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these are the comments made to close the page of youtube666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) Spam on youtube page
everything is very simple for me!
1. God wanted to give the Jews:(lobby enlightened of banking seigniorage) the political responsibility of the world.
2. but, everything revolves around Jesus of Bethlehem, for all flesh is judged: condemned or saved: only in reference to him!
how high thou art institutions?
because the institutions do not react to the bank seigniorage?
like, they may not know: the necessity for the IMF-World Order: of to do 3 ° WWnuclear ?
Eric Holder Stages Fake Saudi Israeli Embassy Terror Plot Tying Iran And The Drug Cartels Together
Da: IranContraScumDid911 | 12/Oct/2011 | 1,519 visualizzazioni
Im actually surprised Eric Holder did not tie Gadaffi, Syria, Al-Shabaab, North Korea, and bigfoot into the Hollywood story. There is so many problems with this story it is sad. Eric is really getting desparate. Mr. Fast and Furious needs to go to prison for supplying the cartels with guns and staging fake terror for real political gain. At the same time he is in trouble for supplying guns to the drug cartels and he is staging a fake trial for Obama's Flight 253 diaper hoax, Eric Holder creates a diversion with a whole new twist and purpose. The terror plot was not foiled, it was successfiul as a tool that can be used as a pretext against Israel and Saudi Arabia's enemies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are attacking America every chance they get to reinforce their political agendas. This is why your founding fathers wanted you to remain independent, foreign nations now control our puppet govenment using our justice system to con us into being afraid and supporting the policies that have destroyed this country. Eric Holder is running the drug cartels and terrorism, to suit Obama's agenda.
@ Rochefeller - he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews "Marranos," to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so ... that it was forced ... to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make the Jews Marranos (converted to Christianity fake)! the time of the dictators is over, because the time is over of the slaves .. so the responsibility for power is to be shared .. according to a principle of fairness: because every man is like any other man .. In fact we are not racist as the Sharia, or as enlightened Zionists.. in reality? I do not need to threaten no one .. because I do not feel to be the enemy of someone! Also, I am extremely: more than convenient: of all, in fact, I am profitable! why pay the money at interest: by the Jews Satanists? when I can give gratis all money at all the Governments?
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma -->the whole world must know that these Jews: 1. have erased: all my precious comments written on their page 2. rejected: my sincere friend request, 3. they blocked me on their page! This is obvious: they are the ones who said of be were accomplices of the enlightened: and their bank seigniorage: it is for this: that they want to ruin all the other peoples@ schumannlover1 -> Zionism is good: if it looks for its own national identity in his state, this is legitimate, this is right! but there is: also: a bad Zionism: that is the desire to subjugate the whole world to their Satanism: are enlightened of the bank seigniorage, ie the IMF-World Order: that is, the real designers of every Holocaust against my people Israel.
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma -->the whole world must know that these Jews: 1. have erased: all my precious comments written on their page 2. rejected: my sincere friend request, 3. they blocked me on their page! This is obvious: they are the ones who said of be were accomplices of the enlightened: and their bank seigniorage: it is for this: that they want to ruin all the other peoples@ schumannlover1 -> Zionism is good: if it looks for its own national identity in his state, this is legitimate, this is right! but there is: also: a bad Zionism: that is the desire to subjugate the whole world to their Satanism: are enlightened of the bank seigniorage, ie the IMF-World Order: that is, the real designers of every Holocaust against my people Israel.
This is an Insight of the Persecution of Christians.
Lord Have Mercy...
Notizie e politica
Tag:Christian Persecution Heaven Hell Islam Hindu Atheist Holy War Civil Slaughter Church Burn Albania Kosovo Egypt Coptic Pakistan Roman Iraqi Chaldean Muhammad false Religion prophet Christ Jesus Crusade Jihad Peace Sudan Somalian Protestant Christians Christianity Jews Israel Catholics
This is an Insight of the Persecution of Christians.
Lord Have Mercy...
Notizie e politica
Tag:Christian Persecution Heaven Hell Islam Hindu Atheist Holy War Civil Slaughter Church Burn Albania Kosovo Egypt Coptic Pakistan Roman Iraqi Chaldean Muhammad false Religion prophet Christ Jesus Crusade Jihad Peace Sudan Somalian Protestant Christians Christianity Jews Israel Catholics
of course,
this 3rd WW nuclear: like any tragedy, and like any revolution, and like any other war: of the last 500 years will be made for the sole interest, of 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush .. in way: that all peoples and all religions? should not hate each other: no rich or jew or Muslim or Mason: It must be impressed by us .. because God will punish the guilty. because we need to be: very many: to fight the demons that come out from underground: Satanists, aliens, etc. ..But, they are the super rich, those who are descended: in shelters: anti-nuclear, prepared by Government: [[ I has condemned to death, only them]], it is they who have made this war (made primarily to reduce drastically the human race to the surface .. lol. ie, no one survivors), but it is by the mercies of God, that this 3rd ww nuclear: will only, 5.5 million deaths.
