regno di Israele! è per questo grande amore: che, io ho rinunciato alla mia identità: nazionalità: religione! Quello che voi vedete di me? è soltanto un involucro! io sono diventato: veramente: il cuore del mondo: la fratellanza universale! è arrivato: per voi: il momento di eliminare dal vostro simbolo: la stella di satana che: è il FMI! Il lavoro: che: io sto facendo: è il lavoro: più doloroso lavoro: della mia vita.. ma: io non lo pubblicherò: sulla vostra pagina: affinché: tutto il mondo sappia: che: io ho deciso: di non muovere contro di voi nessuna accusa!
about my mystical?
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma - even your fathers believed that the seigniorage banking and Freemasonry: NWO: IMF, etc. .. was not their problem and that Rothschild: He seemed like a good boy with his star: on the flag of Israel .. but, if I remember correctly? then. that story did not end well! You have: never heard of the "acceleration of history?". was applied to the French Revolution? because nobody would have imagined that carnage! but nothing is in comparison to the 3 rd WW Nuclear! Rothschild and Rochefeller? they do not mourn: for all of us: or: for the destruction of Israel, that: it has become an impediment: to realize their direct rule: against all mankind! I have the faith to stop them, but I will not .. 1. why: I already know: how it will end! 2. because this lousy world do not like: no to me: and nor: to YHWH.[Chosen people?] is for to serve all peoples! not for to master! bad swearing? cursed? these Jews have made of God a racist like them
popolo eletto? è per servire! non è per comandare! bestemmiando? bestemmiando? questi ebrei hanno fatto di Dio: un razzista come loro!
[from the Talmud of rabbis: and their Bible of Satan] JEW WHO KILLS A CHRISTIAN COMMITS NO SIN, BUT OFFERS: acceptable sacrifice to God: said: Sepher Or Israel (177B);VI. AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM, THE ONLY SACRIFICE: NEEDED: IS THE MURDER OF CHRISTIANS(human sacrifice): In Zohar (III 227b) The Zohar (II, 43a), THOSE WHO KILL CHRISTIANS HAVE A PLACE: HIGH IN THE SKY: In the Zohar (1.38 b, and 39a) VIII. JEWS SHOULD NEVER CEASE to exterminate GOIM; SHOULD NEVER LEAVE: IN PEACE AND SHOULD NEVER SUBMIT TO THEM. In Hilkhoth Akum (X, 1); IX. ALL JEWS HAVE TO JOIN: TOGETHER: FOR kill and destroy the traitors; THAT ARE IN THE MIDST OF THEM: In Choschen Hammischpat (338.16): X. NO FESTIVAL, NO MATTER HOW SOLEMN, can prevent: DECAPITATION OF A CHRISTIAN: In Pesachim (49b); XI. THE ONLY PURPOSE: TO ALL ACTIONS AND PRAYERS OF THE JEWS: MUST BE TO DESTROY THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION;ecc.. ecc..(about a hundred other quotes) THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ALL ACTIONS AND PRAYERS OF THE JEWS MUST BE IS TO DESTROY THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION; In Schabbath (118a): And again: "Cut off the hope of the unjust; ago that all heretics (Christians) perish immediately; uproot, break, and destroy the Proud Kingdom(Church); quick to make all peoples: subjects to us: in our days (seigniorage banking of the IMF-NWO).. "Exactly at the same time, that" of Rome, the Pope, who, instead pray with love, and he orders all around the world to pray: (not killing) for all "heretics" and those who are "lost". but, you have to choose the freedom! that is, your monetary sovereignty! [The infamous pact: between Saudi Arabia and enlightened: for the destruction of Christian civilization(democracy) and for the destruction of Palestine, in this way through Freemasonry, Satanism, multinational, corporations, bank seigniorage: the enlightened jews: take control of the West, while the Saudis take control of all Muslim Nations. but that's the thing: Rothschild 666 and Bush 322: ie Satanists of NWO IMF FED BCE FMI ECB? they do not share anything with anyone! Dear Sir: I HAVE KNOWN THAT THE Ministry of Education: is about to publish a work about the Talmud, but, I wondered, if he will publish, also with the satanism: racism: human sacrifice to Satan, ecc.. that talmud has: as: given the banking seigniorage (SOURCE DR. Giacinto Auriti: scientist of AQUILA UNIVERSITY, ETC ..) in the hands of these extremist Jewish bankers: as prophesied in Dante's Divine Comedy: ie, the "Illuminati"
@muslims -- yes! Allah is God JHWH! I love too holy Islam, I love the Mosques: etc. .. because there is a perfect plan of God: for my Holy Islam: ie universal brotherhood: ie: religion perfect for adoration: cult so: if Muslims renounce at Sharia and: Islamic imperialism? I can do them very good! Because this is my agenda!
@88tuner --- yes! Jesus is LORD! we are on the eve of a momentous event: both good (the kingdom of unius Rei): as evil (3 ° WWnuclear)! If my work has successful? the world will continue for another 300 years (before the Last Judgement), but if I fail? Then the Messiah returns much sooner! So, I'm undecided: I do not know if it is better for me, win or lose! God wants me to have to win .. but, I will would lose!
@rishlakish1 -- ComunitaEbraicaRoma - The world can not see God: YHWH: HIS MAKER: but, so he know: of to go with Satan .. IMF FED ECB NWO: Freemasonry: all his secret societies: corporations: etc. .. means to generate their own self-destruction: in the hell and his 3° WW nuclear in 2012! Therefore, the world is in disarray, and in him there is not may be: " the truth"! but, two things the world can see: and understand: 1. "Love" 2. "power"! that's why, I will be: King of Israel and Palestine and unius REI: in fact, I am the universal brotherhood! I was the junk:((flea market)) that gave me: a ram's horn .... so, I am now: I have also my Shaofar! Sure, it was traumatic: for clean and pierce it!: like this: I have practiced with the flexible: a side cut: Sure, now only blows (but, my the district? LOL. said: thank you!) .. but this for my faith is more than enough ... shalom boys
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma - why all this great evil throughout the world? because some bastard is going around: to say that God is: both the source of the good: but, is also the source of evil: that is: Satanism: of reincarnation, and racism! But, God is not a Moloch: or Marduk, that: it creates the man, because: he needs a slave, but because he needs friendship to share love, here's why: he was stepping down at the same level of the His Creature: Abraham! and tell with him: on issues of strategic nature .. even though Abraham has learned to walk by faith: so perfect:
over the his 90 years: he was often deeply troubled: of the silence of God, like us! Now, anyone could have devised: a story like this? to say, is the result of man's fantasy? Because Abraham belongs to history as the people of the Hittites disputed: is why, the Bible is right about: the evaluation of historical events! here's why: all those that persecute Christians? they claimed for themselves: of to be the children of the devil!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma - about my mystical? I am the negation of every form of mysticism: and of every form: of prophecy: because I'm too rational! If only I had been: a believer? Someone could have successfully against me! But, I can not be faced or defeated! So, my relationship with God is perceptive or intuitive: it's like: we two are one body: so: if a member of the body: it expresses a need: then the whole body: he knows! If God gives me an insight? and then I will not write it now? I risk to forget: for all this insight .. this makes me greatly responsible for .. because: I know: that: everything I write is very special .. it is as if the men can still continue to see the Face of God (which are no longer worthy): through of Me!
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?