you can all seesuch as Satanists of the CIA and MOSSAD: the accomplices of masonic system and banking seigniorage: of enlightenedhave begun to ban, such, mark as spam, my articles ..But all these things? it is perfectly useless![[WARNING]] because it is impossible, that 11 / 09, at the Pentagon (of Satan), there is: a hole: in incoming and in outgoing, than: 5 meters in diameter: only. for: three wings of the building (it was a missile: cruiser). lol. all passenger of that plane of line?? were eaten by monsters, that is, by Satanists in the CIA, Mossad, etc. .. a horrible world, of underground cities: it is already inhabited by monstrous creatures, like aliens, etc. ..: it is a place of horror where piety has been banned![[WARNING]] during the 3 rd WW nuclear: that is made: for to reduce drastically the number of people? everyone: that: fell in the shelters that: are been made up by the Government? they are that will do explode: all the atomic: all together: to do consumed all the oxygen. they are the ones who have condemned to death: all the others that have been abandoned on the surface of the planet! therefore: 1. it is useless to kill the current collaborators, of the bank seigniorage, or discredit the institutions! because you can live on our planet, only in a supernatural way (death can? be a great gift, but, survive: it could be a great punishment) 2. However, you must be more numerous: to organize an effective resistance: popular, so, for do condemned to death, all those who, are down in the shelters: are them, that have betrayed all of us, for allowing of condemn to death all us, making possible the 3 rd WWnuclear! @to all peoples: we are the Universal Brotherhood!STOP: to make war: to make the agenda of the Illuminati Jewish bankers: of IMF-World Order.stop to make war, for to do gain weight: of the Zionist criminals and racists: the super-criminals of bank seigniorage: the only ones that have benefited from of all the wars, against us![[Important News]] ok, it's true: Freemasons, Jews, rich, politicians, journalists, etc. .. have betrayed through the bank seigniorage and deserve, all to die, but: 1. it is God who decides who should die during the 3 rd WWnucler: (why: 5.5 billion people will die), 2. those who remained on the surface? however, have been condemned to die! 3. we need to be numerous: to kill all those who have fallen into the bowels of the earth (in underground shelters: fallout, namely, real underground cities); infact: the real man rich very power: it is are down under the earth: that all people sentenced to die: are on the surface of the earth! 4. people must not damage or discredit their institutions: NEVER! because of this massacre of: rich, Jews, Masons, etc. . that is wanted by Rothschild: just like during the 2 nd World War, when American Jews enlightened, have destroyed at Auschwitz, the Jews innocent: So the killing of collaborators: of the current regime masonic: the occult and banking: is for eliminate, any need of protection or institution, by the people, who survived .. by chance, by mistake. because all those who have remained on the surface? all them were sentenced to death! to destroy all life on earth: and Noah like: satanic: they want to go from the underground: to colonize again the earth. But the mercy of God will helpers: the human race, because: 1.5 billion will be the survivors: they will be sufficient to condemn to death those who have allowed the 3 rd WWnuclear: own, with the going down in the ground: ie, going down in shelters that have been prepared by the NWO or IMF: Amen [[important news]] as we all know: we expect the 3 rd WW nuclear, by the end of 2012 about: it is made from all Govern, for to destroy: all people is essential not to get carried away: hatred for the peoples of queso or against religion, but only to fight for the legitimate defense of one's life. What was designed from the synagogue of Satan: ie, "Illuminati"? is that people should kill all the: politician, mason, richer, jew, etc. .. for their own justice.♰ ♰ UniusRei I am, my political jurisdiction is universal and rational ♰: ♰ ♰ The decree, That, from September, 2011, will start: all the premature deaths: in the name of Jesus: ♰: "Drink your poisons made by yourself "your life? Is not your! ♰: your life is from God: that is YHWH, Allah, etc.. .. h is: 1. Justice and Truth, 2. equality and fraternity, 3. service and love! About religions Stop Violence, Stop: banking seigniorage; stop masonry. Stop: Sharia Zionism racism, enlightened, etc..: In Addition to: all the misfortunes, and all the oppressions, That, macaws Been, Already Been decreed, Against all my enemies! They will not stop: and all this will be again: again and always: will be until, unius Rei: Will not Be Recognized: by Governments: throughout the world. The Illuminati will be: comforted by the fact, That have Contributed: so generously: at the problem: overpopulation of: why: That I see, Those guys are too worried about this.
[Unius Rei am I], king of Israel: my political jurisdiction? is universal! over any religion and is over Any of Government. I am like a rational atheist .. I Decided from September, 2011, to start all the premature deaths: Against All Satanists, masonry: elite leaders, enlightened: racist: that hide the seigniorage banking Amen: in Jesus's name: ♰: "drink your poisons made by yourself, "your life? Is not your! ♰: your life is from God: that is YHWH, Allah, etc. .. .
[Unius Rei am I], be for: 1. Justice and Truth, 2. equality and fraternity, 3. service and love! About freedom of religions? Stop comunism Violence, exstremism, terrorism, christians martyr: all Stop, etc. .. Stop Sharia Zionism racism, etc. .. In Addition to: all the misfortunes, and all the oppressions, That, were been decreed, Against: all criminal in the world! They will not stop: again: again and always: will be until, unius Rei: Will not Be Recognized:by all Governments: throughout the world: for His universal brotherhood: why, all we are all brothers all my friend in the my jewish temple
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?